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Good day! this week is a bit challenging yet purposeful in preparing dough for your yeast bread
because you will be taught how to produce the basic method for mixing dough, aside from the
guidelines and methods from the previous lesson, you will also learn based on the demonstration given
by your instructor which quite helpful in making good quality yeast bread. Hence, focus and self-
commitment are really important in order to accomplish the task easily and to achieve the desired
result. Good luck and have fruitful weekdays. ☺
Lesson 4: • Principles in Making Good Quality Yeast Breads
• Characteristics of Good Quality Yeast Breads
• Demonstration on Methods of Mixing Dough for
Yeast Breads
Most Essential Learning Competency: • Prepare a variety of bakery products according to
standard mixing procedures/formulation/recipe
and desired product characteristics.
Time Frame: • August 10-14, 2020
Printed References: • Bread & Pastry Production Second Edition by
Leonora Basbas; Rex Book Store Inc., C. 2019 pg.
• Technology & livelihood Education, Bread & Pastry
Production by Corazon M. Sumisim, Fe F. Asprer,
& Fe S.J. Mangalindan, Ph.D. The Library
Publishing House Inc., C. 2015 pgs. 17-21
Online Resources: Links
Online Apps: •
Teacher’s Account (for online •
consultation/follow-ups) • Miguel Posadas (fb account)
• Edmodo Code
II. Learning Activities

What Do You Already Know?

Pre-Assessment Activity
(Answer this without proceeding yet to learning activities)

Instructions: Take this test and find out how much you already know about the lesson.

A. Identification. Identify what is being referred to by the following statement. Write your answer on

the space provided for.

Oven spring 1. It refers to the expanding of dough, make it elastic during the first 10 minutes in the

baking process.

Bread flour2. It is a type of flour that contains the highest percentage of gluten.

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Straight dough method3. It is a method of mixing dough where kneading is omitted and all ingredients

simply mixed together.

Conditioning 4. It refers to the mechanical development of gluten during mixing and fermentation.

fermentation5. It refers to a process where yeast converts sugar to alcohol and carbon dioxide.

Sugar 6. It is an ingredient that act as food for the yeast.

5 minutes 7. It is the required length of time for the yeast to stand before adding the other ingredients.

Beat 8. It refers to the manipulation of dough with rhythmic pressure using mixer or hands until the
gluten has developed.

Yeast bread9. It is a type of bread that makes use of yeast as the leavening agent.
Sponge dough method 10. It is a type of dough that contains only the basic ingredients such as flour,
sugar, yeast, and salt.

The bread should be tasty The texture of the bread looks clean and moist
Soft and fluffy Crunchy in the outside
Attractiveness The taste is just right

1. What does the word trying to imply?

It shows that the bread should get to the standards or good quality so that the bread that you made
looks flavorous and doesn’t look unpleasant.

2. Is this word important in the baking industry? Why?

Yes, it can be a good investment to start a business because your bread taste delicious and mouth-
watering at the same this result that a lot of people will order time to time.


Activity # 1: Identifying the Principles in Making Good Quality Yeast Breads

(Please see & read pages 30-33)

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Instructions: Answer the given questions below. Write your answer on the space provided for.

1. What are the principles of making yeast bread?

First you have to consider the stronger gluten to make the quality better, in making the bread
flour longer kneading is needed, you have to observe properly the liquid absorption,
conditioning during the mixing and fermentation, yeast use as leavening agent, more salt may
result a slows down fermentation while less salt or absence of it hastens the process, use sugar
because it acts as food for the yeast and lastly the liquid function as solvent for dry ingredients.

2. How do these principles affect success in baking?

It serves as a guide in baking and it give us an idea to have a good quality of bread. It is better
to be familiar to the principles so that you can be guided and might avoid some mistakes that
can ruin the entire production.

Activity # 2: Describing the Characteristics of Good Quality Yeast Breads

(Please see & read pages 30-33)

1. What are the characteristics of good quality yeast bread?

The exterior of the bread should be a smooth texture, light or moderate brown color and the
volume should be large and light. The interior of the bread include the feathery white to yellow
crumb, small and uniformed cells. High gluten strands that are soft and elastic, achieve the fine
and even grain with a pleasing yeasty aroma and well balanced taste including the neither sour,
yeasty, salty, strong nor heavy.

2. How can you achieve the right characteristics of a good quality yeast bread?
You have to be familiar about the proper texture of the bread, the taste and the attractiveness or
smell. Because in this way we can figure out if the bread that you made achieve the appropriate
quality that we expect.


