All About Ronnie: HE O LL

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All About
Table of contents

Travel List
Dream Job
Wish List
Good morning Maam,
First of all, thankyou for giving me this oppurtunity to
introduce my self. hello my name is Ronnie G. Rosete
Jr. also known as Renz Jun. You can call me Ron or
Jun. But I prefer you to call me Ron. I am a computer
programming student at Benigno "Ninoy" S. Aquino High
School. I am basically from Bicol/Bulacan but currently
staying in Makati.
meet my family

mom brother

dad sister
my mom
MOM - She is one of the most fun-loving, jovial people I know! Kind is one of the words
to describe Mom, if she is gentle, good-natured, friendly, considerate and caring. A kind
mom is also one who is selfless, genuine and helpful. She is also a strong mother and
father for me. My mom was a single mom for almost five years with three little kids,
yet she managed to open a business and work full time as well as take care of us kids.
Many of our relatives and friends appreciate the bond between us. Firstly, I want to be
a responsible person like my mother. She is the most responsible person because she
cooks before going to work, not all mothers cook because they don’t have time. The most
amazing thing is she does it every day and is never late for work. Secondly, I wish to
inherit her compassionate nature. She has taught me to believe in people and not to hold
grudges. She is always respectful to others. Thirdly, my mother is an optimistic person. I
also want to be a strong and positive person like her. She has learned how to move on
from negativity towards positivity. I love how she respects herself and motivates us not
to give up. My mom is my favourite person in the entire world. She has taught me to be
honest, and say things on people’s face, not behind their back which is why I never have
to fear anyone. My mum is funny too she jokes around. And she also scolds me. She has
faced lots of struggles, yet she is always positive. If only I could inherit even half of her
positivity, her attitude, that would be a great achievement for me. I love my mum
unconditionally and I want her to be happy forever.
my dad
DAD - I lost my father five years ago. Me and my dad are very close to each
other. He may look strict and serious, but inside he is very soft and caring!
Whenever I fall ill, he takes care of me 24 by 7. When he fall ill, I cant see him
in that dull state I either cry or be sad (I am quite emotional). He is very cool.
He has a great sense of humor. He is the most hardworking person I have seen.
Many of them say I look like my dad but I am not sure if I really look like him.
He will never allow something bad happening to our family, He can go any extent
to protect his family. I request everyone to please love your parents more and
more and try to find their happiness and give him all the happiness whatever you
could do for him because the guilt of not taking care of him will break you from
inside and you won't be able to forgive yourself. We all know that one day we
have to live without him but facing the reality is very different thing. But that is
also truth. So all we can do is love your loved ones and your family members so
much as if this would be going to be the last day of every one with enjoying your
own life. Because sometimes life doesn't warn you. It simply goes on and does
not care of your emotions and anything else. We don't know what God is
planning next for us. We just have to prepared well so that whatever he might
be planning, we must have courage to face it bravely and move on.
my SIster
SISTER - For me my sister is one of the most caring and loving person who is
always there for me whenever I need so. She is the key motivating factor behind
my success in life. Without her support I could not have achieved whatever I have
till now. So I believe that sisters are the best buddies that God can gift you. My
sister has a very unique personality which is not seen commonly in today’s world.
She never judges anyone for their deeds. She is a religious person who believes we
humans must not judge someone else as God will take care of it. She has a bubbly
personality and can brighten up the room wherever she goes. My sister is a sweet
person who always tries to help out others. I have seen her help her friends all the
time, even if they are acquaintances, she helps them equally. Moreover, she is very
lively. You will always find her playing around or goofing around with someone. She
does not like sitting in one place, thus she is always all over the place. Further, she is
very creative. She has a solution to almost anything and everything. My sister has
the special talent to find easy ways to do a difficult job. I respect my sister for
standing out of the crowd and always doing her own thing.
my brother
BROTHER - Although many people see their brothers as just regular brothers. I
see mine farther more than that he is the brother anyone could ask for. My
brother is my friend, co-conspirator, and an extension of myself. When I feel
like I can’t count on anyone I know my brother is always going to be there. Even
though he is a guy I’m still able to tell him many things like my problems or just
anything I need help in. He’s a guy but he still manages to be a good friend to
me. His thing was getting me annoyed to then feeling bad for getting me
irritated and then trying to cheer me up after because he felt bad at the end
for acting dumb with me. We have had big and small fights. Sometime our fights
just last for a few minutes, but at other times we literally fight very badly and
may take some time to get reunited. Though he is good at all other things, he is
very short-tempered and this leads to fights most of the time. But when he is in
good mood, we do play a lot many games and he does makes for me so many
small toys that I just love and treasure.
meet my
Alyannah (Iyah)
I love that after 4 years of best friendship, we still laugh uncontrollably
almost every time we talk. I love that teenagehood and distance hasn’t
gotten in the way of our friendship, even though the daily phone calls
don’t exist anymore. I love that you’re my soulmate in best friend form,
and you know what I’m thinking before I even do most of the time. I
love that even though we’re both busy and moving on in our teenage lives
that we still have each other’s backs always.
Alyanna Eunice
After 6 years of best friendship, I love it. I can literally talk to her
about anything, she has my back and will stand up for me no matter
what, and can make me laugh hysterical even on the hardest days, No
matter how far apart we are, we remain best friends at heart. Just like
the quote, ‘side by side or miles apart we are best friends connected by
the heart. Miss you xoxo
He can easily get how you are feeling. You can talk anything with him, no
matter how nonsense the topic is. He is the person who can accept you
with all your faults and will assist you throughout your life. They will
frankly tell you their opinions about any matter. He may not support you,
if you are choosing a wrong path. He will fight hard to thwart you from
that and even ready to bear your anger. Even if they are not with you in
this case, they will be always behind you to support you if in case you
got hurt due to your wrong decision.
Our friendship started when my best friend came in as a new admission
to our class. Both of us were hesitant to talk to each other at first, but
gradually we developed a bond. I remember the first time my best
friend tried to talk to me; I rolled my eyes because I thought there was
no use and we wouldn’t hit it off. However, to my surprise, we became
best friends by the end of the session year.
Travel list

