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Approved by the Board on October 5, 2001

This document is subject to review, after a period of one year from the date of issue, based on the feedback received.

Atomic Energy Regulatory Board Mumbai 400 094


Orders for this Code should be addressed to: Administrative Officer Atomic Energy Regulatory Board Niyamak Bhavan, Anushaktinagar Mumbai - 400 094

Widespread utilisation of ionising radiation for multifarious applications in medicine, industry, agriculture, research etc. has brought in its wake the need for exercising regulatory controls to ensure safety of the users and members of the public and protection of the environment. The Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB), constituted under the Atomic Energy Act, 1962 by the Government of India, is entrusted with the responsibility of developing and implementing appropriate regulatory measures aimed at ensuring radiation safety in all applications involving ionising radiation. One of the ways to meet these responsibilities is to develop and enforce specific codes and standards dealing with radiation safety aspects of various applications of ionising radiation to cover the entire spectrum of operations, starting from design of radiation equipment, their installation and use to their ultimate decommissioning/disposal. In view of the fact that regulatory standards and requirements, techniques of radiation safety engineering and type of equipment change with time, it becomes necessary to review and revise codes and standards from time to time to incorporate these changes. AERB has in the past issued safety guides on "Enclosed Radiography Installations", "Open Field Radiography Installations", and "Handling of Radiation Emergencies in Industrial Radiography". While the mandatory framework for radiation safety in industrial radiography is provided in the Radiation Surveillance Procedures issued under the Radiation Protection Rules, 1971, and safety requirements of exposure devices and source changers are spelt out in a standard (specifications), the regulatory requirements specific to radiography practices have not been stipulated. However, AERB has ensured that the radiography equipment and source changers used in the country comply with the safety standards and are type approved. The need for a safety code elaborating the regulatory provisions of the surveillance procedures has been felt both by the radiography industry and by the agencies carrying out regulatory inspections in the country for verification of compliance with safety stipulations. This Safety Code has now been prepared by a task group (Task Group VI) constituted by AERB. This Code consolidates all the regulatory requirements relevant to industrial radiography in one document along with material reproduced from other mandatory documents of AERB. It is thus a stand-alone document on the subject.

The Standing Committee for Review and Revision of AERB's Safety Documents constituted by Chairman AERB has undertaken the scrutiny and finalisation of this Code. Technical support has been provided by a committee constituted by Chairman, AERB to assist in its finalisation. The Code was approved on October 5, 2001 by the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board for issuance in its present form and is effective from its date of approval. AERB wishes to thank all individuals and organisations who helped in the preparation of the Code. The names of persons who participated in its preparation are listed, along with their affiliations, for information.

(Suhas P. Sukhatme) Chairman, AERB


A1 Maximum activity of special form radioactive material permitted in a Type A Package. A2 Maximum activity of radioactive material, other than special form radioactive material, permitted in a Type A package. Accelerator A device in which charged particles are accelerated. Conventional X-ray tube is not considered as an accelerator. Accident Any unintended event resulting in (or having potential to result in) injury or damage to the equipment, which could cause release of unacceptable quantities of radioactive materials. Activity The quantity A for an amount of radionuclide in a given energy state at a given time, defined as: A = dN/dt where, dN is the expectation value of the number of spontaneous nuclear transformations from the given energy state in a time interval dt. The SI unit of activity is the reciprocal second, s-1, termed the becquerel (Bq). Annual Limit on Intake (ALI) The intake by inhalation, ingestion or through the skin of a given radionuclide in a year by the Reference Man which would result in a committed dose equal to the relevant dose limit. The ALI is expressed in units of activity. iii

Applicant Any person who applies to the competent authority for consent to undertake any of the actions for which the consent is required. Approval A type of regulatory consent issued by the competent authority to a proposal. Becquerel (Bq) See 'Activity' Competent Authority Any officer or authority appointed, approved or recognised by the Government for the purpose of the Rules promulgated under the Atomic Energy Act, 1962. Consent It is a written permission, issued to the consentee by the competent authority to perform specified activities related to nuclear and radiation facilities. The types of consents are 'License', 'Authorisation', 'Registration' and 'Approval', and will apply depending upon the category of the facility, the particular activity and radiation source involved. Consentee A person to whom consent is granted by the competent authority under the relevant rules. Contamination Presence of radioactive substance in or on a material, or (in or on) the human body in excess of quantities specified by the competent authority.


Dose A measure of radiation received or absorbed by a target. The quantities termed absorbed dose, organ dose, equivalent dose, effective dose, committed equivalent dose or committed effective dose are used depending on the context. The modifying terms are used when they are necessary for defining the quantity of interest. Effective Dose The quantity E, defined as a summation of the tissue equivalent doses, each multiplied by the appropriate tissue weighting factor: E = WT.HT

where HT is the equivalent dose in tissue T and WT is the tissue weighting factor for tissue T. The unit of effective dose is J.kg1, termed the sievert (Sv). Enclosed Installation In the case of industrial radiography, installation in which radiography operations are carried out in an enclosure, which has walls providing adequate radiation protection to persons working outside the enclosure, and which prevents unauthorised entry of persons into the enclosure during radiography operations. Such installations may include open top installations also. Emergency A radiation incident leading to unforeseen circumstances where the radiation exposure to workers and members of the public is not under control and may lead to a potentially hazardous situation. Employer Any person with recognised responsibility, commitment and duties towards a worker in his or her employment by virtue of a mutually agreed relationship (A self-employed person is regarded as being both a worker and employer).

Equivalent Dose The quantity HT,R, defined as: HT,R = DT,R .WR where DT,R is the absorbed dose delivered by radiation type R averaged over a tissue or organ T and WR is the radiation weighting factor for radiation type R. When the radiation field is composed of different radiation types with different values of WR, the equivalent dose is: HT = WR.D

The unit of equivalent dose is J.kg1, termed the sievert (Sv). Licence It is a type of regulatory consent, granted by the competent authority for all sources, practices and uses for nuclear facilities involving the nuclear fuel cycle and also certain categories of radiation facilities. Occupancy Factor (T) For the purpose of calculating protective shielding, the factor by which workload is multiplied, in order to take account of the degree of occupancy. Package The packaging with its radioactive contents as prescribed for transport; Packaging The assembly of components necessary to enclose the radioactive contents completely.


Personnel Monitoring Determination or estimation of the dose received by a person from external and internal radiation. Quality Assurance Planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that an item or a facility will perform satisfactorily in service as per design specifications. Radioactive Waste Material, whatever its physical form, remaining from the practices or interventions and for which no further use is foreseen: (a) that contains or is contaminated with radioactive substances and has an activity, or activity concentration, higher than the level for clearance from regulatory requirements; and (b) exposure to which is not excluded from regulatory control. Radiography Technique for obtaining, recording, and optionally processing, directly or after transfer, information contained in an X-ray pattern at an image receptor area. Radiography Source A source sealed in one or more capsules, or an X-ray tube, or an electron accelerator or a neutron source used for industrial radiography; Radiography Technician/Radiography Technologist/Radiographer A worker who performs radiography operations employing radiography sources and possesses a valid qualification duly recognised by the competent authority for the specific purpose. Radiological Safety Officer (RSO) Any person who is so designated by the employer and who, in the opinion of the competent authority, is qualified to discharge the functions outlined in the Radiation Protection Rules, 1971. vii

