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Clinical approach to renal tubular acidosis in adult

P. Reddy

Department of Medicine,
University of Florida College of Review Criteria
Medicine, Jacksonville, FL, USA Renal tubular acidosis (RTA) is a group of disorders observed in patients with nor-
I gathered the information in this review article
mal anion gap metabolic acidosis. There are three major forms of RTA: A proximal from various text books and journals as listed in
Correspondence to: (type II) RTA and two types of distal RTAs (type I and type IV). Proximal (type II) the references.
Pramod Reddy, MD,
RTA originates from the inability to reabsorb bicarbonate normally in the proximal
Department of Medicine, Message for the Clinic
University of Florida, 653-1 tubule. Type I RTA is associated with inability to excrete the daily acid load and
Renal tubular acidosis appears extremely complex
West Eighth Street, Jacksonville, may present with hyperkalaemia or hypokalaemia. The most prominent abnormality
when briefly heard in the conferences, but once
FL 32209, USA in type IV RTA is hyperkalaemia caused by hypoaldosteronism. This article exten-
Tel.: + 1 904 244 3530 you spend more time understanding the
sively reviews the mechanism of hydrogen ion generation from metabolism of nor- pathophysiology it becomes unforgettable and easy
Fax: + 1 904 244 3087
Email: mal diet and various forms of RTA leading to disruptions of normal acid-base to teach students and residents. Clinicians are handling by the kidneys. encouraged to study this topic in depth rather than
just before the examinations.

as seen with gastrointestinal and proximal renal bicar-

bonate wasting. A positive urine anion gap suggests
Normal urinary acidification involves bicarbonate the possibility of distal RTAs resulting in lower
reabsorption in the proximal tubules and hydrogen amounts of NH4+ and chloride in the urine (3).
ion excretion in the distal tubules. Impairment of Gastro-intestinal losses of bicarbonate (diarrhoea,
any of these critical functions leads to renal tubular urinary diversion procedures and fistulas) should be
acidosis (RTA). All forms of RTA are characterised ruled out by detailed history and physical examina-
by a normal anion gap (hyperchloraemic) metabolic tion.
acidosis (see Table 1). Although alkaline urine pH is variably seen in all
The first step in the evaluation of a patient with three types of RTAs, only patients with complete
suspected RTA is to confirm the presence of a nor- type I distal RTA have a urine pH > 5.3 even during
mal anion gap metabolic acidosis (1). periods of severe metabolic acidosis. By contrast,
The serum anion gap is: is: urine pH transiently becomes acidic in both type II
and type IV RTAs till the extra acid load is excreted
½Naþ  þ ½Cl  HCO
3 : into the urine (see Figure 1 and Table 1).

Pseudo normalisation of the elevated anion gap

secondary to severe hypoalbuminaemia must be care- Basic principles of acid–base balance
fully ruled out (in general, each 1 g ⁄ dl decline in
The kidneys have a major role in regulating the H+
serum albumin from the normal value of 4.5 g ⁄ dl,
ion concentration or pH of the body fluids. In a
decreases the serum anion gap by 2.5 mEq ⁄ l). Once
healthy individual, the arterial pH of the extra cellu-
normal anion gap metabolic acidosis is confirmed,
lar fluid (ECF) has a range of 7.38–7.42 and this
the urine anion gap is calculated to indirectly esti-
corresponds to the H+ ion concentration of
mate the urine NH4+ levels (2).
42–38 nmol ⁄ l (0.00004 mmol ⁄ l).
The urine anion gap is:
The major threats to the pH of the body fluids are
½urine Naþ þ urine Kþ   urine Cl : from the acids formed in the metabolism of carbohy-
drates, fats and proteins consumed in a daily diet
High urine chloride levels leading to a negative gap (4,5). These metabolic acids can be divided into
are typically accompanied by high amounts of NH4+, three categories.

ª 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Int J Clin Pract, March 2011, 65, 3, 350–360
350 doi: 10.1111/j.1742-1241.2009.02311.x
Renal tubular acidosis 351

Table 1 Differential diagnosis of RTA

Distal renal tubular acidoses

Type I classic
Proximal RTA Type IV Acidosis of chronic
Characteristic features Type II All other causes Back diffusion hyperkalaemic renal insufficiency