japan south korea

L.A CAlifornia
Travel list
JAPAN - The most amazing tourist destination and it offers many unique experiences that
you cannot find in any other part of the world. The culture of this country is an interesting
blend of Eastern traditions and Western modernity that can be seen everywhere. Also, its
worldwide known pop culture (including manga, anime, and video games). It's something that
definitely only Japan can offer. No other country contains the same characteristics.
L.A CALIFORNIA - Los Angeles is the entertainment capital of the world, offering myriad
attractions and activities: movie studios, the Sunset Strip, Venice Beach, landmark museums,
world-famous theme parks, wineries, breweries, outdoor activities, exciting nightlife, and much
SOUTH KOREA - South Korea shows off its history and heritage proudly. Home to 11 UNESCO
World Heritage sites that include temples, palaces and fortresses in cities like Seoul, Gyeonggi
and Jeju, learn all about the country's imperial past.

confused happy hyper stubborn

My hobby is dancing, as it gives me joy and happiness. When I perform at
parties or shows, it makes me happy, and I am delighted to appreciate people. Dancing
is my way to escape the cruelties of the world. The reason behind my dancing is my
parents. They are a great source of inspiration for me. They dance with me so that I
can dance and take my hobby forward. I never dance in the same style but I like to
mix up everything. I know many types of dancing such as Jaz, tap, modern, hip hop,
swing and western. Each type of dance has its own way of moving and rhythm. One
has to feel the rhythm & learn the style of dance. I dance because it is the best way
to be healthy and keep myself fit. Dance makes me feel relax & happy. Dancing will
always remain a part of my life. It is a kind of sports that every generation enjoys. On
every special occasion I feel like dancing. When I dance in the parties nobody can stop
me from moving my feet fast in the rhythm of the music. Even if someone does that
it’s like applying efforts to stop a natural-disaster. Since childhood dancing is & has
been my passion always. Dancing allows me to express my emotions. No matter where I
am if music strikes my ears I feel like dancing.
Dream job
I would love to be a flight attendant because
I'd love a career where my smile and hospitality
matters. I would love to travel, experience new
things, and I would like to do something that
makes me happy while giving great customer
service! I really think I have a lot to offer this
career, and also it’s the best way to see the
world and meet many new wonderful people and
has amazing experiences,. I’m a people person,
and I was always intrigued by flying the airlines
and would love to start this new adventure.
wish list
1. Have a wonderful graduate ceremony with my family and friends
2. I want to travel to abroad
3. Be the speaker in front of 1,000 people.
4. dance under the rain with loving people.
5. Go to the wonderful resort and enjoy a holiday with my family.
6. Gain a big chest muscle.
7. Open my own business.
8. A healthy lifestyle
9. Go to Ariana Grande's concert.
10. Have a good deep sleep.
11. Act in film
12. see snow
13. watch a cherry blossom in Japan
14. I want to become a strong person, confident, mature, leader and good flight attendant.
15. I would like to have a millions in my bank account
16. feature in magazine
I know everyone should have a goal in their life that they are striving to
get to. Me personally, have many goals that I would like to reach throughout
my life. First, I would like to go to college when I get through with high
school, second, I want to always keep God first in my life, third, I would
just like to reach all of my desired goals. The most important goal I want to
achieve in my life is to get married and be a happy family. Ever since I was
a little boy I always tried to imagine my wedding and my perfect life after
marriage. There is this part of me that can 't wait for me to be settled
and have someone close to me that cares about me. But there is another
part that has this fear of giving up my independence and not being truly

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