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1. Man with urinary retention now coming for routine exam do focused
abdominal exam and dre on mannequin
2. Breast exam female 62 coming with lumps. 18 months ago, everything
was normal there were 2 lumps in left breast
3. Knee exam of old lady having pain on walking mainly on left I found crepitus
on passive movement
4. Man, with giddiness do relevant exam
5. Counselling regarding immunisation old recall
6. Ulcerative colitis counselling
7. Lady taking temazepam for 1 year now coming for refill and low mood
8. Lady coming with tearfulness husband died 4 months ago 6 mins history
give dds
9. Acute mechanical back pain sensory loss on lateral side dd case with history
10. Placental abruption with IUD no fatal heart rate hx pefe dds
11. Lady 52 years coming with discomfort in feet hx give ddx not sure about this
one everything was negative just alcohol history
12. 3 weeks facial pain electrical shock like hx pefe dds it was trigeminal
13. Delirium case daughter coming to discuss moms condition 400 km from
hospital 74 year old lady she had lobar pneumonia and on polypharmacy
address her concern give causes and management
14. 12-year-old with psychogenic cough hx dds
15. Biliary atresia
16. Urge incontinence

Tips to pass AMC MCQ/Clinical

1/ Form a study group & do lots of Recalls
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1. 53 Yr old man coming with dizziness, he has history of Diabetes.
Investigations Normal except RBS - 3.1 Task, History and immediate MM.
History of meal skipping and no checkups in the past for DM
2. Young male patient coming for STI screen, TASK - gain consent for genital
examination, scrotal examination (examiner asked how to retract the
3. 25 Yrs old female coming for routien ANC, TASK- examine.
4. 15 year old girl with Cystic fibrosis coming for followup, 2 charts of Weight
and FEV1 are given TASK- take history and explain charts to mum
5. A 4 year old boy coming to you with a history of leg pain that woke him up in
the middle of the night TASK- history, PEFE, diagnosis.(ankle swelling with a
bite mark)
6. A 40 year old farmer coming to you with fear of contamination for 2 months
(on asking history of financial loss, mood N, psych N, stress +ve) TASK -
history and Diagnosis
7. A 57 year old woman coming to your general practice with history of lump in
the uvula it feels itchy and dry to her with discomfort she has had 4 children
TASK-history, PEFE, investigations, diagnosis(prolapse)
8. 27 year old female coming to your general practice with history of evening
rise of temprature TASK- history(LOA, LOW, sweating),
PEFE(splenomegaly,LAP, scratch marks on tummy), differentials, diagnosis
9. A 50 year old female coming to emergency department with complaints of
nausea vomiting, lethargy and weakness. She is a known pt if CKD, HTN and
Gout. she is taking Voltaren, furosemide and NSAIDS for her conditions.
TASK-history for 4 mins, PEFE, and diagnosis
10. A male patient coming to your practice with back pain and restriction on
walking, he lifted some heavy objects at work and has had this issue since.
The pain radiates to right lower leg, TASK= PE (SLR +VE, TENDERNESS on
palpation of back, loss of sensation in the distribution of S1, loss of ankle jerk)
11. A 40 year old female has presented to the ED of your hospital where you are
the HMO. with complaint of abdominal pain a USG was done which shows
gallstones in the gallbladder but the appendix could not be visualised. TASK=
explain USG report to the pt and manage the pt accordingly.
12. 50 year old male has presented with history of cough TASK- PE, DDS,
13. A 24 year old mother of a 6 week old baby comes to you with history of low
mood and lethargy, her husband is a truck driver and stays interstate most of
Tips to pass AMC MCQ/Clinical
1/ Form a study group & do lots of Recalls
2/ Search up for answers – recommended source (John Murtagh & UpToDate)

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the time due to work demands, investigation given N TASK- psychosocial
history and diagnosis/ differentials
14. 22 year old female with painful mensturation TASK= history,
investigations, management, diagnosis and differential
15. Father of a 15 year old girl comes to you with the child as she has noticed a
lump in her neck TASK- history from father, PEFE (Central lump, moves
with swollowing, no movements on tongue protrusion, no bruits over the
lump, secondary sex characters are N developed

Tips to pass AMC MCQ/Clinical

1/ Form a study group & do lots of Recalls
2/ Search up for answers – recommended source (John Murtagh & UpToDate)

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1. A pregnant lady at 11 weeks gestation presenting with nausea and bleeding

2. A 57 year old female comes to you with history of bleeding P/V for 5 days
occurring 2 weeks ago. She has been menopausal for 7 years before that. She
is sexually active and USG shows endometrial thickness of 11 mm. TASK=
history, differential and MM
3. Counselling breastfeeding Vs bottlefeeding
4. Father of a 2 year old boy has brought in his son with history of tea falling on top
of the child accidentally. He is very sorry and feels guilty that he was distracted.
He immediately put the child under water and brought him to the practice for
treatment. The boy is currently taken care of by the nurse. A paper is given for the
extent of burns (calculate %ge of burns ), partial thickness burns TASK- take
history, PEFE, and provide reassurance and explanation to father.
5. A talkative pt sitting in a chair TASK= take psychiatric history and dds
with diagnosis.
6. A pt sitting in stooped posture mumbling something TASK - take
psychiatric history, dds with diagnosis
7. Patient coming in with history of recurrent falls, (orthostatic
hypotension) TASK- take history, PEFE, DDs and diagnosis
8. A 22 year old student comes to you with history of pain in Knee, TASK-
history, dds, PEFE card’
9. Male pt complaining of urinary frequency, some tests were done with reports
as ketones +ve, proteins +ve, blood +ve, TASK- explain test results, dds and
10. A pt presenting with blood in sputum last night for the first time, history of
wt loss if 5 kg over the past 4 months. TASK- history, differential and
11. A female pt following C section with fever and foul smelling discharge from
vagina, charts attached to the task for reference. TASK- history,
management, PE, when should this pt be discharged

Tips to pass AMC MCQ/Clinical

1/ Form a study group & do lots of Recalls
2/ Search up for answers – recommended source (John Murtagh & UpToDate)

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12. A patient complaining of pain in abdomen following appendicectomy, which
was done 6 hrs ago. TASK - PE, MM, DDs, diagnosis
13. CVS examination TASK- perform a CVS examination and tell the finding to
the patient.
14. A patient coming with complaint of difficulty in swallowing, a mannequin is
there TASK- perform PE on the mannequin, do an ear exam, mention
differentials, give diagnosis. (throat pic was given, TM could be visualised on
the mannequin as red)
15. A patient presents to you with complain of bulging of eyes, TASK- Ophthalmic
examination, (complains of diplopia on eye movements H, snellen chart for
visual acuity, fundoscopy mainly familiarity to the instrument, give
differentials, diagnosis.)
16. A patient comes in with complaint of back pain TASK- history,
PEFE, differentials. (sciatica)


1. 15 yr binge drinking got admitted yesterday night. TASK- A. hx

regarding medical n psychosocial ,Present the summary to examiner
2. PE- cubital tunnel syndrome
3. PE- acute abdomen- loin pain positive
4. Post op patient- SOB- fluid overload in a cardiac patient- CHF
7. 9yrs female with body odour- take HX from mother, PEFE and explain DX
8. GREEK DELIRIUM patient- speak to next of kin about DX and reasons
9. Mse video_ depression with psychosis. Nurse guilty as her patient died
of meningitis
10. Liver ct with heterogeneous lesions. Explain causes with reasons
11. CSF findings showing gram negative stain with 90 percent lymphocytes.
Patient presented with seizures. Now vitals stable. Talk to patients father
about the son's condition.
12. Gynecomastia PE
13. Infertility counseling
14. Allergic rhitis /hay fever, Family history of atopy present oe-runny nose pale
mucosa turbinates hypertrophied.No sinusitis TASK - management,
immediate and long term

Tips to pass AMC MCQ/Clinical

1/ Form a study group & do lots of Recalls
2/ Search up for answers – recommended source (John Murtagh & UpToDate)

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IF you like to have more recalls for AMC (MCQ/Clinical Recalls) **
15. 60ish male patient ex smoker stopped two years ago Now hvng
cough ?sputum sob, Spirometry chart given outside pre post bronchodilators,
TASK- interpret the charts to examiner, explain the charts to the patient, give
dds and diagnosis, counsel the patient regarding MM of his condition.
16. 40yr old man came with pedal edema TSK- Take history, Pefe, Diagnosis and
differential explain to patient, History had exertional sob and puffiness of face in
the mornings, O/E on card Bp 150/90 Urine protein positive all others negative