Basic defect Diminished Decreased distal Back diffusion Aldosterone deficiency Inability to produce
proximal HCO3) acidification of H+ ions or resistance or to excrete NH4+ ion
UAG = urine NH4+ Negative or positive Positive Positive Positive Positive
Minimal urine pH when < 5.3 > 5.3, usually > 6 > 5.3 < 5.3 < 5.3
HCO3) < 13 (after NH4+Cl) load)
Urine pH after alkali (NaHCO3) load > 5.3 > 5.3 > 5.3 > 5.3 > 5.3
U–B pCO2 gradient after Normal > 20 mmHg Diminished Normal (> 25) Normal Normal
HCO3) loading with urine pH > 7.6 (close to zero)
FeHCO3) (%) > 15 <5 <5 <5 <5
Urine pH after furosemide < 5.3 > 5.3 < 5.3 or > 5.3 < 5.3 < 5.3
GFR N N N fl flfl
Plasma HCO3) 12–18 Variable 8–15 Variable 8–15 > 17 > 17
Plasma K+ Low Low or high Low High High
Plasma Cl) › › › › ›
24-h urinary citrate Normal Low Low Normal Normal
Nephrocalcinosis ) + + ) )
Osteomalacia ++ + + ) )
Diagnosis Response Response to Plus U-B pCO2 Plasma aldosterone Creatinine clearance
to NaHCO3 NH4+Cl) or difference concentration
HCO3) replacement doses Large Modest Modest Modest Modest
Mineralocaorticoid replacement ) ) ) ++ )

RTA, renal tubular acidosis; GFR, glomerular filterate rate; UAG, urine anion gap; U–B, urine–blood; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosis; SCD, sickle cell disease;
flfl, severely decreased; fl, decrease; ›, increase; N, normal.

Volatile acids Fixed acids

When there is adequate tissue perfusion in the pres- Fixed acids are typically produced from protein
ence of insulin, oxidation of carbohydrates and fats metabolism;
yield carbon dioxide (CO2), as the major end prod-
• Sulphuric acid from sulphur containing amino
uct. CO2 reacts with water to form carbonic acid
acids methionine and cysteine.
(H2CO3), which in turn, can dissociate to form H+
• Phosphoric acid from the metabolism of phospho-
and HCO3):
lipids, nucleic acids, phospholipoproteins and phos-
CO2 þ H2 O ¼ H2 CO3 ¼ Hþ þ HCO
• Amino acids glutamate and aspartate have both
Carbon dioxide is called a volatile acid, as it can COO) and NH3+ groups at physiological pH and
be excreted via the lungs. All acids other than oxidation of these groups will result in production of
H2CO3 are non-volatile acids, hence they are not equal amounts of bicarbonate and ammonium.
excreted by the lungs.
The liver is the major net producer of fixed acids
from protein metabolism. It also removes excess
Organic acids
NH4+ by urea synthesis and also transports ammonia
These acids are formed from incomplete metabolism
to kidneys via glutamine. For each ammonium con-
of carbohydrates (e.g. lactate) and fats (e.g. ketones)
verted to urea in the liver, a single molecule of bicar-
when there is poor tissue perfusion and insulin defi-
bonate is consumed:
ciency. Organic acids are considered non-volatile
acids and they consume bicarbonate for conversion 2NHþ 
4 þ 2HCO3 ¼ >Urea þ CO2 þ 3H2 O:
into CO2.

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352 Renal tubular acidosis

Hyperchloremic Normal Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis

Proximal (type II)

RTA with Urine AG –ve Urine AG +ve Urine AG +ve Urine AG +ve
serum HCO3 Urine pH <5.3 Urine pH >5.3 Urine pH <5.3
above threshold

Proximal (type II)

RTA with serum Distal RTA’s Acidosis of glomerular
HCO3 below Insufficiency

Fe HCO3 > 15%

Urine pH >5.3 IV Sodium Bicarbonate load NH4Cl– load

Urine pH Urine pH
Proximal (type II) Type I RTA persistently >5.3 transiently <5.3 Type IV RTA
RTA Confirmed Confirmed
Confirmed E.g.; Diabetes
Check U-B pCO2
& Urine K before
and after diuretics
Voltage defect Gradient defect
Confirmed Hyperkalemia and unchanged K Urine-Blood pCO2 difference > 25 mm Confirmed
E.g.; Sickle excretion after diuretics E.g.; Amphotericin B
cell disease

Hypokalemia and
increased K excretion
after diuretics

H-ATPase pump
defect confirmed
E.g.; Sjogren’s

Figure 1 Algorithm for diagnosing RTA. RTA, renal tubular acidosis; NH4+Cl), ammonium chloride; AG, anion gap

