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University of Arkansas, Fayetteville


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Photovoice Gives Students a Voice

Lynne Meade
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

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Meade, L. (2022). Photovoice Gives Students a Voice. Publications and Presentations. Retrieved from

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AdjustmentGives Students
Assistance: a Voice
Shrimp Program
Lynn Meade, Ed.D.
University of Arkansas

Students often struggle with ways to turn their Finding meaning in the pivot to remote learning.
experiences into meaningful stories. Photovoice
is a way to use photography for positive social I’m learning how to
change and to help people tell their stories. I RESULTS Spend time with myself.
used Photovoice to help students process the
uncertainty of moving back home when the Prompt: What’s the Lesson?
university switched to remote in Spring 2020.
Since I teach public speaking, I used those The crisp autumn sun on my shoulders, the quiet, buzzing bustle
stories to teach public speaking skills as well. Prompt: Sense of Place
of the market, and a tender smile on an elderly woman's face.
The farmer's market is my absolute favorite thing about
Two Rivers is a park in Little Rock with biking
For example, one prompt I used was “an Fayetteville. Every Saturday morning last Fall, I would get up
and walking trails along the Arkansas River.
unexpected use of something.” I showed them early, walk downtown, and bask in the sunshine that is this little
I've grown up going to this park; I learned
a small hand weight that I used as a doorstop. I town. Strangers become friends with something as simple as a
how to ride my bike there and even broke
took creative pictures of the weight and then smile, a sunflower becomes a treasure, and the world slows
my arm doing it. In high school, my friend
used it to tell a story in different ways. Each down for just a few hours.
Hope and I would take my dog for walks
class students brought their photo and their It's extremely difficult for me to slow down. I have a never-ending
there after class. This picture was taken of my
story. They had to use the photo to tell different timer running in my mind telling myself to get up, get out, and go
friends and I right after UARK transitioned to
types of stories. Sometimes telling the story from do ALL the things before they disappear. Well, it happened. The
online classes. I haven't been able to see
a different perspective and sometimes telling it checklist in my brain of all the things to do and places to see-
them since, because we're trying to be safe
in only 5 words. The experience created an halted in its tracks- erased. My Spring bucket list? Crumpled and
and practice social distancing.
important bond between students as they thrown away- impossible to complete. It's also extremely difficult
It wasn't until now that I realized the simple
shared very ordinary items from their life. It also to let myself be sad. But I finally allowed it. I allowed myself to
things, I took for granted, like petting cute
presented a new springboard for student story feel overwhelmed and cheated and completely hopeless. It was
dogs I pass at Two Rivers or even getting to
telling. very freeing. But once I was done, I stood back up, washed
do homework with friends. I do still have Two
away my tears, and remembered my days at the farmer's
Rivers, though, and the ability to get out in
OBJECTIVES market- remembered how good it felt to simply slow down for a
few hours. While this is not where I imagined I would be or what I
nature. I can still take my dog for walks even
Life is surely different, if my best friends can't join. I'm taking this
would be doing on April 26th, it is wonderful, nonetheless. The
opportunity to better myself by studying
but it is still lesson learned is that slowing down does not mean stopping. I've
more, picking up old hobbies like drawing
1. Empower students to use photovoice abundantly good. found new small joys in the wildflowers outside my house,
techniques to tell their stories. and painting, and working out. I'm learning
homemade banana bread, watching my favorite show
how to spend time with myself, and I know I'll
2. Provide students a way to start conversations together with my family, coffee in the morning and tea in the
appreciate my friends so much more when I
about their feelings of the pandemic. evening, and the setting sun. Life is surely different, but it is still
get to spend time with them again.
3. Teach students advanced story telling abundantly good. Hannah Allred.
4. Create a safe space where students can I saw so much self-growth in
Getting to know my
5. Embolden students to overcome speech classmates a little more 1. Students reported decreases speech
anxiety. intimately made it easier to I am incredibly thankful for
1. What brings you peace? anxiety.
talk in front of them your reassurance and care
2. Something that is important. during this stressful time. 2.Students had a unique opportunity to
3. Sense of place. document and share their experience during
Photovoice: the pandemic.
I loved how your lessons forced 4. How have you changed?
Ethical photography I admire your eclectic nature, your 3. Students told highly developed stories.
us to get 5. What’s your message?
for social change enthusiastic teaching style, and the
to know one another. 4. Students integrated the lessons from the
It made us all friends. 6. What’s the lesson? way that you so easily educate us
Photovoice training funded by Photovoice prompts into their speeches.
not only on the course content, but
a University of Arkansas on how to be better people 5. Students connected with others creating a
Provost Instructional Grant safe space to learn and grow.

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