Problems Encountered by Working Students

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A Theses Presented to:

Dr. Rex Argate

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Social Studies 5


Curambao, Lloyd Elvin S.

Yapching, Ira Jesus Jr. E

Casinillo, Jenny Rose A.

Lungayan, Mary Ann L.

Tolentino, Nestor Jr. C.

Castillo, Mary Jane Q.

Eliguir, Mary Jane S.

Hadjijalil, Ansari M.

Enojardo, Leleth T.

S.Y. 2014 - 2015

Chapter I



Rationale of the Study

The need for education is universal. Education is the antidote of

ignorance which is the source of evil. To minimize evil, one must be

educated. There are only six children out of ten in the elementary

level, can go to high school; three out of six students in high school

can go to college, one out of three student will continue their studies

(Tamano, 2010).

College education in this information age is one of the avenues

to access global competitiveness in labor and manpower. The

transition to college is marked by complex challenges in emotional,

social and academic adjustment (Chickering, 1999).

Being a college student is not easy because tuition fee is

expensive especially on private colleges and universities. It requires a

lot of money to become a degree holder.

Not all parents have enough income to send and support their

children in school especially in college. As a result, some students

have to support themselves by becoming working students.

Being a working student is a responsibility of many less

fortunate but willing young adults and adult individuals. The reason is

economics- scarcity of funds, scarcity of financial resources. Working

and studying at the same time can augment the income or the

resources for matriculation or other needs (Velasco, 2014).

These students commonly encounter many problems about

their work and their studies. According to Baum (2010), some of

these students are awarded “work” as part of their financial package;

other students either do not receive work-study funding or find such

awards insufficient to cover the cost of attendance. This creates high

level of stress and anxiety making them vulnerable to sickness and

failure in pursuing their college degrees (Kasworm, 2010). Working

while studying has its positive and negative sides. When students

have a job they will earn money, some of these students need the

money to pay for expensive schools, while other students need it to

make their life easier (

One of the negative impact on working while studying is the

students performance in school. Working more than 20 hours a week

has a negative impact on students' grades, whether the employment

is on campus or off. Students who work 20 hours or less, on campus

and off, report roughly similar grades as do students who do not work

at all (Pike, 2008).

Some traditional-age student may use employment as a way to

explore career options or earn spending money. Working students

are trying to meet multiple demands and roles of a student and at the

same time, an employee. This creates high level of stress and anxiety

making them vulnerable to sickness and failure in pursuing their

college degrees.

In 2010, about 216,000 working students in the country are

juggling school and work, according to the data from the Commission

on Higher Education (CHED). The figure is about 8% of the total

number of students in the country. Working students are mostly into

food service, entertainment and sales, apart from their usual stints as

library and research assistants.

The Commission on Higher Education (CHED), added that only

50% of the working students get to finish college as many cannot

cope and cannot concentrate on their studies, while some have poor

health, while others give up because of insufficient funds (abs-

College working students can be more likely be left behind in

their academic environment. They could also feel “out of place” and

have less time for their social life since they are not always around in

the campus.

Balancing school work and a social life while coupled with the

newly found freedom of living away from home is often a formidable

challenge. Add a part-time job to that mix, and the burden can

become overwhelming, affecting all aspects of a student’s life and his

physical and mental well-being (

One factor that affects working students physical well being is a

lack of sleep. Sleep loss doesn’t usually cause long-term medical

problems, but it can adversely affect physical and intellectual

performance, and mood (Reyes, 2002).

The purpose of this research is to look into the problems the

working students encountered and its effects on their academic

performance so that an action plan that aims to help them may be



This study is anchored on several theories. One of these

theories is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. It states that the needs of a

person are physiology, safety, belongingness, esteem and self-

actualization. Another theory this study is anchored on is the Human

Capital theory by Gary S. Becker (1962) which focuses about the

importance of investments on education, health care and training.

Investment in education, medical care and training courses are

investments that can benefit and raise earnings, improve health and

good habits of people for a lifetime.

According to this theory, Investing on education can raise the

economic and social status of an individual. Education can greatly

increase a person’s income and after the cost of schooling, educated

people tend to have higher IQs and soon will eventually become

richer parents (Becker, 1962).

Without education, people especially those who are less

fortunate will always be trapped in the vicious cycle of poverty.