A typical protein rich western diet would yield body as the H+ is consumed in the reaction with the
approximately 100 mmol (1–1.5 mmol ⁄ kg) H+ every filtered bicarbonate in the tubular lumen.
day. It represents a 25,000-fold increase in basal H+ Proximal tubule is also the major site of ammonia
concentration and could be disastrous unless synthesis from amino acid glutamine (8). Most of
excreted by the kidneys. the proximally secreted ammonia is removed from
As the non-volatile acids are buffered for the most the tubular fluid by the thick ascending loop of Henle
part by the bicarbonate buffer system, the body is left into the medullary interstitium and is later secreted
with an overall deficit of HCO3). To maintain acid- into the collecting tubules.
base balance, the kidneys must not only reclaim all Around 10% of the filtered bicarbonate is reab-
the filtered HCO3), but also generate new HCO3). sorbed in the loop of Henle and the remaining
Most of the filtered HCO3) is reabsorbed in the 5–10% is reabsorbed in the collecting tubules. The
proximal tubules and generation of new HCO3) process of bicarbonate reabsorption in the distal
occurs in the distal and collecting tubules during the tubule involves an HCO3Cl) exchanger. Principal
excretion of H+. cells reabsorb Na+ via the epithelial Na+ channels
Normally, 80–85% of the filtered bicarbonate is causing an electronegative tubular lumen, which
reabsorbed in the proximal tubule with the help of favours the secretion of both K+ (principal cells) and
the enzyme carbonic anhydrase (CA; 6). Epithelial H+ (intercalated cells) into the lumen.
cells of the proximal tubule synthesise H2CO3 via CA. Hydrogen ion secretion from the intercalated cells
H2CO3 then ionizes into H+ and HCO3). The process in the distal convoluted tubule involves the H+-
of Na+-H+ exchange recreates H2CO3 in the lumen ATPase pump. Although this proton secretory pump
and NaHCO3 in the cell, which is absorbed into the is under direct influence of aldosterone, acid excre-
peritubular venous blood. The net effect is the reab- tion can occur indirectly by the negative charge cre-
sorption of one molecule of HCO3) and one molecule ated by Na+ reabsorption in the cortical collecting
of Na+ from the tubular lumen into the blood stream tubules. In comparison, the process of hydrogen ion
for each molecule of H+ secreted (7). This mechanism excretion in the medullary collecting tubules is
does not lead to the net excretion of any H+ from the sodium independent (9).

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Renal tubular acidosis 353

Distal tubules secrete the daily acid load as H+ ions inhibited by hyperkalaemia and stimulated by hypo-
generated within the cells from the dissociation of kalaemia.
H2O (H2O = H+ and OH) ions). These OH) ions Titratable acidity (TA) represents the H+ ion, which
combine with CO2 to form HCO3) ions by intracellu- is buffered by the limited amounts of filtered phosphate
lar CA. Thus, secretion of each H+ ion into the lumen in the urine (HPO4) + H+ = H2PO4)). In comparison
is associated with generation of one HCO3) ion within with ammonia, production of phosphate cannot
the tubular cell, which is returned to the plasma. increase significantly in the presence of acidosis. The
Distal nephrons are capable of actively secreting TA can be measured in the urine from the amount of
hydrogen ions against large concentration gradients sodium hydroxide needed to titrate the urine pH back
(Final urine pH may reach 4.4 while blood pH is to 7.4, hence the name ‘titratable acidity’ (12). Ammo-
7.4) and the distal luminal membrane is normally nium is not measured as part of the TA because the
resistant to passive back diffusion of secreted H+ ions high pK value of ammonium prevents H+ from being
(certain drugs can compromise this barrier, resulting removed from NH4+ during titration to a pH of 7.4.
in reduced net secretion of acid). The net effect of the excretion of one H+ is the
The filtered bicarbonate in the distal tubular return of one HCO3) and one Na+ to the blood
lumen combines with the secreted H+ ions to form stream. RTAs result from various forms of congenital
H2CO3. As CA is not readily accessible to the collect- and acquired tubular dysfunction resulting in
ing tubular lumen, the formed H2CO3 slowly dehy- impaired urinary acidification (13). Their differenti-
drates to CO2 and H2O, which are passively ating clinical features are described below (see
reabsorbed and converted into HCO3) ions inside Table 1).
the cells. This delayed dehydration of H2CO3
increases urinary pCO2 values (> 65 mm) well in
Proximal renal tubular acidosis (type II
excess of that in the blood samples (40 mm). As this
increment in urinary pCO2 is ultimately derived
from distally secreted protons, the urine–blood Type II RTA occurs in two phases (14).
(U–B) pCO2 difference (> 25 mm) becomes a semi
quantitative index of distal nephron acid secretion The period of transient HCO3) wasting
during bicarbonate loading. When the reabsorption capacity of the proximal
It is important to emphasise that the daily acid tubule is impaired (rather than complete inhibition),
load cannot be excreted till all of the filtered HCO3) less of the filtered HCO3) is reabsorbed in this seg-
has been reabsorbed. H+ ions secreted in excess of ment. The increased distal HCO3) delivery over-
those required to reabsorb filtered HCO3) bind with whelms the limited capacity of the distal nephron,
non-bicarbonate buffers in the tubular fluid, most leading to bicarbonaturia. This period of transient
important of which are ammonia and phosphate. bicarbonate wasting results in ECF volume contrac-
A low pH in the collecting tubule caused by active tion and secondary hyperaldosteronism with result-
H+ secretion and low bicarbonate concentration ing hypokalaemia. Chloride reabsorption is enhanced
greatly augments transfer of ammonia from the med- secondary to ECF volume contraction. The alkaline
ullary interstitium into the luminal fluid. Ammonia collecting tubule lumen reduces net acid excretion
buffers the luminal H+ ions in the collecting duct causing a hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis as an
and becomes NH4+ in the tubule lumen and is elimi- end result. During this period, FeHCO3 is high with
nated in the urine. For every molecule of NH4+ an alkaline urine pH (> 6) and urine anion gap may
excreted, a molecule of HCO3) is returned to the be negative.
systemic circulation from the proximal tubule. In the
absence of an acidic pH in the collecting tubule, The steady state
ammonia in the medullary interstitium will be Urinary bicarbonate wasting continues until the
returned to the liver by the systemic circulation plasma HCO3) level reaches a new low level
where it will be converted to urea, while consuming (12–18 meq ⁄ l), at which point most of the filtered
HCO3) during the process. Thus, the overall process bicarbonate is reabsorbed as a result of enhanced
of HCO3) regeneration is not complete unless the distal tubular reabsorption, resulting in acidic urine
NH4+ is excreted (10). pH (< 5.3). Thus, type II RTA is a self-limiting dis-
The amount of ammonia produced by the proxi- order and the systemic acidosis is not progressive
mal tubules can increase markedly in acidosis. This despite total absence of proximal HCO3) reabsorp-
involves synthesis of new enzymes and requires sev- tion (15).
eral days for complete adaptation (11). Plasma K+ With oral bicarbonate therapy or when challenged
concentration alters ammonia production, which is with IV sodium bicarbonate infusion, the amount of