28. February, 2019

1. A patient presents to you in the emergency department where you are the
HMO with complaint of sudden weakness and numbness of right lower limb,
the issue is now resolved but he thought he was having a stroke so he came to
the emergency anyway. TASK- perform a lower limb motor examination on
this patient with any relevant systemic examination as you deem required,
give diagnosis and differentials.
2. A patient comes into your emergency department with MVA, there is obvious
facial trauma with fixation of gaze in lateral lower gaze, there is also a
hematoma around the eye with subconjunctival hemorrhages, tender scalp
and forehead, ophthalmoplegia. TASK - manage the patient and give dds and
3. An old patient 60s comes to your general practice with history of pain the
knee. TASK- perform PE, give dds.
4. A 32 weeks pregnant lady in her 20s comes to your clinic for routine
pregnancy check-up, she has recently moved to this area and just registered
at your clinic. TASK - PEFE(26 week size uterus), relevant history, from the
patient. Give differentials and diagnosis to the patient.
5. An old man has been admitted to the hospital befor a surgery, he is on
multiple medications and has AF which has been well controlled on
medication. TASK - preoperative medication review an management.
(warfarin and other anticoagulants)
6. A lady in her 60s comes to the practice, she had a recent travel to bali and on
return had to take antibiotics for some ailment, she was put on ampicillin 4
days back now coming with history of loose stools which are not foul smelling,
TASK - take history for 6 mins and give dds and diagnosis.
7. A 22 year old woman comes to your clinic for contraceptive advise, her
friends recommended the oral contraceptive pills and would like to discuss

Tips to pass AMC MCQ/Clinical

1/ Form a study group & do lots of Recalls
2/ Search up for answers – recommended source (John Murtagh & UpToDate)

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more about it. TASK - take history for 6 mins and then counsel the patient
accordingly. (history of antiepileptic use for 10 years)
8. Your patient has had a colonoscopy which confirms a sigmoid CA, the patient
needs to be operated upon in 3 weeks time and is on multiple medications which
include ramipril, atorvastatin and warfarin TASK- inform the patient of his
diagnosis, PEFE will be given on a card, preoperative medication management.
9. Your next patient in the ED is a 9 month old child who has been diagnosed
with cystic fibrosis few days back, he has presented today with history of
vomiting, you got the X ray done which will be given to you. TASK- take
history for not > 2 mins, explain the X ray to the father and give diagnosis
with differentials.
10. MSE video case-
11. A patient presents to you in the ED with history of pain in the abdomen which
is very bad, hist of nausea. TASK- take a brief relevant history, PEFE, dds.
(ectopic pregnancy)
12. Your next patient in general practice is a young lady who has been sent to you
by her dentist as she has had multiple caries in the past few months. TASK-
take history, diagnosis and dds. (history of self induced vomiting,)
13. A 12 year old asthmatic boy comes to your practice well controlled on inhalers
for assessment. TASK - plot the growth charts,take brief relevant history,
explain to the parent the chart and outline a management plan as
required.(overweight, loves junk food, minimal play, watches tv all day)
14. A 9 year old boy is brought to your practice by his father as he has been
complaining of headache, the father is worried that it might be a tumor as
he has read about it on the internet. TASK- take history (bullying at school),
PEFE on card, give diagnosis and differentials(tension headache) .
15. Liver CT with anaemia , pt gives history of oesophagitis, reflux, gall bladder
was removed following cholecystitis, explain reports to the patient , give him
reasons for the underlying cause and investigations
16. A 52 year old man comes in to your general practice for results of his DEXA
scan that was done a few days ago, TASK- EXPLAIN THE RESULTS, give reasons
to what could cause it, make a prevention plan for him, (history of
osteoporosis in mum in her 60s)

Tips to pass AMC MCQ/Clinical

1/ Form a study group & do lots of Recalls
2/ Search up for answers – recommended source (John Murtagh & UpToDate)

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IF you like to have more recalls for AMC (MCQ/Clinical Recalls) **

6th March 2019, Morning
1. Pulled elbow history and management. Stem: a two-year old could not move
his arm for 2 hours after a pulling on his elbow. No fall, no other injury,
history insignificant. Px local tenderness in lateral elbow, no other findings.
Explain the diagnosis to parent and examiner asked you to show how you would
do next
2. Post operative shortness of breath. Charts given. Possibly pneumonia.
3. Chest pain. Father had heart attack. Ecg normal. Diagnosis and
differential diagnosis with cause.
4. Pain tingling and numbness of left shoulder and arm in a patient with
mastectomy done few years ago due to left breast cancer. Possibly
cervical radiculopathy.
5. 36 weeks pregnant lady comes 30 mins after MVA. Focused history, pe
and investigations.
6. Father of a 4year old girl with asthma, eczema and egg allergy comes to
discuss influenza vaccine. Take history and explain about the vaccine.
7. PVD examination.
8. Post coital bleeding in a 32 yr old. Do an examination on a dummy.
9. MSE of mania. A physiotherapy student comes with plans to save the world
with guidance from the God.
10. An aged man comes with cough and runny nose. Do a respiratory examination.
11. Post natal blues. Crying baby for 4 hrs no feeding or pooping. Intussusception.
12. Diarrhoea of a 27 yr old for past 2 yrs on and off. No alternate
constipation. Blood with watery stool.
13. 47 yr old with 5 episodes of bleeding in past 3 months.
14. HRT counselling.
15. Warfarin counselling.
16. Pre operative medical management of an AF diabetic pt on warfarin
metformin and atenolol

Tips to pass AMC MCQ/Clinical

1/ Form a study group & do lots of Recalls
2/ Search up for answers – recommended source (John Murtagh & UpToDate)

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IF you like to have more recalls for AMC (MCQ/Clinical Recalls) **

07.March.2019 retest

1. You are intern at GP, a University student come for medical certificate
because of headache. Task- History - PEFE from examiner -D &DD with
Reasons to pt - immediate Mx plan
2. 50 yr male come to ur GP for Rt sided breast enlargement. He drink alcohol
occasionally. Task- Ask PEFE from Ex - explain D&DD to ur pt - Invx to ur pt
3. 58 yr lady come to ur GP for loss of energy & loss of appetite. U never met her
before. She was previously admitted to rural hospital for temporal arthritis.
Vital sign- normal Task- History not more than 6 min - D&DD with reasons to
ur pt
4. HMO in ED, Father bring 10 months baby girl because of frequent & ch
cough. X-ray was done and given outside Task- History - PEFE card will be
given - explain X-ray to father - explain possible cause , DD (pertusis)
5. GP, 25 yr lady come for blood test results that ur colleague done in previous
AN visit. U never met her before. Task- explain investigation results to pt -
take relevant History about abnormal blood test result - explain initial &
future Mx plan
6. GP, young lady , come with rash as see in photos (Photos of both forearm and
back look like urticaria rash with redness, raise border) Itchy a lot and rash
appears last 12 hr ago after initial lesion disappear( I do know what it is) .
History of URTI a week ago but not taking antibiotics,no recent eating of
strange food, no allergy before, no eczema, no asthma, no change of soap&
fragrance, no new brand of underpad. Task- explain most likely Dx and DD
with reasons - explain mechanism how did it happened and what causing it -
Immediate Mx plan ( No history )
7. you are intern at GP& it is Tuesday. (Actually my exam was on Thursday) a
young man bib parents because of strange behavior which become worse
progressively.History of MVA and got head injury last 5 yrs back. At that
time , he got LOC for 5 days. Task - Present MSE after 4 min video ( no Dx
and Mx )
8. GP, 50 yr man , right handed, fall and got injury to rt shoulder. Perform
Shoulder examination D& DD Point tenderness at supraspinatous area
Painful arc + Empty can test(-) Apley scratch (-) Limitation of Adduction
m/m Other movement normal No cotton wool& hammer available in the
room. When I asked Examiner, He said; That's all u can get in the room

Tips to pass AMC MCQ/Clinical

1/ Form a study group & do lots of Recalls
2/ Search up for answers – recommended source (John Murtagh & UpToDate)

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1. 22 years old university student come to your general practice seeking advise
on starting the pill. She has brought with her the pill she wants to get started
on as her friends are also taking the same. Tasks: Take relevant history and,
physical exams from the examiner and counsel her. *( she brought with her,
microgynon 30ED).
2. 67 years old lady seen by your colleague who had seen her with 2 months
history of pain on walking which is relieved with rest. Her medical history is
significant for a DVT on the same right leg which she is currently having these
pains. She has hypertension which is taking betaloc {metoprolol) 100mg BD,
and aspirin. She is a smoker since last 20 years. Your colleague has done some
tests and she has come today to know the results. Tasks: Explain the test result
to her; your proposed managed and long-term management of this situation.
3. 27 years old man comes to you with feeling of a lump on his testis for 2 months. He
does not have any pain. Tasks: Obtain consent from this man and conduct relevant
genital examination, explain to the examiner what you are doing.
4. 27 years old lady comes to your emergency department where you are working as
HMO. She complains of anxiety and palpitation for the last 2 months. Tasks: Take
relevant history, tell her the diagnosis and ddx. No investigation or management
required ##Hyperthyroidism##
5. 67 years old lady comes to your GP with ongoing pain in her hands. Tasks:
Perform relevant examination of her hand and assess functional ability
##Osteoarthritis## Page 30 of 87
6. 47-year old gardener comes to your GP practice with 3 months history of chronic
back pain, this has become severe since he lifted a heavy object two days ago. He
now finds it difficult to walk. Tasks: Perform examination of his back and any
relevant system.
7. A 42 years old lady had attended your practice yesterday complaining of
tiredness. Your colleague had ordered some tests. She has come now for the
results. Tasks: Take relevant history, explain the result to her. (Labs of
microcytic hypochromic anaemia). ##Iron Deficiency Anaemia##
8. A 22 years old lady has come to you seeking referral to a plastic surgeon to fix her
nose. Tasks: Take relevant history, tell her your diagnosis and management.
##Body Dysmorphic Disorder##
9. A pregnant woman whose GP is away from town, comes to you in a rural
hospital 50km from major hospitals. She tells you of 2 hours history of
Tips to pass AMC MCQ/Clinical
1/ Form a study group & do lots of Recalls
2/ Search up for answers – recommended source (John Murtagh & UpToDate)

