Expressive Arts LO Cycle 1

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Expressive ArtsLearning Outcomes for Cycle 1

Class Learning Outcomes Topic Subtopic Duration

in weeks

10 Weeks
CYCLE 1 (Two Dimensional Art) (9

EA 1.1: Draw lines, arcs and shapes.

Infant 1 Simple Lines Draw lines, arcs and 2 weeks
and Shapes shapes

EA 1.2: Colour a line drawing using color pencils, crayons

and/or markers. Color Color a picture 1 week

EA 1.3: Draw a picture of a house that shows windows,

doors and other features. Space and Picture Drawing 1 week

EA 1.4: Decorate a large outline drawing with coloured

paper, glitter or small objects. Mix Media Decorate a picture 2 weeks

EA 1.5: Create patterns using a variety of colours using

coloured chalk, crayons, markers or by painting with a Simple Lines Create Patterns 1 weeks
finger or brush. and Shapes

EA 1.6: Draw and colour a scene showing several people,

animals or objects. Proportion Scenery Drawing 2 weeks
EA 1.7: Draw two dimensional shapes.
Infant 2 Basic Shapes Draw 2D shapes 2 weeks

EA 1.8: Create a symmetrical image by folding paper with

any wet media on it. Symmetry Create symmetrical 1 week

EA 1.9: Design patterns by overlapping and/or repetition of

lines and shapes. Patterns Create Patterns 2 weeks

EA 1.10: Construct images of people, animals or buildings

from cutouts of shapes. Lines and Construct Images 2 weeks

EA 1.11: Draw people, plants, animals, buildings or objects

using different media. Space and Scenery Drawing 2 weeks

Standard EA 1.12 : Draw lines, arcs and shapes to show patterns, Patterns Designing patterns 1 week
1 movement and use of space.

EA 1.13 Illustrate a story in two or more sketches.

Space and Draw Picture Story 2 weeks

EA 1.14: Investigate how paints, inks and other wet media

can mix to create new colours. Color Mixing Create Secondary 2 weeks
EA 1.15: Sketch a variety of objects, animals or people in
any combination of black and white and/or colour. Space, Scenery Drawing and 2 weeks
Balance and coloring

EA 1.16 : Create prints with play dough, putty or other

Stamping Stamp Printing 2 weeks
objects showing patterns and repetition.

Standard EA 1.17 : Draw two dimensional geometric and/or organic 2-D Design Draw shapes (Square, 2 Weeks
2 shapes using tools or freehand. triangle, etc.)

Shape Scenery

EA 1.18 : Identify and discuss how two dimensional 2-D Design Tangram Shapes 2 Weeks
geometric shapes are used in creating art.
Tangram Shapes
within Line Scribbles

EA 1.19 : Create a colour wheel to show primary,

Color Wheel Color Scheme 2 Weeks
secondary and tertiary colors.

EA 1.20 : Investigate and compare how wet and dry media

Color Mixing Mixing and 2 Weeks
can be mixed to create new colours.
Combining Colours

EA 1.21 : Design and create works of art using dry or wet

Shape and Geometric and 1 Week
media in colour using geometric or organic shapes.
Unity Organic Shapes
EA 1.22: Draw a room, street, natural or other scenes with
Standard multiple objects using dry media. Space & Draw your Room 2 Weeks
3 Movement
Draw your

EA 1.23: Replicate objects such as cubes, cylinders,

cones, pyramids and spheres using dotted lines, letters or Shapes and Still Life Drawing 2 Weeks
numbers, so that they appear to be three dimensional. Forms

EA 1.24: Add effects to an illustration by applying values in

black and white and/or color. Tonal Values Cube and Cylinder 2 Weeks

Cone and Pyramid


EA 1.25: Create a monochromatic color scheme with

three to five values using wet media. Monochromati Tints, Tones and 3 Weeks
c Color Shades

EA 1.26: Replicate a work of art in color using any media

of choice. Colour Colourful Scenery 1 Week

EA 1.27: Draw a scene with focus on perspective in which

Standard the sizes of the objects indicate distance. Perspective 1 Point Perspective 3 Weeks
4 Drawing
2 Point Perspective

Aerial and Linear

EA 1.28: Add values to objects such as cubes, cylinders,
cones, pyramids and spheres so that they appear to be 3D Shapes Values to Solid 1 Week
three dimensional. Objects

EA 1.29: Investigate and present on the life and work of a

famous Belizean artist. Belizean List of Belizean 2 Weeks
Artists Artists will be
provided in the

EA 1.30: Mix wet media to make a range of five or more

values using two or more colors. Color Mixing Combining Colours 2 Weeks

EA 1.31: Create an original work of art in colour using any

media of choice. Colour Colourful Nature 1 Week

Standard EA 1.32 : Draw the anatomy of the human body with the Humany Studies of human 1 week
5 different parts in proportion. body

EA 1.33 : Draw the human head from both the front and
Human Head Portray Studies (front 1 week
profile views.
and side view)

EA 1.34 : Create detailed drawings of a variety of objects

Realistic Detail Studies in 2 weeks
with attention to shape, form texture, values and
Drawing Drawing
EA 1.35 : Investigate and present on the life and
Famous List of Artists will be 2 weeks
achievements of a Caribbean or international visual artist.
Artists provided in the

EA 1.36 : Explore the similarities and differences between

Mixed Media Experiment with 1 week
mixing and combining colours using different fast-drying
Mixed Media
wet media.

EA 1.37 : Create and present a digital or physical collage

Art Display Sharing Your Art 2 weeks
based on a topic of interest including family, community,
with your
food, flora, fauna, landscapes, historical sites or historical
events. Community

Standard EA 1.38 : Sketch a variety of objects, animals, people and Realistic Sketching real objects 1 week
6 things from real life observation giving attention to the use Drawing
of positive and negative space.

EA 1.39 : Create detailed drawings using a combination of

Realistic Shading and Drawing 2 weeks
shading and drawing techniques with attention to variety in
Drawing Techniques
texture, proportion, balance and use of space.
Detailed Drawings

EA 1.40 : Explore contrast between warm and cool colors

Exploring Warm and Cool 2 weeks
using dry and/or wet media.
Colors Colours
EA 1.41 : Design and execute an exhibition or
Art Exhibition Sharing Artworks 2 weeks
community-based project.
with the community

EA 1.42 : Investigate and present on the life and

Belizean List of major 2 weeks
achievements of a major influential Belizean visual artist.
Visual Artist influential Belizean
Artists will be
provided in the

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