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354 Renal tubular acidosis

bicarbonate in the urine increases (FeHCO3 > 15%)

Table 2 Common causes of proximal (type II) RTA
and the urine pH becomes alkaline. Impaired pro-
duction of NH3 in the proximal tubule may result Isolated defect
from diffuse tubular dysfunction, which may lower Autosomal dominant proximal RTA from unknown gene
the rate of NH4+ excretion into the urine with a mutation
positive urine anion gap. Autosomal recessive sodium-bicarbonate symporter (NBC1)
protein mutation in SLC4A4 gene
Inherited carbonic anhydrase II deficiency caused by mutations
Aetiology and clinical features of in CA2 gene – associated with mental retardation, cerebral
proximal (type II) RTA calcifications and osteopetrosis (Sly syndrome)
Drugs (acetazolamide)
Proximal (type II) RTA in children results from Generalised defect (Fanconi syndrome)
inherited defects in the genes for the transmembrane Primary (genetic)
transporters responsible for proximal acidification Inborn errors of metabolism (cystinosis, Wilson’s disease,
(16–18). galactosemia, hereditary fructose intolerance, methylmalonic
Inactivating mutations of the Na+HCO3) symport- academia, glycogen storage diseases)
er can cause permanent isolated proximal RTA. As Dysproteinemic states (myeloma, monoclonal gammopathy)
the Na+HCO3) symporter is expressed in multiple Secondary hyperparathyroidism with chronic hypocalcaemia,
ocular tissues and pancreas, patients may present vitamin D deficiency
with various ocular abnormalities (glaucoma, cata- Tubulointerstitial diseases (Sjogren’s syndrome, medullary
cystic disease, renal transplantation)
racts) and pancreatitis (19,20). Inactivating muta-
Nephrotic syndrome
tions of the CA II gene leading to proximal (type II)
RTA is typically accompanied by osteopetrosis and Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria
mental retardation (21). In children, proximal (type Toxins (lead, mercury, copper, cadmium, glue sniffing)
II) RTA is also commonly associated with cystinosis Drugs (outdated tetracycline, ifosfamide, cisplatin, gentamycin,
and with the chemotherapeutic agent Ifosfamide, valproic acid)
which is used in the treatment of several solid
tumours. RTA, renal tubular acidosis.
The two most common causes of proximal (type
II) RTA in adults are multiple myeloma and the
Diagnosis and treatment of proximal
use of CA inhibitors (22,23). The light chains are
(type II) RTA
resistant to degradation by proteases in lysosomes
in the proximal tubular cells and their accumulation The presence of type II RTA should be suspected in
is presumably responsible for the tubular impair- any patient with an unexplained normal anion gap
ment (24). metabolic acidosis, even if the urine pH is below 5.3
The proximal defect in bicarbonate reabsorption and urine anion gap may be negative or positive (see
may appear as an isolated defect or as a more gen- Figure 1).
eralised impairment of all the substances reabsorbed When patients in the steady state are treated with
by the proximal tubule (varying degrees of phos- alkali therapy (IV sodium bicarbonate 0.5–
phate, glucose, amino acids, calcium, citrate and 1.0 meq ⁄ kg ⁄ h), the plasma HCO3) increases above
uric acid wasting often accompanies the bicarbonate the threshold and bicarbonaturia ensues resulting in
wasting). The latter form is called Fanconi syn- urine pH > 7.5 and FeHCO3 > 15–20% (27):
drome and the majority of cases of proximal (type
II) RTA are manifested by this abnormality (25) Urine HCO
3  Plasma Cr
3 ¼  100:
(Table 2). Plasma HCO3  Urine Cr
Type II RTA causes osteomalacia, rickets in chil-
