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1. Notify the Dean about the Approve Remarks:
A. STUDENT deficiency. Approved
1. Provides Student information  Student
 ID number (Primary Key) Info.
B. DEAN  Subjects
 Lastname
& Units
 Firstname
 Middlename
1. Receives and verify the C. FINANCE  Student’s
Student Information Account
 Course 2. Checks and evaluates the
 Year subjects.
1. Receives Enrollment Fee.
 Gender 3. Affixes signature
2. Retrieves Student Info., D. REGISTRAR
Subjects and Units enrolled. (Pending for approval)
 Email 4. Inputs and saves the student 3. Assesses and updates the Remarks: Assessed
 Contact Number information and subjects to the Student’s Account.
1. Retrieves Student Info.,
 Birthdate College Enrollment system Subjects and Units enrolled
4. Input and saves the Student’s  Student Info. 2. Checks the remarks of
 Address (CES) database. Account.
 Subjects & Units information
 Parents/Guardian name  Student’s Account 3. Validates the information
 Parents/Guardian contact 4. Approves or declines the
number information.
 School Last Attended (if 5. Saves the information.
New or Transferee ) (Pending for approval)
Remarks: Evaluated

 Student Info.
 Subjects & Units



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