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abdominal pain. Tasks: Take relevant history, request PE findings from the
examiner and explain your diagnosis. ##Preterm labour##
10. A father of a 6-month old has come to your hospital emergency department with
rash on his baby. Tasks: Take relevant history and request PE findings from the
examiner, tell the diagnosis, ddx and your management. ##Measles##
11. Young 9 years old boy a spastic quadriplegic, with carer concerned of recent unwell
with pain when moved. Tasks: Relevant history, PEFE, tell the carer what you think
is the diagnosis: you are not required to manage the case. ##Spiral Fracture -
(When a child with CP presents with pain or irritability, consider the
following possibilities:
– intercurrent infection (particularly urinary tract infection)
– dental disease
– pathological fracture
– gastro-oesophageal reflux and/or gastritis/oesophagitis
– constipation
– renal stones (increased risk if on topiramate)
– subluxating and dislocated hips
– sleep deprivation, which in turn may be caused by pain or spasm
– increased intracranial pressure (many children have ventriculoperitoneal shunts)
– nonaccidental injury (under-reported in this group)
– changes in home environment, school or family that may be impacting on wellbeing. )
12. 22 years of school teacher came to see you in the emergency department with
headache where you work as an intern. She has had series of presentation
with similar complaints and imaging have found nothing. Tasks: Explain to
her what you think is the diagnosis and your suggestions for long term
management ##Migraine##
13. 52 years old lady came to your emergency department where you work as
HMO, with 2 hours onset of chest and left shoulder pain. Tasks: Take relevant
history, PEFE; you are not required to manage the case ##Pericarditis##
14. 22 years old lady comes to your practice with abdominal pain. Task: take
relevant history, PEFE, tell her your diagnosis. You are not required to
manage the case ##PID##
15. The next station is a telephone consulting with the head nurse at the local
nursing home where your supervisor at your GP practice consults. At this time
your supervisor is unable to attend, so the nurse has faxed you the lab results of
Mr Smith, who is an elderly resident at the facility. Tasks: Review the lab result,
call the nurse using the phone set provided in the room; obtain any relevant
additional history information from her and tell her what you think is going on.
You are not required to manage the case. ##Thiazides-induced hyponatremia##
16. Parkinson's examination
Tips to pass AMC MCQ/Clinical
1/ Form a study group & do lots of Recalls
2/ Search up for answers – recommended source (John Murtagh & UpToDate)

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IF you like to have more recalls for AMC (MCQ/Clinical Recalls) **

1. 17 years old female patient with urinary frequency and burning

sensation during passing urine. Task: H/O,PEFE, D/D
2. Newborn baby vomiting, drowsy. Task: take history from midwife, PEFE,
ask examiner for investigation, Dx / Ddx with reasons
3. Foot pain sudden, for 2 days, picture given inside, not outside (Gout), Task:
H/O, PEFE, Tell investigation to examiner, D/D to patient with reasons
4. 7 years old child, tired, teacher told he seems distracted all the time Task:
H/O, PEFE, D/D with reasons
5. Lady with left breast tenderness, swollen, gave birth to a baby few weeks back,
breastfeeding. Task: H/O, PEFE given on card, tell diagnosis and management

6. Urticaria case picture given Task: H/O, D/D Passed this case with Global
score 5 ( I thought I would fail this one)
7. Mother worried about daughter, she caught her watching porn, mother is
very shocked. Take history, address her concern, make management plan
for key issues ( task was exactly like this)
8. Patient’s complaint was difficulty in swallow. Thyroid examination and
relevant examination, tell D/D (In examination thyroid normal) Again I
thought I have failed this case as there’s torch to use .Others were
hammer,may be stethoscope ( actually I don’t remember)
9. 12 month old baby with convulsion, now stable Task: H/O, PEFE, tell
diagnosis and management to mom.
10. A lady with short of breath, cough, haemoptysis. Vitals given, o2 sat 91%,
you started oxygen already Urine and sputum sample given. Task: Perform
urine dipstick test, write down findings, tell possible causes to patient
11. MSE video of mania, then present findings to examiner with reasons, no need
to tell diagnosis
12. Patient came with irregular bowel movement and per rectal bleeding.
Do focused abdomen examination and per rectal examination, tell D/D.
13. GDM case. 27 weeks pregnant lady, OGTT result- 2 hours after result was high.
Task- interprete result, talk about Mx plan ,6 week postpartum period Mx
14. Respiratory examination, then tell findings to patient with D/D
15. Diabetic female, taking insulin, went for shopping, felt unwell, about to fall,
now stable, ECG given, I think there is ST elevation Task: H/O, interpret ECG
to examiner, tell D/D to patient No chest pain in history, could be silent MI.

Tips to pass AMC MCQ/Clinical

1/ Form a study group & do lots of Recalls
2/ Search up for answers – recommended source (John Murtagh & UpToDate)

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16. Truck driver, her employer told her to see doctor, because she was not
feeling well. Task: H/O, D/D ( PTSD case, In stem, no clue of accident, after
asking specifically she told about accident, a man was killed in that accident,
then typical PTSD history

1. 27 wks pregnant lady came for check-up, OGTT done, after 2 hrs high, fasting
normal (as far as I remember). No diabetes before. Task: explain result, tell
management plan for rest of the pregnancy and postpartum period
2. Respiratory examination, then tell findings to patient with D/D
3. Thyroid examination and relevant examination, tell D/D (In
examination thyroid normal
4. Patient came with irregular bowel movement and per rectal bleeding. Do
focused abdomen examination and per rectal examination, tell D/D. On
examination, all normal I think Could be haemorrhoid, not sure
5. Foot pain sudden, for 2 days, picture given (Gout), Task: H/O, PEFE, Tell
investigation to examiner, D/D to patient
6. Mother worried about daughter, she caught her watching porn, mother is very
shocked Take history, address her concern, make management plan In history,
otherwise daughter is well, good relationship with mother, good school
performance. Took brief history for mother as well but couldn’t find any
significant anxiety/stress
7. MSE video of mania, then present findings to examiner, no need to tell diagnosis
8. Diabetic female, taking insulin, went for shopping, felt unwell, about to fall, now
stable, ECG given, I think there is ST elevation Task: H/O, interpret ECG to examiner,
tell D/D to patient No chest pain in history, could be silent MI.
9. Truck driver, her employer told her to see doctor, because she was not feeling
well. Task: H/O, D/D ( PTSD case, In stem, no clue of accident, after asking
specifically she told about accident, a man was killed in that accident, then
typical PTSD history)
10. 7 years old child, tired, teacher told he seems distracted all the time Task: H/O,
PEFE, D/D In history, 2/3 times antibiotic course in a year, poor school
performance. In PEFE, Weight below 10th percentile, Don’t remember other
findings. Most probably sleep apnoea

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11. A lady with short of breath, cough, haemoptysis. Vitals given, o2 sat 91%, you
started oxygen already Urine and sputum sample given. Task: Perform urine
dipstick test, write down findings, tell possible causes to patient
12. Newborn baby vomiting, drowsy. Task: take history from midwife, PEFE, ask
examiner for investigation, then X ray was provided, D/D In history, projectile
vomiting, normal food colour, not green. In PEFE mild dehydration, mild
distension of abdomen The x ray was similar to this one.
13. Urticaria case picture given Task: H/O, D/D In history started from back, then
spread to whole body, itchy, otherwise well
14. 12 month old baby with convulsion, now stable Task: H/O, PEFE, tell diagnosis
and management to mom. In history and PEFE child had fever, otherwise normal
15. lady with left breast tenderness, swollen, gave birth to a baby few weeks back,
breastfeeding. Task: H/O, PEFE given on card, tell diagnosis and management
16. 17 years old female patient with urinary frequency and burning sensation
during passing urine. Task: H/O, D/D In history she had discomfort in lower
abdomen, started sexual life few weeks/months back, unprotected sex with
single partner, otherwise well

