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Corrosion of Carbon Steel by H2S in CO2 Containing Oilfield Environments

Conference Paper  in  NACE - International Corrosion Conference Series · March 2006

62 10,878

2 authors:

Stephen N Smith Michael Joosten

Ohio University Corrosion Integrity Solutions


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Stephen N. Smith
ExxonMobil Production Company
800 Bell, CORP-EMB-2003H
Houston, Texas 77381

Michael W. Joosten
Bartlesville Technology Center
Bartlesville, Oklahoma 74004


The effect that even small concentrations of H2S can have upon CO2 corrosion has been
recognized since at least the 1940's. Early studies showed that the FeS corrosion products that were
formed had an impact, but disagreed whether the impact was beneficial or not. Although H2S corrosion
has not received the level of attention given to CO2 corrosion, the literature has shown that there are a
number of different forms of FeS that can form as corrosion products, depending upon the exposure
conditions. Between the corrosion, geochemical and thermodynamics literature, a great deal is known
about the corrosion chemistry involved with the formation of the various FeS species as well as the
impact that each has upon further corrosion.

However, there is still a great deal that is not known. For example, there are currently no
generally accepted prediction algorithms for any form of H2S corrosion. There are also still a number of
unknowns about the corrosion reactions that lead to pitting, which is the most common mode of sour
service equipment failure. This paper reviews a sampling of the H2S corrosion literature over the past
60 years and describes some of the areas of research that remain.


A great deal has been written over the years about the effects of CO2 on corrosion and the
various changes in environmental parameters that impact the corrosion rate due to CO2. Factors such as

©2006 NACE International. Requests for permission to publish this manuscript in any form, in part or in whole must be in writing to NACE International,
Conferences Division, 1440 South Creek Drive, Houston, Texas 77084. The material presented and the views expressed in this paper are solely those of
the author(s) and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association. Printed in the U.S.A.

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temperature, pH, bicarbonate, velocity and a host of others had been studied extensively. By
comparison, only a small amount of effort has gone into the study of the impact of H2S upon carbon
steel corrosion rates. This is most likely a result of a concentrated focus on H2S cracking of various
metallic materials. This does not mean that there is no information available about the effects of H2S
upon corrosion mechanisms and reaction rates. Research and field work in this area dates back to the
1940's. Research relevant to iron sulfide formation chemistry has also been conducted by geochemists,
microbiologists, thermodynamicists and geophysicists. Much of this work has direct relevance to the
study of the mechanism of CO2/H2S corrosion.

Although there is over 60 years of H2S related corrosion research work, much of this literature is
somewhat confusing and often seemingly contradictory. Iron sulfide chemistry is very complex and
seemingly minor changes in test conditions can often lead to dramatically different results. The
mineralogists and thermodynamicists still cannot completely agree upon the number of types of iron
sulfide that actually exist, even though they have been studying the materials for far longer than
corrosion engineers.

This paper reviews some of the history relative to corrosive oilfield environments that contain
CO2 and H2S. We will attempt to examine the effects of H2S on the variety of different environments
where the various iron sulfide corrosion products are formed. Finally, we will discuss the areas of
further research needed to more fully understand the impact of H2S on CO2 corrosion in oilfield
environments. This understanding will subsequently improve the accuracy of corrosion rate predictions.


Oilfield corrosion engineers have recognized since the 1940's that the presence of H2S changes
the corrosivity of produced fluids as compared to sweet production with only CO2. Many investigators
working with H2S have concentrated on the cracking of carbon steels. Others have studied various
aspects of the role of H2S upon corrosion and the role of the various FeS corrosion products. Some have
concluded that H2S reduces corrosion as compared to CO2 and others have concluded that H2S increases
corrosion. To understand how both of these positions can be correct and how our current understanding
of the complexities of H2S corrosion has evolved, we must start from the work conducted in the 1950's
and move forward in time.


In 1951, H.R. Copson1 published a paper in Corrosion that was a literature review of field
experience in unaerated oil well brines. In the paper, Copson concluded that "in fields which produce
large quantities of hydrogen sulfide bearing brine, there is little or no corrosion irrespective of hydrogen
sulfide concentration."

Several years later, Walter Rogers and J.A. Rowe, Jr.2 conducted laboratory electrochemical
studies of corrosion in oil field brines with either CO2 or H2S. Their tests were run at a temperature of
100oF (38oC) and at atmospheric pressure. The measured pH varied from 4.5 to 9 depending upon the
concentration of CO2 or H2S in the test and the composition of the field brine being evaluated. Tests
were run for periods of as long as 480 days. They observed a cathodic effect due to the formation of
FeS corrosion deposits in H2S corrosion. Based upon their observation of the very positive potential of
an FeS cathode, they developed a theory of sulfide corrosion whose principle factors were:
1. The high potential of the anode due to low iron solubility

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2. The low potential of the sulfide cathode, which they said approximated a platinum cathode, and
3. The ability of the iron sulfide cathode to receive large current densities without polarizing.
Their theory went on to address the low early corrosion rates in H2S systems that increase with time and
also result in local pitting. The theory basically involved increasing cathode surfaces with time due to
the continued deposition of more FeS cathodes, which drives more anode areas to develop due to the
potential difference between iron and FeS.

Rogers and Rowe also developed equations to predict corrosion current in H2S and CO2
corrosion that were functions of pH and activity of sulfide or carbonate. The H2S equation was:

I H 2S =
[ ( )(
− 1.1495 − 0.0295 log aS 2− aH + )]

At the same time that Rogers and Rowe were doing their research, Scott Ewing3 was conducting
similar electrochemical studies. Ewing's contributions involved a discussion of the role of pH upon the
solubility and/or precipitation tendency of FeS. Ewing also addresses the role of increased total pressure
upon the partial pressure of H2S as an explanation for increasing corrosivity observed at higher total
pressures. He also observed that the corrosivity in H2S drops sharply at pH levels greater than7, which
was attributed to the protectiveness of the FeS deposit.

In 1956, NACE Task Group T-5B-2 published NACE Technical Committee Report 5B156,
"Collection and Correlation of High Temperature Hydrogen Sulfide Corrosion Data4." This report
compiled tables and graphs of laboratory and field data for 1 atm partial pressure of H2S at a wide range
of temperatures and for a number of different materials. The alloys included ranged from various
carbon steels through 13Cr and 316 stainless steels to the Cr-Ni alloys.

In 1958, Meyer, Riggs, McGlasson and Sudbury5 conducted extensive studies of the corrosion
products that form on mild steel in H2S environments. In addition to the normal weight loss corrosion
tests, they performed XRD analysis of corrosion products formed in H2S-H2O, H2S+NaCl+H2O and
H2S+CO2+H2O for various lengths of time up to 127 days. They observed sequential formation of
various FeS species starting with Kansite (also known as Mackinawite) moving on to Pyrrhotite and
finally ending with Pyrite. They also introduce the concept of solid state diffusion of Fe2+ ions through
the scale as the mechanism for Kansite scale growth. The also list the various forms of FeS as Kansite,
Troilite, Pyrrhotite, Smythite, Marcasite and Pyrite. Finally, they concluded that "contaminants of H2S
environments such as brine, carbon dioxide, free sulfur and hydrogen influence the forms taken by the
corrosion products”.

