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Ahmad Fauzan Sultan


State Law (tyranny task)


Timur, also known as Amir Timur and Timur Lenk meaning Timur the Lame, was a
Turkic-Mongol conqueror and ruler. He was the founder of the empire as well as the Timurid
dynasty of Persia and Central Asia, and the last descendant of a group of nomadic conquerors.
He is especially known for his ruthlessness in conquering India and Russia as far as the
Mediterranean Sea, as well as for his taste in the arts. Eastern troops come from various
ethnicities and are said to be feared from the continent of Asia, Africa, to Europe. His military
campaign is believed to have claimed up to 17 million lives.

Timur was born in Kesh now called Shahr-i-Sabz, a green city, which is located about 50
miles south of the city of Samarkand in Uzbekistan. His father was named Teragai who was the
leader of the Barlas. He was the great-grandson of Karachar Nevian (the minister of Chagatai
Khan, who was Genghis Khan's son and commander of his combat troops), and Karachar was
well-known among his people as the first to convert to Islam. Teragai may have inherited a high
rank in the military, but like his father Burkul, he enjoyed religious life and studies.

Under good guidance, Timur when he was twenty years old was not only proficient in
outdoor activities, but also had a reputation as an avid Quran reader. At that time, he is said to
have shown friendly and sympathetic qualities.
Timur is a Muslim who admires the Naqsabandiyah order which is developing in the
Transoxiana region. In the city of Tirmidz, Timur received Islamic religious education from
Sayyid Baraka who is also a scholar and Ahlul Bayt. However, the cleric who became an advisor
to the Islamic field of his later Empire was Abdul Jabar Khwarazmi, who was a Sunni Hanafi
school of thought.

Around 1360, Timur obtained a position as a military commander with an army

consisting mostly of Turkic tribesmen. He was involved in the offensive campaign in
Transoxiana by serving Qazaghan until he became Amir of Transoxiana. After Qazaghan's
assassination, the position of Amir Transoxiana was contested. One of them is by Khan Chagatai
Timur Khanate Tughlugh Timur of Kashgar. Tughluq Temur Khan saw the courage that Timur
Lenk had so that he was offered a position to become governor of his homeland, he accepted the
offer. A year after Timur Lenk became governor,

In 1361 AD Tughluq Temur Khan appointed his son to be governor of Samarkand named
Ilyas Khoja and Timur Lenk became vizier. This made Timur Lenk very angry. He carried out a
rebellion against Tughluq Temur Khan with Amir Husain who was the grandson of Qasaghan.
Finally, Tughluq Temur Khan and Ilyas Khoja were killed in battle. Timur Lenk has an ambition
that is to become a great ruler. With this ambition, he turned to attack Amir Husain who was his
brother-in-law, so Amir Husain lost and died in Balkh.

Initially, Timur was sent to negotiate. However, he did decide to side with Tughlugh in
exchange for Transoxiana. Tughlugh later appointed his son Ilyas Khoja as Governor of
Transoxiana with Timur appointed as his minister. This fact made Timur run away and join Amir
Husayn who is Qazaghan's grandson and brother-in-law. The two defeated Ilyas Khoja in 1364
and established the conquest of Transoxiana about two years later.
Relations between the two became strained after Husayn did not carry out Timur's order
to destroy Ilyas Khoja in Tishnet, Timur turned to fight Husayn by besieging him in Balkh armed
with Husayn's people who chose to support him. After Husayn was assassinated, Timur married
Husayn's wife Saray Mulk Khanum, a descendant of the legendary conqueror Gengis Khan, and
made him the leader of the Chagatai Tribe.

On April 10, 1370, Timur proclaimed himself the leader and sole ruler of the Chaghatayi
dynasty. He also formed the Timurid dynasty centered in Samarkand. Timur is known as a figure
who has great concern in the spread of Islamic teachings. That is why he is supported by the

In the first ten years of his reign, Jata and Khwarizm were able to be conquered by Timur
Lenk with nine expeditions. His power began to solidify and Timur Lenk devised a plan for his
ambition, namely to become a great ruler and try to conquer the area once occupied by Genghis
Khan. Timur Lenk once said that there is only one God in this world, so there is only one king on
this earth.