*** In all D/D, it was asked to tell with reasons.

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1. 20s female came because she wants to get pregnant and wants to avoid any
problems like in the birth of her previous delivery. Task- Hx, tell her
causes of why it happened in previous delivery, tell her about future
pregnancy and management.
2. 4 month old baby vomiting. Task- Hx, PEFE on card, Dx, Mx
3. Young pt. Recently diagnosed with epilepsy 4 months back. Had 1 seizure 4
years ago but no work up was done and was fine after that. Had a grand mal
seizure 4 months ago and started on carbamazepine 100mg bid. Her license
was cancelled. Now came as she wants to regain her license back. Task- Hx,
address her request to get her license back
4. Lady got punched in the face with bruise on cheek, neck cleared already.
Task-P.E, Ddx
5. Pt taking temazepam for 1 year Task- Hx (psychosocial), Tell reason
for insomnia, maybe mx too (i’m not sure)
6. Middle aged guy, nose bleed. Already soaked through many
handkerchiefs, nurse has done some nasal packing. BP- 140/90 Task-
Immediate mx of nosebleed, Hx, Causes, Mx
7. CVS risk assesment, brother had angioplasty.Task- Hx, PEFE, CVS risk, Inv
8. Rural hospital setting. Tertiary hospital 400km away. No CICU available here.
Long full page length stem given. Was unable to read full question in 2 mins.
50s male chopping wood and having pain on arm and chest, brought to
hospital. ECG given. Need to talk to wife abt further management. No transfer
possible. Vitals were given in stem. Task- Explain ECG to examiner, explain
further management to wife (you can ask the wife questions if you need to
know anything for mx) ECG shows anterio-septal STEMI
9. 6 year old child with sore mouth. Pic given. Task- Hx, PEFE, Dx, Mx
10. Lady with excessive bleeding during menstruation since last few months,
family history of thyroid and HTN. Task- Do relevant examination on patient,
ask examiner if u want to know anything else on PE, Tell patient Dx, Ddx
11. Young guy with rash on lower limbs. Pic given. Task – Hx, PEFE on card, Dx,

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12. Old aged male came because his friends think he has parkinsonism. Task-
Do relevant PE, DDX
13. 37 Lady with breast pain. Task- Relevant Hx, Breast examination on
dummy, DDX- No mx
14. New patient came for routine antenatal checkup, all ok so far. Task- Hx,
PEFE, Ddx or reasons- no mx
15. Lady with RUQ pain for 6 months, hx of cholecystectomy few years ago.
PILOT Task- HX, PEFE on card, Ddx
16. Video MSE Recently diagnosed pt. of shizophreniform

1. Passing blood with urine. 60+ male pt TASK- . Hx. PEFE. Explain DDs. (Had drop of
Blood at end of stream only. With LUTS and nocturia. On atenolol and aspirin)
2. flushing and feeling unwell for 3 days. 40+ lady TASK- Hx .PEFE Explain
likely Diagnosis and DDs (Found chills rigors.urinary symptoms. Loin
tenderness. Prpbably Pyelonephritis)
3. Male pt. With bilateral leg swelling and some urinary symptom. BP high.
TASK-Perform urine dipstick. Interpret DDs according to findings. 2 of us
found proteinuria only.
4. 42 y female.Home pregnancy test positive. TASK- Hx PEFE Counsel
accordingly BMI given 31.
5. 22 y old uni student went abroad on sports tour. come after STI screening
(stem was quite long, I am trying to recall some) he recently visited overseas
where he had casual sex partners but practise safe sex with the help of
condoms( to some people unsafe sex history was given). He didn’t take any
blood transfusion, no hx of tattoo and piercing. His general heath is good.
Investigation report-gonorrhoea, HBV, HCV,HIV negative but chlamydia
positive. Task: 1.explain inv 2. Counsel accordingly ( no hx taking)
6. Young male with sudden breathlessness. TASK- Perform chest examination.
Explain x ray to patient. Give diagnosis and DDs. 3 of us got normal PE (we
had to do on pt not pefe). But X ray had pneumothorax.
7. Elderly male patient.worried about parkinsonism. TASK- Do Examination.
Explain findings. 2 of us thought pt was almost normal. 1 of us got a
different role player !!! And that one had glabellar tap and micrographia

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Elderly male with SOB. Previous MI. Poor compliance and follow up. TASK- Hx
PEFE . Explain diagnosis and dds. Heart failure with possible mr?

9. 67 y female. Spotting. On oestrogen for osteoporosis.TASK- Do pelvic

examination on dummy. Explain findings. Pap equipments and all
available. Most of it was normal.
10. 2 year old boy high fever five days.TASK- Hx Pefe Explain dds. Most
probably kawasaki.
11. Teenager having severe acne. Started on retinoids. Worried. TASK-
Assess impact on life. Counsel. Explain side effects of retinoids.
12. Uni student recently loud and aggressive.TASK- Hx.DDs BAD typical.
13. Female. Heavy lifting of weight. Neck pain and upper limb numbness. TASK-
Pefe. Order investigations. Management, Had radial nerve region numbness
and some weakness.
14. 11 months boy. Rash given outside: around mouth.TASK- Hx. Explain
DDs. Probably egg allergy.
15. Mother worried about daughter caught watching porn. TASK- Hx.Dds and
Mx. For most of us mom was slightly anxious only.
16. Glass cut injury to wrist. TASK= Do PE. Explain DDs. Ulnar nerve
injury. ?possible tendon injury.

28 March, 2019

1. 6 yr old girl bib mother has c/ o headache for 6 months Task Take history
from mother PE card from examiner Exaplain the most probable cause of
headache and differential diagnosis to mother with reason
2. 67 yr old male with hematuria for 4 wk Came to clinic Task Take history
Findings from examiner Explain the provisional and differential
3. 27 yr old female came to your clinic for Re prescription of OCp nurse checked
her bp it was high rechecked after some time still high nurse gave her bp
apparatus and asked to monitor at home she came back and monitoring at
home had all high readings 2 years ago when ocp started her examination was
normal Task Take relevant history Tell her most probable cause of her high
bp Tell her your immediate management plan
4. 5 yr old child bib father with pain and limping on right leg seen in er some
blood test were done along with X-ray Task Take history Examination

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findings from examiner Ask for blood test and X-ray Explain X-ray to father
Explain most possible cause
5. 67 y female. Spotting. On oestrogen for osteoporosis.TASK- Do pelvic
examination on dummy. Explain findings. Pap equipments and all available.
Most of it was normal.
6. 2 year old boy high fever five days.TASK- Hx Pefe Explain dds. Most probably
7. Teenager having severe acne. Started on retinoids. Worried. TASK- Assess
impact on life. Counsel. Explain side effects of retinoids.
8. Uni student recently loud and aggressive.TASK- Hx.DDs BAD typical.
9. Female. Heavy lifting of weight. Neck pain and upper limb numbness. TASK-
Pefe. Order investigations. Management, Had radial nerve region numbness
and some weakness.
10. 11 months boy. Rash given outside: around mouth.TASK- Hx. Explain DDs.
Probably egg allergy.
11. Mother worried about daughter caught watching porn. TASK- Hx.Dds and Mx.
For most of us mom was slightly anxious only.
12. Glass cut injury to wrist. TASK= Do PE. Explain DDs. Ulnar nerve
injury. ?possible tendon injury.

28 March, 2019
1. 6 yr old girl bib mother has c/ o headache for 6 months Task Take history from
mother PE card from examiner Exaplain the most probable cause of headache and
differential diagnosis to mother with reason
2. 67 yr old male with hematuria for 4 wk Came to clinic Task Take history Findings
from examiner Explain the provisional and differential diagnosis
3. 27 yr old female came to your clinic for Re prescription of OCp nurse checked her bp
it was high rechecked after some time still high nurse gave her bp apparatus and
asked to monitor at home she came back and monitoring at home had all high
readings 2 years ago when ocp started her examination was normal Task Take
relevant history Tell her most probable cause of her high bp Tell her your
immediate management plan
4. 5 yr old child bib father with pain and limping on right leg seen in er some blood
test were done along with X-ray Task Take history Examination findings from
examiner Ask for blood test and X-ray Explain X-ray to father Explain most possible
5. 20 yr old girl came with c/o abdominal pain for 1 wk pain arround 6 in intensity
was intermittent earlier now became continuous associated with nausea no
vomiting Pt has regular mensural cycle of 28 days last period was 7 wks ago