Safety Site-in-charge A person who has the qualifications and training prescribed for Level-II Radiological Safety Officer and who is appointed by the consentee as the person supervising industrial radiography operations at an authorised radiography site with the approval of the competent authority. Source Assembly An assembly of components consisting of gamma radiography source and a mechanism for connecting the drive system. Source Changer A device for transfer of radiography source(s) from or to exposure device, and suitable for transport and storage of the source(s). Source Drive Mechanism A remotely operating mechanism which drives a radiography source out of, or into, a storage container. Source Guide Tube A flexible or rigid tube through which the source holder moves from its secured position in the source housing to its working position. Special Form Radioactive Material Either an indispersible solid radioactive material or a sealed capsule containing radioactive material and approved by the competent authority as special form radioactive material. Type A Package A package designed to withstand normal conditions of transport without loss or dispersal of its contents or loss of shielding integrity. The radioactive material


may be transported in a Type A package either in special form radioactive material or other form with the proviso that the activity shall not exceed the applicable limits prescribed in the relevant Code on Transport of Radioactive Materials (SC/ TR-1). Type B(U) Package A package designed to contain an activity in excess of A1, if special form radioactive material, or in excess of A2, if not special form radioactive material, that is designed to withstand normal and accidental conditions of transport specified in the relevant Code on Transport of Radioactive Materials (SC/TR-1). Type B(M) Package A package whose design or shipment requires multilateral approval because it does not meet all the requirements of a Type B(U) package. Type Approval Approval issued by the competent authority based on evaluation of the device to ensure that it conforms to safety standards. Worker Any person, who works, whether full-time, part-time or temporarily, for an employer and who has recognised rights and duties in relation to occupational radiation protection (self-employed person is regarded as having duties of both an employer and worker). Workload (W) For the purpose of shielding computation, the radiation output or equivalent quantity integrated usually over a working week.
Note: Words and expression not defined in this Code, but defined in the Act, Rules and Surveillance Procedures shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the Act, Rules and Surveillance Procedures.


Collimator A device used for limiting the size and shape of the primary radiation beam. Crawler Equipment Self-powered remote-controlled equipment containing X-ray/gamma ray source, which can be introduced in a pipeline for radiographic inspection of welds. Field Radiography Radiography operations carried out on shop floors, erection sites or other such areas, with provisions for adequate radiological safety for radiography personnel and others, including members of the public. Industrial Gamma Radiography Exposure Device An assembly of components necessary to make radiographic exposure and which includes source housing, source assembly mechanism for securing source assembly control, and other components associated with positioning the source, such as source guide tubes. Industrial Radiography Installation A radiation installation employed for industrial radiography operation. It can be open-field radiography or enclosed radiography. Leakage Radiation Any radiation coming from the source housing, other than useful beam or primary beam. Pigtail A short flexible cable connecting the source holder with the operating end of the drive cable in a remotely operated gamma exposure device.

Radiation Level The equivalent dose rate expressed in millisieverts per hour (mSv/h). Radiation Monitoring Instrument An active device or instrument used for detecting radiation fields and measuring air kerma rate. Scattered Radiation Ionising radiation emitted by interaction of ionising radiation with matter, the interaction being accompanied by a reduction in radiation energy and/or by a change in direction of the radiation. Shielding Protective shielding in the form of attenuating material provided for radiological protection. Stray Radiation The sum of leakage radiation and scattered radiation. X-ray Equipment Equipment consisting of a combination of X-ray generator, X-ray tube and associated equipment.


FOREWORD .................................................................................................. DEFINITIONS................................................................................................. SPECIAL DEFINITIONS ................................................................................ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ RADIOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT AND SOURCES ............................. INDUSTRIAL RADIOGRAPHY INSTALLATION ............................ PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ............ REGULATORY CONTROLS ............................................................... EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS ......................................................... : DOSE LIMITS .............................................................. : FORMAT OF THE "APPLICATION FOR TYPE APPROVAL OF INDUSTRIAL GAMMA RADIOGRAPHY EXPOSURE DEVICE AND SOURCE CHANGER" ........................................ : RADIATION SYMBOLS .............................................. : FORMAT OF THE "LOGBOOK TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE CONSENTEE AT THE RADIOGRAPHY SITE" ................................................ : FORMAT OF THE "INFORMATION TO BE FURNISHED BY THE CONSENTEE REGARDING THE LOCATION DETAILS OF THE INDUSTRIAL GAMMA RADIOGRAPHY EXPOSURE DEVICE" ..................... i iii x 1 3 10 13 20 26 28


29 35











54 57 58


LIST OF PARTICIPANTS ............................................................................. TASK GROUP VI: TASK GROUP FOR PREPARATION OF SAFETY CODE FOR INDUSTRIAL RADIOGRAPHY ............................................... STANDING COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REVISION OF AERB'S . RADIATION SAFETY DOCUMENTS (SCRCG) ......................................... COMMITTEE TO FINALISE THE TEXT OF SAFETY CODE FOR INDUSTRIAL RADIOGRAPHY ....................................................................




1.1 Purpose This Code stipulates the requirements for radiation safety of persons handling industrial gamma radiography exposure devices and X-ray generating equipment for industrial radiography, in order to: (a) ensure that radiography workers and members of the public are not exposed to radiation in excess of the limits specified by the competent authority under the Radiation Protection Rules, 1971, and under the safety directives issued from time to time (Appendix-I); reduce radiation exposures below these limits to levels as low as reasonably achievable; ensure safe custody, use, transportation, and disposal of radiography sources and equipment; and provide for prevention of hazardous situations and initiate appropriate actions to mitigate consequences of radiation emergencies.

(b) (c) (d)


Scope Radiation safety in handling radiation sources is governed by sections 14, 16 and 17 of the Atomic Energy Act, 1962, and the Radiation Protection Rules (RPR), G.S.R. 1601, 1971 issued under the Act. The Industrial Radiography (Radiation Surveillance) Procedures G.S.R. 735, 1980 issued under Rule 15 of RPR specify the general requirements for radiation safety of (a) persons handling gamma radiography sources and (b) members of public. The Radiation Surveillance Procedures for Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials, 1987; the Atomic Energy (Safe Disposal of Radioactive Wastes) Rules, G.S.R. 125, 1987; AERB Safety Code for Transport of Radioactive Materials (AERB/SC/TR-1); AERB Standard for

Testing and Classification of Sealed Radioactive Sources (AERB /SS-3); and AERB Standard (Specifications) for Radiological Safety for the Design and Construction of Industrial Gamma Radiography Exposure Devices and Source Changers (AERB/SS-1), specify the mandatory requirements applicable to industrial radiographic practice. This Safety Code elaborates the provisions relevant to various industrial radiography operations. Guidance on implementing the requirements of this Code is provided in the supporting document1. This Code does not cover neutron radiography.

Safety Guide on Industrial Radiography


2.1 2.1.1 Gamma Exposure Device General The industrial gamma radiography exposure device (henceforth referred to as the device) shall be capable of remote operation and control and shall be designed and built to comply with the AERB Standard entitled "Radiological Safety for the Design and Construction of Gamma Radiography Exposure Devices and Source Changers", AERB/SS-1. 2.1.2 Source Housing The device is classified as portable, mobile or fixed, depending on its overall weight as specified in AERB-SS-1. Shielding provided by source housing shall be such that when the control mechanism is securely locked in its 'OFF' condition and a radiography source of maximum rated activity is in the housing, the leakage radiation outside the housing shall not exceed the limits given in the Table 2.1 for the three classes. In order to establish compliance, the radiation level at 5 cm from the surface of the device shall be measured over an area of 10 cm2 with no linear dimension greater than 5 cm. At 1 m, the area of measurement shall be not less than 100 cm2 with no linear dimension greater than 20 cm. The limits are averaged over these measurement areas. TABLE 2.1: LIMITS ON LEAKAGE RADIATION LEVELS
Class On the external surface of source housing (mSv/h) 2 2 2 At 5 cm from external At 100 cm from surface of source external surface of housing (mSv/h) source housing (mSv/h) 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.02 0.05 0.10

Portable Mobile Fixed

Source housing shall be so designed as to serve also as transport package (either Type A or Type B) as appropriate. The maximum activity that can be transported in a Type A package when the radioactive material is in special form is as given in Table 2.2. The source housing shall comply with the applicable design requirements for Type A/Type B package as specified in the AERB Safety Code for Transport of Radioactive Material, AERB-SC/TR-1. TABLE 2.2: ACTIVITY LIMITS FOR TYPE A PACKAGE FOR SPECIAL FORM RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Radionuclide

Activity limit in TBq 0.4 2.0 4.0 1.0

Co Cs

137 170

Tm Ir



Marking and Labelling Notwithstanding the permanent marking affixed by the manufacturer, as specified in AERB-SS-1, the user shall attach to each device a durable, legible, and clearly visible label bearing the (i) chemical symbol and mass number of the radionuclide in the device; (ii) activity and the date on which this activity was measured; (iii) model number and serial number of the sealed source; (iv) manufacturer of the sealed source; (v) consentee's name, address and telephone number; (vi) radiation symbol (trefoil symbol); (vii) total weight of the device without removable accessories; (viii) serial number of the device; and (ix) package design approval identification number. If depleted uranium is used as shielding, the device shall be so marked and the mass of depleted uranium shown.