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Activity # 3: Illustrating the Steps in Bread Making
(Please see information sheet and links for videos via EDMODO

Instructions: Illustrate the steps in bread making and use thegraphics provided for. (15 points)


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Criteria Excellent (5) Very Good (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)
Completeness of The diagram The diagram The diagram The diagram The diagram
steps shows all the shows some of te shows few steps shows 1 or 2 shows nothing of
steps in bread steps in bread in bread making. steps in bread the steps in bread
making making. making. making.
Correctness of Give excellent Give very good Give good Give fair Give poor
details description of description of description of the description of description of the
the steps. the steps. steps. the steps. steps.
Organization Steps are Steps are Steps are Steps are Steps are not
organized in organized in organized in organized but, organized.
coherent manner. coherent manner coherent manner some of the steps
but, there are 2 but, few steps are are confusing.
steps which are confusing.

➢ What is/are the importance of learning these lessons in bread industry? Are these lessons quite helpful
in producing quality yeast breads? Why?

It help us to determine easily if our bread that we made has a good quality. It is very useful especially
to us to be familiar to this kind of lesson because it might help us to run our own business in an early
age since baking is fun and much easier to do if you are familiar to the characteristics and principles.

➢ Choose at least 1 quality do you have (good/bad), and explain how this quality made an impact to
your life as a person. Is this quality contribute to the road to success in producing yeast bread? why?
Use the space provided for.

As a person im really aware to the things that I wore everyday. Whenever o go out my appearance should look neat,
clean and at the same time attractive because if I look unpleasing it can affect the way I take care or handle myself.
That’s why I can also relate it to the succes in producing the yeast bread because if you make your own bread
business and the bread that you made looks awful and not delicious then your buyers will end up not liking your
business because of the quality of bread and also it can affect yourself as a owner.


A. Table 1. Characteristics of a Good Quality Yeast Bread


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Instruction: Write the characteristics of a good quality yeast bread. Use the table provided for.
1. well-rounded shape 1. feathery white to yellow crumb
2. smooth texture 2. small and uniformed cells
3. light moderate to brown color 3. highly developed gluten strands that
are soft and elastic
4. the volume that is considerably large 4. fine and even grain
5. light 5. pleasing yeasty aroma

Table 2. Causes of Poor Quality in Yeast Bread

Instructions: List down the characteristics of poor-quality yeast bread and its specific causes. Use the
table provided for.

1. shape -too much liquid
-uneven rolling
-improper cutting
-uneven temperature
-excessive shortening
-excessive shortening
-overmixing(small volume)
-high temperature

2. color -too stiff dough (toopale)

-low temperature
-high temperature
Extended baking(too dark)
Unevern shapes (uneven)
Undermixing (with spots)

3. texture Excess flour(tough)

Incorrect temperature
Rough ( too much liquid)

1. color Excess shortening (not bright)
Poor-quality ingredients

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2. grain Insufficient shortening (not flaky)
Undermixing or overmixing of shortening to
Overmixing (uneven, coarse cell)

3. texture Too stiff dough(too dry)

(Too moist) underbaking
(crumbly) excess shortening
(tough) insufficient shortening
(heavy) excess shortening

4. flavor ( Not wheaty) overmixing

(not sweet) wrong proportion of ingredients
(filling not accentuated) wrong proportion of
Poor quality ingredients

B. Arrange the steps in preparing yeast breads. Write a for the first step, b for the second step, and so on.

_________a__ 1. Dissolve the yeast.

_________g__ 2. Shape the dough.

_________c__ 3. Mix the ingredients.

_________b__ 4. Measure the ingredients.

__________d_ 5. Knead the dough.

__________i_ 6. Preheat the oven.

_______e____ 7. Punch down to expel out the air.

_______h____ 8. Proof the shaped dough.

_______f____ 9. Let the dough rise until it doubles in size.

________j___ 10. Bake until done.


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C. Explain.(5 points)

Why do we need to follow the steps in making bread? what do you

think the implication/s if you failed to follow those steps?

We need to follow the instructions or step so that our efforts in making the bread reach our standards because
steps is the one that guides us the entire production it tells the things we must do if we don’t follow the i our
standards because steps is the one that guides us the entire production it tells the things we must do if we
don’t follw the steps then theres a tendency that our product will end being distasteful.

Prepared by: Mr. Miguel A. Posadas Checked by: Mr. Rufino T. Efondo Jr.
TLE 10 Teacher Academic Area Coordinator

Name of Student: Date Received:

Grade & Section: Date Submitted:


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