Andrew Dravnieks and Carl Samans6 studied the kinetics of H2S reactions on steel as a function
of temperature in the range of 250 to 500oC. Although this is well beyond the range of temperatures
found in oil field corrosion, it is a useful reference because they found that sulfidation is a three step
process comprised of H2S adsorption, formation of the diffusing species, and diffusion through the FeS

In 1959, Donald Shannon and James Boggs7 investigated a variety of parameters such as type of
liquid hydrocarbon, NaCl concentration, H2S concentration and time in order to devise a screening test
procedure for evaluating oil field corrosion inhibitors. They concluded that "the initial rate of corrosion
of steel coupons by oil-water-H2S mixtures is dependent upon the H2S concentration. After an exposure
of one day, the rate becomes diffusion controlled and independent of H2S concentration over a rather
wide range. At high concentrations, the corrosion rate is actually lowered because of the formation of a

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denser, more crystalline FeS coating through which diffusion is slower." It is also important to note that
they recognized that in their low H2S tests, they did not have adequate H2S at end of test for the tests to
be considered valid.

In 1959, Newman8 proposed conducting inhibitor performance tests for secondary recovery
systems using a flow loop. The loop was used to determine the critical corrosion inhibitor concentration
for a variety of conditions, including those with H2S. The H2S tests were run at 105oF (40oC) and found
that corrosivity did not increase substantially in range from 50 to 400 ppm H2S. However, he concluded
that at concentrations in excess of approximately 600ppm H2S, inhibitor would be required.


In 1963, Hughes and Stromberg9 conducted weight gain/loss corrosion tests to determine the
influence the addition of various chemicals would have upon the adherence of FeS and its ability to be
an effective barrier to corrosion. They conducted their studies over a wide pH range, from 4.5 to 9.5.
The concluded that "Hydrogen sulfide may not, under all circumstances, be an undesirable component
from the stand point of corrosion; in fact, its presence may be advantageous in some instances. It is also
concluded that inhibitors enter into and modify the sulfide scale to some extent."

Sardisco, Wright and Greco10 evaluated the effect of H2S partial pressure upon the type of FeS
formed. Their tests included H2S partial pressures from 0.001 to 4 psi (0.006 to 27 kPa) with no NaCl.
They found the same variety of FeS species that had been reported by Meyer, et al.5, five years earlier.
In their weight loss corrosion rate tests, they found higher corrosion rates when significant levels of
Kansite (Mackinawite) were present as compared to the other FeS species. This was concluded to be
due to the formation of a non-protective, porous scale. They also evaluated the crystal size of the FeS as
a function of H2S partial pressure and found a parabolic increase.

In 1965, Sardisco and Pitts11-12 presented two papers on the corrosion of iron in an H2S-CO2-H2O
system. The first paper discussed the mechanism and kinetics of the sulfide film formation. The second
paper addressed the protectiveness of the sulfide film as a function of pH. In the mechanism paper,
weight loss/gain tests were run and were found to reach steady state corrosion rates between 5 and 15
hrs. Tests were run with H2S concentrations of 0.00958 to 3.25 psia (0.066 to 22 kPa) in water at 24oC.
The FeS films formed consisted of Troilite, Pyrrhotite, Marcasite and Kansite. No attempt was made to
determine if the staged scale formation observed by Meyer, et al., was duplicated since the scale
surfaces were analyzed as a function of exposure time. They concluded that "during liquid phase
corrosion of iron by H2S-CO2-H2O, over-all reaction is controlled partially by interface reaction and
partially by passage (diffusion) of ions and electrons across film. At low H2S concentrations, reaction
mechanism approaches complete diffusion control and at high H2S concentrations mechanism
approaches complete interface control."

In their subsequent paper on protectiveness of FeS as a function of pH, Sardisco and Pitts found
the least level of protection in the pH range of 6.5 to 8. Kansite (Mackinawite) was identified as the
primary scale in this pH range. Troilite and Pyrite were found to predominate in more acidic range of
4.0 to 6.5.

In 1966, Charles Milton13, a geologist with the U.S. Geological Survey published a Technical
Note in Corrosion titled "Kansite = Mackinawite, FeS" The publication explained that the geologists
had observed a mineral for over a century that had been confused with a similar mineral, Vallerite,
which is CuFeS2. The geologists did not clear up their confusion until 1963, well after Fred Prange had

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named the corrosion product that he had observed forming in wells in Kansas as Kansite. It is also
perhaps ironic that a key step in clarifying the confusion within the geological circles was a
Mackinawite synthesis test conducted in 1962 that consisted of exposing an iron wire to an aqueous
solution of H2S in the absence of air.

In 1968, Edward Greco and William Wright14 reported on corrosion studies conducted on H2S-
CO2-H2O systems under static and dynamic conditions. The static tests involved room autoclave
temperature tests in solutions with 400 ppm NaCl and H2S partial pressures from 6x10-5 to 80 psia
(0.0004 to 550 kPa). The dynamic tests were conducted at a low flow rates simply to maintain constant
H2S levels at the lower concentration levels for exposure times up to 120 hrs. They found that the
corrosion rate drops with increasing H2S at the lower concentration with a minimum corrosion rate
reached at 0.001 psia (7 Pa). The corrosion rate then holds fairly constant up to an H2S partial pressure
of about 1 psia (7 kPa). Further increases in H2S partial pressure resulted in increasing corrosion rate.
The type of FeS scale formed in these tests was not reported.


In 1972, Hausler, Goeller, Zimmerman and Rosenwald15 reported on experiments run at 150oC
with 100 psi (670 kPa) H2S. They varied the pH and time to study film formation and diffusion kinetics
through the FeS layer. They found significant variations in film weight versus pH. The film weights
and corrosion rates were both low values at pH 7, the film weight increased sharply but there was a lot
of scatter when plotted versus corrosion rate at pH 6. At pH 4.2, the film weight produced a hyperbolic
function of decreasing film weight with increasing corrosion rate. They concluded that this was
evidence of film diffusion control and that changes to the corrosive media could change the film. The
paper also discusses the concepts of the ion exchange properties of FeS film and presents a concept of a
coherent FeS film that provides protectiveness as a means to explain the differences in FeS protection as
a function of pH.

Hausler, Goeller and Rosenwald16 expanded upon the earlier work of Hausler, Goeller,
Zimmerman and Rosenwald by studying the effects of corrosion inhibitors. The paper discusses the
concept of adsorbed inhibitors and how they can become ineffective through growth of the FeS layer
such that the inhibitor becomes buried in FeS.

Yamaguchi and Moori17 conducted electrochemical corrosion tests on steel to prepare Greigite
films. This corrosion product was analyzed by electron diffraction to define the Greigite crystal type
(Fd3m type spinel), lattice constant (9.875A) and crystal structure with a composition Fe3S4.