Security and Safety The device shall have tamper-proof lock for physical security of the source to prevent unauthorised operation. It shall not be possible to

(i) operate the lock unless the source assembly is in fully shielded position; or (ii) remove the source assembly/pigtail from the back of the device even when the device is unlocked. Built-in features to prevent system failures shall include means to ensure proper and firm connection of the source assembly to drive cable and source housing to guide tube. 2.2 2.2.1 Source Changer Source Housing Source changer shall comply with the requirements of AERB-SS-1. Leakage radiation (on the surface, at 5 cm, and at 1 m) with source(s) of maximum capacity in the changer shall not exceed the limits specified for portable class radiography device (Table 2.1). The method of compliance shall be as specified in 2.1.2. Source changer shall also comply with package design as specified in 2.1.2. 2.2.2 Marking and Labelling Each source changer shall have attached to it by the user a durable, legible and clearly visible label bearing (i) chemical symbol and mass number of the radionuclide in the device; (ii) activity and the date on which this activity was measured; (iii) model number and serial number of the sealed source; (iv) manufacturer of the sealed source; (v) Consentee's name, address and telephone number, (vi) trefoil symbol; (vi) serial number of the source changer; and (vii) package design approval identification number. 2.2.3 Security and Safety Source changer shall have tamper-proof lock for physical security of the source and to prevent unauthorised operation. It shall not be possible to operate the lock unless the source or source assembly is in the fully shielded position. Measures to ensure proper and firm connection of the guide tube to the source changer shall be provided.


Sealed Source The sealed source shall comply with the Standard (Specification) on Testing and Classification of Sealed Radioactive Sources, AERB-SS-3. The radiography source shall at least meet the requirement for 43313 classification (Table 2.3) of AERB-SS-3. TABLE 2.3: TEST CONDITIONS FOR 43313 CLASSIFICATION S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Test Temperature Conditions

40C (20 minutes), +400C (1 hour) and thermal shock +400C to 20C External pressure 25 kPa absolute to 2 MPa absolute Impact 200 g from 1 m Vibration No test Puncture 10 g from 1 m X-Ray Equipment (i) The protective tube housing shall be so constructed that the stray radiation in any direction, averaged over an area of not more than 100 cm2, shall not exceed 10 mGy per hour at a distance of 1 m from the X-ray target when, with the beam portal shielded adequately, the tube operates at its peak kilovoltage (kVp) and maximum rated current. The electrical cable shall be at least 7 m long for machines operating up to 100 kVp, 10 m long for up to 200 kVp, 15 m long for 200 - 250 kVp and 20 m long for above 250 kVp. The control console shall have means to display the tube potential, tube current, duration of exposure and X-ray beam status. Energising the X-ray equipment shall be key-controlled to prevent unauthorised use. There shall be separate provision to terminate radiation generation automatically after pre-set time and manually at any time.






Crawler Equipment (i) The gamma radiography crawler shall comply with requirements specified in 2.1.2, and X-ray crawler shall comply with requirements specified in sub-section 2.4. Means shall be provided for external indication of the crawler location in a pipeline. There shall be means to prevent exposure when the external position indicator fails to function as intended. The width of useful beam on the pipe surface shall not be greater than 20 cm. The crawler equipment shall shut 'OFF' automatically in the event of any malfunction during use, i.e. X-ray crawler shall switch off the beam and the gamma source shall retract to shielded position.


(iii) (iv)


Accelerator Equipment (i) (ii) (iii) The high energy particle accelerator generating X-rays shall meet the requirements specified in sub-section 2.4 for X-ray equipment. Key-controlled interlock shall be provided on the control console to prevent unauthorised use. The beam limiting system of a portable/mobile equipment meant for use on shop floor or elevated locations shall restrict the primary beam divergence to a cone of not more than 30 apex angle. An emergency push button shall be prominently located on the control panel to terminate the radiation generation. When radiation generation is terminated, either by an interlock or by action of emergency push button, it shall not be possible to restart unless the exposure control is reset manually.

(iv) (v)


Type Approval of Radiography Equipment/Exposure Devices, Source Changer and Sources (i) Any X-ray equipment, accelerator or gamma radiography exposure device/source changer shall be used only after it is type approved by the competent authority. 7


The manufacturer/supplier seeking type approval shall submit an application in writing along with detailed drawings of the equipment/device and a report on safety analysis for type approval (Appendix-II). Safety analysis report shall provide evidence of compliance with AERB-SS-1 and with applicable requirements of this Section and the results of tests carried out on the prototype. The report shall provide evidence on the quality assurance (QA) programme. For gamma radiography exposure device manufactured in any other country, type approval is granted based on documentary evidence on their conformance to AERB-SS-1 Standard and evidence that the device has the approval of Type A/Type B package design by the competent authority of the country of origin. Exposure device shall have an approval as package of appropriate type for transport in public domain. Where necessary, the gamma radiography source shall have been certified as meeting the requirements of special form of radioactive material for transport in accordance with AERB/SC/TR-1. Exposure device, accelerator, X-ray equipment, or package shall not be manufactured or supplied after expiry of validity period specified in the type/package design approval unless the approval is revalidated. In case of certain equipment/device, the competent authority may grant a No Objection Certificate (NOC) for import of one unit. Type approval may be granted after evaluating the safety of the equipment/device.







Servicing and Maintenance (i) Servicing and maintenance of radiography exposure devices/ source changer or accelerator or X-ray equipment shall be provided by service engineers certified by the competent authority.


The manufacturer/supplier of radiation equipment, source changer and device shall be responsible for providing servicing and maintenance throughout the useful life of the equipment or device or source changer by persons with appropriate qualification and training. He/she shall also be responsible for safe disposal of radioactive source and radioactive material. The manufacturer or supplier shall also be responsible for supply of spares and accessories.



3.1 Enclosed Radiography (i) The room housing radiography equipment (exposure device/X-ray equipment/accelerator) shall be in a location where the occupancy and traffic are as low as practicable and shall not be located in a residential building or an office complex. The installation shall be fully enclosed and shielded, or enclosed on all sides except ceiling (open top) and shall be duly approved by the competent authority. (ii) Fully enclosed installations shall have structural shielding for walls/doors, ceiling and floor so that radiation level outside the shielding conforms to annual dose limits for occupational workers and general public as appropriate. In case of open top installation, the scattered radiation (sky-shine) shall also be considered. (iii) The conduit/opening for cables between the control room and exposure room shall prevent direct streaming of radiation. (iv) The door interlock shall prevent operation of X-ray equipment or accelerator when the door is open or improperly closed. The interlock shall activate a warning light and illuminate a placard to caution persons during exposure. A radiation zone monitor shall be provided near the entrance to continuously indicate the radiation level. The monitor shall be capable of detecting even a partial opening of entrance door. Radiation interlock shall interrupt radiation generation when the radiation zone monitor in the controlled area detects radiation in excess of a pre-set level. (v) Exposure controls for the device/X-ray equipment/accelerator shall be located outside the shielded room. Identification of each control shall be distinct and unambiguous. (vi) The concentration of ozone in accelerator room shall not exceed 0.1 ppm at the time of entry.



The radiation symbol specified under Rule 17 of the Radiation Protection Rules, 1971 shall be conspicuously posted at the entrance (Appendix-III). A placard indicating "RADIATION HAZARD: RESTRICTED ENTRY" shall be posted, alongwith its equivalent in Hindi as well as in local language, alongside the radiation symbol. An X-ray hazard symbol as prescribed in Appendix -III, shall be conspicuously posted in case an X-ray machine is used.