In 1381 AD, Timur Lenk succeeded in controlling Khurasan and attacked Herat. He also
continued to attack other countries and succeeded in controlling other countries, such as
Afghanistan, Persia, Kurdistan and Fars. It obliterates the realm that does resistance in the
conquered country. Timur Lenk built a tower composed of 2000 human remains mixed with clay
and stone in Sabzawar, Afghanistan. He also eliminated approximately 70,000 people living in
Isfa. Then, he continued his journey to Syria, Iraq, and Anatolia (Turkey).

The Muzhaffari dynasty in Fars was destroyed by Timur Lenk in 1393 AD and killed its
emirs who were still alive. In that year he also controlled Baghdad and a year later succeeded in
controlling Mesopotamia. Sultan Ahmad Jalair was the ruler of Baghdad who fled to Syria and
later became a vassal of the Egyptian Sultanate named Al-Malik al-Zahir Burquq who was the
ruler of the Mamalik dynasty. The Mamalik dynasty was a difficult dynasty to conquer. Timur
Lenk's envoys were sent to Egypt to conclude a peace treaty.

However, some of the envoys were killed and humiliated, then sent home. Egypt survived
Hulagu Khan's attacks and again survived the Mongol attacks. Ahmad Jalair is under the
protection of the Sultan of Burquq. Later, Timur Lenk invaded Asia Minor and plundered cities,
such as Takrit, Mardin, and Amid. Takrit is the hometown of Salahuddin al-Ayyubi and he also
built a pyramid composed of the skulls of the victims' bodies.

Timur Lenk invaded Qipchak in 1395 AD and controlled Moscow for more than a year.
Three years later, he attacked India because Muslim rulers were very tolerant of Hinduism. He
argued that the Muslim rulers should have converted their population to Islam by force. He
eliminated 80,000 prisoners in India. Timur Lenk had plans to build a mosque in Samarkand and
was in dire need of large stones. Finally, as many as 90 elephants were involved to carry the big
stones from Delhi to Samarkand. After the mosque was built, he set out to attack the Mamalik
dynasty. On the way, he conquered Georgia and buried an army of about 4,000 Armenians alive
in Sivas, Anatolia, vowing no bloodshed if they surrendered.

Timur spent 35 years in various battles and expeditions. He extended his power to the
western and northwestern regions including the Mongols, the Caspian Sea, the Urals, and the
Volga. His expeditions to the south and southwest were able to conquer every province in Persia,
including Baghdad, Karbala, and northern Iraq.

In 1398 AD, Timur made a conquest expedition to India. At that time, in India there was
an Islamic empire ruled by the Tughlaq dynasty under the leadership of Sultan Nasiruddin
Mahmud. Timur's army crossed the Indus River at Attock on 24 September 1398 AD. Sultan
Nashiruddin's army was easily defeated on 17 December 1398 AD He wrote of his conquest of
India in Tuzuk-Timuri.
Unfortunately, the conquest of Delhi was tinged with bloodshed that the East really didn't
need. He left Delhi in January 1399 AD According to Ruy Gonzales de Clavijo, Timur brought
90 elephants from Delhi to transport precious stones. He then used it to build a mosque in
Samarkand. Historians believe it was the Bibi Khanym Mosque.

After that, he fought with Bayezid I, ruler of the Ottoman Empire, and the Mamluk sultan
of Egypt. In 1400 AD Timur invaded Armenia and Georgia. A year later, he invaded Baghdad.
About 20,000 people died in the invasion. Timur died on February 19, 1405 AD while fighting
against the Ming Dynasty.