Students who want to break free from the chains of poverty and

escape to seek education as a cure.

The most common reason why students work while studying is

financial independence (Robinson, 1997). There are several

advantages and disadvantages of working while studying.

Advantages of working while studying is that students can support

their financial needs for their studies and also to be able help their

parents financially.

Also, the widespread view about working while studying is it

enhances the students’ long-term job prospect because prospective

employers see it as a motivation and initiative (Robinson, 1997).

When a working student graduates college, they can use their

past knowledge and experience about working in their future

professional jobs. They can be confident enough, flexible, work with

less supervision and effective at their work.

But there are also negative sides about working while studying.

One of the disadvantages of working while studying is that students

sacrifices their time for their studies (Powers, 2013).

Working students have less time to study their lesson. Classes

which require extensive reading and writing are affected (Powers,

2013). They can be always late for their classes. This may result in

poor academic performance and low grades.

In Tinto’s model of student retention, student integration plays a

vital role to students to fulfill their academic success. There are two

kinds of integration in Tinto’s model of student retention which is the

academic retention and the social retention. Academic integration

comprises of grade/mark performance, personal development,

academic self-esteem, identification with academic norms and values

and identification with one’s roles as a student. In social integration,

there are also factors which affects’ student retention.

These are number of friends in the campus, personal contact

with academics and is the student enjoying their college life.

Juggling work and study can be stressful to students which may

lead to drop-outs. Few hours on-campus can help integrate students

into campus life and increase retention while long hours of work,

especially off-campus work, can have the opposite effect (Tinto,


If the student cannot integrate in school, the student might feel

out of place which will make them lose the will to continue their

college degree. Working while studying can also affect the

physiological, psychological and social well-being of the student.

Negative consequences on the other aspects of in the life of a

working student are also threatening. Lack of sleep is one of the

major problems that a working student faces especially those who

work on graveyard shift or night shifts such as call centers. Studies

have shown that shift workers getting too little sleep at the wrong time

of day may be increasing their chance of getting type 2 diabetes and

heart attacks (

The human body has a natural clock that has a rhythm tuned to

sleep during the night and active during the day. Lack of sleep has an

effect on the body temperature, mood and brain function.

Psychologically, working student is also prone to anti-social behaviors

such as drug addiction, increased alcohol intake, tobacco use and

criminal activity such as theft from employers.It can also promote

poor attitudes among people such as excessive materialism

(Greenberger and Steinberg, 1986).

Working students that are working off-campus tend to have few

friends in the campus because they are not always around. These

students have less time socializing and enjoying and cannot establish

relationships because of their work outside the campus. This may

also lead to depression and drug abuse to students. Working full-time

or part-time jobs on an off-campus prevent them from enjoying the

college and all the activities that they should experiences because of

the bulk of their time is devoted to work and studying (Powers, 2013).
Another theory is Bandura’s Social Learning Theory. Bandura

(1977) believed that the learner’s environment shapes learning and

behavior and that human behavior, development and learning are

reactions to the environment. Studies have shown the detriment of

noise within the classroom.

Student literally can’t hear the teacher’s voice because of the

unnecessary noise that distracts students in their learning process.

Ergonomic classroom design benefits learning








Theoretical/Conceptual Schema

This study focuses on the problems encountered by working

students of the University of Cebu-Main Campus and its effect on

their academic performance as basis for a proposed action plan.

Particularly, this study attempts to answer the following


1. What are the problems encountered by working

students in University of Cebu-Main Campus?

2. What are its effects on their academic performance?

3. Based on the findings of the study, what action plan

may be proposed?

This study is significant and would be beneficial to the following:

Working Students.

This study will motivate them to manage their responsibilities

towards school and work so that their academic performance will not

be affected in favor of their work or vice-versa.


This study will give the regular students an idea on how

important education is. This will motivate them to be more focused on

their studies.


This study will give the parents idea on the problems working

students have encountered. This will motivate them to become more

supportive and more understanding towards their children.

School Administrators.

School administrators will benefit from the results of the study

by applying the proposed action plan which will help minimize drop-

outs among working students.


This study will give teachers an idea on the problems

encountered by working students. Thus, they will understand them



This will deepen the researchers’ knowledge of the lives and

struggles of the working students in their quest for success.