There shall be sequentially operated search buttons in high energy accelerator installation with long maze which does not offer direct view from the control panel or entry door to ensure that no person remains in the room when the machine is energised. A trip wire shall be provided at easily accessible height around the inside periphery of large X-ray or accelerator rooms so that a person inadvertently present in the room when the machine is 'ON' may pull the wire to trip off the radiation. There shall be audible alarm inside the radiography room during radiation generation.


Field Radiography (i) Field radiography includes radiography in shop floors,

construction/erection sites and public areas and radiography operations outside an enclosed installation. Field radiography shall be carried out in locations where occupancy and traffic are as low as practicable. (ii) Field radiography shall not be carried out without the use of collimator except in case where it is not physically possible. In such a situation, field radiography shall be carried out with the written permission of RSO Level-II. (iii) The immediate surroundings of a radiation source shall be cordoned off with a placard displayed at boundary to warn against unauthorised presence inside or near the radiography site. The cordon-off distance shall be determined on the basis of


workload and occupancy outside the boundary subject to limitation of annual dose as specified in clause (ii) of sub-section 3.1. (iv) The radiation symbol specified in clause (vii) of sub-section 3.1 shall be posted at the cordon along with placards with the legend 'RADIATION HAZARD--KEEP AWAY' and its equivalent in Hindi as well as in local language. A red warning light shall be displayed at night. (v) An exclusive storage room conforming to the requirements of clause (ii) of sub-section 3.1 shall be provided for safe custody of sources in exposure devices during periods of non-use.



4.1 Consentee In any radiography institution, the consentee shall: (a) employ a minimum staff of (i) one certified radiographer for each exposure device/equipment, (ii) one safety site-in-charge for each radiography site (radiography operations being carried out at places 5 km or more from each other are considered as separate sites), and (iii) one radiological safety officer (RSO) level-III for each institution engaged in radiography operations in more than two sites at a time; have an organisational hierarchy with clear lines of authority and responsibility and lines of communication in accordance with this code; inform the competent authority of any change in the organisation; provide adequate facilities and resources to the RSO/safety sitein-charge to discharge his duties and safety functions in accordance with this Code; provide adequate facilities and resources to ensure that all workers and trainees are provided with personnel monitoring devices and these persons are instructed in writing to wear the personnel monitoring devices while working with radiation; inform the competent authority immediately if RSO, safety sitein-charge, or radiographer leaves the institution and suspend the radiography work until the replacement personnel have assumed charge of their tasks; ensure that industrial radiography installation is approved by the competent authority and constructed according to the approved design; ensure that gamma radiography exposure devices/X-ray equipment/accelerators/source changers to be used are of the type approved by the competent authority;


(c) (d)






(i) (j) (k)

ensure that the dose limits for workers and trainees are not exceeded; investigate and initiate prompt remedial measures in respect of any situation that could lead to personnel dose in excess of limits; ensure that reports on all hazardous situations, along with details of any immediate remedial measures that may have been initiated, are sent to the competent authority within 24 hours; ensure that the ultimate disposal of radiography sources is carried out in a manner approved by the competent authority in accordance with the Atomic Energy (Safe Disposal of Radioactive Waste) Rules, 1987; ensure that at least one calibrated radiation monitoring instrument in working condition is earmarked for every radiography equipment; ensure that procedures for handling an emergency situation are prepared in accordance with section 6 of this Code and a copy sent to the competent authority; establish an internal inspection/audit procedure or other management control to ensure that safe operating and emergency procedures are observed by workers and the emergency procedures rehearsed; maintain complete and up-to-date records of (i) doses, (ii) reports of medical examinations, and (iii) occupational histories of workers of the site applicable to standard industrial workers, with special investigation of skin, hands, fingers and eyes; ensure that every worker is subjected to medical investigation as specified by the competent authority prior to commencing radiation work, and subsequently at intervals stipulated by the competent authority and at the termination of work; maintain medical reports as specified in (p) and (q) above for inspection at the site by any person authorised by the competent authority;










not loan radiography facilities, e.g. storage room, radiography equipment, emergency accessories etc. to another radiography agency without the consent of the competent authority; not borrow another consentee's facilities such as storage room, equipment or personnel without the consent of the competent authority; display the consent for site authorisation granted by the competent authority and emergency procedures at the place of radiography work; not employ any person below 18 years of age for radiation work and not take any person of below 16 years as a trainee in radiation work; maintain records of radiography exposures carried out in the format specified in Appendix-IV; submit information regarding location details of the industrial gamma radiography exposure devices in the format specified in Appendix-V; and dispose/transfer any exposure device(s), containing depleted uranium only after prior permission of the competent authority and in accordance with sub-section 5.10 of this Code.




(w) (x)


4.2 4.2.1

Radiological Safety Officer Minimum Qualification for RSO Level-III: (a) (b) a degree in science with physics as one of the subjects; a post-graduate degree/diploma in radiological physics, or five years experience as safety site-in-charge (RSO Level-II) and appropriate up-gradation training course recognised by the competent authority; and (c) a certificate from the competent authority to function as radiological safety officer (RSO).



RSO shall advise and assist the consentee on all aspects of radiation safety. The responsibilities of RSO shall include: (a) (b) instructing workers on safety measures and safe work practices aimed at minimising exposure to radiation and contamination; regulating safe movement of radioactive materials and ensuring that packages containing radiography sources are properly packed, labelled and declared as per AERB/SC/TR-1; ensuring that radiography sources and other radioactive materials are not transported by public transport; investigating and initiating suitable remedial measures in situations that could lead to radiation hazards; ensuring that reports of all hazardous situations along with details of any immediate remedial actions taken are made available to the consentee for reporting to the competent authority and a copy endorsed to the competent authority; arranging for safe disposal of radioactive wastes by transfer of decayed sources to the waste management agency approved by the competent authority; maintaining inventories of radiography sources, calibration of radiation monitoring instruments, log books, records of (i) unusual occurrences, (ii) personnel monitoring, (iii) source calibration, (iv) periodic survey of installation or site, (v) periodic contamination checks on the radiography sources and guide tubes, (vi) disposal of decayed radiography sources, (vii) checking the performance and safety functions of the device regularly and after servicing and maintenance, and (viii) movement of exposure device to different site(s); and developing suitable emergency schemes to deal with radiation emergencies.

(c) (d) (e)





4.3 4.3.1

Safety Site-in-Charge/RSO Level-II Minimum Qualifications: (a) a diploma in engineering or degree in science with physics as one of the subjects; or seven years experience as certified radiographer; (b) (c) training in radiography testing and safety (level-II) or equivalent recognised by the competent authority; and a certificate from the competent authority to work as safety sitein-charge.


The safety site-in-charge shall ensure that the radiographers carry out the work safely. The safety site-in-charge shall perform the functions of RSO specified in sub-section 4.2.1 pertaining to the operations at site, transport of radioactive sources from one site to another site, and storage of sources and maintenance of records. The safety site-in-charge shall be deemed to be RSO Level-II. Certified Radiographer Minimum Qualifications: (a) (b) (c) 10+2 with physics and mathematics; training in radiography testing and safety (RT level-I) or its equivalent recognised by the competent authority; and certificate from the competent authority to work as radiographer.


4.4 4.4.1


The radiographer shall refrain from any act that could be radiologically detrimental to himself/herself, other workers and/or members of the public. The radiographer shall: (a) provide to the consentee information about his/her past radiation work, if any; 17


(b) (c)

make proper use of protective equipment, radiation monitors and personnel monitoring devices provided; promptly inform the safety site-in-charge and RSO of any accident or potentially hazardous situation that may come to his/her notice; comply with instructions of RSO/safety site-in-charge/consentee concerning radiation protection; and ensure that trainees operate any radiography exposure device or equipment in the presence of radiographer/safety site-in-charge/ RSO after wearing personnel monitoring badges.

