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Southern Christian College

United Church of Christ in the Philippines

Midsayap, Cotabato
SS 331 (World History 2)
(1 Semester, S.Y. 2021-2022)

NAME: ___JESSA M. EJORCADAS_____________________ SCORE: _____________

COURSE /SECTION/YEAR: __BSED - III____________ DATE: ______________


1. It is a political belief that one ruler should hold all the power within a country.
A.Absolutism b. Monarchism c. Nationalism d. Catholicism

2. He inherited Spain, the Spanish Netherlands, and the American colonies from his father.
a. Henry IV b. Phillip II c. Louis XIII d. Czar Ivan IV

3.When he was 16 years old, he was crowned as the 1st Czar of Russia.
a.Henry IV b. Phillip II c. Louis XIII d. Czar Ivan IV

4.He was recognized as the most powerful ruler in French history.

a.Louis XIV b. Louis XIII c. Peter the Great d. Charles I

5.One of Russia’s greatest reformers who wanted to “westernize” Russia.

a.Louis XIV b. Louis XIII c. Peter the Great d. Charles I

6.Its emphasis is to put on reason rather than faith. It is in this period where people began to
apply these principles to their own lives and governments.
a.Scientific Revolution b. Enlightenment c. Absolutism d. Reformation

7.He was an Italian scientist who improved the telescope and made observations that proved
Copernicus’ view of the universe.
a.Andreas Vesalius b. Nicolaus Copernicus c. Galileo Galilei d. Thomas Hobbes

8An English philosopher who believed that "all that is real is material, and what is not material is
not real."
a. Andreas Vesalius b. Nicolaus Copernicus c. Galileo Galilei d. Thomas Hobbes

9. A mathematician and astronomer who formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun
rather than Earth at its center.
a.Andreas Vesalius b. Nicolaus Copernicus c. Galileo Galilei d. Thomas Hobbes
10. A renaissance physician who advanced medical understanding and accurate drawings
through observation and dissections.
a. Andreas Vesalius b. Nicolaus Copernicus c. Galileo Galilei d. Thomas Hobbes



YES 1. Alexander Pope believed that God was in control of the earth and that all things were
ultimately for our good.

YES 2. During the reign of Louis XIV, France was regarded as the most powerful country in

YES 3. During the time of Oliver Cromwell, he abolished monarchy & House of Lords and
establish a Commonwealth government.

YES 4. During the growth of Deism, Intellectuals believe in God but see him as a

YES 5. The period of Enlightenment recognized the ideas and principles of the Scientific
Revolution and applied it to society.

YES 6. The ideas of the Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution influenced the people to
demand a change from their oppressive monarchs and they fought for this change.

YES 7. Absolute monarchs believed that they had divine right in which God willed them to
lead & they were answerable only to God not the people to rule.

NO 8. Charles I organized secret police force whose job was to hunt down “traitors”. Traitors
were executed & lands given to a new class of nobles loyal to him.

YES 9. The Heliocentric theory recognized that the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun
at the center of the Universe.

NO 10. Under Treaty of Utrecht, Louis’s grandson was not allowed to remain king of Spain
as the thrones of France & Spain weren’t united.
1. Compare and contrast the styles of governance of the absolute monarchs of Europe. (10
 The absolute monarchs of Europe govern in three ways: the Bourbon monarchy,
Russian absolutism, and the Stuart Monarchs. The House of Bourbon is a French-born
European dynasty. In Bourbon monarchs, Henry IV increases the power of the
government while decreasing the power of the nobility. While during Russia's
Absolutism, in 1480, Russian monarchs drove away the Mongols. Early Czars Ivan III
and Ivan IV utilized severe means to unite Russia and reinforce the monarchy, while
Michael Romanov established the Romanov Dynasty in 1613. Finally, the Stuart
Monarchy had absolutist inclinations (a strong belief in divine right). James I and his
son Charles frequently battled with Parliament over money and foreign policy.

2. Discuss at least two (2) great discoveries and inventions during the Scientific Revolution
which still have an impact in today’s society. (10 points)
 During the Scientific Revolution there were a lot of discoveries and inventions which
still and impact in today’s society, for instance the Heliocentric idea of Nicolaus
Copernicus. Nicolaus Copernicus was an astronomer who proposed the heliocentric
system, that the planets orbit the Sun; that the Earth is a planet which, besides orbiting
the Sun annually, also turns once daily on its axis; and that very slow changes in the
direction of this axis account for the precession of the equinoxes. Another discoveries
are the invention of various tools that deepened the understanding of sciences, including
mechanical calculator, steam digester(the forerunner of the steam engine), refracting and
reflecting telescopes, vacuum pump, or mercury barometer.

3. Compare and contrast the scientific revolution and the age of the Enlightenment. (10
 The main difference between Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment is that Scientific
Revolution is based on scientific discoveries in the fields of chemistry, physics, biology,
mathematics, and astronomy, whereas Enlightenment is based on the concept that
reason is the main source of authority and legitimacy. Furthermore Scientific
Revolution pertains to the drastic changes in scientific thought that occur during the
early modern era and laid the foundation for the Age of Enlightenment. On the other
hand, Enlightenment is an intellectual and Philosophical movement that dominated the
world of ideas in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries.


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