Zitter18 reported on the results of his examination of production tubing from a well with
production that contains 15% CO2 and 1.7% H2S at 4 MPa and temperatures that range from 30 to
150oC. Analysis of the multilayer corrosion product scale found Troilite and Magnetite near the metal
surface and Marcasite, Pyrite and Troilite closer to the flow stream. Siderite (FeCO3) was also
observed, but only in areas of heavy CaCl2 accumulation. An explanation for the presence of Siderite
was offered that is based upon the formation of HCl through a reaction involving the precipitation of
CaCO3 from the mixture of CO2 and CaCl2.

In 1975, Smith and Miller19 published a review paper that describes the nature of iron sulfides
and their corrosive effect. The paper provides thermodynamic and crystallographic data for a variety of
FeS phases, including Mackinawite, Cubic FeS, Pyrrhotite, Greigite, Smythite, Marcasite and Pyrite,
with a discussion of each phase. The paper also reproduced a formation/progression interrelationship

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diagram from a geochemistry reference that relates the various reaction paths between the various forms
of FeS (and Siderite). This figure appears below as Figure 1.

Tewari, Wallace and Campbell20 is the first of a series of corrosion reports and papers discussed
herein that was produced by researchers at Whiteshell Nuclear Research in Canada. This document is
an extensive report on the formation chemistry and kinetics of formation for Mackinawite, Pyrrhotite
and Pyrite in Girdler-Sulfide heavy water extraction plants. The experimental work that was reported
involved the determination of dissolution kinetics for Mackinawite, Troilite, monoclinic and hexagonal
Pyrrhotite, and Pyrite as a function of temperature (25 to 125oC) and pH (1.0 to 4.0). Dissolution rate
constants were determined for each form of FeS at each of the temperature studied. A relationship
between the solubility of the various FeS morphologies and pH at 25oC and an H2S partial pressure of
0.1 MPa can be seen in Figure 2.

In 1978, William Thomason21 reported on laboratory tests that exposed steel weight loss coupons
to 1 atm H2S for 2 to 7 days at temperatures from 30 to 90oC. These tests were conducted to see
information about "film formation at higher temperatures" based upon speculation that the reduction in
sulfide stress corrosion cracking (SSC) at temperatures greater than 65oC was due to the formation of a
passive film. The tests consisted of coupon exposures as well as hydrogen permeation rate
measurements and the analysis of the films formed. The two to seven day tests only produced
Mackinawite as corrosion product, but a change in the appearance of the film at higher temperatures was
observed. The paper concluded that "a protective film alone would not be a reliable means of protecting
high strength steels in a SSC environment."

Bruce Craig22 evaluated the change in Mackinawite corrosion products that occurs upon
subsequent exposure to atmospheric oxygen. He found that Mackinawite can transform to Lepidocrocite
[γ-FeO(OH)]) and elemental sulfur. Upon further exposure, the Lepidocrocite transformed to Magnetite
[Fe3O4]. Craig also measured the oxidation rate and found that it varied as a function of the degree of
crystallization of the corrosion product and increasing oxygen concentrations. The timeframe for the
oxidation reactions studied was on the order of days, not seconds or minutes.

Fryt, Smeltzer and Kirkaldy23 present a high temperature sulfidation study that was performed at
temperatures of 600 to 1000oC. Normally this study would not have relevance in a discussion of
aqueous corrosion. However, Fryt et. al., measured the chemical diffusivity and concentration of Fe ion
vacancies in Pyrrhotite as a function of sulfur activity and temperature where the sulfur fugacity ranged
from 10-11 to 10-3 atm. The diffusivity values may not be applicable at lower temperatures, especially
considering the phase transformations that occur in Pyrrhotite at 308oC, but perhaps the data could be
useful as a starting point for future research.

Murata, Matsuhashi, Taniguchi and Yamamoto24 evaluated the corrosion rate as a function of
H2S and CO2 partial pressure and temperature. Their data is presented as 3D plots of corrosion rate
versus gas composition and temperature. An example is reproduced as Figure 3. The plots clearly show
that under some conditions, the corrosion rate in high H2S gas mixtures is lower than for high CO2 and
that the relationship is reversed for other test conditions. These plots provide a clear illustration of the
basis for confusion in the early literature that cited FeS films as both increasing and decreasing
corrosivity when H2S was added to CO2.

Milliams and Kroese25 studied the effect of NaCl concentration upon corrosion in H2S and CO2
as a function of temperature. They concluded that, "at 25oC high salt concentrations prevent the
formation of protective surface layers that could stifle further attack" and "at higher temperatures (80oC)

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better protective layers are formed, even in the case of high salt concentrations." Milliams and Kroese
also attempted to study pitting due to chlorides and H2S. They found that the pits that they generated
electrochemically lost their activity in a few days as a result of buildup of protective corrosion product
layers. Since pitting is a practical concern in the field, they concluded that more research in this area
was required.

Hamby26 reported field corrosion problems for sour gas production wells producing 28 to 46%
H2S and 3 to 8% CO2 for wells with bottom hole pressures (BHP) of 17500 to over 22000 psi (120 - 152
MPa) and bottom hole temperatures (BHT) of 365 to 385oF (185 to 195oC). The wells experienced
downhole corrosion failures in less than six months. The cause was reported to be due to vaporization
of the corrosion inhibitor solvent into the dry gas that left the carbon steel tubing string with no

Tewari and Campbell27 reports on a laboratory rotating disk study performed to determine
Mackinawite solubility and dissolution rates as a function of velocity at standard temperature and
pressure conditions. The Mackinawite dissolution rate was found to be 20 times faster than Troilite and
1000 times faster than Pyrrhotite. The research also measured the diffusion coefficient of the FeSH+ ion
at 22oC.

Tewari, Bailey and Campbell28 extended the Mackinawite dissolution rate work of Tewari and
Campbell to conditions of 120oC and 1.6 MPa pressure. Flow effects upon dissolution using a rotating
disc that was pre-scaled with Pyrrhotite and Pyrite. The study found that at high velocities, Mackinawite
remained as the predominant surface film, while stagnant and low velocities allowed the Mackinawite to
transform to the higher FeS phases were iron ion transport from the surface is not as rapid.

Hausler29 expanded upon the discussion by Hausler, Goeller and Rosenwald of the interaction
between corrosion inhibitors with FeS films. The paper discusses the role of the diffusion of iron
vacancies in FeS scale upon corrosion and the interaction between the inhibitor, flow and the crystal
defects on the scale surface.


Shoesmith, Taylor, Bailey and Owen30 studied the formation of FeS at 21oC and 1 atm H2S at pH
values from 2 to 7 and for times ranging from minutes up to 96 hrs. They found that Mackinawite is
formed by both solid state and precipitation processes. Cubic FeS and Troilite were found to occur as
precipitates between pH 3 and pH 5 by growth that resulted from cracking of the initial Mackinawite
layer. As the tests proceeded, Cubic FeS was later transformed via solid state to Mackinawite over a
period of about 80 hours. The interrelationship between the scales is shown in Figure 4. They found
that the scale formation rates are controlled by pH, the applied electrochemical current and the degree of
convection. The corrosion rate increases with decreasing pH. The quantity of produced FeS scale
peaks at pH 4 below which scale dissolution rates become the predominant process. Passivation was
only observed at pH 7.