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pregnancy test at home was weakly positive vital normal Task Perform abdominal
examination do running comentry to examiner what u r doing Explain patient most
probable cause and differential diagnosis with reasons
6. U r working in a regional hospital where a Young lady with at 34 or 35 wks of
gestation came with watery vaginal discharge came and delivered in emergency by
midwife Delivered a baby Apgar score was ok wt 2.5 kg Shifted to nursery On head
box 40 % oxygen with some grunting O2 sat 95 % Other vitals also given Task Take
history from mother Explain her abt the condition And tell her abt your further
management plan
7. Young lady at 32 wks of pregnancy cake to your clinic with her hand held
pregnancy notes Her regular gp is not available Her hand held notes state that her
labs were ok sugar test normal blood group positive 18 wks usg normal She came
for her regular antenatal check up And u r seeing this patient for the first time Task
Take relevant history Ask findings from examiner except fundal height that u have
to take yourself Explain patient the possible causes of her condition
8. 57 yr old lady came with lump and rash Task Take history both for lump and
rash examination findings on card from examiner Explain patient abt her
9. 40 yr old male is in your clinic.her wife saw a program on tv regarding the adverse
effects of alcohol and asked the husband to consult doctor because of this Task
Take history Explain the patient about the adverse affects of alcohol This is
handbook case
10. 40 yr old male came to u with complaint of chest pain Task Take history
Examination findings from examiner (u will only be provided with the findings u
will ask for ) Tell patient abt most probable cause and differential diagnosis with
11. Mse video
12. 67 yr old lady came to your clinic with pain in her both hand and this pain is
interfering with her daily activity Task Do hand examination with running
commentary to examiner Explain to patient the most probably cause of her
condition and other possibilities (Inside old lady sitting on chair on table there
was keys ,a coin, a small jar and a paper clip
13. 36 yr old lady came to your gp clinic known case of bipolar disorder for 10 yr, on
lithium planning for trip to mountains in India Taking lithium(dose given) All her
vaccination is up todate Her last attack of mania was 5 yr ago Task Take history.
Talk to her abt travel advise regarding lithium
14. Young male came to you with complaint of bleeding per rectum for last
(duration given) no past medical or surgical history vitals normal Task Do
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abdominal examination on patient and do running commentary to examiner
telling him what are u doing For DRE on plastic model provided in the room
and explain examiner what are u doing Explain the patient abt the relevant
investigation that u want to do with reasons
15. 50+lady saw his gp with c/o pain in her tummy on examination gp found a hard
mass in epigastrium and requested ct scan After reviewing the report of ct he
asked the patient to see specialist with a copy of ct scan. u r intern in hospital and
seeing the pt Task Take relevant history Explain the ct to patient Explain her what
can be the possible cause and most probable causes
16. 56 yr old lady came to er with (forgot presenting complaint ) no past significant
history ECG done in er shows atrial fibrillation Thai is the first time pt is having this
condition Task Tell patient what is Atrial fibrillation and what has caused it What
further investigation u are going to do and why And explain her about the most
probable medical management of atrial fibrillation (referral to specialist for
further management will not be acceptable at this station)

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3 April, 2019
1. HIV w opportunistic chest infection : H and explain(new case)
2. Jaundice 7 days old , sick child DDs and history-biliary atresia
3. PE knee pain Meniscus test positive
4. PV Physical exam- positive funding polyps
5. Dry cough fever 7 y old child = viral cough
6. Asthma management plan explain to mum, child 8 yold
8. Video Depression talk w examiner MSE
9. Eating disorder (bulimia)
10. Chronic Liver PE ( alcohol history and LFT high)
11. PVD and leg infection picture given history and DDS
12. dysphagia and Weight lost = oesophageal CA( 2016)
13. XR emphysema , explain to patient give DDS
14. Post cholecystectomy -pre -discharge assessment PE case it is (new case)
15. Request for labour induction ( 2016)
16. Back Pain

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4 April, 2019
1. Substance abuse,suicidal then MSE
2. ISBAR rectal bleeding
3. schizophrenia non compliance MSE
4. Polycystic Amenorrhea
5. PVD history , diagnosis
6. Neonatal esophageal/duodenal atresia with Xray
7. Menarche heavy bleeding more than 10 days
8. HTN on prindopril, tired,over weight, doesn't sleep well
9. post cholecystectomy wants discharge early
10. Hand examination-Rheumatoid
11. Ear examination
12. Hematological examination, inguinal LN, night sweats, tattooing
13. Rubella exposure in pregnancy investigation s, management
14. Failure to thrive Celiac disease
15. Amlodipine, Congestive heart failure in COPD
16. Child with microcytic anaemia, growth chart,all examination normal
except systolic murmur, diarrhoea FTT
5 April,2019
1. Station1: 22 yrs old preg lady presented with nausea and vomitting. List
of investigations given. Including rubellia igG pos means immune
already. Antenatal test all normal including infectious screening..
Task: hx in 6 mins and tell dd with reasons
2. Station2: hb case of injuy to the brain sec to chronic alcohol abuse
Pateint is in the abstinence phase of alcohol quitting since 3 weeks. She is
here for her cognition state function checkup.
Task: do mmse . Explain what it is and perform tell mormal and abnormal
findings to the patient and the reason for the abnormal fondings
3. Station3: 3 years ild child presented in ed with cough fever not eating
and drinking well.
X ray chest was given :
Tx: take hx for 3 mins, ask pefe, explain x ray to the mother and tell
diagnosis. Pneumonia. Superimposed Bacterial on viral infections. X ray
chest has hazziness on the right lobe of the lung. All lung was hazzy. Mother
asked me to point it which lobe of the lung
4. Station 4: smoking counselling.

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Whats to quit smoking because father was diagnosed with lung cancer due
to smoking

Task: Take hx for 3 mins . Tell effects of smoking. And the strategies to quite
5. Station 5: eating disorder
Old same case young girl referred from dentist because she is inducing
Task: hx for 6 mins . Explain diagnosis and managment
6. Station6: young age women complaints of feeling of lump in the right side of the
neck. Noticed by her friend. Rest all normal
Task: HX and tell dds with reasons
Fhx of goiter positive and she has no symptoms except feels lump with mild
dysphagia and dry cough No symptoms of thyroid. No low no loa
Dd: 2 possiblities i mentioned post infectious LN because of dry cough
Goiter could be without symtoms
Others lest likely. Any mass in esophagus Any
trauma to neck any malignancy.
7. Station 7: 57 years old man presented to know his report of pre anaesthetic
assessment as he scheduled for inguinal hernia repair .
Task: explain reports to the patient and take hx and tell dd with reasons
All investigations normal. Just k: 3.4 slight reduced with slightly reduced
chloride n bicarb
Thiazide induced electrolytes imbalance
Pt is known hypertension and on thiazide since 6 years. Increase urinary frequency
and wakes up one time at night for pee. Otherwise normal healthy. No hx of reduced
fluid intake vomiting nausea diarrhea. No symptoms.
8. Station 8: 47 years old lady was taking mini pills since the age of 30 now
recently quite because of its harmful effects. She only had break through
bleeding after that and resume her normal periods. And now she wants to
switch to hrt.
So list of investigations given all normal including fsh lh tsh cholesterol and tsh bsl
Task: explain investigations to the patient
Take hx and tell the management regarding hrt.
9. Station 9: 8 years old child presented in gp with rash congruent on his while body.
Tongue coated. Febrile unwell flushed. Conjunctive eye normal. Perioral pallor and
tonsils r enlarged with exudate plus cervial lymadenopathy.
At home there are two more childrens.

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Task: tell diagnosis with reason. Tell the management to the father
10. Station 10: knee examination. Patellar tendinitis

6 months hix of pain in both knee pain on kneeling down. Sporty girl
university student.
Task: examintion and dd with reasons
11. Station 11: foot examination: dont know stress fracture or morton
neuroma 45 years old compain of foot pain since 6 months. Hx of bush
walking and camping for all so long. No hx of injury.
Task: hx and exam and diagnosis with reason
12. Station12: 35 years old man comes with complaints of lump in his breast .
No relevent medical n surgical hx . Accountant drinks occasionaly.
Task: ask examination findings to the examiner. And tell dd with reasons
On ex : 2*2 mobile lump in the outer upper left quadarent. And patient
was overweight . Thats all. Chest was symmetrical
13. Station 13: mse video: young age in the hospital has hx of drug overdose
and wrist cut.
Task: watch video present mse and risk assesement to the examiner.
14. Station 14: 22 years old had deliver the baby 3 days ago fully breast
feeding came for contraception advice.
Task: hx and give advice regarding contraception
15. Station 15: middle age lady. She was a single mother child diagnosed with
leukemia so was stressed doc prescribed her diazepam now she is dependent
on it n taking it for 3 months
She is here for another scipt.
Task: hx and give advise regarding diazepam n management
16. Station 16: middle age man heard about parkinsons whated to know if he
has any perkinsons.
Task: do parkinsons examination with runnin commentary to
patient And tell dd to patient with reasons
On ex nothing was positive except gabellar tap and
micrographia No temors at all

