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Republic of the Philippines


Institute of Governance and Public Affairs
Tanza, Boac, Marinduque
Bachelor of Science in Law Enforcement Administration
Level II Re-Accredited by the Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges Universities in the
Philippines (AACCUP), Inc.

(BS - Law Enforcement Administration)

Tactical Communication
(LAWE 8)
TOPIC 1: Police/Public Communication System

At the end of the topic the student should be able to:
a) Discuss intelligently the history of communication system.
b) Explain the concept of communication system.
c) Classify the categories of communication.
d) Describe the manners and modes of communication.
e) Subscribe to the purposes of communication.
a) Materials

⮚ Laptop/Smart Phone

b) Reference

⮚ Garcia, Mario A. (2010) Police Patrol Plans and Operations with Police/Public
Radio Communication, Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc.



The world evolves smoothly and operationally due to Communication.

Communication is the means of transmission and exchange of information between a sender
and/of one or more receivers in a way that creates the understanding intended by the sender.
It is delivered on various forms; like sounds, signals, signs and symbols whether written, oral
or via electronic gadgets; cabled or wireless electronic equipments.
History and books tell us, that communications are commonly transmitted by sounds,
that if it is intended to send a message to a group or big number of people, the centurions use
Institute Goal: To produce graduates who are professionally equipped, morally upright, and committed
life-long learners who could deliver an effective and ethical public service which responds to the
challenges of contemporary society and social research, complemented with transformative
knowledge and actions across the multi-disciplinary fields of governance and public affairs.
Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Governance and Public Affairs
Tanza, Boac, Marinduque
Bachelor of Science in Law Enforcement Administration
Level II Re-Accredited by the Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges Universities in the
Philippines (AACCUP), Inc.

trumpets to warn or command soldiers. Signals may also be utilized through prearrange body,
hands and other gestures. As the military coded signals when on operation. Further
development, comes the use of various coded signals like flag color coded signals.
The invention of electronic paves the way to the modernization of communication
around the globe in which they technically term communication system.

Brief history of Electronic Communication System

The Telegraphy and Telephony - one of the earliest inventions of great signuficance to
communication was the invention of the electric battery by Alessandro Volta in 1799. This
invention makes it possible for Samuel Morse to develop the electric telegraph, which he
demonstrated in 1837 The first telegraph line linked Washington and Baltimore and become
operational in May 1844. Morse devised the variable, length binary code in which letters of
the English alphabet are represented by a sequence of dots and dashes.
The Morse code was the precursor to the variable length source coding method. It was
remarkable that the earliest form of electronic communication that was developed by Morse,
namely; telegraphy, was a binary digital communication system in which the letter of the
English Alphabet were efficiently encoded into corresponding variables length code words
having binary elements.
1858, important milestone in telegraphy was installed by the Translantic Cable which
linked U.S and Europe, but failed after four weeks of operation.
1875, Emile Bandot, developed a code for telegraphy in which each letter was
encoded into fixed length binary code.
1876, Alexander Graham Bell patented hi inventions of telephone.
1877, he established the Bell Telephone Company.
1894, Oliver, lodged the wireless communication system, using the principles of
electromagnetic radiation, introduced by Oersted, Farady, Gauss, Maxwell and Hertz.
1895, Gugliermo Marconi is credited on his development of the wireless telegraphy.
1897, Strawger, developed the first automatic switch operated auto mechanically in a
step by step method.
1906, Lee de Forest invented the triode amplifier which introduced signal applications
in telephone company system.
1929, Vladimir Zworyki developed and demonstrated the television system.
Institute Goal: To produce graduates who are professionally equipped, morally upright, and committed
life-long learners who could deliver an effective and ethical public service which responds to the
challenges of contemporary society and social research, complemented with transformative
knowledge and actions across the multi-disciplinary fields of governance and public affairs.
Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Governance and Public Affairs
Tanza, Boac, Marinduque
Bachelor of Science in Law Enforcement Administration
Level II Re-Accredited by the Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges Universities in the
Philippines (AACCUP), Inc.