Morris, Sampaleanu and Veysey31 conducted polarization studies on rotating disks and in a flow
loop at 25oC and 1 atm H2S with pH values from 3 to 5. They concluded that H2S does not change the
Tafel slopes of the anodic and cathodic processes within this pH range. The cathodic process remained
reversible, but H+ ion diffusion control gradually disappears with increasing H2S concentration. The
Mackinawite corrosion product observed in their testing was non-adherent, particularly at flow
velocities in excess of 2 m/sec.

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Foroulis32 presented a theoretical review of H2S corrosion of iron that looks at the chemistry of
both the dissolution/precipitation and direct film formation sulfidic corrosion reactions, the potential-pH
diagram for the Fe-H2O-H2S system at 25oC and the physical nature of the corrosion products scales
formed in testing performed at 25oC.

Wikjord, Rummery, Doern and Owen33 studied the complex, multiphase FeS films that formed
on rotating disks exposed to H2S solutions. Their test conditions included exposures for up to 840 hrs to
1.5 MPa H2S at temperatures of 308, 373 and 433oK. They found an evolution sequence of corrosion
products with progression from Mackinawite to Cubic FeS to Troilite to Pyrrhotite and finally to Pyrite.
All phases except for Mackinawite were found as crystals of regular geometry, indicating relatively slow
growth. Higher temperatures were found to accelerate the transformation while increasing rotation
speeds slowed the transformation. Additional oxidants were also found to speed the formation of Pyrite.

Martin and Annand34 conducted an electrochemical study of the impact of small O2

contamination upon the corrosion of steel by suspended iron sulfides. Tests were run in 3.5% NaCl
solutions at 23oC and sparged with H2S at 1 atm. They concluded that the increase in corrosion rate due
to the presence of suspended FeS was due to an increase in the cathodic reaction through hydrogen
adsorption by the suspended FeS particles. They also concluded that inhibition of the oxidized
suspended sulfides required different compounds than those that were shown effective for simple H2S

Shoesmith35 presented an extensive review of film formation, transformation and dissolution

processes on surfaces as the Lash Miller Award address to the Electrochemical Society in 1981. The
presentation included special attention to sulfide films involved in the Girdler-Sulfide process that had
earlier been reported by others. The paper does not present new information, but provides an excellent
overall review of the H2S corrosion process in the Girdler-Sulfide system.

Lichti, Soylemezoglu and Cunliffe36 reviews experience with geothermal wells in New Zealand
that produce brines containing CO2 and H2S. They found the formation of corrosion products of
Mackinawite, Troilite and Pyrrhotite. They concluded that sulfide films reduced corrosion rates, even
when present in minute amounts. Pitting was also observed with all FeS scales, even when the FeS
scales were adherent with pitting depths often greater than 10 times the average wall loss due to

Pound, Wright and Sharp37 performed cyclic voltammetry tests for New Zealand geothermal
wells with test conditions very similar to Lichti, et al. They reported that the cathodic process occurs by
the reduction of H2S to H2 through a process that involves adsorbed hydrogen intermediates.

Rogne38 reports on a study that evaluates the influence of temperature (25, 60 and 80oC) and H2S
concentration (0.03 to 4%) on corrosion of steel in 5% NaCl solution. The work also compares
corrosion in tests performed with either H2S/CO2 or H2S/N2. The study found that at 60 and 80oC and
high H2S, the corrosion rate was reduced to 1/10 of the initial values due to the formation of protective
FeS films. At 25oC, a reduction in corrosion rate was observed with a less protective film, but the
reduction in corrosion rate was not as pronounced. They also found that H2S/CO2 mixtures are more
corrosive than H2S/N2, but that the addition of even small amounts of H2S had "inhibiting" effect on
CO2 corrosion.

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Narayan, Anderegg and Chen39 Conducted an ESCA study of the surface of iron exposed to H2S
at partial pressures of 10-6 to 10 torr (10-4 to 103 Pa) at temperatures of 100 to 773oK. They found that
the mode of sulfidation of the iron surface occurred by dissociative adsportion of H2S at ambient
temperatures and the direct formation of FeS at temperatures in excess of 423oK. Sulfidation was also
found to occur at higher rates on oxidized iron than on sputter cleaned surfaces.

Dunlop, Hassell and Rhodes40 is a paper that primarily discusses CO2 corrosion. However, the
paper proposes the use of a CO2/H2S ratio of 500 at 25oC to determine whether the corrosion product
will be FeCO3 or FeS. For values greater than 500, the product will be FeCO3 and less than 500 the
product will be FeS.

Craig41 offered an explanation why steel alloys with small Cu additions can either enhance or
reduce the rate of corrosion upon exposure in H2S environments. Previous work found that small FeS
grain sizes with Cu, at pH values greater than 5.0, resulted in reduced corrosion and hydrogen
permeation rates. This was explained by changes in the semiconductive properties of the FeS that
makes it more insulating. For pH in the range of 4.6 to 4.8, the corrosion rate was increased. The
proposed explanation for this is that the Cu+1 ions increase the n-type semiconductive properties of
Mackinawite. For pH values less than 4.0, Cu additions to the steel had no impact due to the increased
solubility of FeS.

Ikeda Ueda and Mukai42 examined the effects of H2S and O2 on CO2 corrosion of pure iron. 3.3
ppm H2S was found to accelerate the cathodic reaction while 33 ppm H2S suppressed the corrosion rate
due to formation of a temporary FeS film. Above 150°C, FeCO3 was found to dominate the corrosion

Ogundele and White43 conducted potentiodynamic testing in simulated aqueous sour gas
production environments at temperatures and pressure up to 95oC and 4.2 MPa. The results were used
to produce potential-pH diagrams and to evaluate the mechanisms of corrosion in H2S and CO2
environments. They concluded that corrosion in oilfield environments was very complex with multiple
potential oxide and sulfide reaction products and complex ion intermediates.

Ramanarayanan and Smith44 studied the growth kinetics of FeS at 218oC with 10% H2S at 2000
psi (14 MPa). The FeS film produced was Pyrrhotite with small crystals of Pyrite on outer surface.
They proposed a mechanism of Fe+2 ion growth through the semiconductive Pyrrhotite and with H2S
breakdown at the liquid/sulfide interface to form FeS2. Pyrrhotite growth and dissolution kinetics are
also discussed with respect to the practical limitations to the parabolically growing iron sulfide scale.

Pound, Wright and Sharp45 performed cyclic voltamagrams in NaCl, NaHCO3 and Na2SO4
solutions with H2S at pH 5.8. They concluded that Mackinawite "film formation in chloride solutions
does not fit a conventional diffusion or pore-resistance model for multilayer films. In contrast, the film
in sulfate solutions can be represented in terms of a pore-resistance model.