After that, Timur expanded his territory with military expeditions and fought other areas.
He didn't just consolidate power by crushing his enemies. But also targeting areas that have not
been touched by humans. His conquests in the west and northwest have brought him to the
region of the Caspian Sea, the banks of the Ural River and the Volga River. Then military
campaigns to the south and southwest brought Timur to various Persian provinces such as
Baghdad, Karbala, to northern Iraq. One of the formidable foes that Timur has ever fought is
another descendant of Gengis Khan named Tokhtamysh who was once a refugee. Once protected
by Timur, Tokhtamysh became the ruler of the north of Kipchak and the Golden Horde. Both are
fighting for influence in Khwarizm and Azerbaijan.

Even so, Timur still supported Tokhtamysh when fighting the Russians. {there was 1382,
he destroyed the Muscovite army and burned Moscow. One other famous story is when Timur
invaded Moscow after defeating Ryazan and smothering Elets. At that time, Grand Prince Vasily
I of Moscow marched with the Kolomna army and reached the banks of the Oka River to contain
Timur's military. To increase combat morale, the priest brought a picture of the Theotokos (the
Virgin Mary and the Baby Jesus) from Vladimir to Moscow. On the way, the priest knelt down
and prayed "O Mother of God, save the Russian homeland!". Suddenly, the Eastern army
retreated. In memory of the miraculous liberation of Russia from the East, every August 26, they
celebrate the day of the Meeting of the Most Holy Mother of God from Vladimir.

He also entered northern Syria in 1401 AD. Within three days he was able to destroy
Aleppo. The pyramid was built consisting of the heads of as many as 20,000 residents with a
height of 10 cubits and a circumference of 20 cubits with the position of the corpse's face facing
outward. The destruction of the buildings of the time of Nuruddin Zanki and Ayyubi. Hamah,
Horns, and Ba'labak successively conquered. In a fierce battle the troops of Sultan Faraj who
came from the Mamalik Kingdom were destroyed so that Damascus fell to Timur Lenk's troops
in 1401 AD.

As a result, the historic building, namely the Umayyad Mosque, was damaged and skilled
workers were brought to Samarkand. Ulama were ordered by Timur Lenk to issue a fatwa
justifying his actions. Then, Baghdad was attacked and successfully conquered by Timur Lenk.
He eliminated 20,000 residents with the excuse of revenge because many of his soldiers were
killed and he also built as many as 120 pyramids using the corpse's head as a symbol of victory.

Timur Lenk considered the Ottoman Empire a great challenge. This kingdom controlled
the former territory of the position of Genghis Khan and Hulagu Khan. Sultan Bayazid is the
supreme ruler who previously conquered the territory that had been conquered by Timur Lenk.
He had ambitions to conquer this kingdom, so he mobilized his troops to attack Bayazid I's
troops. There was a great battle in Sivas and Timur Lenk managed to kill Bayazid I's son
Erthugrul in the battle. There was a battle to determine Ankara in 1402 AD The troops of the
Ottoman Empire were defeated. Sultan Bayazid fled, but was captured by Timur Lenk's troops
and Bayazid died in captivity. Timur Lenk continued to attack Broessa which was the old capital
of Turkey and Syria. Then, he returned to Samarkand and made a plan to invade China.
However, while traveling in Otrar he fell ill and in the end he died in 1404 AD He died at
the age of 71 years and his body was buried in Samarkand with a grand ceremony. After his
death Timur was buried in a magnificent building of Guri Amir in Uzbekistan. But there is a
legend that if anyone disturbs Timur's tomb, then they will face a terrible thing. The Eastern
Tombs are engraved with two inscriptions that contribute to the myths and legends of the curse.
The first inscription is written on the tombstone which says "When I Rise From the Dead, The
World Will Shake". The second inscription is located inside the tomb, and says, "Whoever
Disturbs My Tomb Will Release An Invader More Terrible Than Me."

in 1942 Timur's tomb was opened and his body sent to Moscow. Some time later
Germany attacked without a declaration of war on the territory of the Soviet Union. The Soviet
Union suffered many defeats at the hands of Hitler. After a few months the Soviet Union began
to believe in the curse and returned Timur's remains back to the Tomb. The Soviets returned the
bodies to the tombs in December 1942. Nearly a month later, the Nazis surrendered and the
Soviets won the Battle of Stalingrad.

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