dren and osteopenia, pseudofractures in adults in As distal renal tubules have substantial bicarbonate
about 20% of the patients (26). reabsorptive capacity, the plasma bicarbonate concen-
Despite high calcium excretion in patients with tration usually does not fall below 12 meq ⁄ l in patients
proximal (type II) RTA, nephrocalcinosis is rare, with proximal (type II) RTA. As the exogenous alkali
because the following factors limit the amount of is rapidly excreted in the urine, high doses
free calcium available to precipitate with phosphate (10–30 mEq ⁄ kg ⁄ day) of citric acid ⁄ sodium citrate
or oxalate: (i) concomitant excretion of citrate, (Bicitra; Ortho-Mcneil-Janssen pharmaceuticals, Inc.,
which can form soluble complexes with calcium, and Titusville, NJ) are required to restore adequate serum
(ii) acidic distal tubular urine pH in steady state bicarbonate levels. Citrate is rapidly metabolised to
increases the solubility of calcium phosphate. HCO3) and is better tolerated than HCO3) solutions.

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Renal tubular acidosis 355

Correcting the HCO3) to near-normal values (22– could be genetic or acquired because of diseases like
24 mEq ⁄ l) is desirable in children to preserve normal Sjogren’s syndrome. This results in reduced acid
growth, but not required in adults. Patients with excretion despite normal aldosterone effect on
proximal (type II) RTA tend to become hypokalemic H+-ATPase pump.
once alkali therapy is initiated. When the plasma • Increased permeability of the luminal membranes to
HCO3) concentration is normalised, the high distal secreted protons. This results in back diffusion of H+
delivery of bicarbonate induces kaliuresis, requiring ions despite the presence of an effective pump. This
large supplements of K+ (28). gradient defect is classically seen in patients treated
When large doses of alkali are ineffective or poorly with Amphotericin B (31). Before the back diffusion
tolerated, the addition of a distal diuretic may occurs, the secreted H+ ions in the tubular lumen
increase the proximal reabsorption of sodium along bind with HCO3) to form H2CO3. As there is no
with bicarbonate secondary to volume depletion. luminal CA, H2CO3 is slowly dehydrated to CO2 and
Amiloride is preferred over thiazides because of the water and this results in transient high urine pCO2
potassium sparing effect (29). levels in the urine. This is the only type of classic
RTA with high urine pCO2levels (> 65 mmHg) and
corresponding high urine-blood pCO2 difference
Classic distal renal tubule acidosis
(> 25 mmHg).
(type I RTA)
Patients with the above conditions tend to have
The characteristic feature of classic RTAs is an inabil- urinary potassium wasting and hypokalaemia prior
ity to acidify the urine maximally (to less than pH to therapy because sodium reabsorption in the
5.3) in the face of systemic acidosis (13,30). In most collecting tubules occurs more in exchange with
patients with classic RTA, the urine pH is around potassium, as the net distal hydrogen ion secretion is
6.5, reflecting the unabsorbed normal distal load of diminished. Chronic metabolic acidosis results in less
bicarbonate. bicarbonate reabsorption by the proximal tubule,
The causes of type I RTA can be grouped as which in turn results in less proximal sodium reab-
hypokalaemic and hyperkalaemic forms (see Table 3): sorption. Increased sodium wasting in the urine
results in secondary hyperaldosteronism leading to
Hypokalaemic type I RTA hypokalaemia.
Concurrent decreased activity of the second pro-
• Impaired net secretion of H+ ions. As a result of the
ton pump (H+ K+ ATPase) in the intercalated cells is
defects in the basolateral membrane ATPase. This