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9 April, 2019
1. S O B in baby ❣ heart failure or respiratory
2. Placenta previa
3. Relapse of schizophrenia history
4. Ear exam
5. knee exam
6. Thyroid exam lady postmenopausal hot flashes family +thyroid
7. Abdominal exam boy accident blood in urine
8. Acute cholangitis
9. PEV1/PEFV .... spirometry so many task
10. Old lady back pain fracture of bone hx,PEFE,X-ray to pt and
11. ECG patient dizziness tachycardia I think prolong QT interval
12. Young boy last night intoxicated admitted now take medical and
psychological history and .... safe to discharge
13. Immunisation counseling
14. Postnatal depression
15. Prostate cancer Results explains what implications and Mx
16. Secondary amenorrhea (exercise)
11th April retest
1. Headache- probably tension type, hx dd
2. Adult with purpuric rash, exam dd
3.Lower limb sensory exam- peripheral neuropathy; exam dd
4. Child urti hx pefe dd management
5. Diarrhea dd mx (abx induced)
6. Usg report - fluid in pod, ovulation, gall stones- explain, mx
7. Herpes in preg- hx, pefe, dx
8. Fluid overload post op breathlessness- interpret, pefe, explain

16 April, 2019
1. Hip exam....osteoarthritis
2. Hand exam....osteoarthritis
3. Pelvic exam on dummy....cervical smear
4. Eye exam....bitemporal hemianopia
5. Picky eater but growth charts 98 percentile.
6. Father cane to see you ...everything fine in history and examination recurrent
urti (normal colds)
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7. Postnatal depression
8. Benzodiazepine dependance
9. Chest xray (left upper consolidation/mass) Diagnosis and dd On hx...6kg
weight loss and sputum with blood streaks.
10. 16 year girl, left sided pain, 8/10 pain in lower quadrant, going to back. In
bimanual exam, left ilac fossa mass and tenderness. Diagnosis and dd Ovarian
cyst rupture, pid, round ligament strain. (She was sexually active, her periods
two weeks ago and use protection for sex.

11. FBS >8, HbA1C 52mmol Tell diagnosis Consequences of this condition to
patients life and Management

12. Acute cholangitis

13. Dry cough for a year due to lisinopril. Dx and dd
14. Contraceptive advice Was on microgynon 30 and fall pregnant Doesn’t want
to get pregnant for next 3 years Counselling
15. Mitral stenosis In pregnancy

16. Cervical Radiculopathy

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17 April, 2019
1. snake bit history dx dds
3. Headache migraine
4. Pertusis
5. PV of stress incontinence
6. Respiratory exam dds
7. Swollen lymph nodes n sore throat examination with ear exam too
8. Tummy pain TASK history pefe n dds
9. Delerium old recall talking Greek
language TASK- Talk to daughter
10. Ureteric colic with CT scan showing
stone TASK- Explain CT, investigations
11. Bartholin cyst with severe pain Outside was written PT WITH PAINFULL
LUMP only
TASK-History pefe dx dds
12. Depression pt with suicide attempt Old recall of nurse after death of child
in hospital Pt was very very sad n crap
TASK- History dx dds to examiner Tell the risk assessment to examiner
13. LL Neurological exam pt having numbness tingling in R leg,
TASK- Examination, Dx, Dds
14. Pt having chest pain ,Many times in past 6months
TASK History, Ecg , Investigations from examiner, Dx, Dds
15. lady with anxiousness,
TASK- History, Dx dds
16. Pt not compliat to antihypertensive
medicines, TASK -History, Counseling

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18 April, 2019
1. child recently had chemotherapy for ALL. Mother has come as child has fever
of 39. Positive finding was hyperemia of the ears and the throat.
2. patient carried a heavy stone now has lower back pain.. hx, pefe, dx and ddx
3. patient feeling unwell for few days.. Positive history of dry cough and
wheeze and allergy to pollen and grass..hx, dx and ddx
4. mse of patient who had an operation recently on the shoulder.. patient
is confused and sees bugs everywhere
5. pregnant nurse with dichoriotic diamniontic twins hx counsel about future mx
6. tia exam (eye examination) plus other relevant exams
7. ear examination with ddx (cholesteatoma, otosclerosis, acoustic neuroma,
om, wax)
8. indigestion positive hx of smoking, alcohol and 5kg w.loss in one month. Hx,
pefe on card, dx and ddx

29 May, 2019
1. Acute upper abdominal pain lying on bed, vomiting for 2 times (pain
radiating to the chest and back) Acute pancreatitis TASK- hist & DDs
2. PE: post op tummy pain (bladder full/ dullness suprapubic) Perform PE
3. MSE video(mood is black hole,suicide plan present) TASK- present MSE
4. Mania(real pt) History and immediate MM
5. post menopausal women with brownish discharges (atrophy vaginitis
presents) Same as Karen Notes TASK- history, diagnosis & DDs
6. Rash on vagina but don’t have now.(my dx was herpes / recurrent
Herpes infection) TASK- MM & DDS
7. 4 yrs old child with leg pain on waking up there is also tummy pain and rash
on the ankle non blanchable (Insect bite? Herpes? HSP?)
8. 11 month child ,mom came for check up(mom beat withdrawals, don’t want
to talk, stylist role player)child has sitting delay, Physical examination
already done showing N tone and power, PEFE card shows no abnormality,
TASK- social history, diagnosis & dds Counselling the mother.
9. PE: upper Limb neurological exam (median nerve) cubital/ carpal
tunnel syndrome TASK- differentials and PE

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10. PE: Lower limb Neurological exam (DM neuropathy) SEnsory
Examination.(cotton wool, fork, monofilament, hammer) and differentials
11. PE: Respiratory exam (pneumothorax)
TASK- focussed X ray examination , interpret X-ray to examiners and patient
& dx,d/d
12. LSCS counseling
(20 weeks pregnancy wants to c/s) TASK- risks V/S benefits and further MM
13. SoB (67 yr women Had SOB for 1month had h/o heart failure in
dad ,brother. They all die with HF) orthopnia,
14. Child with burns coffee mug fell on the child, 10% burns) TASK- short
History and Management
15. Chronic Diarrhoea - TASK- history and DDs (history of travel to Bali, weight
loss, no blood or mucus on stool) Giardiasis & DDs
16. Allergic rhinitis.

30 May, 2019
1. First ANC at 16 weeks, Task- Investigate+ MM pt had alcohol at times
2. Patient has been diagnosed with AF, Task- Explain , Order Investigations and
3. Lower limb Neurological Examination- Cerbellar ataxia
4. Child with Headache- (Brain Tumor, hydrocephalus, Increased
ICT )Task-History, PEFE(papilloedema)
5. Diabetic Ketoacidosis- history, PEFE, Diagnosis
6. Asthma in an overweight child TASK- plot growth chart , explain and Manage
7. Schizophrenia or delerium not sure
8. Normal Grief
9. Knee PE
10. ShoulderPE
11. Transverse lie PE
12. Post chemotherapy fever
13. Urinary retention in a young girl
14. Patient 27 year old male with persistent cough for 5 years with yellow
sputum and sometimes streaks of blood
15. PE rectal bleeding
16. Neck swelling Cystic thyroid Task- DDs and Investigations

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5 June, 2019
1. 68 female, Breast lump , do PE and give DDs
2. 28 Female unwell for 2 days Task; Hist, DDs and Provisional Diagnosis
3. 42 male found BP is high Task; do relevant PE and tell Pt about DDs
4. 13 male pain in both Knees on going downstairs TASK; PE, Diagnosis
5. 12 F with cough 6m. Abx and inhalers given not responding. Blood tests,
xray, spirometry done and normal. Take Hx from Mom and explain her
6. 68M with chronic headache sometimes throbbing and jaw pain on chewing.
Do PE and tell Ddx
7. 72 M 6 h after inguinal hernia repair acute urinary retention. Get consent for
urinary catheter,explain the procedure and prepare the equipment to perform.
8. 72 Htn,af and dip pt do with acute diverticulitis and abscess. Decided to be
treated with abx and go for so if fails. Or on apixaban. Talk to pt and explain.
9. 9 m baby unwell, vomit once. Take Hx,pefe and explain dx and management
10. 22 M had seizure and abusive bought by friends while having a drink. Vitals
stable,no neck stiffness, CT nl, bsl 4.5, lp shows nl sugar, high wbc with
lympho. Explain everything to father.
11. 22 F chest tightness while watching movie. Ask hx and explain Dx
12. Amenorrhea 1 yr take hx and explain Dx
13. Telephone call with midwife mx of postpartum hemorrhage
14. SLE for 5 yrs. Last Dr visit 6m ago where RFT and ab checked and nl. On
regular prednisolone. Take Hx and tell her immediate management
15. 45 F coughed up blood at dinner. 1St time. Take Hx explain the possible
cause and other causes. Had some weight loss 3-4 kg.
16. 35 M serotonin syndrome recently added another med. Hx and explain
condition and immediate mx


1. MSE video: plumber known history of schizophreniform illness. He has

stopped taking his medication and has been brought by his partner for change
in behavior. Present MSE to examiner
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2. Shortness of breath and lethargy in 42 years old female. Bloods provided showed
microcytic anemia with low MCV. Explain results to patients, take history and DDx

##Iron deficiency anaemia – Medicine induced##

3. Hip pain in 42 years old female, for 3/52 after completing a 10km run. Observations
given afebrile. Take history and give DDx with reasons