Future Researchers.

The future researchers will benefit from the study

because this will serve as their source and guide for future studies.
Definition of Terms

Academic Performance.

It is the level of the students’ learning outcomes.

Action Plan.

Is a devised to intervene to a problem being assessed.

Problems Encountered.

The hindrance and obstacles the working students met that

Would affect their academic performance.

Working Students.

Students who are working while studying either outside or

Inside the campus.

Chapter II

Related Studies and Literature

Education is the main key path in understanding why people

keep on attending in school so that they can acquire fine jobs after a

long and tiring college years and yet it is also a path toward earning a

college degree. To continue study the most important thing to

remember is the financial capital for their educational needs. Capital

that expect will last longer until they finish their studies. As the tuition

fee increases, more students are determined to find part-time jobs.

The money that they receive from their job will serve as an addendum

to the expenses to their financial capital for education ( Sharon E.

Jarvis & others, The political Participation, The Annette Strauss

Institute civic publishing corporation of New York 2005).

Utilizing available financial aid helps students graduate from

college (M.K.Bixby, 2000). There is a proliferation of working students

in industry.
There is a diverse division that depends on the company that

they apply and the company which offer an adequate rate to suit the

needs of its student workers. An amount that abides in order the

student workers can able to continue their traditional university

degree. Student roles including the full- time and the part-time

workers. Full-time workers render duty from 6-8 hours, while the part-

time is 4-5 hours (Armour et al, 2003).

College students force to work during their pre-college and

post- college year. They sought to retain a social connectedness to

their families because they believe they are now to help their parents

(Rodoyski, 2001). Students start to work as early as 15 years old.

Work and education in an adolescent life is a primary domain (Markel

and Frone, 1998). These students also try to support their studies

and their families.(Smith & Green 2001) These students are probably

still on their elementary or high school level. Student engagement is

widely understandable in work and study. That needed more focus

and dedication. By this they can attain greater attention. Even if they

are a little bit bother of the errands on their respective working place.

Krause (2007) said “the time, energy and resources are designed to

enhance learning in both school and work”.

Students who are working while studying in college find their

part-time jobs beneficial and on the other hand, problematic.

Beneficial because of the income they can get. It provides a positive

educational benefits on students (Lucas, 1997). Seeking job students

can enhance their skill which is more needed in the industry. Thus,

companies who are encouraging the students to work are continuing

to develop their program to provide the needy and aspiring applicant

to have a settled job in a near future career (Richard James 2008). It

is also beneficial if the work is related to the student’s chosen course.

This may be particularly beneficial as an aid to academic knowledge

and career prospect.

On the other hand, it is problematic because, when working

long hours, it can damage the student’s academic activities and

performance (Hansen & Jarvis, 2000).

Also, working off campus negatively affects students’ academic

work more than working at an on-campus job (M.K Bixby, 2000).

Vickers et al. (2003) stated that university students who worked 20-29

hours per week have a greater chance of dropping out.

Approximately 160% greater than those students who do not work at

all. This is due to stress and inter-role conflict (Vickers et al., 2003).
Shifting from work to school and vice versa results to stress and

anxiety(Smith & Green, 2001). The number of hours spent at work

each week is associated with a sense of conflict between work and

education among adolescents and young adults (Hammer et al.,


Mental health is also an issue for working students. Excessive

combination of work and study leads to tiredness and depression

(Rolfe 2002). Students are highly prone to burnout from school and

work compare to those over 30-40 years old. Less educated people

are also prone to burnout than those highly educated people. Burnout

to students is associated to many stressors. These include long hours

of work or practicum work, academic grades, uncertain about their

future, unbalanced personal and professional life and less support

from family and friends (Boudreau et al.,2004). These Problems

occur and interfere with the students’ studies and in his personal life

like family bonding, religious activities, peer activities is work itself. It

is regarded as “menial and exploitative (NSW Commission for

Children and Young People, 2005).

Working students also face other problems such as lack of

understanding of the rights of work and the safety of the employee.

The lack of knowledge can be associated with Exploitation (Tannock,

2001) and the number of safety issues on fast food chains’ injuries

with the young part-timers were no higher than with the full-time

employees and awareness of safety issues were high (Mayhew &

Quinland 2002).

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