Table 3 Common causes of type I RTA

Hypokalaemic classic renal tubular acidosis

Calcium induced Tubular damage Autoimmune Diseases
Idiopathic hypercalciuria Sjogen’s syndrome
Primary hyperparathyroidism Rheumatoid arthritis
Hypervitaminosis D SLE
Medullary sponge kidney Polyarteritis nodosa
Drugs and Toxins Thyroiditis
Amphotericin B Primary biliary cirrhosis
Ifosfamide Chronic active hepatitis
Lithium Cryoglobulinemia
Analgesic abuse Idiopathic and Hereditary causes
Multiple myeloma Mutations in the SLC4A1 gene encoding the chloride-bicarbonate exchanger AE1
Toluene H+ATPase subunit mutations in ATP6V1B1 and ATP6V0A4 genes
Idiopathic causes
Marfan’s syndrome
Wilson’s disease
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Hyperkalaemic classic renal tubular acidosis
Decreased effective intravascular volume of any cause Sickle cell anaemia
Urinary tract obstruction SLE
Renal transplant rejection Amyloidosis

RTA, renal tubular acidosis; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosis.

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356 Renal tubular acidosis

sometimes seen along with defective primary proton against CA II enzyme. CA II inhibition further
pump activity. As the main function of this pump is impairs hydrogen ion generation within the cell for
to reabsorb potassium in states of depletion, its inhi- secretion into the lumen (40).
bition may promote urinary K+ wasting. Type I RTA is associated with abnormalities in
potassium balance, depending on the type of defect.
Hyperkalaemic type I RTA (voltage-dependent Occasionally, patients with severe hypokalaemia may
defect) present with quadriplegia or respiratory arrest (41).
Normal gradient-driven proton secretion requires a Nephrolithiasis is very frequently associated with
higher number of cations in the cell compared with untreated classic RTA. Chronic persistent metabolic
the lumen, creating a transepithelial negative voltage acidosis increases calcium phosphate release from the
gradient. This negative gradient can be altered by the bone during buffering of excess hydrogen ions and
following conditions: also reduces tubular reabsorption of these ions. The
resulting hypercalciuria and hyperphosphaturia lead
• Reduced distal sodium delivery as a result of
to the precipitation of calcium phosphate stones.
enhanced proximal tubule reabsorption. Seen in condi-
This process is also promoted by low urinary cit-
tions with decreased effective arterial volume (CHF,
rate levels, as citrate normally binds to calcium and
nephrotic syndrome, cirrhosis) and also any cause of
is excreted in the urine as calcium citrate (42).
marked volume depletion.
Hypocitraturia results from enhanced proximal
• Reduced distal sodium reabsorption. Seen when
tubule reabsorption, which is facilitated by acidosis
sodium channels are blocked by use of drugs (Amilo-
in the proximal tubular cells (43,44).
ride, Triamterene, Lithium, Trimethoprim or Pent-
amidine) or by urinary tract obstruction. Patients
with sickle cell disease and lupus nephritis may pres- Diagnosis and treatment of type I RTA
ent with hyperkalaemic variant of classic RTA
The presence of classic RTA should be suspected in
any patient with a normal anion gap metabolic aci-
As a consequence of increased intraluminal dosis and a urine pH > 5.3. Urinary tract infection
sodium, the distal tubular lumen becomes relatively with Proteus and other urea-splitting organisms
less electronegative compared with the cell (voltage- should be excluded, as NH3 is generated from hydro-
dependent defect) and transepithelial K+ secretion is lysis of urea and can alkalinise the normally formed
impaired leading to hyperkalaemia (32). The patho- urine in the urinary bladder.
genesis of metabolic acidosis is the result of the unfa- The characteristic feature of type I RTA is persis-
vourable voltage, which impairs H+ secretion by the tent urine pH of > 5.3 even in the presence of a
intercalated cells or the inhibition of ammonium metabolic acidosis induced by NH4+Cl) loading (see
production and transport as a consequence of hyper- Table 1). As oral ammonium chloride administration
kalaemia. These patients have normal aldosterone (100 mg ⁄ kg) often induces nausea and vomiting, an
levels and normal amounts of H+-ATPase in the alternative test of urinary acidification, which is actu-
intercalated cells (34). ally faster and more reliable is the simultaneous oral
administration of Furosemide (40 mg) and Fludro-
cortisone (1 mg) (47). Urinary acidification response
Aetiology and clinical features of
to simultaneous furosemide and fludrocortisone is
type I RTA
typically seen within 3–4 h.
The most common causes in adults are autoimmune
disorders (Sjogren’s syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis), Response to loop diuretics and
hypercalciuria, recreational toluene sniffing and mineralocorticoid
drug-induced (amphotericin B) and -marked volume Loop diuretics increase distal sodium delivery and
depletion (see Table 3). increased sodium reabsorption in the cortical collect-
In children, type I RTA is most often a hereditary ing tubule enhances the luminal electronegativity
condition. Genetic mutations in the chloride-bicar- resulting in more H+ and K+ ion secretion. Fludro-
bonate cotransporter (SLC4A1 gene) and in the api- cortisone may be administered along with loop
cal H+-ATPase (ATP6V1B1 and ATP6V0A4 genes) diuretics to further enhance intercalated cell proton
have been identified (35–38). secretion (47).
Patients with Sjögren’s syndrome may reveal com- In normal subjects with metabolic acidosis, the
plete absence of H+-ATPase pumps in the interca- expected acidic urine pH (< 5.3) is further lowered by
lated cells in renal biopsy (39). They also show loop diuretics. By contrast, patients with diffuse impair-
presence of high titres of autoantibodies directed ment of the H+-ATPase pump will have a persistently