(d) (e)

4.5 4.5.1

Trainee Minimum Qualification: 10+2 with physics and mathematics.


The trainee shall: (a) (b) not operate any radiography exposure device or equipment in the absence of a certified personnel; make use of proper radiation monitoring instruments and personnel monitoring devices and protective accessories provided; comply with the instructions of radiographer/safety site-incharge/RSO on radiation protection; and give an undertaking to the competent authority in the prescribed format and appear for radiography testing and safety (RT level-I) course immediately after completing six months of field experience/training.

(c) (d)


Radiography Source Supplier The radiography source supplier shall provide a certificate specifying dimensional drawing of the source capsule and materials of construction,


radionuclide, activity with date of measurement, leak test results and method. The source supplier shall be responsible for disposal of decayed radiography sources. 4.7 Manufacturer/Vendor of Equipment (a) Manufacturer/vendor shall supply radiography exposure device/ source changer/X-ray equipment/accelerator only after obtaining a Type approval/NOC from the competent authority and only to users authorised by the competent authority. Vendor shall provide user along with the equipment (i) technical specifications; (ii) operating/servicing/ maintenance manuals; and (iii) instructions for handling emergencies. Vendor shall provide user with detailed procedures for quality assurance tests and checks to be carried out with specified frequency to verify correct performance of the device/equipment. Manufacturer/vendor shall be responsible for installation, commissioning, servicing and maintenance, decommissioning/ dismantling of equipment and for arranging disposal of the decayed radiography sources and any other radioactive material in the shielding. Manufacturer/vendor shall keep a record of radiography exposure devices/source changers supplied, together with performance, quality assurance and safety status of the device/source changer.






Servicing/Maintenance Personnel Servicing and maintenance of any radiography equipment shall be carried out only by persons authorised by the competent authority. The authorised person shall ensure that no repair and maintenance is carried out on radiography exposure device/source changer when it contains radiography source. After repair and maintenance, he/she shall test the safety of the equipment, certify its safety and enter details of repair and maintenance in the logbook. While handling the equipment with radioactive sources, he/she shall wear personnel monitoring devices and direct reading dosimeters. He/she shall use radiation monitoring instruments as and when required for ensuring safe radiation levels during work. 19

5.1 Consent (i) Possession, use, import, export, transport and disposal of a radioactive material/substance by any person is prohibited except in accordance with the terms and conditions of a written consent granted under sections 14, 16 and 17 of the Atomic Energy Act, 1962. The written consent may be a licence granted in accordance with Rule 3 of Radiation Protections Rules (RPR), 1971. The consents are not transferable. The applicant for consent shall provide evidence that: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) the radiography equipment meets the requirements of applicable standard as specified in section 2 of this Code; the installation/site is according to the requirements of section 3 of this Code; trained persons specified in section 4 of this Code are available; personnel monitoring devices are provided to all workers; and radiation monitoring instruments are available and are in good condition for use.



The consentee shall ensure that persons handling radiography sources and radiation generating equipment comply with relevant provisions of Radiation Protection Rules, Industrial Radiography (Radiation Surveillance) Procedures, Radiation Surveillance Procedures for Transport of Radioactive Material, Atomic Energy (Radioactive Waste Disposal) Rules, Testing and Classification of Sealed Sources, AERB/SS-3 and this Code. They shall also comply with any safety directives issued by the competent authority from time to time.



Installation/Site Plan Layout plan for radiography installation shall provide radiation safety of workers and members of public as specified in section 3 of this Code. Approval shall be obtained from competent authority prior to construction or commissioning. Detailed drawings showing the layout of rooms, position of radiation source (exposure device/X-ray equipment/ accelerator), doors and windows, control room, work-areas and public areas to a scale 1:500 shall be submitted to the competent authority. Any change in radiation shielding or modification to the approved plan shall be carried out only with the written concurrence of the competent authority.


Procurement of Radiography Sources Consentee shall obtain authorisation from the competent authority for procuring radiography sources on the first occasion and replacement sources subsequently.


Radiological Safety Officer In pursuance of Rule 12 of Radiation Protections Rules, 1971 the employer shall designate with the approval of the competent authority a qualified person to function as RSO. The format of application for nomination of an RSO is given in Appendix-VI. RSO shall submit reports to the competent authority on radiation safety status in the institution once every six months in the format given in Appendix-VII.


Commissioning of Radiography Installation or Radiography Site (i) Any new radiography installation or site shall not be commissioned unless compliance with the requirements of section 3 of this Code is verified and certified by the consentee. When an installation is structurally modified or when the equipment is repaired or modified, or any change in radiography procedure is adopted, verification of compliance with provisions of section 3 of this Code shall be repeated prior to re-commissioning. Commissioning or re-commissioning shall be



subject to terms and conditions in the written approval of the competent authority. 5.6 Operation and Use of Radiography Sources (i) The exposure device shall be operated by a certified radiographer and under the direct supervision of an approved safety site-incharge or RSO. The application form for approval of safety sitein-charge/radiographer is given in Appendix-VIII. Exposure for field radiography shall be collimated as specified in clause (ii) of sub-section 3.2. The primary beam shall not be directed towards occupied areas. The radiographer shall ensure smooth operation of exposure device prior to commencement of radiography work on each day. Operational checks shall be recorded. The radiographer shall measure the radiation levels around the radiography premises and record the results. Radioactive contamination in any accessible area of source housing and source guide tube shall be checked at least once in six months to verify the integrity of the sealed source. In case the contamination is in excess of 185 Bq the device shall not be used, and the competent authority shall be informed.





Transport of Radiography Source (i) Not withstanding any requirements or regulations of carrier, the transport of radiography source in public domain shall be in accordance with AERB/SC/TR-1. Consentee shall ensure that the radiography source is securely immobilised and locked in the device or source changer before being transported.




Change of Radiography Site (i) (ii) Radiography sources shall not be used outside the installation or site authorised by the competent authority. When it becomes unavoidable to carry out radiography work at a place other than the one authorised, the consentee shall notify the competent authority of the intended change and obtain written permission prior to commencing radiography operation at the new site. This shall be followed by written request within 48 hours. The records of such movements shall be maintained as per clause (g) sub-section 4.2.2.


Safe Custody of Radiography Sources and Radioactive Material (i) Consentee shall be responsible for keeping the radiography source and radioactive materials in his/her possession for safe custody and providing adequate physical security. Exposure device containing radiography source shall be kept under lock and key when not in use and the key of the exposure device kept in the custody of the certified personnel. The physical security of exposure device shall be ensured at all times by storing it in an approved storage room. Radioactive sources shall not be lent/leased, gifted or transferred to any other person except with the permission of the competent authority. Consentee shall send to the competent authority during the first week of every month a statement of sources in his/her custody in the format specified in Appendix-IV.




Disposal of Radiography Sources and Radioactive Material Radiography source and radioactive material shall be disposed off only after obtaining an authorisation as per the Atomic Energy (Safe Disposal of Radioactive Wastes) Rules, 1987 from the competent authority. The form for application for authorisation is given in Appendix-IX.



Inspection and Enforcement (i) In pursuance of Rules 29 to 32 of Radiation Protection Rules, 1971, the competent authority or its authorised representative may inspect: (a) (b) (c) any site where radiography work is being carried out; any radiography equipment, installation, radiography source; and any monitoring instrument, logbook, record of: (i) unusual occurrences, (ii) personnel monitoring, (iii) source calibration, (iv) periodic survey of installation or site, (v) periodic contamination check on the radiography sources/guide tubes, and (vi) source movement and site authorisation.


If any violation is observed on inspection, the authorised representative of the competent authority may: (a) seal any radiation installation or any transport or conveyance carrying radioactive materials or seize any radioactive material or contaminated equipment; and/or indicate in writing to the consentee any modification aimed at providing adequate protection, and the consentee shall comply with the same.



If any violation is observed on inspection, the competent authority may withdraw or revoke or modify the certificate issued to the certified radiographer/safety site-in-charge/RSO.