4. 4 months old comes in with dehydration and 2 day hx of cough. Hx, PEFE (had
wheeze), and immediate Mx


5. 21month old comes in with being unable to walk. Take hx and give Mx

##Developmental Delay##

6. Hematuria in 62 years old male. Take Hx, PEFE and DDx


7. Father brings his 2year old child as he is worried that the child is not putting on
weight. Hx, PEFE, Dx with Mx

##Fuzzy Eater##

8. 27 year old come in with 34 weeks pregnancy, usual GP not around. US at 18 weeks
prior showed larger than dates but otherwise normal. PE with Dx

9. Acute abdomen in LIF. Vitals given and patient febrile 38 with diarrhoea. PE and DDx


10. 42 years old lady had 3 kids already, currently on COCP but wants to change to
Mirena. Take relevant Hx, explain the mirena coil and counsel appropriately

11. 22 years old female comes in wanting referral to plastic surgeon for her nose. Take
Hx, explain likely Dx and Mx.
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##Body Dysmorphic Disorder##

12. Post cholecystectomy day 1 fever. Observation chart given outside rest normal only
Temp: 38. Take focused Hx, PEFE, Dx with Mx

##Pulmonary Atelectasis##

13. Comatose patient found in hotel by housekeeper. Vitals normal afebrile. Real patient
acting to be comatose. Ask you to assess GCS. Perform relevant PE and give 4 or more likely
causes of coma. Knee hammer, Opthalomoscope, otoscope placed on table.

14. 27 yo lady on COCP comes in for 4th time for vaginal thrush that started 3 months
ago. Take Hx, PEFE and Mx.

##Recurrent Candidiasis##

15. 32 years old male comes in with headache. Vitals provided only HR and BP. Had to
ask for Temp. Take Hx and DDx


16. Patient is taking short acting benzodiazepine, 3 times a day as son was recently
diagnosed with ALL but is now in remission and patient’s stressors are better. Patient
comes to you as friends say she is taking large amount and she is keen to stop. Take Hx,
explain how to manage her diazepam and counsel her


1. Cough and sob sobbing in a 3 years old boy for 24 hours. Father is very anxious,
pacing around the room

##Foreign Body##

2. Breast lump – pe

3. Respiratory examination – pe, for sob

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4. Peripheral nerve entrapment in upper limb

##Cubital Tunnel Entrapment##

5. 34 weeks pregnant lady with headache

##Pre-eclampsia turning into eclampsia##

6. CT liver metastasis with microcytic hypochromic anaemia

7. 72 years old lady with haematemesis and mild epigastric pain radiating to back

##Peptic ulcer##

8. 28 years old male with dysuria

##Sexually Transmitted Infection – Chlamydia / Gonorrhoea##

9. Pap smear- hpv 16 positive

10. 37 years old wants hysterectomy (menorrhagia for 6 months)

11. Postnatal blues / irritable baby

12. MSE video

13. 9 months old baby with crying and vomiting since this morning


14. Unwell lady for a month


15. 3 years old boy with generalised jerking of limbs

##Idiopathic seizure##

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16. Medication chart - Pneumonia
1.Testicular torsion positive findings on examination no trauma history just
playing basketball , hx, pefe, explain
2.palpitations- hx n d/d
3.ocp counselling hx n pefe also no mse but give only dx n d/d and immediate management
5.anaphylaxis - peanut intake history f/h of asthma , atopy n hay fever
6.burne 12% on baby hot noodles fell on chest erythema and blisters present pregnant worm hx explain ix n counsel
8.dysuria. Hx, d/dx
9.lymphoma feverish n night sweats pefe on card
10 ulcerative colitis counselling and management just explain already diagnosed
case 11 pre op assessment before colon sx - warfarin , atorvastatin , ramipril take
hx n discuss with examiner about manging the drugs before sx
Warfarin surgery counselling
Patient with DM, HT, aortic valve disease, bowel operation for sigmoid Colon cancer
within three weeks time. She is on Warfarin, metformin, atovarstatin, metoprolol...
2) PEFE he will provide u a card
3)Discuss the management plan regarding the drugs she is
on how to approach this case?
what is bridging therapy for warfarin?

12 gynaecomastia pe
13 facial trauma pe

14.Risperidone induced tremors -hx, do examination n dx

15.Back examination n d/dx
16.Pregnancy induced hypertension -no positive preeclampsia finding, only high bp

12th June Recalls:

Tips to pass AMC MCQ/Clinical
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Young male with MVA, being stabilized and neck clearance has been done, picture of
red conjunctiva given outside.
Task :
Preform PE
Tell the PT your DX

Middle age male with bilateral breast enlargement, mentioned in the stem outside
he's on ramipril, smoker and drinks beer .
Task :
Preform PE
DX and DDx

young male presented with backache after lifting heavy objects .
Task :
Perform PE , mention in the stem that you don't need to do sensation!
DX and DDx.

Young lady has recently been put on
Risperidone .
Task :
Short HX ( in three minutes )
Preform PE to the hands , arms and elbows !
DX .

Other stations:

Father of 13 years old boy is in the ED to talk to you about his son's condition, pain
swollen scrotum.
Task :
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Explain the DX and discuss immediate management and investigations.

27 years old male presented with awareness of heartbeat , he is concerned about
having a heart attack .
Task :
HX : family history of heart attack in his father but the father is doing well , stress at
work , and drink lots of coffee.
No other abnormalities.
DX and DDx.

Minor 15 years old in your GP clinic for OCP counselling .
counsel her accordingly.

23 years female with new behaviour recently, she keeps remembering her mother
who passed away last year in a car accident.
No previous mental history, past Medical history of hypothyroidism.

Dx and DDx
Discuss immediate management.

Young boy presented with swollen lips and itchy rash , picture is given outside ( Rash
covers the face and the shown part of the neck ), now the swelling has subsided only
itching and the rash persists.
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Task :
HX : was positive for eating a bit of his sister peanut butter sandwich.
Talk to the parents about the most likely DX.

2 years old baby BIB her mother after spilling hot noodles soup on her chest.

PEPE on card , there was a figure with marked burned surface area over the chest
if 13%
Discuss immediate management.


young pregnant woman in your GP clinic for her antenatal check results.
Results were given outside.
All was normal :
Blood group O Rh negative.
Rubella , syphilis , Hep C , Hep B , Hb and ultrasound at 18 weeks are all normal.
HIV test positive.
Explain the results.
Counseling accordingly.


Middle age male presented with painful urination.
Task :
Hx : positive was frequency, drippling , hesitancy, and dysuria.
Change in urine colour and smell.
Explain DX and DDX.

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Young male feels feverish .

Task :
HX : positive was night sweating
PEFE on card , enlarged non tender cervical LNs and enlarged spleen.
DX and DDx.


Young female is at your practice today for reviewing of her Results of colonoscopy in
which the result is UC.
Explain the results.
Discussion the management.

A lady has been scheduled for elective colostomy for sigmoid cancer in 3 weeks time .
PT is on warfarin with INR with the therapeutic level.
On ramipril for hypertension
On lipid lowering agent , atorvastatin.

Task :
Short HX ( within 3 minutes)
Pre Op Assessment before sx and discuss about warfarin counseling.


Young pregnant woman presented with two reading of high blood pressure 150/100
with 15 minutes apart between the two readings , earlier in the pregnancy blood
pressure was normal of 120/70.
Nurse asks you to review the pt.
Task :
DX and DDx.

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1. Refractive error PE
2.wrist cut PE
3.acute abdomen Pe (pyelonephritis) natal PE
5.drug chart (paracetamol,ramipril,pantoprazole)
6.placental abruption
7. Spirometry explanation
8.manescial tear (hx,pefe,dds)
9. Hypoglycaemia (syncope)
10. Pain on swallowing
11. Osa paeds
12. Diarrhoea n vomiting paeds
13. Tiredness (TB)
14. Girl referred by her teacher due to falling grades (depression
features) Hx n d, dds
15.failure to conceive
16. Pornography

1. Recurrent falls/ postural hypotension
2. CVS examination murmur
3. Chronic morphine use with Pericarditis not responding to morphine
4. Cystic fibrosis with intestinal obstruction
5. Ckd with hyperkalemia
6. PE abdominal and dre, male with previous urine retention
7. Video of behavioral and anger issues in a guy on admission
8. Pulled elbow
9. Pprom @ 35wks
10. Drug chart severe cellulitis
11. Menorrhagia (fibroid) PE

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12. Back examination sciatica
13. Hay fever management
14. Uncontrolled Type 1 dm prenatal counselling
15. Ptsd truck driver

1. Endometriosis
2.Endometritis (P/E)
4. Headache- Hx, D/D
5. Intestinal obstruction 2 day old baby
6. Jaundice with previous H/O cholecystectomy
7. RA hand
8. Examination of legs (Neuro) with other relevant system exam
9. Schizophrenia
10. Abnormal grief reaction
11. Colon cancer with liver mets
12. Goitre in 11 yr old child
13. Snoring in 4 y/o child with h/o tonsillectomy
14. Lymphadenitis of hand
15. UTI in male
16. Diabetic ketoacidosis

