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Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology (Ó 2016)

DOI: 10.1007/s13239-016-0274-x

Simulation of Anastomosis in Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery

The Heart Valve Performance Laboratory, School of Engineering, Faculty of Applied Science, University of British Columbia,
Okanagan, Kelowna, BC V1V 1V7, Canada; 2Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, BC, Canada; and 3Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program, Faculty of Applied Science, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
(Received 25 February 2016; accepted 8 July 2016)

Associate Editor Ajit P. Yoganathan oversaw the review of this article.

Abstract—Developing cardiac surgical skills and experience branch. To mediate the incident of this risk, the coro-
takes years of practice. Cardiac trainees need to develop nary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery is conducted.
technical proficiency in order to enhance quality of care and The procedure harvests a similar vessel in topology and
patient safety. Simulation-based models are common re-
sources for teaching procedural skills in both undergraduate mechanical properties from elsewhere in the body such
and postgraduate medical education. Suitable and accessible as the saphenous vein located in the leg.8,10 Meanwhile,
educational platforms can play a progressively important the surgeon exposes and either stops the heart and puts
role in the training process for young surgeons in the area of the patient on a cardiopulmonary support machine, or
cardiac surgery. Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) continues the surgery while the heart is still beating on
surgery consists of a wide range of pathologic anatomies
and surgical techniques. In this paper we introduce a novel, its own accord.4 The harvested vein is grafted onto the
synthetic, biomimetic platform that allows for the realistic coronary artery distally and to the ascending aorta
practice of the CABG surgery. The prototype uses a proximally so that a bridge is made between the
polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel which has been designed to ascending aorta and a location after the constricted
mimic the geometric properties of vasculature. The proposed section. The grafted vein provides a bypass that diverts
models look and feel like human tissue and possess somewhat
consistent mechanical properties. In this study, we apply the the flow of blood around the plaque in the coronary
platform to simulate a case of autogenous saphenous vein artery so that it may reach the heart tissue.
bypass grafting of a patient. An autogenous saphenous vein The issue is that there is no synthetic platform which
graft is placed from the aorta to the left anterior descending can realistically simulate the coronary artery bypass
coronary artery. The standard procedures of the coronary surgery. The current platforms are mechanically inac-
artery bypass surgery were successfully simulated. Using the
proposed technology, other complicated surgeries such as curate artificial models or animal models. Animal
end to end, side to end, and sequential anastomoses can be models offer similar mechanical properties as human
simulated such that these models lend themselves very well to anatomy, however, they are not accessible for frequent
various types of anastomoses. practice. Also, there are numerous limitations in using
animal models which have been mostly addressed in
Keywords—Hydrogel biomaterials, Anastomosis, Surgical our proposed synthetic platform. In this study, we offer
tools, Cardiac training, Bypass surgery, Reconstructive synthetic models of coronary artery vascular grafts
surgery. with fairly similar geometrical properties. These mod-
els also possess consistent mechanical properties to
that of the native tissue. The proposed platform is an
INTRODUCTION excellent platform which might be used for the simu-
lation of anastomosis as applied in coronary artery
Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) results from a
bypass surgery.
partial or complete obstruction of a coronary artery

Address correspondence to Hadi Mohammadi, The Heart Valve METHOD

Performance Laboratory, School of Engineering, Faculty of Applied
Science, University of British Columbia, Okanagan, Kelowna, As to the topology of the coronary artery, it was
BC V1V 1V7, Canada. Electronic mail: found that the wall thicknesses of the coronary arteries

Ó 2016 Biomedical Engineering Society


varied from 0.42 to 1.35 mm.1 The saphenous vein wall Hydrogel Preparation
thicknesses tended to be roughly 0.79 mm ± 20 lm.11
We have designed a manufacturing procedure to
The lower-bound coronary artery outer diameter was
produce synthetic models of coronary arteries in
reported to be 1.2 mm,5 whereas the upper-bound
varying of sizes which have compatible mechanical
harvested saphenous vein diameter was reported to be
properties and geometry to that of human tissue. Our
7 mm with an average minimum diameter of 3.6 mm
proposed synthetic models simulate a consistent tissue
and an average maximum diameter of 4.84 mm within
resistance and strength while lacerating and suturing.
one vessel length.5

FIGURE 1. (a) CAD design (b) actual prototype of the mold for the fabrication of synthetic grafts. 12 grafts with varying of sizes
are fabricated in the same batch and (c) Tensioning mechanism, the conic fixture holds the cord always at the center and the spring
behind it ensures of a minimal tension on the cord so it is always strengthened.