Revocation, Modification or Withdrawal of Consent In accordance with rules 8 and 9 of the Radiation Protection Rules, 1971, the competent authority, if it considers necessary in public interest pertaining to radiation safety, or if any of the provisions of Rules, Surveillance Procedures, Standards and Codes have been contravened, may, after giving a show cause notice to the person to whom the consent has been issued, and after giving him/her an opportunity to make a


representation against the action proposed to be taken and consideration of his representation, suspend the operation of a consent or revoke or modify the terms and conditions of a consent at any time during the currency of the consent. 5.13 Offences and Penalties In pursuance of rule 11 of Radiation Protections Rules (RPR), 1971, any person who contravenes the provisions of (a) RPR and (b) the Atomic Energy Act, 1962, in so far as it concerns section 17 of the Act, (c) this Code, or (d) terms and conditions of consent granted to him/her by the competent authority, shall be punishable under sections 24, 25 and 26 of the Atomic Energy Act, 1962 and the relevant provisions of RPR, 1971. The punishment may include imprisonment or fine or both, depending on the nature of contravention.


6.1 Emergency Action Plan (i) Consentee shall prepare action plans for all foreseeable emergencies including the following: (a) (b) source failing to return to safe shielded position; loss/theft of radiography source at the installation/site during use, in storage, in transport, or during natural calamities; and fire.


Consentee shall ensure that all workers are familiar with the emergency action plan. (ii) The action plan shall specify: (a) persons familiar with emergency action plan and responsibilities and functions, line of authority and line of communication; initial training and periodic re-training of persons in their respective tasks; appropriate tools, radiation monitoring instruments, and personnel monitoring devices to be kept and maintained in working condition; most direct and alternate means of communication; and authorities to be contacted at the initial phase, during progress and at termination of an emergency.

(b) (c)

(d) (e)


Reporting an Emergency (i) RSO/safety site-in-charge shall: (a) immediately report to the consentee on any emergency situation and initiate remedial actions and endorse a copy to the competent authority; and



carry out prompt investigation on causes of the emergency, evolve means to prevent recurrence and submit a detailed report on the incident to the competent authority.


Consentee shall: (a) inform the competent authority of the incident within 24 hours of its occurrence and submit a detailed report on the incident after carrying out investigations; and lodge a written compliant with the police in case of loss or theft if the radiography source(s) are not traced within 24 hours.



DOSE LIMITS Workers (i) (ii) (iii) The cumulative effective dose over a block of five years shall not exceed 100 mSv. The effective dose in any calendar year during the five year block shall not exceed 30 mSv. (a) (b) (iv) The equivalent dose in any calendar year to the lens of the eye shall not exceed 150 mSv; and The effective dose in any calendar year to the skin, the hands and feet, shall not exceed 500 mSv.

In the case of a woman worker of reproductive age, once pregnancy has been established, the conceptus shall be protected by applying a supplementary equivalent dose limit to the surface of the woman's abdomen (lower trunk) of 2 mSv for the remainder of the pregnancy. Internal exposures shall be controlled by limiting intakes of radionuclides to about 1/20 of ALI. The employment shall be such that it does not carry a probability of high accidental doses and intakes.

Trainees The effective dose in any calendar year shall not exceed 6 mSv. Public (i) (ii) The effective dose for any calendar year shall not exceed 1 mSv. In special circumstances, a higher value of effective dose could be allowed in a single year, provided that the effective dose averaged over five years does not exceed 1 mSv/y.


Government of India Atomic Energy Regulatory Board Niyamak Bhavan, Anushaktinagar Mumbai-400094 FORMAT OF THE "APPLICATION FOR TYPE APPROVAL OF INDUSTRIAL GAMMA RADIOGRAPHY EXPOSURE DEVICE AND SOURCE CHANGER" To be submitted by the applicant to the Chairman, Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Niyamak Bhavan, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-400094 with a copy to the Head, Radiological Physics and Advisory Division (RP&AD), Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), CT&CRS, Building, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-400094. A. 1. Manufacturer/Vendor (a) Name and address of the applicant with PIN code (in block letters):


Mode of communication:

Telephone with STD code Fax Telex Telegram E-mail



Name and address of the manufacturer with PIN code:



Mode of communication:

Telephone with STD code Fax Telex Telegram E-mail


Person to be contacted regarding this application:

Telephone with STD code


Name and type of gamma radiography exposure device to be type approved:


This application is for: Type approval Renewal of type approval Ref No.: Date: Valid till:

B. 1.

Exposure Device Name and type :

2. 3. 4.

Class of exposure device Gross weight Overall external dimensions (provide detailed drawing of the device)

: : :

Portable/Mobile/Fixed ............................... kg x x



Maximum source capacity (specify the radionuclide) Exposure mechanism Source Housing Material of shielding Maximum thickness and minimum thickness Source location from external reference points (specify)

..................GBq of ........................................

6. C. 1. 2.


: :

...................................................................... ........................... mm, maximum .......................... mm, minimum

3. ..................................

4. a)

Leakage radiation levels measured at maximum source rating at 5 cm from source housing averaged over an area of 10 cm2 at 100 cm from source housing averaged over an area of 100 cm2 Safety Features Locks (describe briefly the types of safety locks provided, locking mechanism etc.) Can the source assembly be pushed/ pulled out of the equipment without operating the driving mechanism Collimators (specify the type of collimator such as panoramic/straight beam/diaphragms, their radial angles, material of construction etc.) Any other safety device Radioactive Source Assembly Name and address of the manufacturer: : Yes/No : ........................................ mSv/h



D. 1. 2.



4. E 1.



Name and address of supplier:

3. 4. 5.

External dimensions Gross weight

: :

........... mm x x .......... mm ..................... g

Materials of construction (specify the materials of source capsule, and source holder, and provide a separate drawing giving the dimensions of various components of the source assembly) (a) (b) Source capsule Source holder : : : ...................................................................... ...................................................................... C/E................................................................


Classification number and certificate issued along with the source Type of coupling provided between the source assembly and driving mechanism Source Drive System Model/type :



F. 1.

2. 3. 4.

Gross weight Overall external dimensions Source guide tube assembly (a) (b) (c) Material Diameter Length

: :

.................................. kg ........ x

: : :

............................... ..................... mm ........................ cm



Source drive cable (a) (b) (c) Material Diameter Length : : : ............................ ......................... mm ......................... cm


End fittings (Specify material, dimensions of end fittings to source guide tube and drive cable) (a) (b) (c) Material Diameter Length : : : : .............................. .......................... mm, ............................ cm ........................................ m


Maximum distance between exposure device and control unit Maximum distance between exposure device and source in extreme exposure positions when guide tube is connected




Operational mechanism of remote : control (describe briefly about any special lock, source position indicator, mechanical counter etc. provided in the cranking unit) (a) Is the guide tube flexible or rigid? Material and dimensions of the guide tube : Flexible/rigid





Type of mounting provided for cranking unit (stand type/spool type/pistol grip type/any other) Quality Assurance (a) For first approval:

: .........................................................


Furnish quality assurance procedures for entire manufacturing as well as procedures for servicing and maintenance (b) (i) Renewal of type approval: Number of devices supplied on the date of application (Give serial numbers) : ...............................................



Any modification to the present design or changes in components/ materials of construction/QA procedures incorporated in the approved model. If so, give details

(iii) Any change in the radioactive material or its quantity in the approved model (iv) Field use feedback on performance of devices supplied so far

(Attach details on the following): (a) Availability of spares; (b) Servicing and maintenance; (c) Average frequency of failures or radiological malfunctions; (d) Common failures in the order of frequency of their occurrence; (e) Generic deficiencies/operational problems reported by the users; and (f) Major incidents and causes. H. Specify the national/international standards to which the equipment, source changer and source comply and give details of tests conducted and their results: Any other relevant information : List of supportive documents (such as instruction manual, drawings, etc.) attached with the application:

I. J.

I certify that all the information furnished by me is correct to the best of knowledge and belief.