Criaud and Fouillac46 studied scales that formed in geothermal wells in France. They concluded
that the scale formed in the wells was FeS corrosion product caused by reaction of dissolved sulfides
with steel and not a FeS mineral deposit from the produced brine. A comparison with similar produced
fluids from other regions concluded that chlorides in the brine played an important role in the corrosion

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Ramanarayanan and Smith47 conducted laboratory corrosion scale formation and

thermogravimetric tests at 400oF (205oC) with 10% H2S in gaseous and aqueous environments with and
without CO2. The scale formed was Pyrrhotite. In the gas phase tests, the rate limiting step of the
reaction was found to be the dissociation of H2S on scale surface. In the aqueous testing, short term
corrosion rates were limited by Fe2+ diffusion through the scale. At longer times, scale growth was
found to be limited by Pyrrhotite dissolution.

Panov, Getmanskii, Enikeev and Fokin48 used photoelectric spectroscopy to examine the surface
of steel exposed to a H2S solution both with and without a corrosion inhibitor. Without the corrosion
inhibitor, the initial surface was always Mackinawite. When the octadecyl amine inhibitor was
included, the FeS surface was more amorphous.

Marcus and Protopopoff49 produced potential-pH (Pourbaix) diagrams starting with Gibbs Free
Energies of the Fe-S-H2O system at 25 and 300oC. The sulfur ion activity used was 10-4 and the iron ion
activity was 10-6.

Asperger50 investigated mechanisms of pit initiation, propagation and inhibition in high pH, sour
environments and compares the proposed mechanism to two pits observed in the field. Mechanisms
were proposed to explain the various pit morphologies observed.

Vedage, Ramarayanan, Mumford and Smith51 conducted electrochemical impedance

spectroscopy tests of corrosion at various H2S and acidic pH levels at 22 to 95oC. Analysis of the results
found two processes involved in the corrosion reaction, a charge transfer process between the FeS and
the metal and a transport process through the FeS film. Analysis of the impedance curves also indicates
the latter step is rate limiting.

Smith52 proposed an oilfield corrosion mechanism for low H2S environments that is based upon
the formation and dissolution of Mackinawite corrosion products. The discussion includes methods for
determining the equilibrium constants for Mackinawite and Pyrrhotite at temperature as well as the
impact of Fe2+ complexes upon the FeS formation and dissolution equilibriums.

Smith and Wright53 presents an equation for the calculation of the minimum H2S required to
form Mackinawite that is based in equilibrium thermodynamics. The paper also discusses the effects of
temperature, total pressure, HCO3- ion concentration, the partial pressure of CO2, and non-ideality of
both the gaseous and liquid phases upon the minimum H2S calculation.

Lyle and Schutt54 studied CO2 / H2S corrosion under wet gas pipeline conditions in the presence
of alkalinity, chloride, and oxygen. Weight loss and LPR measurements were used over a range of 0 to
2 psi (0 to 14 kPa) H2S and 0 to 20 psi (0 to 140 kPa) CO2 pressures at 60°F (15oC) to establish
operational guidelines for safe H2S concentrations. Tests were conducted with both fully and partially
immersed samples for 14 days at a pH of 3.8 to 7.2. Pyrrhotite was detected in the vapor phase
corrosion product where pitting occurred. The authors suggest that a sulfur-containing species such as
polysulfide caused the pitting found under the vapor phase corrosion product. A predictive equation was
developed for the fully immersed results, but the partially immersed results could not be modeled.

Cheng, Ma, Zhang, Chen, Chen and Yang55 conducted potentiostatic polarization and
electrochemical impedance spectroscopy tests in Na2SO4 solutions with pH levels of 1 to 5 at 20oC. The

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H2S concentrations ranged from 0.04 mmol/l to 30 mmol/l. Nyquist plots of the results showed two
capacitive loops corresponding to two adsorbed intermediates. A mechanism including adsorbed FeSH-
and FeSH species was postulated.

Kvarekval56 measured corrosion rates on AISI 1010 carbon steel in a glass/titanium flow loop.
The flow loop contained a single-phase test fluid of distilled water with 3% NaCl saturated with CO2 or
a CO2/H2S (1000:1) gas mixture. The tests were run at temperatures from 25 to 90°C, pH of 3.85 to
4.15, and flow velocities ranged from 0.25 to 2.5 m/sec. Steady-state corrosion currents were compared
to cathodic limiting diffusion currents obtained under corresponding conditions. The limiting currents
were calculated from potentiodynamic sweeps carried out on platinum. Limiting current plateaus were
easily seen at pH values below 5, but vanished with increasing pH.

Anderko and Young57 present a comprehensive thermodynamic/kinetic computational model for

H2S/CO2/brine corrosion of carbon steel. The predicted results were compared with data presented by
Greco14, et al. and were found to be in good agreement.


Anderko58 is a further discussion of his earlier paper. This paper compares the results with
corrosion rate versus pH data from Shoesmith35 and data from Ikeda42. Once again, good agreement was

Smith and Pacheco59 presents the results of lab tests that were run to evaluate the minimum H2S
levels required to form Mackinawite. The paper also presents a "simplified" equation for the calculation
of the minimum H2S required for Mackinawite formation and for the determination of the critical
H2S/CO2 ratio. A method to determine the conditions required for Mackinawite corrosion products to
transition to Pyrrhotite is also presented.

∆G 0T
− 2 *pH
4.575 * T
10 *P
ppH 2S = (2)


4.196 *10 5 2.147 *10 7

∆G 0T = 961.1 + 93.473 * T − 11.297 * T * ln(T) − .135 * T 2 − + +
T T2
0.0196 * T 2 * ln(T) + 7.2 *10 4 * (3)

ppH2S is the minimum partial pressure of H2S required to form mackinawite

γ is the fugacity coefficient for H2S is the gas phase,
T is temperature in oK, and
P is the system pressure.

Dougherty60 provides a succinct review of the factors that influence protective films, including
iron sulfide films. The factors include galvanic effects, chlorides, pH, and velocity.

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Smith and Pakalapati61 reports on 35 years of field experience with corrosion in a sour gas field
producing 42% CO2 and 19% H2S. Downhole corrosion was a major issue early in the field life despite
corrosion inhibition. With time, the corrosion rates reduced and the downhole tubing life was greatly
extended. This was tied to a reduction in reservoir pressure. The explanation for this reduction was the
elimination of minute levels of elemental sulfur from flow stream as pressure dropped below the
hydrocarbon dew point and the produced condensate began to serve as in in-situ sulfur solvent.


In addition to the corrosion literature, valuable information about the chemistry, structure and
formation of iron sulfide scales can be found in the Geoscience and Thermodynamics literature. Often,
geochemists will react iron or iron compounds with sulfides to synthesize minerals for study. The data
produced by these studies can provide valuable insights into the corrosion reaction as well as
information that is required to predict the formation and transformation of iron sulfides.

Amorphous FeS

The literature on amorphous iron sulfides is limited, partially because they are so unstable and
either dissolve or transform into Mackinawite so quickly. Bagander and Carman62 provides a solubility
constant for amorphous FeS. The experimental conditions used to determine the Ksp included a sea salt
solution at 15.8oC. The amorphous FeS composition was estimated to be FeS0.86.