FIGURE 2. The prototypes of synthetic small grafts made of 10% hydrogel. The models include 10 sizes of arteries, ranging from
1.5 to 7 mm to provide accommodations for all of the possible sizes used in CABG.
Simulation of Anastomosis in Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery

This consistency has been achieved by using a (RA) grafting). The average internal diameter for the
mechanically tuned hydrogel. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), human saphenous vein is reported to be 1.75 mm
99+% (Sigma-Aldrich) hydrolyzed with a molecular without distention and 2.18 mm with distension.11 The
weight of 146,000–186,000, was applied for the solu- artery and vein cores selected for the design range from
tion preparation. The detail of material preparation is 1 to 2.5 mm. The length of the hydrogel conduit was
discussed in our previous studies.7,9 The preselected chosen carefully to provide more material for the
hydrogel material requires a thermal cycling process to consumers to use, and to ensure that the device fit
mechanically and physically crosslink the long mole- within the coolant bath. This criterion has been met
cules. Therefore, the design is restricted to molds that through carefully selected design and fabrication pro-
fits with the anti-freeze cooling bath (15L Heating Bath cesses. The geometry of the vessels is simplified to that
Circulator Model SD15H170-A11B). This requires of a 10 cm long tube of constant diameter and wall
that the mold be resistant to the ethylene glycol solu- thickness.
tion and a temperature range from 20°C to room The process needs to be suitable for lab production
temperature.6 and produce sanitary vessels ready for use in a medical
environment. The device must be easy to use in a lab-
oratory environment as the main consumers will be
Mold Design
surgeons or medical practitioners. With minimal
The design features 10 sizes of arteries, ranging from instruction for securing the device, the final hydrogel
1.5 to 7 mm to accommodate for all of the possible vessels should be easy to create, and extract. If possible,
sizes used in CABG (to include saphenous vein (SVG), no extraneous tools should be required in the operation
internal mammary artery (IMA) and radial artery of the device. The mold must be easy to maintain and
clean. Each part must be easy to access for the techni-
cians and no trouble to dismantle and store.
TABLE 1. Dimensions of the proposed synthetic models to
be used for the simulation of small grafts anastomosis. In order to achieve the specified dimensions, a flat
plate design was employed. This design involves two
OD (outer diameter) mm Thickness flat symmetrical plates with the dimensions of each
1.5 350 lm
artery size etched into a semicircular channel. When
2.1 500 lm these components mate they create a cylindrical tube.
2.9 670 lm This can be observed in Figs. 1a and 1b.
3.4 820 lm To reduce the cost of the mold, the cores were de-
4.2 940 lm signed to accommodate polymer cords. It has provided
4.8 1.2 mm
5.5 1.4 mm
us with straight cores, simple fastening mechanisms,
6.1 1.8 mm and the ability to use off-the-shelf components. The
7 2.0 mm luminal diameters of the vessels are permitted to be
modified by switching cord sizes for minimal cost.

(a) (b)

(c) (d) CABG (e)


Penetration of the blue liquid into

the coronary artery

FIGURE 3. Anastomosis of a graft to the coronary artery in a Pig Heart Model. (a) Preparation on the coronary artery and the
estimation of the location of anastomosis, (b) the suturing the graft to the location of anastomosis, (c), (d), (e) are the cannulation
test. A blue aquatic liquid is perfused through the graft by creating an adequate pressure and the location of anastomosis is
checked for leak.

Another issue addressed by this design is the ability tension throughout expansion and contraction of the
for the cores to be concentric with the mold cavity. Our various temperature cycles. We found that during the
unique solution is to apply the tension in the cores manufacturing process it was difficult to tie or untie the
through a conical centering system. It ensures that the half hitch knot required to secure the cords. To combat
cores remain centered regardless of orientation or this, we used readily available cord locks. These de-
disturbance imparted on the mold during the manu- vices were sufficient in holding tension in the polymer
facturing process. The conical mechanism features a 45 cores.
degree taper on each end of the cylinder. This current
design is displayed in Fig. 1c.
Mold Fabrication
This design allows for a more intuitive system with
less intricate components. The commercially available The 3D rendering of the mold was created on So-
compression springs ensure that the cord is under lidWorks R2015 software. Renderings were printed