1933, Armstrong builds and introduced the AM-FM communication system, using the
vacuum tube and triode amplifier earlier developed.
1960, Bell Telephone Laboratory developed the Digital Switch using electronic digital
transistors and was made serviceable in Illinois.
The past fifty years, the growth in communication service has been phenomenal, the
invention of the transistor in 1947 by Walter Brattain, John Bardeen and William Shockley,
the integrated circuit in 1958, by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce, and the laser by Towers and
Schalow in1958, have made possible the development of small size low power, low weight
and high speed electronic circuits which are used in the construction of satellites
communication system, and light wave communication system using fiber optic cables.
Currently, most of the wireless Communication system are being replaced by fiber
optic cables which provide extremely light bandwidth and makes possible the transmission of
wide variety of information system.
Today we are witnessing a significant growth in the introduction and use of personal
communication system including voice, data and video transmission Satellites and fiber optic
Similarly, the modernization of communication introduced a more sophisticated
system which is now controlling the globe, and we call it, the;
Internet - This is global array of computers connected by a high speed reliable
network. It connects millions of computers, allowing for the rapid exchange of informations,
education, military, criminal justice system and business professionals as well as researchers
use the system to send and retrieve informations. It also refers to the technologies that
facilitate the transmission of data across the network.
Brief History of Internet
1960, Internet was devised as a means to protect the U.S defense infrastructures.
RAND Corp. was the one contracted by the U.S Department of Defense to create the device.
1964, RAND Corp. released its recommendations in terms of command and control.
The program was known as the vance Research Project Network (ARPA)
1970's, the ARPA network grew extensively which covers Universities around the
U.S military installations and others, with machines of different brands and contents, but
which speaks the ARPA computer language.
1980's, Education, Business and Government Institutions made significant inroads
into ARPA.

Institute Goal: To produce graduates who are professionally equipped, morally upright, and committed
life-long learners who could deliver an effective and ethical public service which responds to the
challenges of contemporary society and social research, complemented with transformative
knowledge and actions across the multi-disciplinary fields of governance and public affairs.
Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Governance and Public Affairs
Tanza, Boac, Marinduque
Bachelor of Science in Law Enforcement Administration
Level II Re-Accredited by the Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges Universities in the
Philippines (AACCUP), Inc.

ARPA- devised its standards of communications such as;

1. NCP- Network Control Protocol
2. TCP/IP - Transmission and Internal Protocol.
1984, the National Science Foundation (NSF) installed a network of computers
around the U.S in connection with the ARPA network and is known today as Internet.
1989, ARPA, ceased into existence and succeeded by the internet.
1997, nearly ten million internet service providers (ISPS) maintain host server
computers, which anyone with a modem could communicate with.
2000, approximately 100 million 1SPS are now operating globally.

The World Wide Web - it is a part of the internet which utilizes a wide variety of
features such as graphics, photographs, sounds or video clips. The web utilizes The hypertext
to link informations, to travel electronically from one site to another.
Hypertext - a web browser text that transmits the user to another website by means of
clicking on highlighted text. It provides access to graphics, sounds or video clips.
Home Page - the web page designated as being the first page seen upon entering the
Web Browser - a program that displays text, graphics, audio and visual information.
It eliminates the labor of intensive use of E-mail.
Web Site - any document located in a web site, or any location in the internet capable
of storing web pages or hypertext intormation.
Now, the realization of the theory of "Cybernetics" which means the theoretical study
of control processed in biological, mechanical and electronic system.

Concept of Communication System

Communication systems are forever evolving towards increased complexity and

better performance. However, one thing about them remains unchanged. Their basic
objectives are the transformation of information issuing from one source into a form that, to
some degree, withstands the effect of noise while being transmitted or stored on a channel.

In generic digital communication system, the information originates as a signal from a

source, either continuous or discrete. The progress of encoding this information for
transmission onto and later retrieve from a channel involves two conceptual distinct processes

Institute Goal: To produce graduates who are professionally equipped, morally upright, and committed
life-long learners who could deliver an effective and ethical public service which responds to the
challenges of contemporary society and social research, complemented with transformative
knowledge and actions across the multi-disciplinary fields of governance and public affairs.
Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Governance and Public Affairs
Tanza, Boac, Marinduque
Bachelor of Science in Law Enforcement Administration
Level II Re-Accredited by the Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges Universities in the
Philippines (AACCUP), Inc.

called source coding. Source coding maps the source information into a set of symbols from a
finite alphabet.Then these informations must be impressed on to the computer system.

The only requirement for source coding is that the process must be reversible. The
original information must be uniquely recoverable from its coded transcription. While there
are several ways of encoding an lnformation source, parsimony is always the goal for
economic design. Encoding an information source into a few symbols as possible results in
a more efficient and economical utilization of finite channel resources such as time,
bandwidth and energy. The mathematical measure of source information content and the
efficiency, with which it can be encoded, therefore, form an important part of the
mathematical theory of communication.

The physical channels used to transmit or store information all have fundamental
limitations that restrict their capacity, which measure the amount of information that can be
reliably transmitted over the channel. A measure of channel capacity, expressed in the same
units as those used to describe the information rate of source, can be used to compare source
rate to channels capacity. One of the most significant result of information theory is that the
information can be transmitted over a channel with arbitrarily small probability of decoding
error provided the channel capacity exceeds the source information rate by however small an
amount as we may choose, the search for techniques that approach this ideal but theoretically
achievable pertormance constitute the topic of channel coding and its implementation
involves what are now known as error control codes.