Clark63 reviews of the available data that is used to define the upper stability temperature for
Mackinawite. This value was said to be near 135oC, but the upper temperature limit is difficult to define
precisely due to the reaction times involved and the effect that low level impurities of ions such as nickel
and cobalt can have upon Mackinawite stability. Clark also proposes a composition for Mackinawite
that contains between 50.9 and 51.6 atomic percent Fe.

Berner64 determined the solubility constants and standard free energy of formation values for
Mackinawite, Greigite and amorphous FeS. The reactions as FeS transitions from amorphous FeS to
Mackinawite and then on to Greigite, Pyrrhotite or Pyrite also are discussed.

Berner65 is also credited with the initial "proof" that demonstrated that Kansite and Mackinawite
are the same compound. This led to the crossover paper by Milton discussed earlier and the eventual
replacement of the term Kansite with Mackinawite.

Rickard66 describes the kinetics of FeS formation from solution including intermediate
complexes and phases and the kinetic rate coefficients that are required to predict Mackinawite
formation rates. The paper concludes that the formation of Mackinawite is very rapid, on the order of
seconds or fractions of seconds.

Ritvo, White and Dixon67 very recently identified a new FeS intermediate between amorphous
FeS and Mackinawite with the proposed (and unapproved) name of Dorite. Dorite is formed in seawater
with trace concentrations of H2S. The structure of the new phase is very similar to Mackinawite, but
contains two crystallographic sheets, one is similar to Mackinawite and the other contains far more
disorder than Mackinawite.

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Mullet, Boursiquot, Abdelmoula, Genin and Ehrhardt68 synthesized Mackinawite by reacting
H2S with iron in pH 4.6 deionized water. They studied the resulting solids by XRD, TEM, Transmission
Mossbauer spectroscopy and XPS. The study results address non-stoichiometry of FeS both in the bulk
and on the crystal surface and propose the presence of both Fe3+ as well as polysulfide and elemental
sulfur in the Mackinawite lattice.

Wolthers, Van der Gaast and Rickard69 studied synthesized Mackinawite and found that there are
two forms, a disordered and highly reactive form and the more stable, more ordered form. The study
defined difference between two crystal structures as a difference in the scale of the long range order of
the crystal defect structure.

Pankow and Morgan70 evaluated the dissolution rates of Mackinawite as a function of pH,
temperature and ionic strength. Their study measured the dissolution rate coefficients and estimated the
Arrhenius activation energy for the reaction in the temperature range of 5 to 35oC.

Evans, Milton, Chao, Adler, Mead, Ingram and Berner71 is the initial geochemical paper
introducing the mineral Mackinawite. Previously, Mackinawite had been confused with a rare mineral,
Valleriite, which had the composition CuFeS2. Mackinawite does not contain copper and is named for
the Mackinaw mine in Snohomish County, Washington, USA.

Taylor, Rummery and Owen72 studied the reaction sequence for the formation and transition of
various FeS compounds at temperatures up to 160oC. They found that Mackinawite usually forms first
and can then transforms on to Greigite then to Pyrrhotite and finally to Pyrite. They also found that even
when conditions for transformation are optimal, the transformation sequence to reach Pyrite can require
a few days for temperatures as low as 100oC.

Taylor73 discusses the formation chemistry that leads to the precipitation of Mackinawite from
bulk solution. The reaction sequence starts with Fe2+ ions, which react with H2S to form FeSH+ ions.
Two FeSH+ ions then combine to form a Fe2S2 molecule, which starts to combine with other Fe2S2
molecules. Once a critical number of Fe2S2 molecules have joined, the solid begins the transformation
to Mackinawite.

Cubic FeS

Takeno, Zoka and Niihara74 exposed iron plates to H2S saturated distilled water adjusted to a
variety of pH values. The exposures ranged in time from 6 to 384 hours. In the tests, Mackinawite,
Troilite, and hexagonal Pyrrhotite were formed. Cubic FeS seemed to form most readily in the neutral
pH range. After formation, Cubic FeS was also found to transforms gradually to Mackinawite at room
temp with change complete within a month and transformed into hexagonal Pyrrhotite when heated to

De Medicis75 defined the crystal structure and x-ray diffraction pattern for Cubic FeS. De
Medicis formed Cubic FeS on iron in a 2 to 3 day exposure to a 0.01M H2S solution at pH 4 to 4.5. The
testing also found that Cubic FeS did not form in presence of O2 or chlorides.

Murowchick and Barnes76 produced Cubic FeS at temperatures below 92oC and pH in the range
of 2 to 6 in 4 to 85 hours. They also found the need to avoid chlorides. Above pH 6, Mackinawite was

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formed in preference to Cubic FeS. Above 92oC, the FeS phase formed was either Troilite or


Erd, Evans and Richter77 described the Smythite crystal structure. Smythite deposits tend to
form in hexagonal flakes, much like Pyrrhotite, and it is strongly ferromagnetic. It has a rhombohedral
crystal structure. It is similar in overall crystal structure to Pyrrhotite along a axis, but stacked
differently along the c axis. Erd described the ideal composition of Smythite as Fe3S4. Erd was not able
to synthesize Smythite.

Almost a decade later, Rickard78 was able to synthesize Smythite by reacting Siderite (FeCO3)
with H2S at pH of 6.5 to 8 and 25oC. In these tests, Mackinawite was always found as a minor phase in
the acidic pH range. At higher pH values, unreacted Siderite was frequently found.


Lennie, Redfern, Champness, Stoddart, Schofield and Vaughan79 studied the transformation
reaction of Mackinawite to Greigite. They found that the transformation occurs rapidly during heating
at temperatures above 373oK. They also found that the general structure of the Mackinawite was
retained in the new Greigite. In their tests, Mackinawite most readily transformed to Greigite upon the
exposure to oxidizing species such as dissolved O2. Since Greigite is generally believed to be Fe3S4, the
oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ may play a role in the transformation. This may also explain why Greigite is
often an intermediary between Mackinawite and Pyrite.

Skinner, Erd and Grimaldi80 described the structure of Greigite as Fe3S4 and defined the crystal
structure and x-ray diffraction pattern. In their work, they concluded that Greigite is a polymorph of
Smythite since both have the nominal composition of Fe3S4.


Pyrrhotite is a non-stoichiometric form of FeS that forms hexagonal close packed (HCP) crystals.
Since Pyrrhotite is not stoichiometric, ordering of the Fe2+ ion vacancies in the HCP crystal lattice under
equilibrium conditions give rise to a variety of super cell crystal structures. Troilite is the form of
Pyrrhotite when the Fe2+ ion vacancy concentration is essentially zero.

Desborough and Carpenter81 describe the phase relationships between the various forms of
Pyrrhotite crystal structures as a function of temperature. Subtypes of Pyrrhotite include monoclinic and
a variety of hexagonal supercells that differ only in the length of the c axis between repeating Fe2+
vacancies. Fe2+ content in Pyrrhotite was reported to range from 45.5 to 50 percent at temperatures
below 315oC.