FIGURE 4. Demonstration side to side anastomosis using the fabricated graft in this study. (a) 3 synthetic grafts used in this
study. (b) demonstration of making a longitudinal incision, (c) demonstration of a side-to-side anastomosis theoretically, (d), (e),
and (f) are the standard steps for the side-to-side anastomosis12, (g) corresponding to step (d) on the synthetic graft, (h) corre-
sponding to step (e) on the synthetic graft, and (i) completion of the anastomosis on the synthetic graft.
Simulation of Anastomosis in Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery

using a Connex 500 (Proto 3000, Mississauga, Canada) End to Side Anastomosis
3D printer with a tolerance of 60 lm. The mold may
We used a variety of Prolene (polypropylene) suture
use other polymer manufacturing processes to reduce
sizing from 2.0 to 6.0. The obtuse marginal is incised
cost and increase throughput of production for future
and the incision is extended with scissors as shown in
Fig. 3a. A suture is passed through the artery, then
through the vein, and then through the artery and
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (APPLICATION) tagged. The other end is brought through the vein, and
the vein is lowered into place. The suture line is then
PVA Hydrogel Models brought up to the right side. The other suture is brought
through the heel of the vein, through the artery, up the
The developed material which possesses consistent
left side and around the toe, thereby completing the
mechanical properties to those of the coronary artery
suture line as shown in Fig. 3b. In the end, a cannula-
tissue is implemented for the final models. The de-
tion is performed to ensure of an effective connection of
signed and fabricated molds are now filled with the
the graft to the artery Figs. 3c, 3d, and 3e.
proposed hydrogels (10% PVA-c) and the final models
are manufactured. These models are similar in geometry
Side to Side Anastomosis
and possess compatible mechanical properties to that of
native tissues and are suited to model vasculature for We used a variety of Prolene (polypropylene) suture
the simulation of aortic heart valve surgery (Fig. 2). In sizing from 2.0 to 6.0. The grafts are prepared as
comparison with the native arteries, the values of cir- shown in Fig. 4a. Both grafts (grafts A and B) are
cumferential strength of the synthetic coronary artery notched longitudinally (and not transversely) (Fig. 4b).
models reported here is 0.50 ± 0.12 MPa compared to The incision must be precise otherwise an inappropri-
that of the native tissue which is 0.39 ± 0.07 MPa.2,3 ate incision may lead to the least amount of constric-
The results of both models (the synthetic and the native tion of the graft at the location of anastomosis. The
tissue) are consistently close with less than 5% dis- suturing process follows that of shown in Figs. 4c, 4d,
crepancy. 4e, and 4f. A suture is taken inside-outside the artery
Our design can produce vessels with a mean outer (graft A) and labeled. The suture line is brought up
diameter of 1.30 mm and a mean luminal diameter of inside-outside the vein (graft B) and outside-inside the
600 lm. The measurement of the vessel thickness is artery (graft A) (Figs. 4g, 4h). The suture is brought up
350 lm. These vessels have an average vessel length of outside-inside the vein (graft B) and inside-outside the
60 mm. Thus, vessels have successfully been manu- artery (graft A) and around the end of arteriotomy to
factured in the micron range. We are able to consis- complete the anastomosis (Fig. 4i).
tently create vessels between 1.5 to 7 mm outer There are other techniques which can be used
diameter with an average length of 60 mm as shown in for the side-to-side or the end-to-end anastomosis
Fig. 2 (also see Table 1). (Figs. 5a, 5b) that we do not intend to explain in detail.

FIGURE 5. (a) Other techniques used for the side-to-end anastomosis, (b) end-to-end anastomosis, both on our synthetic pro-
posed models.

(a) (b)

Aortic Leaflets

FIGURE 6. (a) Side to side anastomosis of a small graft to the ascending aorta, (b) top view of the ascending aorta and the small
graft both of which are our synthetic proposed models.

In the last step, side to side anastomosis of a small availability of practice tools for surgeons will con-
graft to the ascending aorta was performed as shown in tribute to improving their proficiency and confidence
Fig. 6. The ascending aorta used in this study is made in cardiac operations.
of the same hydrogel biomaterials but with mechanical
properties similar to those of the leaflet tissue and the
vessel wall. This model includes the sinuses and the
aortic valve incorporated all in one piece. Using the
proposed technology, side to side anastomosis of a ACKNOWLEDGMENT
small graft to the ascending aorta was achieved in a
The authors acknowledge the University of British
realistic simulated and synthetic platform.
Columbia and NSERC (Discovery Grant) for financial

In this study, for the first time to the best of the CONFLICT OF INTEREST
authors’ knowledge, a new method for producing No conflict of interest.
artificial hydrogel micro-vessels is presented to satisfy a
lack of accessibility to coronary artery bypass practice
materials. Until now, small hydrogel vessels have not COMPETING INTERESTS
been produced due to their intricate geometries. The
vessels feature a material with mechanical properties None declared.
and geometric properties which are not statistically
dissimilar from human vessels. The samples have been
successfully applied to simulate a coronary artery by- SOURCE OF FUNDING
pass procedure. The penetration ability of the sutures Start-up Grant, University of British Columbia.
in variety of sizes (from 2.0 to 6.0) was tested using
prolene (polypropylene) suture which was satisfactory.
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ployglasctin (vicryl) sutures as well.
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