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History of Sport
History of Sport
Games with Bats and Balls (Cricket, Softball,
Ancient Greece Baseball)

First Olympic Game (776 BC) Football

First Sports Ever Played

Teacher: Mr. Alford Ico

ATTITUDES Subject: Physical Education
1. Keen Listener
1. Respect others opinion Duration: 1 block 2. Complete practice work
2. Positive thinking
Level: Third Form
3. Attentive
4. Shows sense of Topic: History of Sport

History of Sport

Basketball Class Activity

Soccer (Football) a. Students will be provided with handouts

b. Students will read the handouts thoroughly
c. Student/teacher discussion
d. Student complete practice work with
questions which refer to the handout
e. Teacher review Questions
Level: Third form

Class: 3 Business Science, 3 Agriculture General

Subject: Physical Education

Topic: History of Sport

Duration of Unit: 1 Block

Specific Timeframe: August 24th, -September 4th, 2020

Goals: At the end of this week students will be able to:

a) List some of the early sports played in the past.

b) Recall when and where was the first Olympic game was held
c) Know where sport originated
d) Outline the history of the following sports: games with bats and balls, volleyball, football, and basketball.
e) Recall date of specific events in the ancient times which contributed to the different types of sport of today

Rationale: The main objective is to assist students in understanding when and where sport evolved, and which specific type of sport
contributed to the different type of sport we know that exist today and to familiarize self with people that contributed in inventing
sport. To deliver the objective of this unit smoothly, handouts will be provided, discussion will take and practice work will be
provided. Oral discussion will even help to further assist in accomplishing the objective.

Topics Concepts/ Objectives Activities Assessment

Subtopics Skills/Attitudes

Block 1 Concepts: Students will be able Introduction Traditional:

1 Sessions Wrestling and boxing were the first sports Introduce topic and Oral questions
every played. Competitions using the simple 1. Recall events objectives of session.
mode of human transport, running, would in the past that Distribute handout to every Practice Work
also have been among the first sports played. contributed to student in class.
Topic: History of Alternative
Competitions involving hitting, kicking,
Sport the
throwing a ball like object, as well as sports Instructional procedures
development Students will
related to hunting and throwing would also
be expected to have be played in early times. of sport Students will review the staple handout
handout thoroughly from in notebook.
There are many sports that have developed as 2. Outline the beginning to end.
competitions from means of early history of
Volleyball, basket transportation, such as horse riding and specific types After going through the
ball, baseball canoeing, and from military activities such as of sports handout, students will be
asked to share one thing
3. Recognize the they can recall reading and
References: At the first recorded ancient Olympic Games
in 760 BC, there was only one event, a importance of understand from the
PE for you (John footrace. Later Games included other events knowing the handout provided.
Honeybourne, such as wrestling, boxing, equestrian, discus, history of
javelin, and jumping. sport Teacher/student will discuss
Michael Hill and on every point pointed by
Jon Wyse) Cricket: The game of cricket originated in students.
south-east England sometime in the late 16th
https://www. Conclusion:
century. By the 18th century, it had become
the national sport, making inroads globally in
history-of-sports- Teacher provides questions
the 19th and 20th centuries. The prototype
for the modern cricket bat featuring a willow to students.
blade and a cane handle layered with strips
of rubber, and then tied with twine and 1. State at least one
important event
which occurred in
covered with another layer of rubber to form the history of sport.
a grip was invented around 1853. (The 2. Who invented
longest recorded game of cricket took place volleyball?
in 1939 and spanned a period of nine days.) 3. Where did football
Baseball: Alexander Cartwright (1820-1892) Closure:
of New York invented the baseball field as
we know it in 1845. Cartwright and the Oral questions on the
members of his New York Knickerbocker concept taught.
Base Ball Club devised the first rules and
regulations that became the accepted
standard for the modern game of baseball.

Softball: In 1887, George Hancock, a

reporter for the Chicago Board of Trade,
invented softball as a form of indoor baseball
that was first played on a cold winter day
inside the warm Farragut Boat Club.

Basketball : The first formal rules for

basketball were devised in 1892. Initially,
players dribbled a soccer ball up and down a
court of unspecified dimensions. Points were
earned by landing the ball in a peach basket.
Iron hoops and a hammock-style basket were
introduced in 1893. Another decade passed,
however, before the innovation of open-
ended nets put an end to the practice of
manually retrieving the ball from the basket
each time a goal was scored. The first shoes
specifically designed for the game, Converse
All Stars, were introduced in 1917 and were
soon made famous by legendary player
Chuck Taylor who became an early brand
ambassador in the 1920s.

Volleyball: William Morgan invented

volleyball in 1895 at the Holyoke,
Massachusetts, YMCA (Young Men's
Christian Association) where he served as
Director of Physical Education. Originally
called Mintonette, after a demonstration
match during which a spectator commented
that the game involved a great deal of
"volleying," the sport was renamed

Soccer: According to the Federation

Internationale de Football Association
(FIFA), more than 240 million people around
the world play soccer on a regular basis. The
history of the game can be traced back more
than 2,000 years to ancient China, where it
all began with a bunch of players kicking an
animal-hide ball around. While Greece,
Rome, and areas of Central America claim to
been seminal to the development of the
game, soccer as we know it—or football as
it’s called in most places other than the
United States—came to the fore in England
during the mid-19th Century, and it’s the
English who can claim credit for codifying
the first uniform rules for the sport—which
made tripping opponents and touching the
ball with the hands are forbidden. (The
penalty kick was introduced in 1891.


1. Keen Listener
2. Complete practice work

Attitudes/ values:

1. Respect others opinion

2. Positive thinking
3. Attentive
4. Shows sense of enthusiasm

HOD’s Signature: _________________________




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