Place: Date :

Signature of the applicant: Name: Designation:

(Seal of the institution)








Government of India Atomic Energy Regulatory Board Niyamak Bhavan, Anushaktinagar Mumbai-400094 FORMAT OF THE "LOGBOOK TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE CONSENTEE AT THE RADIOGRAPHY SITE"

Logbook to be maintained by the Consentee at the site and to be made available during inspection by the representative(s) of the Chairman, Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Niyamak Bhavan, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-400094


Name of the institution:


Location of use:


Details of exposure device, source pencil and radiography source: Source pencil Radiography Radionuclide source Activity As on (date)

Exposure device Model

Serial number Serial number, if applicable


Details of radiation survey meter(s) available at the site: Model Serial number Date of calibration


Name of the safety site-in-charge/RSO:


Personnel monitoring service number:



Details of exposures:
Date Name(s) of the operator(s) Average duration of exposure Number of Details of Duration in hours exposures radiography (Use P for job panoramic and C for collimated) To From Maximum Whether source radiation level along returned to safe cordon position in exposure device Whether Name(s) and exposure device signature(s) of the returned to storage operator(s) pit

Note: Logbooks shall be maintained separately for each industrial gamma radiography exposure device



To be submitted by the Consentee to the Chairman, Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Niyamak Bhavan, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-400094 Part-A and Part-B should be submitted in the first week of every month.

Report for the month of



Name and address of the institution:


Telephone and Fax with STD code: Telephone Fax


Personnel monitoring service number:


Number of films/TLD cards received:


Part-A: Site(s), industrial gamma radiography exposure device, trained personnel and monitors available at site(s):
S.No Job type Pocket Survey meter Trainee Certified Source Contract Safety site- Exposure radiographer, radiographer, model, serial dosimeter and and number activity awarding in-charge, device model, number and charger model of exposures his date of his/her serial number received and his/her party, during the and their date of appointment certificate pencil site(s) and certificate and date(s) month serial calibration and PMS number and number number of movement last numbers number its validity and its inspection validity date


Details of decayed sources returned:

Exposure device model and serial number Date of decayed source return Radionuclide, its activity on the date of return


I hereby certify that all safety/emergency accessories are available at site(s), that they are in working order and that they are being used regularly.

Place: Date:

Signature of the head of institution Name: Designation:

(Office seal of the institution)



To be submitted by the applicant to the Chairman, Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Niyamak Bhavan, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-400094

Part-1: Particulars of the institution

1. Name and address of the institution with PIN code:


Name, designation and address of the head of the institution with PIN code (the applicant) in block letters:



Mode of communication: Telephone with STD code: - During office hours - After officer hours Fax Telex Telegram E-mail


This application is for: RSO approval Renewal of RSO approval Ref No.: Date: Valid till:

5. A.

Details of radiation equipment/facilities/sources available in the institution X-ray Radiography Equipment:

Name of the manufacturer Make and Type Year of installation kVp max. mA max. Full address of location of use


1. 2.


Gamma Radiography Equipment:

Radiography equipment, Manufacturer's name Radionuclide used model, and serial number and address as radiography source Maximum activity (GBq) Full address of the location of use


1. 2.


Any other sealed radioactive source (Give description, radionuclide, and activity on a specified date):


Details of radiation measuring/monitoring instruments:

Name of the manufacturer Make and type Radion type detected Scale ranges Date of purchase Date of most recent calibration


1. 2.


Details of unusual occurrences that have taken place in the past. Include any radiation emergencies, loss of source or other incidents:
Date of incident Radiation equipment or source involved Nature of incident Details of action taken Number of Maximum dose received by an individual as a persons result of the incident involved


1. 2.


Details of radiation workers in the institution:

Designation Responsibilities and functions Date of commencement of radiation work Personnel monitoring service number

S.No Name of employee and date of birth

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Part-2: Particulars of the RSO-designate

1. Name (with initials expanded) of the person to be designated as RSO (in block letters): PLEASE AFFIX A RECENT PASSPORT SIZE PHOTOGRAPH

2. 3.

Present designation of the nominee: Address with PIN code (in block letters): Office address:

Telephone with STD code

Residential address:

Telephone with STD code

Permanent home address:

Telephone with STD code



Academic qualifications and training courses in radiation safety:

Qualifications S.No. University/Examining body Degree/ Diploma Year of passing Subject(s) of study


1. 2. 3.

Training courses in radiation safety

1. 2.


Experience in radiation work:

Year(s) of work Name of institution Radiation and address equipment, sources handled Maximum activity handled PMS number


1. 2. 3.


Radiation equipment/radioactive materials for which the RSO will be responsible:

Radiation equipment

Radioactive material

7. 8.

Additional responsibilities proposed to be assigned to the RSO (a) I hereby certify that the information furnished above is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief; I undertake to abide by the conditions stipulated by the competent authority from time to time and follow guidelines in discharging the duties and responsibilities as RSO; and




I further undertake to inform the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board immediately in case I am relieved of my services as RSO.


Signature of RSO-designate Name:



I hereby certify that all the statements made in the application are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief; I hereby undertake to provide all necessary facilities to the RSO to discharge his/ her duties and functions effectively; and I further undertake to inform Atomic Energy Regulatory Board immediately in case the RSO is relieved of his duties.



Place: Date:

Signature of the head of the institution (the applicant). Name: Designation:

(Seal of the institution)



To be submitted by the Radiological Safety Officer to the Chairman, Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Niyamak Bhavan, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-400094

Reporting 1.






Name and address of the institution with PIN code (in block letters):

Telephone with STD code


Name, designation and address of the head of the institution:

Telephone with STD code


Site(s) for which RSO is responsible:


Performance and radiation safety status of radiation equipment(s). (Fill in Form-A. Use separate Form-A for each unit): (a) (b) Industrial radiography exposure device; Industrial X-ray equipment;


(c) (d)

Industrial accelerator; or Any other (specify).


Status of sealed radioactive sources: (a) (b) Total activity of each radionuclide at the beginning of the reporting period; Additional sources procured during the reporting period.


Transport of radioactive material: (a) How many times were the radiography sources/radiography exposure devices transported from one site to another site? Give full details; How many times were the decayed radioactive sources transported to BRIT/ BARC? (Give full details). State whether (i) (ii) the packing, marking and labelling were properly done; radiation levels for each package were measured prior to transportation;


(iii) transport index was assigned; (iv) prior intimation was sent to the consignee; (v) transport certificate was issued by the RSO to the carrier; and

(vi) the package was received at BRIT in proper condition. (c) Details of any incident or unusual occurrence during transport, with information on nature of incident, location, radionuclide and activity involved, exposure to transport workers and public etc., and consequence of incident. If any source was lost in transport, state whether the source was recovered. State the nature of investigations carried out by RSO on the causes and consequences of the incident and steps taken to prevent such recurrence.


Status of radiation measuring and monitoring instruments: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Name(s) and model(s) of the instrument; Date(s) of procurement; Frequency and method of calibration check; Date(s) of recent calibration;

Present status of the instrument.