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Renal tubular acidosis 357

alkaline urine pH, but will show a rise in K+ excretion, equal to 1–3 mEq ⁄ kg ⁄ day. Citric acid, potassium
reflecting the intact principal cell function (48). citrate, sodium citrate (Polycitra; Ortho-Mcneil-Jans-
In contrast to hypokalaemic classic distal RTA, sen pharmaceuticals, Inc.) are especially useful in this
patients with hyperkalaemic classic RTA (voltage- setting (52). Maintenance of normal serum bicarbon-
dependent defect) do not increase H+ or K+ excretion ate with alkali therapy also raises urinary citrate, low-
in response to furosemide (49). Hyperkalaemic type I ers the frequency of nephrolithiasis and tends to
RTA may appear similar to type IV RTA. However, in restore normal growth in children (53).
type I RTA aldosterone levels are normal and the
acidifying defect is more severe, leading to a urine pH
Hyperkalaemic type IV renal tubule
that is above 5.3 and a plasma bicarbonate concentra-
tion below 15 meq ⁄ l. These patients are unable to
increase acid or K+ excretion in response to furose- Aldosterone directly stimulates H+ ion secretion by
mide or fludorcortisone (see Table 4). the H+-ATPase pump in the intercalated cells and
also K+ ion secretion by the principal cells. By
Urine–blood pCO2 difference after bicarbonate increasing sodium reabsorption, aldosterone increases
loading luminal electronegativity and indirectly increases H+
When the distal tubule becomes markedly alkaline ion secretion (54).
after bicarbonate loading, secretion of H+ ions leads
to the formation of H2CO3, which dehydrates into
Aetiology and clinical features of type
CO2 and H2O (45,46). In patients with defective H+
ion secretion, the U–B pCO2 difference is close to
that of blood. Higher U–B pCO2 difference (higher Aldosterone deficiency, resistance or inhibition
pCO2 levels in urine than blood) is seen only in (Table 5) may result in hyperkalaemic, hyperchlorae-
patients with intact H+ ion secretion and with H+
ion back diffusion. Amphotericin B-induced distal Table 5 Common causes of type IV RTA
RTA is the most common example of such a ‘gradi-
ent’ defect (31). Aldosterone deficiency Aldosterone resistance
Addison’s disease Obstructive uropathy
Incomplete type I RTA 21-hydroxylase deficiency Sickle cell nephropathy
Hyporeninemia Amyloidosis
Some patients may have an incomplete variant of the
Diabetic nephropathy Diabetic nephropathy
disease and retain normal serum bicarbonate levels
AIDS Lupus nephritis
despite alkaline urine pH. Nephrolithiasis may still
Tubulointerstitial disease Pseudohypoaldosteronism
occur in them because of hypocitraturia (50). As IgM monoclonal gammopathy
opposed to complete type I RTA, they retain normal NSAIDS
rates of ammonium excretion from possible enhanced Aldosterone inhibition Drugs that interfere
production of ammonia by the proximal tubules with tubular Na+
(51). These patients still fail to excrete the acid load channel function
when challenged with ammonium chloride and retain Spironolactone Amiloride
urine pH > 5.3. Recognition of incomplete type I Analgesics Triamterene
RTA is important in these patients, as the administra- Cyclooxygenase inhibitors Trimethoprim
Heparin Pentamidine
tion of potassium citrate can reduce stone formation.
Correction of acidosis is required to allow normal
Drugs that interfere with basolateral Na+K+ATPase
growth in children, to prevent osteopenia and to
Cyclosporine and tacrolimus
minimise nephrolithiasis. Alkali requirements may be

