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1. Do you spend time with your colleagues outside of work? Why/why not?
2. What are some common problems with colleagues?
3. How do you feel about working overtime?
4. What challenges do small businesses have in your country?
5. What difficulties can working abroad have?
6. If you could choose, where would you like to work abroad?
7. What makes an excellent leader?
8. How good of a leader do you believe you are?
9. What are the advantages/disadvantages to having meetings
10. What qualities make a good manager?
11. How can a manager motivate employees?
12. What is your manager's managing style?
13. Do you think men or women are better at negotiations? Why?
14. What have you had to negotiate for in your life? (Examples: House, car, items at a
15. What are some good negotiation tactics?
1. If I lose this order, I'm afraid it_________ affect my commission.
A. won’t
B. wouldn’t
C. could
D. ‘ll
2. I'm sure they_________ continue doing business with you if they weren't satisfied.
A. won’t
B. wouldn’t
C. ‘d
D. have
3. We're offering interest-free______ this month for first-time buyers.
A. stock
B. credit
C. card
D. payment
4. This is the employees' car park so don't park here. Visitors_________ park in the
visitors' car park.
A. shouldn’t
B. could
C. have to
D. need
5. It's raining. ________you like to borrow my umbrella?
A. was
B. is
C. ‘d
D. were
6. If he ______ able to deal with pressure, he’d be an excellent negotiator.
A. was
B. is
C. ‘d
D. were
7. When a company announces good results, often its______ price increases.
A. share
B. turnover
C. retail
D. sales
8. Roman waited _________the end of the meeting and then he announced the
A. when
B. as soon as
C. for
D. until
9. We give customers a full______ if they return an unused product within 30 days.
A. guarantee
B. return
C. refund
D. reduce
10. Our _____ profit is lower this year because sales are down.
A. return
B. net
C. turnover
D. company
11. (11)
A. direct
B. go
C. lead
D. attend
12. (12)
A. make
B. speak
C. show
D. tell
13. (13)
A. dealing with
B. negotiating đàm phán
C. transferring
D. talking
14. (14)
A. sharp
B. tight
C. narrow
D. do
15. (15)
A. complaint
B. complaining
C. complain
D. complained
16. (16)
A. rising
B. bargain món hời
C. money
D. rise
17. (17)
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. under
18. (18)
A. workload khối lượng công việc
B. workforce lực lượng lao động
C. workaholic người cuồng công việc
D. worker
19. (19)
A. life cycle
B. lifestyle
C. work-life balance
D. daily life
20. (20)
A. worked out
B. overworked
C. worked over
D. worked at
21. According to the article, business socialising is almost always a fun, exciting part of
business travel. f
22. According to William Hanson, business entertaining is part of the job. n
23. Hanson says that your actions affect people’s opinion of your company. t
24. Hanson says that having a good understanding of business is far more important than
being able to socialise. n
25. According to the article, if your colleagues are staying up late, you should stay up late
so you don’t miss anything. f

26. Typing everything in capitals isn’t polite, because it’s like __________________.
A. a road sign
B. talking loudly
C. a child’s writing
D. an important thing
27. It’s best __________________ e-mails with angry words when you feel angry or upset.
A. not to write
B. to send
C. not to read
D. suitable
28. __________________ can be like talking.
A. Reading a letter
B. Meetings
C. Conferences
D. E-mails and text messages
29. In online chat rooms, it’s normal to use __________________ letters.
A. no lower case
B. mostly capital
C. all lower case
D. some lower case
30. Sometimes when you are in an online chat room, you must __________________
A. use
B. explain
C. feel angry about
D. type
31. Writing 1:
Your friend is working in a company, and she is having some problem with her
customer. She sent you an email to ask some advice. Write a reply (100-150 words) to
your friend, including:
- Greeting your friend
- Summarizing her problem
- Giving some advice
- Giving the result and other options (if you have)
32. Writing 2:
Your company is going to re-model the company’s parking area. As the Marketing
manager, you have to write a memo (50-100 words) to all staff, including:
- Reasons for facilities update
- Time and date of the re-model
- The temporary parking area.

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