Clark82 defined the stability field of monoclinic Pyrrhotite as a function of temperature and Fe2+
content (46.4 to 46.8 atomic %). The maximum temperature for monoclinic Pyrrhotite was found to be
308oC, which is the β transformation temperature for a number of Pyrrhotite crystalline structures into a
single hexagonal crystalline form.

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Carpenter and Desborough83 discuss the crystallographic relationships between Troilite and the
various Pyrrhotite forms. Troilite is defined as stoichiometric FeS whereas Pyrrhotite generally
contained 46.5 to 48 percent Fe in the samples studied.

Arnold84 extends the work of Desborough and Carpenter by discussing the two phase Pyrrhotite
regions where one Pyrrhotite phase exist as mixed FeS lamellae within another.

Arnold and Reichen85 provide a method for using x-ray diffraction to determine the Fe2+ content
of Pyrrhotite. The procedure uses the shift in the d(102) spacing as a function of Fe2+ vacancy
concentration for this correlation.

Gronvold, Westrum and Chou86 measured the thermodynamic heat capacity, the enthalpy and the
entropy of Troilite and Pyrrhotite in the temperature range from 5 to 350oK. At 298.15oK, the heat
capacity, entropy and enthalpy were reported respectively as 12.08 cal/mole oK, 14.415 cal/mole oK and
7.496 cal/mole for Troilite and 11.92 cal/mole oK, 14.529 cal/mole oK and 7.396 cal/mole oK for

Tokonami, Nishiguchi and Morimoto87 discuss the defect structure of monoclinic Pyrrhotite with
the vacancies located in every other HCP layer and with a long range repeating pattern of vacancy
alignment along the c axis.


Rickard88 studied the kinetics of Pyrite formation from the reaction FeS + S → FeS2. The
investigation concluded that there must be an oxidizing agent present for Pyrite to form. The rate
constants are very slow in comparison to Mackinawite formation, even at 125oC. The reaction pathway
was found to require the presence of polysulfide species and possibly requires the involvement of a
Greigite intermediary.

Rickard and Luther89 also studied the complex multi-step reaction mechanism required to
convert FeS to Pyrite. The proposed reaction requires H2S adsorbed to the FeS surface to decompose to
adsorbed So and H2 in order for form the FeS2.

Gronvold and Westrum90 report on the heat capacity, enthalpy and entropy of Pyrite from 5 to
350 K. At 298.15oK, the heat capacity, entropy and enthalpy was reported respectively as 14.86

cal/mole oK, 12.65 cal/mole oK and 2302 cal/mole

Wilkin and Barnes91 discuss Pyrite formation by the reaction of Mackinawite and Greigite with
various sulfur species at 70oC and pH in the range of 6 to 8.

Schoonen and Barnes92 describe a detailed reaction sequence for the formation of Pyrite from
amorphous FeS, Mackinawite and Greigite. They also conclude that H2S and/or HS- are not adequate
oxidizers to form Pyrite at 65oC.

Rickard93 presents a study of rate constants for Pyrite formation from 20 to 50oC.

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In order to be able to develop corrosion predictions for environments that contain H2S and CO2,
it is necessary to have a detailed knowledge and reliable thermodynamic for the various ionic and solid
species that could potentially form. The following series of papers either present procedures for
developing potential-pH (Pourbaix) diagrams for the Fe-H2S-CO2-H2O system or documents the
thermodynamic data for the solids or ion complexes that could be encountered.

Criaud, Fouillac and Marty94 developed potential-pH diagrams for the Fe/S/H2O/CO2 system at
60 and 80oC with H2S, Fe and CO2 activities respectively at 10-5, 10-5 and 5x10-3

Similarly, Horvath andNovak95 developed numerous potential-pH diagrams for a variety of metal
sulfides, including iron, and discussed the relevance of each diagram to corrosion control.

Dyrssen96 calculates the ionic speciation of metal-sulfide complexes in seawater. Log K data are
provided for FeHS+, Fe(HS)2, Fe(HS2)-, and FeS2- at 25oC.

Landing and Westerlund97 used Dyrssen's data to review the solubility of Mackinawite and
Greigite in seawater.

Luther and Ferdelman98 evaluated the reported the stability constants for FeSH+, Fe2(SH)3+,
Fe(H2S)2+, and FeS(aq) in marine waters against acid-base titration data for bay water samples from the
Chesapeake Bay. They found that the complex ions formed in the laboratory were inconsistent with the
data whereas field samples were much more stable and had log K values consistent with values reported
in the literature. The proposed explanation was the presence of organic chelating agents in the field
samples that stabilize the Fe-S complexes.

McDonald and Syrett99 present potential-pH diagrams for geothermal brines with H2S at
temperatures of 25 and 250oC.

Ribbe100 provides a general summary of the phase behavior, crystal structure, thermal stability
and thermochemical relationships between the various Fe-S compounds.

Pound, Wright and Sharp101 present both potential-pH and potential-pS diagrams for geothermal
brines at 298-573oK.

Berner102 produced potential-pS stability diagrams for the Fe-S-CO2-H2O system at 25oC and for
various pH and PCO2 levels. The diagrams shows the interrelationship between FeSx, FeCO3 and FexOy
phases as the partial pressure of H2S and the EH increase.

Bouet and Brenet103 published a theoretical potential-pH diagram at 25oC for the Fe-S system
with 10-1 and 10-4 molar S. Diagrams based upon the Fe(OH)3 and Fe2O3 type oxide phases were

And finally, Morse, Millero, Cornwell and Rickard104 published an extensive review of the
chemistry of H2S and FeS in natural water systems. The various aqueous phases, FeS transformation
sequences, crystal structures, reaction rate kinetics and even the effects of some cationic impurities are
all discussed.

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The current state-of-the-art for H2S corrosion recognizes that there are a variety of FeS corrosion
products that form depending upon the conditions. Figure 1 illustrates the transformation relationships
between the primary forms of FeS as well as Fe2+ ions and FeCO3. Figure 5 presents a different type of
view depicting the effects of temperature and H2S partial pressure upon the type of FeS corrosion
product that forms.

From a practical standpoint, knowing which form(s) of FeS are formed in the field can now
provide insights into the corrosion conditions in the facilities. Knowledge of the specific type(s) of FeS
formed in the field is also necessary for the construction of a realistic laboratory simulation. Obviously,
if the Smythite is being formed in the field, a laboratory test that produces Mackinawite or Pyrrhotite
will not accurately reflect field conditions.

Generally accepted corrosion rate prediction algorithms similar to deWaard and Milliams do not
yet exist for any of the FeS species. However, the geochemical and thermodynamic literature provides a
great deal of information about the reactions that are required to form and retain each of the species.
The literature also provides guidance for the estimation of the concentrations of Fe-H2S complex species
in solution. Any algorithms developed will probably need to account for these compounds to accurately
predict FeS formation, especially at the lower end of the H2S activity spectrum where there is a question
whether the corrosion product will be FeS, FeCO3 or FexOy.