Maintenance of records: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Personnel exposure records are maintained up-to-date Inventory of sealed radioactive sources : : : : : : : : Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No

Radioactive waste disposal Radiation protection surveillance Incidents and unusual occurrences Calibration of radiation detection instruments Movement of radiography exposure devices Medical records of radiation workers


Details of inspections performed by AERB/RP&AD officials during reporting period:


Details of any training programme conducted by RSO for radiation workers during the reporting period:


Control and surveillance measures for the storage and radiography area. Furnish details:


Details of over-exposures received by workers during the reporting period. Include details of investigations carried out by RSO on the circumstances causing overexposures and steps initiated to prevent such recurrence:


Any other information on radiation safety matters in the institution:

Place: Date:

Signature Name of RSO

: :


Form-A Attachment to the "Information to be furnished by the Radiological Safety Officer in an Industrial Radiography Institution"

INDUSTRIAL RADIOGRAPHY EXPOSURE DEVICES (a) Make and type of the radiography exposure device :


Date of procurement


Date of recent source replacement and source strength


Average number of exposures taken daily :


Details of any major repair/servicing


In case any worn out part was replaced, state whether the replaced part is original from the manufacturer or improvised locally


Details of any radiation emergency which had occurred in the reporting period


General assessment on the performance of the radiography exposure device



To be submitted by the applicant to the Head, Radiological Physics and Advisory Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, CT & CRS Building, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-400094 with a copy to the Chairman, Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Niyamak Bhavan, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-400094


Name in full (with initials expanded) in block letters:

Date of birth



Father's name:


Permanent home address with PIN code:

Telephone with STD code



Name, designation and address of the head of the institution with PIN code letters):

(in block

Telephone with STD code


Mode of communication with the institution: Telephone with STD code:


During office hours After officer hours

Telex Telegram E-mail





(a) (b)





This application is for: Safety Site-in-charge/ Radiographer approval Renewal of Safety Site-in-charge/ Radiographer approval Ref No.: Date: Valid till:


Month and year of enrolment in personnel monitoring service (PMS): Write institution and personnel monitoring numbers:



Academic qualifications and training courses in radiation safety (enclose copy of pass and other certificates):
Qualifications S.No. University/Examining body Degree/ Diploma Year of passing Subject(s) of study


1. 2.

Training courses 1. in radiation safety: IRG-1, 2. RT-2, RT-1, any other (specify)


Experience in radiation work:

S.No. Year(s) of work Maximum Name of institution Radiation and address equipment, sources activity handled handled PMS number

1. 2. 3.



I hereby certify that the information furnished above is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief; I undertake to abide by the conditions stipulated by the Competent Authority from time to time and follow guidelines in discharging the duties and responsibilities as safety site-in-charge/radiographer; and I further undertake to inform the Chairman, Atomic Energy Regulatory Board and the Head, Radiological Physics and Advisory Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, CT&CRS Building, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-400094, immediately in case of change of employment or employer.



Place: Date:

Signature of Site-in-charge/Radiographer Name:




I hereby certify that all the statements made in the application are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief; I hereby undertake to provide all necessary facilities to the safety site-in-charge/ radiographer to discharge his/her duties and functions effectively; and I further undertake to inform the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board/Radiological Physics and Advisory Division immediately in case the safety site-in-charge/ radiographer leaves this institution.



Place: Date:

Signature of the head of the institution (the applicant) Name: Designation:

(Seal of the institution)


Government of India Atomic Energy Regulatory Board Niyamak Bhavan, Anushaktinagar Mumbai-400094 FORMAT OF THE "APPLICATION FOR AUTHORISATION TO DISPOSE OF RADIOACTIVE WASTES, DECAYED/UNUSED SOURCES (BY SMALL INSTALLATIONS) To be submitted by the applicant to the Chairman, Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Niyamak Bhavan, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-400094

FORM-V S. No.________ To be filled byAERB




Part-A 1.



Institution :

Name, Designation and Official address of the applicant (with Telephone numbers with STD Code during and after office hours and Telex/FAX No.) Name and Address of the Head of institution Address of Agency to whom the Radioactive waste, decayed/ unused sources are to be sent for disposal (if applicable) Authorisation of AERB/BARC (with No. and date) to use radioactive source/ equipment Name of the Radiological Safety Officer of the installation No. of staff members in the installation experienced in radioactive waste disposal

2. 3.

: :





Part-B Radiography Sources:

Details of camera Make Model S.No. Radionuclide Number of source replacements per year Maximum activity of the decayed source to be sent for replacement Remarks

Part-C 1. Facilities and procedures for waste management operations: Solid (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Collection Transfer Interim Disposal Monitoring and Surveillance for radioactivity storage : : : : : Liquid Gas


Please enclose a layout indicating the location(s) of radioactive waste disposal site(s). Specify the nature of environment and occupancies up to a radius of 200 m from pit(s) and effluent discharge point(s). Any other relevant information:




Undertaking We hereby certify that: (a) all the statements made above are correct to the best of our belief; knowledge and

(b) (c)

the radioactive waste will not be disposed of except as specified in this application; radioactive waste will not be moved from the authorised site without prior approval of the competent authority; any change in personnel, equipment and working conditions from those given in this application will be made only with the approval of the competent authority; full facilities will be accorded to any authorised representative of the competent authority to inspect the installation where the radioactive waste is handled; radiation monitoring and surveillance will be regularly carried out to ensure adequate protection for workers and public; the radioactive waste will not be sold, rented or transferred to any other institution, without prior approval of the competent authority; and all stipulations that may be made from time to time by the Competent Authority, under Radiation Protection Rules, 1971 and Atomic Energy (Safe Disposal of Radioactive Wastes) Rules, 1987 will be duly implemented.






Place: Date:

Signature of the applicant Name: Designation:

Signature of the head of institution Name: Designation:

(Seal of the institution)


1. 2. 3. Atomic Energy Act, 1962 (33 of 1962). Radiation Protection Rules, G.S.R. 1601, 1971. Atomic Energy Regulatory Board; its powers and functions: Constitution Order by Government of India (Order No. 25/2/83-ER dated 15.11.83), S.O. - 4772, 1983. Industrial Radiography (Radiation Surveillance) Procedures, G.S.R. 735, 1980. Atomic Energy (Safe Disposal of Radioactive Wastes) Rules, G.S.R. 125, 1987. Radiation Surveillance Procedures for Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials, 1988. Code for Safety in Transport of Radioactive Material, AERB Code No. SC/TR-1. Safety Guide for Compliance Assurance Programme for Safe Transport of Radioactive Material, AERB Guide No. SG/TR-1, 1991. Safety Guide for Procedure for Forwarding, Transport, Handling and Storage of Radioactive Consignments, AERB Guide No. SG/TR/3, 1991.

4. 5. 6.




10. Standard for Testing and Classification of Sealed Radioactive Sources, AERB/SS/3, 2000. 11. Standard (Specifications) for Radiological Safety for the Design and Construction of Industrial Gamma Radiography Exposure Devices and Source Changers, AERB/SS/1, 1992. 12. International Standard Apparatus for gamma radiography Specification ISO - 3999, 1977.


TASK GROUP VI TASK GROUP FOR PREPARATION OF SAFETY CODE FOR INDUSTRIAL RADIOGRAPHY Members of the Task Group: Dr. I.S.S. Rao (Convenor) Dr. S.K. Mehta : Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Mumbai : Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai (Formerly) : Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai : MERADO, Pune : WIL, Walchandnagar, (Formerly) : Board of Radiation and Isotope Technology, Mumbai : Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, (Formerly) : Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Mumbai

Shri S.P. Agarwal Shri S.S. Ali Shri E. B. Ardhanari Shri V.G.R. Subramanian

Shri P. Subrahmanyam

Shri K.D. Pushpangadan (Member-Secretary)


Members participating in the meeting: Shri A. Nagaratnam (Chairman) : Defence Research and Development Organisation, Hyderabad, (Formerly) Shri E.B. Ardhanari Shri P.K. Ghosh Dr. P.S. Iyer Dr. S.K. Mehta Dr. B.K.S. Murthy Dr. A.R. Reddy Dr. I.S.S. Rao Shri P.S. Viswanathan Dr. B.C. Bhatt
(Co-opted Member, since 1-9-1997)

: Walchandnagar Industries Limited, Walchandnagar, (Formerly) : Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Mumbai : Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, (Formerly) : Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai (Formerly) : Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai (Formerly) : Defence Research and Development, Organisation, Delhi : Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Mumbai (Formerly) : Apollo Cancer Hospitals, Chennai, (Formerly) : Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai : Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai (Formerly) : Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, (Formerly) : Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai : Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Mumbai

Shri J.S. Bisht

(Co-opted Member)

Dr. M.S.S. Murthy

(Co-opted Member, till 31-8-1997)

Dr. A.N. Nandakumar

(Co-opted Member)

Shri K.D. Pushpangadan




Shri P.K. Ghosh (Chairman) Shri K.D. Pushpangadan

: Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Mumbai : Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Mumbai : Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Mumbai

Shri A.U. Sonawane (Member-Secretary)


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