Table 4 Response to diuretics in different types of type I RTA

Urine studies before diuretics Urine studies after diuretics

Defect Urine pH Urine K Urine pH Urine K

Normal response < 5.0 Normal 20–70 meq ⁄ l Further decline in pH Increased
H+ ion excretion defect > 5.3 Increased > 5.3 Further Increased
H+ Ion back diffusion > 5.3 Increased < 5.3 or > 5.3 (variable) Further Increased
Sodium reabsorptive ⁄ voltage defect > 5.3 Decreased > 5.3 No response

ª 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Int J Clin Pract, March 2011, 65, 3, 350–360
358 Renal tubular acidosis

mic acidosis (55–60). In addition, the resulting the urine pH during acidosis. The U–B pCO2 gradi-
hyperkalaemia impairs renal ammonia synthesis (61). ent is normal, reflecting the intact distal H+ secretory
This effect may result from: capacity.
When the net acid excretion is impaired, alkaline
• Decrease in ammonium production by the proxi-
salts from bone buffer the positive acid load and this
mal tubule.
results in progressive dissolution of bone and muscle
• Competitive inhibition of binding of NH4+ to K+
wasting. Alkali replacement (1–2 mEq ⁄ kg ⁄ day) to
site on the Na+-K+-2Cl) carrier in the loop of Henle.
maintain the plasma bicarbonate concentration above
• Decreased NH4+ concentration in the medullary
22 meq ⁄ l usually restores acid-base equilibrium and
prevents acid retention.
• Decrease in NH3 ⁄ NH4+ secretion into outer and
inner medullary conducting duct.
As gradient driven H+ ion secretion continues
despite the absence of aldosterone, the resulting met- The presence of RTA should be considered in any
abolic acidosis is not as severe as seen in classic patient with an otherwise unexplained normal anion
RTA. Urine pH becomes acidic during periods of gap metabolic acidosis. The diagnosis of proximal
acute metabolic acidosis or NH4+Cl) loading (see (type II) RTA is made by measurement of the urine
Figure 1). pH and fractional bicarbonate excretion during a
Limitation of basolateral Na+ K+-ATPase activity bicarbonate infusion. The hallmark is urine pH
by cyclosporine and tacrolimus decreases intracellular above 7.5 and the appearance of more than 15 per
K+ and the transepithelial potential, which together cent of the filtered bicarbonate in the urine when the
decrease the driving force for K+ secretion (62). serum bicarbonate concentration is raised to a nor-
Hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism is the most mal level. Classic type I distal RTA presents with an
common cause of type IV RTA. Patients with this inappropriately high urine pH (greater than 5.3) in
disorder are usually older diabetics and exhibit mild the presence of acidosis and is often associated with
renal insufficiency. nephrolithiasis. Type IV RTA is because of either
aldosterone deficiency or resistance and hyperkala-
emia is the primary electrolyte abnormality in these
Diagnosis and treatment of type IV
Serum electrolytes such as blood urea nitrogen, cal-
Both the metabolic acidosis and the hyperkalaemia cium, phosphorus and creatinine should be obtained.
are usually out of proportion to the level of reduc- A urinalysis is performed for the evaluation of glycos-
tion in glomerular filtration rate (GFR). The meta- uria and proteinuria. Renal ultrasonography can be
bolic acidosis seen with type IV RTA is generally performed to identify obstructive uropathies. When
mild and correcting the hyperkalaemia often leads to nephrolithiasis is present, a 24 h urinary calcium mea-
increased NH4+ excretion and correction of acidosis. surement may identify hypercalciuria. The mainstay of
Although mineralocorticoid replacement is effective, therapy in all forms of RTA is bicarbonate replace-
as most patients with type IV RTA have underlying ment with varying dose requirements in each condi-
renal insufficiency, this can exacerbate oedema or tion. As the prognosis is dependent on the nature of
hypertension. Loop diuretics often effectively induce the underlying disease, a thorough diagnostic work up
renal potassium and salt excretion (63). should be carried out for any new onset RTA.

Acidosis of glomerular insufficiency

The metabolic acidosis seen from reduction in func-
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