There are occasions where one is forced to exceed channel capacity and therefore,
incur some unavoidable amount of distortion. This is what is known as the rate of distortion
theory, which provides not only bounds of the minimum distortion, but also a rationale for
constructing logarithms that result in transmission and distortion.
Communication Defined
Communication - at its simplest level, involves the symbolic representation of
thoughts, ideas, quantities and events as we wish to record for later retrieval or transmit for
reception at a distant point.
Operationally, this involves the transformation of one set of quantities into others that
are somehow more suited for transmission or recording over a degrading medium and the
recovery of estimates of the original quantities at the receiving points. The goal of

Institute Goal: To produce graduates who are professionally equipped, morally upright, and committed
life-long learners who could deliver an effective and ethical public service which responds to the
challenges of contemporary society and social research, complemented with transformative
knowledge and actions across the multi-disciplinary fields of governance and public affairs.
Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Governance and Public Affairs
Tanza, Boac, Marinduque
Bachelor of Science in Law Enforcement Administration
Level II Re-Accredited by the Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges Universities in the
Philippines (AACCUP), Inc.

communicatior is to achieve the maximum information throughout across a channel with

fixed capacity.
It is a tribute to human ingenuity that many ways have been devised to accomplish
this. Communication system, for some would even define as an important part of human
● Communication is the transter of meaning, if no information or ideas have been
conveyed; the communication has not taken place. The supervisor Who is not heard or
the writer who is not read does not communicate. For communication to be successful,
the meaning must not only be sent but also comprehended. Therefore, communication is
movement and understanding of meaning. Perfect communication, if such a thing were
possible, would exist when a transmitted thought is perceived by the receiver exactly the
same as envisioned by the sender.
● Communication is the transmission or exchange of information between senders to one
or more receivers in a way that creates the understanding intended by the sender. One
person cannot communicate alone even when utilizing a written format. There must be a
receiver to complete the act of communication.
Purposes of Communication
It is to achieve understanding between two or more people. Carrying the following
1. The purpose of the sender
2. The organizational position, perception, non verbal behavior, and listening skills of
the sender and receiver.
3. The message to be sent
4. The methods by which the message maybe sent
5. The possible interpretations of the message content by the receiver
6. The action the sender wants the receiver to take in response to the communication
Manners and Modes of Communication
1. Formal Communication - that which occurs with in a formal organization
2. Informal Communication - that which occurs within the framework of the
informal organization which occurs

Institute Goal: To produce graduates who are professionally equipped, morally upright, and committed
life-long learners who could deliver an effective and ethical public service which responds to the
challenges of contemporary society and social research, complemented with transformative
knowledge and actions across the multi-disciplinary fields of governance and public affairs.
Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Governance and Public Affairs
Tanza, Boac, Marinduque
Bachelor of Science in Law Enforcement Administration
Level II Re-Accredited by the Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges Universities in the
Philippines (AACCUP), Inc.

3. Verbal Communication - consists of the use of spoken words or verbalization to

send message
Two forms of Verbal Communication
1. Oral - direct use of speech or speaking.
2. Written - another form of verbal communication that occurs from a
distance, i.e written message, memoranda, SOPs etc.
4. Non-Verbal Communication - refers to behaviors such as the inflection of the
voice, emphasis to given words, gestures, behaviors, or expressions of the body that
impart information to a receiver.
Categories of Communication
Speech - may have been one of the first complex communication bridges between
human. This remarkable means of transmitting ideas is, for the most part, taken for granted.
The systematic representation of thoughts, things, events and even abstract relations by
mutually agreed upon acoustic modulations occupying about four kilohertz of spectrum has
not only facilitated interactions between humans, but also made possible the passing of
informations from one generation to the next. The acoustic medium over which we vocalize
is remarkably linear and introduces little distance and, in some occasional instances annoying
in the way of distortion, save for attenuation over long distance and in some occasional
instance annoying multipart echoes, noise and interfering signals can, at times, present
difficulties ,however.
Written Language - occupies a special place among communication systems. Aside
from its availability than memory would, it is a powerful tool of mass communication and
cornerstone for civilization. The ability to represent ideas by written symbols, together with
the technology toreproduce and disseminate them with ease, has played a major role in
spreading knowledge.
Written language is amenable to scientific study with tolls of communication
engineering and information theory. This is because written language itself represents a
convenient level of symbolic mapping that uses a finite number of symbols, viz, letters and
diagrams, This is very useful starting point for additional mappings for the purpose of data
compression, transmission or storage.

Institute Goal: To produce graduates who are professionally equipped, morally upright, and committed
life-long learners who could deliver an effective and ethical public service which responds to the
challenges of contemporary society and social research, complemented with transformative
knowledge and actions across the multi-disciplinary fields of governance and public affairs.

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