1. Telephone case Postpartum 40 wks G DX with HTN, induced labour, high BP
afterwards, 190/100
Gestational hypertension
Blood loss of 250 mL
Rest antenatal checks normal
She was given ergometrine because of bleed (*which increases BP*)
Diagnosis and management

2. Recurrent
miscarriage Task:
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3. Pre eclampsia
30 wks Gestation
Increase protein in urine dipstick
Measure BP yourself 180/100
Task PEFE, diagnosis and D/D
No management

4. Cystic Fibrosis with weight chart and

FEV1 chart Concerned with school
Task : take
Explain both
charts Tell
the cause

5. Global developmental delay (Pedia) PEFE was on

a card Task: history, PEFE, diagnosis and D/D
Anterior Fontanelle > 3cm-Head circumference is 10cm

6. 15year old Vasovagal syncope

She missed breakfast, was running then sat down and got up
BSL 4.5 mL
Postural hypotension
No family history of sudden cardiac death
Task: History, PEFE

7. Physical examination of Thyroid exam on a real patient having

hypothyroidism Madriosis
Fine tremors
Tone floppy
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Reflexes less

*Examiner might tell you to only give positive findings so do not challenge/talk back*

8. STI (sexually transmitted infections)

Scrotal Physical examination
NOTHING else positive

9. Perform Physical exam and

give D/D Diabetic sensory
neurological exam Do not do
tone power gait
Only do sensory exam.
Stocking sensory loss above medial malleolus
Instruments: Cotton, toothpick, tuning fork 128Hz,
hammer Psych cases:
10. GP setting
He was major depression, on Escitalopram 20mg for
6 wks Another GP added mirtazapine 2 days ago
Now BP of 150/90
Pulse 105
Temp 38
Sweating and distressed
Task: History, diagnosis, and management.
Dx is *Serotonin syndrome*

11. Feeling low, insomnia, on Temazepam for 10 years, not working

any more She had all depression symptoms.
Task: Take history and explain
diagnosis Surgery case

12. Male patient 50 year old having fresh rectal bleeding this morning, bled 2 cups
of blood. Task: history and PEFE and D/D and diagnosis
no abdominal pain, had grade 3
haemorrhoids Colon cancer in mom

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No fissure, no IBD
Colonoscopy finding: one
diverticulosis On diclofenac for
knee pain for 6 months
Ask diet, straining, constipation, prolonged cough, job profile, prolonged sitting.

13. Task: history, PEFE, ECG, diagnosis and D/D

*Anterolateral MI*
This Q may also come as no management required
But still show concern for chest pain and DRABC MONA protocol

14. Warfarin counselling case

for A fib Task: Explain INR to
No history
Further management
Explain side effects of warfarin

15. Osteopenia case 40 year old man with COPD on

medication DEXA scan -2.43
Vitamin D level 37
Task: explain test results, management.

16. Compartment syndrome

in hand Patient sitting with
Hand was cold
Unable to move
fingers Sensory
was C6,7,8 loss
Take short history, PERFORM a physical exam (cotton and tooth
present) Diagnosis and Management

1. Thyroid PE, DDs
2. Obstetrics PE, DDs
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3. Headache PE, DDs
4. Back pain , Task; Hist, PEFE, DDs
5. Nurse MSE
6. 22 year old Female university student gambling problem, TASK;
hist from parents, DDs, initial MM
7. 2 year old boy hearing problems, not speaking, explain audiometry, DDs
8. 19 yr old girl tiredness and yawning, PEFE on card, DDs
9. Post partum Haemorrhage after 10 days, History, PEFE, MM
10. 9 month old boy, SOB, noisy breathing, DDS, MM
11. Abdominal pain with hematuria(3+), TASK; hist, PEFE, DDs
12. Left sided weakness, TASK; hist, DDS
13. Complete family contraception options counselling
14. Leg swelling (increased BP with Protein 3+) TASK; hist, PEFE, DDs
15. CT mets, explanation, Counselling, MM
16. Gout, TASK; PEFE, explain implications, initial MM

1. Pe:knee(OA) was
2. Respiratory system (COPD)
3. Acute abdomen(cholangitis)
4. Pregnant lady iron deficiency anaemia
5. Facial pain trigeminal neuralgia
6. Breastfeeding bottle feeding counselling
7. Depression
8. Lactational mastitis
10. DKA
11. Atrial fibrillation
12. Erectile dysfunction
13. Hernia

Tips to pass AMC MCQ/Clinical

1/ Form a study group & do lots of Recalls
2/ Search up for answers – recommended source (John Murtagh & UpToDate)

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50% OFF for limited time only!! (Code: AMC50)
** Kindly join us Australian Medical Council (AMC) - MCQ & Pastest
Recall (FB group -
IF you like to have more recalls for AMC (MCQ/Clinical Recalls) **

1. Eye exam on lady with diplopia
2. Abdomen exam and DRE on man with PR Bleed, dx, ddx
3. Hand exam and test of function on lady with months of hand pains
4. 9 weeks old with sudden crying since last 4 hours
5. 32 years old lady with PV Bleed following amenorrhoea
6. 72 years old man with recurrent falls.
7. 6 weeks old child crying frequently from day 3 since discharged home with mum
##Eveningcolic, Stressed mother##
8. 52 years old man with anxiety and feeling of lump at back of his neck; perform
thyroid exam
9. Video psych case; girl with unstable relationship and recurrent self harm. Listen
to video, dx, risk assessment n steps to confirm dx
10. Woman day 2 post op C/section, following prolonged labour. Now wants
review for d/c. Take additional history, PEFE, Dx, Ddx
11. 52 years old man with strangulated and incarcerated hernia with bowel
obstruction. Pt had AMI and stent 3 months ago and on ramipril, Clopidogrel
and aspirin. Pt is concerned about his risk of bleeding . Talk to pt and darers
his concerns. This is a pilot station without examiner.
12. 27 years old lady returned from USA 2 days ago. Right calf pains and USG
confirmed popliteal vein DVT. Explain result to pt, dx, ddx and advise on
further mgt.
13. Mechanical pain. Tell diagnosis and fill the medical certificate
14. 6months old baby cough for 1 week turning blue- hx, pefe, xray
15. Post menopausal uterine prolapse with rash
16. Bipolar disorder on lithium 5 years stable without acute mania going to
mountains in india
Task: Hx regarding her bipolar /lithium
Trave advice about bipolar/lithium

Tips to pass AMC MCQ/Clinical

1/ Form a study group & do lots of Recalls
2/ Search up for answers – recommended source (John Murtagh & UpToDate)

**Get your UpToDate subscription for as low as $5 per month or $60 per year from
50% OFF for limited time only!! (Code: AMC50)
** Kindly join us Australian Medical Council (AMC) - MCQ & Pastest
Recall (FB group -
IF you like to have more recalls for AMC (MCQ/Clinical Recalls) **
1:MSE from video give findings. Delirium after head trauma and alcohol abuse
2: diabetice neuropathy PE,dx, D/D
3: Mania. University student with outbursts in class increasingly argumentative
n cause disturbance. History, Dx, D/D
4: peak expiraoty flow rate.demostrate, measure, plot pt,s findings on chart,
expalin findings to pt, and Dx
5: hepes simplex. Pic of child,s mouth with vesicles. Take history, PEFE (coated
white furry tongue) Dx, Mx
6: diagnosed pt of asthma on salbutamol and one more drug now increased
frequency of reliever n night attacks. Hx, explain cause, managment (pt was
7: UTI 17 yo girl..take history, PEFE, Dx (she was a return traveller from
europe,inc frequency and burning micturation, in a regular relationship
and on ocp Urine dip stick showed blood ketone and leukocytes)
8: Acute abdomen. PE and tell dx and D/D (lower abd all tender no mass
nothing else positive, she had 38.7 urine test available.LMP 3
weeks back)
9: microcytic hypochromic anemia. Task interpret results, ask Hx, tell Dx and D/D
10. Influenza vaccine counselling
11. Headache ( pre eclampsia) take history, PEFE, Dx and D/D (she had heache
blurring vision and pedal edema all rest normal.urine had proteins)
12. ECT counselling
13. PE of breast with short hx and Dx, d/d (pt had cyclical mastalgia)
14. DVT after air travel. Task explain findings of duplex usg, dx, and managment
15. Post menopausal lady with aches and pains (polymyalgia rh ???)
16. 4 month child non billious vomiting GERD.(after feeds. Growth is
decrease in wet diapers no fever. No distension.) Task history, PEFE,dx,
D/D, managment

Tips to pass AMC MCQ/Clinical

1/ Form a study group & do lots of Recalls
2/ Search up for answers – recommended source (John Murtagh & UpToDate)

**Get your UpToDate subscription for as low as $5 per month or $60 per year from
50% OFF for limited time only!! (Code: AMC50)

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