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Chapter 1: How it started

On June 16th, 2026, a massive meteor hit the earth. That event caused everyone on earth
to freeze and some of them to die. One day, a guy named Aries woke up and tried his
best to remember everything and the first thing that comes to his mind was “Where am
I? What just happened? What am I doing here?” All those questions kept repeating in
his mind.

He is confused. He tries to look for people around him until he realized, He is the only
human alive on this planet. He’s shocked; until he remembers all the things that
happened on that day. He started his journey by exploring the world until he saw a
beautiful lake, he named it Lake Zara because of its beautifulness. He starts gathering
resources to make a shack near that lake.

When the night comes in he saw a nebula in the sky and he was stunned by the
gorgeousness, he can’t even blink because he doesn’t want to miss a moment to see the
beautiful sky at night. He ends his day by lying on his DIY futon made out of sheep’s
wool and he sleeps peacefully.

He starts his day by swimming in the lake and after that, he wore his clothes and he
continues his journey. Suddenly, he met a guy called Willbur and they both bumped into
each other. Aries was shocked, he can’t believe that he met a guy that is not himself. He
thought he is the only person alive at that time.

Aries brought Willbur to his shack. They both start to get along really well and they
made a house together called “Paradise Palms”. They start their journey together to find
more people to start a civilization. Not long enough, they found another person called
Nina. Jonathan brought her to Paradise Palms while Aries continue searching for more

Willbur and Nina start talking. Jonathan asks Nina a question. “So Nina how’s your life
before the disaster?”

“Oh, my life before the disaster, um I have a little brother called Aiden, I am really close
to him, we live together in a tiny house in Brighton. We are a poor family and people
don’t really care about us. My mom left us when I was 5 and my dad died when I was 13
so I need to take care of my little brother since then. How about you?” Nina asks politely.

“Me? Uhh, I work as a waiter at a restaurant and I live alone in an apartment. My life is
kinda boring I was born into a normal family and I graduated from college at 25 and
yeah that is my whole life before the disaster.”

“You should be grateful Willbur at least you get to go to college. I need to drop high
school because I don’t have any money and I needed to take care of my little brother”.
Says Nina with a jealous sound.

“But it’s not worth it anymore”. Says Jonathan with a sad face.

They start getting along really well and Jonathan has a little crush on her. Aries alone
looking for people and he found an ancient city, he explores the city until he found a hut
that looks like someone has been there. He tries to look for people until he found a child
called Aruna.

“Do you want to join me?” Aries asks politely.

“Join what?” Aruna seems confused.

“My civilization”.


Aries brings Aruna to Paradise Palms and took good care of her.

When Willbur and Nina arrive at Paradise Palms they seem to be shocked because they
saw someone sneaking into that place. Jonathan instantly run into the house and
suddenly he saw a child stealing food from that house. Jonathan tries to be calm and talk
to him kindly.

“What are you doing here?” Ask Willbur.

“What, are you dumb? Don’t you see I am stealing your food?” The child is being

“What is your name?” Says Willbur politely.

“Why do I need to tell you?” Says the child.

“If you are not going to tell me your name I am not going to help you.” Says Willbur.

“Call me Tom.”

“Okay, Tommy first of all stealing food is not good.”


“Okay then?”

“This child is so annoying” Willbur talked to himself.

“Listen kid, from now on I am going to take care of you. Do you understand?”


They all start to work together as a family. They start farming and gathering resources,
and they start their civilization. Aries is back with Aruna and Aries shows the place to
Aruna and Aruna felt really happy because there is someone who cares for her.

Jonathan and Nina both of them are in love with each other. They had a twin called
Laura and Layla. One is a child that is happy, kind, and cheerful and the other one is an
introvert child, who doesn’t really like to talk to people.

It has been 10 years since the unfroze event. Willbur has decided to make a country and
call it L’Vander. Layla left the country to have her own space. He met a guy called
Alexander, Alexander is an anarchist guy, who loves freedom and hates government.
Alex and Layla get along really well because they both are introverts and they made a
house far from L’Vander, a snowy place they start to be great friends. They both start
grinding and farming.



Willbur tries his best to make his country a wholesome place. He gives his people food,
place, and most importantly, love. One day, a guy named Michael came and try to be a
part of L’Vander and Willbur accepted it. Willbur chose him as a vice president and he is
really happy with that.

Tommy grew up and become a patriotic child, he learned how to protect himself and
his lovely L’Vander. He tries to convince Willbur that he can be a big man in the future.

A guy named Shepherd came to L’Vander and try to have a good talk with Willbur and
Tommy. They both agreed and start to have a conversation at a tower called Las
Santiago. A place that has a lovely view in L’Vander.

“So Willbur, you are the president of this country right?” Ask Shepherd

“Yes, How can I help you.” Says willbur

“So, I have seen this country a long time ago and I’d say that this country has evolved
fast than the lightning.” Says Shepherd.

“Oh thank you very much! I really appreciate that compliment.” Willbur seems happy

“I’m here to take this country from you.” Says Shepherd with a straight face.

“What, what do you mean by that” Willbur seems shocked and confused.

Michael came from behind holding a crossbow aiming at Willbur’s head.

“What is this Michael! What are you doing!” Willbur seems to be mad.

“You damn traitor!” Tommy seems angry.

Without hesitation, Tommy instantly jumped from the couch and pull up his karambit
and ready to kill Michael and Shepherd. Shepherd throw a smoke bomb and kidnapped
both Willbur and Tommy.

“Willbur are you there?” Asks Tommy

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