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Worksheet Exp-1

Student Name : Tushar Chouhan UID: 18BCS3051

Branch : BE/B.Tech Section/Group : 18_BCS_11_C
Semester: 07 Date of Performance: 28/08/2021

Subject Name: Web Service Security LAB

Subject Code: CSB-422

1. Aim/Overview of the practical: Implementation of WSDL Service.

2. The task to be done: Implement Hello-Service. WSDL File.

3. Code for the experiment:

<definitions name = "HelloService"

targetNamespace = ""

xmlns = ""

xmlns:soap = ""

xmlns:tns = ""

xmlns:xsd = "">

<message name = "SayHelloRequest">

<part name = "firstName" type = "xsd:string"/>


<message name = "SayHelloResponse">

<part name = "greeting" type = "xsd:string"/>


<portType name = "Hello_PortType">

<operation name = "sayHello">

<input message = "tns:SayHelloRequest"/>

<output message = "tns:SayHelloResponse"/>



<binding name = "Hello_Binding" type = "tns:Hello_PortType">

<soap:binding style = "rpc"

transport = ""/>

<operation name = "sayHello">

<soap:operation soapAction = "sayHello"/>



encodingStyle = ""

namespace = "urn:examples:helloservice"

use = "encoded"/>




encodingStyle = ""

namespace = "urn:examples:helloservice"
use = "encoded"/>




<service name = "Hello_Service">

<documentation>WSDL File for HelloService</documentation>

<port binding = "tns:Hello_Binding" name = "Hello_Port">


location = "" />



Output :
Learning outcomes (What I have learned):

1. Learned how to generate XML trees output.

2. Learned how to use WSDL Service.

Evaluation Grid:

Sr. No. Parameters Marks Obtained Maximum Marks

1. Demonstration and Performance 5
(Pre Lab Quiz)
2. Worksheet 10
3. Post Lab Quiz 5

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