The existing corrosion knowledge for each of the species can be summarized as follows:

Mackinawite - Tewari21, 27, 28 and Rickard61, 64, 99 have identified the corrosion mechanism that leads to
Mackinawite formation as well as the metal surface reactions, the kinetics of the reactions. Others have
provided definition to the conditions that define the stability regions for Mackinawite. Mackinawite is
generally viewed as the initial form of FeS corrosion product to form over a period that may be less than
one second.

Cubic FeS - DeMedicis70 and Murowchick71 defined the conditions required to form Cubic FeS. The
conditions are similar to those required to form Mackinawite except that the environment cannot contain
chlorides. Cubic FeS is also stable to higher temperatures, but will decompose to Mackinawite or
Pyrrhotite over a period of a day or two.

Pyrrhotite - Ramanarayan43, 46 and Vedage49 defined the corrosion mechanism for aqueous environments
and identified the rate limiting step. However, there are currently practical limitations to converting the
Fe2+ ion diffusion rate through the Pyrrhotite scale into a practical algorithm for use in predicting
corrosion rates. There is also a major gap in the absence of a defined mechanism for pit initiation and
growth since equipment failures in Pyrrhotite forming environments are generally due to pitting and not
general weight loss corrosion. Pyrrhotite formation generally occurs over a period of few days, but can
occur much more quickly at temperatures where Mackinawite and Cubic FeS are not stable.

Pyrite and Marcasite - The geochemical literature has established the need for elemental sulfur to be
present for the formation of either type of FeS2. Rickard83, 84, 88 defined the kinetics for Pyrite formation,
which indicates that Pyrite will generally form over a period of about a week. Ramanarayan found that
even when Pyrite did form, the kinetics often resulted in the formation of Pyrite cubes buried in a matrix
of Pyrrhotite.

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Greigite - Only a limited about of work has been done to define the formation and/or transition
requirements for Greigite. It appears that there is a need for an oxidation reaction step that forms Fe3+ to
produce Greigite from Mackinawite as an alternative to the direct transformation of Mackinawite to
Pyrrhotite. The difficulty with past work may be the question of inadvertent oxygen contamination of
test solutions that could have resulted in Fe3+ generation. The observation by Lennie74 that Greigite is
often an intermediary between Mackinawite and Pyrite in laboratory synthesized scales may also be an
indicator of the requirement for an oxidizer.

Smythite - Smythite is definitely the least studied form of FeS by the geochemists and is almost
completely ignored as a corrosion product. Rickard73 was able to demonstrate that Smythite appears to
the transformation product of Siderite that has been exposed to H2S.


• Flow effects on Mackinawite and Pyrrhotite mechanisms

• Confirmation of CO2/H2S transition levels of H2S reported in C/2003 paper
• Determination of role of chloride in pitting mechanism
• Confirmation of relationship between H2S activity and Pyrrhotite defect concentration at lower
• Definition of roles of Greigite and Cubic FeS
• Determination of effect of Smythite upon further corrosion
• Information of Fe-S ion pairs and complex species to enhance predictions
• Top of Line Corrosion in the presence of H2S + CO2
• Influence of CO2 partial pressure on H2S corrosion
• Effect of solids (produced sand) deposition on H2S corrosion.
• Further information on role of oxidizing agents on H2S corrosion and power of agents required to
effect any changes.
• Measure the chemical diffusivity and concentration of Fe ion vacancies in Pyrrhotite as a function of
sulfur activity and temperature for production conditions.
• The influence of rogue H2S on corrosion in typical packer fluids.


1. Copson, H.R., "Literature Survey on Corrosion in Neutral Unaerated Oil Well Brines", Corrosion, 7,
123, 1951.
2. Rogers, Walter F., and J.A. Rowe, Jr., "Corrosion Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide and Carbon Dioxide
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3. Ewing, Scott P., "Electrochemical Studies of the Hydrogen Sulfide Corrosion Mechanism,"
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4. Sorell, G., and W.B. Hoyt, "Collection and Correlation of High Temperature Hydrogen Sulfide
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6. Dravnieks, Andrew, and Carl H. Samans, "Kinetics of Reaction of Steel with Hydrogen
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Stephen Smith - Invoice INV-785654-10LGXC, downloaded on 4/10/2014 2:08PM - Single-user license only, copying/networking prohibited.
7. Shannon, Donald W., and James E. Boggs, "Factors Affecting the Corrosion of Steel by
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8. Newman, T.R., "A Laboratory Method for Evaluating Corrosion Inhibitors for Secondary Recovery,"
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9. Hughes, W.B. and V.L. Stromberg, "Effect of Inhibitors on Protective Properties of Iron Sulfide
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Corrosion Film Properties on Pure Iron," Corrosion, Vol. 19(10), pp. 354-359, 1963.
11. Sardisco, J.B., and R.E. Pitts, "Corrosion of Iron in an H2S-CO2-H2O System Mechanism of Sulfide
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12. Sardisco, J.B., and R.E. Pitts, "Corrosion of Iron in an H2S-CO2-H2O System Composition and
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13. Milton, Charles, "Kansite=Mackinawite FeS," Corrosion, Vol. 22(7), pp. 191-193, 1966.
14. Greco, Edward C., and William B. Wright, "Corrosion of Iron in an H2S-CO2-H2O System,"
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15. Hausler, R.H., L.A. Goeller, R.P. Zimmerman and R.H. Rosenwald, "Contribution to the "Filming
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16. Hausler, R.H., L.A. Goeller and R.H. Rosenwald, "Contribution to the Mechanism of Hydrogen
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17. Yamaguchi, S., and T. Moori, "Greigite as a Corrosion Product of Steel," British Corrosion Journal,
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18. Zitter, H., "Corrosion Phenomena in Sour Gas Wells," Erdoel-Erdgas Zeitschrift, Vol. 89, No. 3, pp.
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19. Smith, J.S., and J.D.A. Miller, "Nature of Sulfides and Their Corrosive Effect on Ferrous Metals: A
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Fe++ Pyrite

(S--) (S--n)

Mackinawite Marcasite


FeCO3 Smythite equilibrium

Figure 1
Corrosion product reaction pathways from Smith and Miller19 and Morse104



log(Ferrous molal)




1 2 3 4 5

Pyrite Hexagon Pyrrhotite Monoclinic Pyrrhotite

Troilite Mackinawite

Figure 2
Solubility of FeS as a Function of pH at 25oC from Tewari20

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Corrosion Rate, mpy





0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Percent H2S

25C 60C

Figure 3
Corrosion Rate as a function of CO2/H2S and temperature from Murata24

Carbon Steel + H2S + H2O


film rupture & precipitation

solid Cubic FeS

Mackinawite Troilite
state FeS1-x

Figure 4
Corrosion Product formation transitions from Shoesmith30

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Oilfield Corrosion Products

Cubic FeS




log H2S activity

Figure 5
Corrosion product formation as a function of temperature and H2S
from Smith and Pacheco59


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