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What is brand positioning?

According to the definition of P.Kotler, "brand positioning is a set of activities aimed at creating a
definite position (relative to competitors) in the mind of the product and product brand. client". The
same definition, according to Marc Filser, “brand positioning is the effort to give the product a unique
image that is easy to enter into the perception of customers. Or more specifically, what businesses want
customers to think of when facing their brand.” In short, just as people need a position in society to be
respected and assert themselves, brands also need to be positioned to affirm the brand's products as
well as affirm the influence of the company. with the brand.Brand positioning sets the goal to create a
separate image for the brand compared to other brands. In any form, the brand must have its own
distinctive features, helping customers distinguish it from products of the same type.

The brand positioning should be formed right in the brand design and branding process.

Positioning strategies that businesses can apply in positioning their brand

Positioning based on problem, solution

Feature-based positioning

Positioning by quality

Positioning based on opponents

Positioning based on value

Positioning based on use

Positioning based on relationship

Positioning based on wishes

Positioning based on emotions

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