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Joshua L.

De los Reyes

Green Chemistry

Directions: Answer the following questions. You may search the web for your answer but
please acknowledge the sources.

1. What is green Chemistry? What are the twelve principles of green chemistry?

- They were created by Paul Anastas and John Warner, and are essentially a checklist of
ways to reduce both the environmental impact and the potential negative health effects of
chemicals and chemical synthesis.

The Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry:

1. Prevention
2. Atom Economy
3. Less Hazardous Chemical Syntheses
4. Designing Safer Chemicals
5. Safer Solvents and Auxiliaries
6. Design for Energy Efficient
7. Use of Renewable Feedstocks
8. Reduce Derivatives
9. Catalysis
10. Design for Degradation
11. Real-time analysis for Pollution Prevention
12. Inherently Safer Chemistry for Accident Prevention

2. “Green Chemistry is sustainable chemistry”- Explain the statement.

- Green chemistry is the practice of chemical science and manufacturing in a way that is
sustainable, safe, and non-polluting, using the least number of resources and energy
possible while producing little or no waste. Write a comparative statement on green
chemistry and synthetic chemistry.

3. Write a comparative statement on green chemistry and synthetic chemistry.

- Synthetic chemistry is a discipline of chemistry concerned with creating novel techniques to

make compounds and improving existing methods of synthesizing them. The engagement
of synthetic chemists in environmental chemistry is an important aspect of green chemistry.

4. “Green Chemistry is important in alternate reaction pathways”-Explain.

-They make it possible to use alternative reactions with better atom economy and hence less
waste. It is feasible to more precisely control reaction pathways, resulting in fewer undesirable
side products and easier separation and purification of the desired product. Write the principles
of sustainability of green chemistry.

5. Write the principles of sustainability of green chemistry.

- Anastas, the following basic principles of green chemistry have been formulated1:
Prevention of waste/by-products. Maximum incorporation of the reactants (starting
materials and reagents) into the final product. Prevention or minimization of hazardous

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