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Oracle10g Database Administration

Course Number 5029 40 Hours

This course provides you with the skills necessary to create, maintain and manage an Oracle10g database. In this class you will concentrate on the skills necessary for day-to-day database administration tasks such as security, creating and managing users, creating and managing database objects (tablespaces, tables, indexes, etc.), running utilities, configuring Oracle networking, and simple backup and recovery techniques. A fairly in-depth discussion of database architecture is also provided. This training course has been completely updated for Oracle10g. This includes training on Data Pump, Server-Generated Alerts, Advisors, Automatic Storage Management (optional lesson), Automatic Statistics Col lection and Auditing Enhancements. Working examples are included throughout the course book. Students have access to electronic versions of all examples, sample scripts and lab solutions. Approximately 50% of class time is spent on hands-on exercises.

Describe the major architectural components of Oracle10g, including the SGA, background processes and files that make up the physical database Use the Oracle data dictionary to to determine the structure and status of the database. This includes gaining a solid understanding of the purpose and content of many V$ and DBA-level views Create administrative users, including granting and using the SYSDBA privilege. Understand the purpose of Oracle supplied users SYS and SYSTEM Connect to the Oracle database as SYSDBA, both from a host server or - via the use of password files - over a network Start and stop an Oracle database, including the use of various shutdown modes such as IMMEDIATE, TRANSACTIONAL and ABORT View and alter initialization parameter values, create and startup with secondary parameter files. This includes training on the use of the Server Parameter File, introduced with Oracle9i Create new Oracle users, provide tablespace quota and grant them the system or object privileges necessary to perform their work, including the use of roles. Secure the default users provided with database installation -1-

Implement the Oracle user password management features such as password expiration, account locking, password reuse prevention and password complexity enforcement Implement Oracle database auditing to track SYSDBA activity and general user activity. Also, code simple triggers to audit table data changes Create and manage locally managed tablespaces including monitoring space usage and adding space Implement Automatic Segment Space Management to efficiently manage free and used space within extents Using the Oracle Managed Files feature to control placement of and name the underlying datafiles Manage storage for Oracle objects with disk striping and buffer pool assignment Use Automatic Storage Management (ASM) to control file allocation, placement, striping and mirroring (this is an optional lesson) Describe the different types and typical uses of Oracle tables, including heap, index-organized and clustered tables Create and manage heap-tables, including managing concurrency with the INITTRANS and MAXTRANS parameters, moving tables, using DBMS_STATS to collect statistics and increasing and measuring the performance benefits of NOLOGGING and table compression Describe the different types of Oracle indexes including B-tree, bitmap and reverse key Create simple B-Tree indexes on tables. This includes understanding the fundamental rules for when and where to create and when to avoid using indexes. Also implement index options such as NOLOGGING Create constraints on tables including the use of options such as NOVALIDATE to allow existing legacy data with constraint violations Describe the techniques for managing undo, including the Oracle9i Automatic Undo Management feature Implement Automatic Undo Management including creating and enabling new undo tablespaces and monitoring for space-related problems. Use the Oracle10g Undo Advisor to assist with undo management Manage the database redo logs including archiving, multiplexing and adding additional logs. Also, ensure that the database is recoverable by checking the archive log status of the database. Use the Oracle10g Redo Log Advisor to obtain log size advice Understand the role and importance of control files. Add additional control files. Backup and recreate control files Use the basic features of Recovery Manager to perform simple backup and recovery operations in the event of a lost or corrupted datafile


Use the 10g Data Pump utility perform logical backups or move or copy objects Use the SQL*Loader utility to load data into the database Configure Oracle Net (SQL*Net) to connect to and listen for connections. Manage the database listener with the listener control utility Create a new database with the Database Configuration Assistant Optional lessons include: Introduction to Partitioning, Other Table Types and Original Import / Export Utility

Database and System Administrators

You must have experience working with Oracle to successfully master the information in this course. Specifically, you must have solid Oracle SQL experience and familiarity with SQL*Plus and PL/SQL. You can obtain this training in SkillBuilders' classes Introduction to Oracle10g and SQL and Introduction to Oracle10g PL /SQL Programming.

A DBA's Introduction to the Oracle Data Dictionary Oracle10g Architecture, Part I Oracle10g Architecture, Part II Oracle10g Architecture, Part III Oracle10g Administrative Users Starting and Stopping an Oracle Instance Oracle10g Initialization Parameter Files Creating and Managing Users Oracle10g Password Management Introduction to Oracle10g Auditing Managing Security in Oracle10g Creating and Managing Oracle10g Tablespaces Proactive Maintenance with Server-Generated Alerts (10g) Creating and Managing Oracle10g Heap Tables B-Tree Indexes Creating and Managing Constraints Managing Undo in Oracle10g Managing Redo Logs -3-

Managing Control Files Oracle10g Backup and Recovery Basics - Introduction to RMAN Importing and Exporting with DataPump (10g) SQL*Loader Introduction to Oracle Networking Creating a new Oracle Database Optional: Automatic Storage Management (10g) Optional: Introduction to Oracle Partitioning Optional: Introduction to Other Table Types Optional: Logical Backups with Original Export/Import Utilities


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