04.successful Story of Proving-Up A New Play, An Eocene Carbonate As A Naturally Fractured Reservoir in Offshore North West Java

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Forty-Second Annual Convention & Exhibition, May 2018



Icuk Dwi Wibowo*

Linda Fransiska*
Mery Luciawaty*

ABSTRACT Well trajectory was designed penetrating

perpendicular to the main fracture orientation. The
The excellent production performance of the K-85 first well has been drilled and successfully tested
zone (Pre-Talang Akar Formation/TAF) in KLD with initial rate close to 10 mmscfpd, 1800 bopd at
Block of the Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) PSC WHP 2000 psi, followed by the second well with a
has triggered a comprehensive study to seek new similar rate with no water. It raises field production
opportunities in the adjacent block, called KLA by more than sixty percent and becomes the new
Block. The zone was originally called as basement backbone for gas and oil production. This is the first
but further petrography analysis showed that the successful story of proving up an Eocene Carbonate
lithology is limestone deposited in Eocene based on as a naturally fractured reservoir in Offshore North
age dating. It has no primary porosity and West Java.
permeability due to high effect of compaction. Five
of thirteen penetrating wells experienced total loss INTRODUCTION
circulation (TLC) during drilling. Hypothetically K-
85 zone is considered a naturally fractured reservoir The ONWJ area is located on the north Coast of Java
which can explain this TLC phenomenon. This paper Island in Indonesia. The ONWJ PSC has been
will mainly discuss the challenges, method, lessons operated by PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ since
learnt and drilling results of this successful story. 2009. The PSC consist of several fields and has been
producing since 1971 with more than 700 wells and
Hydrocarbon existence, resources determination, 150 production platforms. The Kencanaloka Field,
fractured characterization and production one of the field within PSC, is located approximately
performance prediction has become the main 59 miles northeast of Jakarta in the Ardjuna Sub
challenges. Existing data such as the drill stem test Basin Southern flank area. The structure has been
(DST) test of K-85 has also been performed in an developed by three platforms (K-A, K-B and K-C)
exploratory well within the K-A/West Block and since 1986 (Figure 1)
showed an inconclusive result that must be verified.
Revisiting and reinterpretation several data such as The South Ardjuna sub-basins formed an excellent
old-wells cutting samples mud log data, seismic and hydrocarbon generation and accumulation systems
production data from existing wells can provide (Noble, R.A., et al., 1997). The Kencanaloka Field is
higher assurance. The material balance (MBAL) data one of the preferred structures for hydrocarbon
and back-calculation approach from the producing accumulation that generated in South Ardjuna sub-
adjacent block was then used as analogue data for basins (Figure. 2). The syn-rift non-marine
resources determination and production succession and early post-rift deltaic deposits contain
performance. Discontinuity feature in seismic has abundant sapropel-rich carbonaceous source rocks.
high correlation with the depth of total loss These are supplemented in the syn-rift section by
circulation in the offset wells. It raises the prediction important zones of algal-rich lacustrine shales.
accuracy of fracture distribution in K-85 reservoir. Numerous, high quality reservoirs such as the upper
Oligocene post-rift deltaic succession (Talang Akar
Two dependent wells were originally proposed Formation), Miocene carbonates (Baturaja
targeting the K-85 zone in West Block and were Formation) and near-shore marine sandstones (Main
planned to prove the hydrocarbon accumulation. and Massive Formations) have been produced since

* Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ

the early field development (Figure 3). As the resistivity and density neutron. K-85 zone has no
Kencanaloka Field production declines, an image log and dipole sonic to characterize fracture
integrated subsurface strategy was initiated to target more details. All available image log and dipole
the deeper reservoirs which was initially not sonic in nearby fields from other zones was then
commercially attractive and that were always utilized to get the idea of fracture orientation and
considered as secondary targets. Another distribution (Figure 8).
development strategy is twinning the exploration
well which has excellent DST results. b. Seismic Data

The Kencanaloka Field is compartmentalized by The Kencanaloka Field is covered by 3D merged

fault. Compartmentalization may be different in each KKJJSA. Seismic analysis could be very
zone and it depends on the fault. The K-85 zone in advantageous to recognize fracture zone which is
the Kencanaloka Field is divided into East and West associated with discontinuity feature. Several
Blocks. Located in the East Block of Kencanaloka seismic attribute analyses, such as coherence,
Field, the KS-1 exploratory well was drilled in 1988 fault-likelihood and ant-tract, have been
and tested from bottom zone called “economic- performed to identify discontinuity in K-85 zone.
basement” with a rate close to 9 mmscfd and 500 These seismic attribute analyses were then
bopd. Another key well is a development well KB- calibrated to the well log data to determine the
15, drilled in 2011 targeting the Talang Akar fractured zone.
sandstone and twinning the promising “economic-
basement” of KS-1. The initial rate was 18 mmscfd K-85 NEW INTERPRETATION
and 350 bopd with cumulative production of 19 BCF
and no water from single zone K-85, currently still a. Lithology Description
produce 6 MMSCFD with 900 BOPD. Following the
success of this well, an integrated study has been The initial interpretation of K-85 cutting
performed to analyze the K-85 zone and its potential descriptions was derived from nine exploration
in the West Block of Kencanaloka Field. wells (K-1, K-2/2ST, K-3, K-4, K-5, K-6A, K-7,
KS-1 and KS-2) and K-85 was interpreted consist
DATA of varied lithology from limestone, quartzite, tuff,
weathered basement and metamorphic rock. More
a. Well Data thorough and detailed analysis on progress log,
mud log and verifying old cutting data has been
There are thirteen wells that have penetrated K-85 or
performed to ensure the lithology description. Side
equivalent in the Kencanaloka Field. Three wells
wall core (SWC) samples have been sent to a
(KS-1, KB-15 and KS-2) penetrated the zone in the
laboratory for petrography and age dating
East Block. KS-1 & KB-15 experienced total loss
circulation (TLC) 400 bph during drilling into the K-
85 zone. KS-2 was drilled as delineation well in the
New interpretation from cutting description
Kencanaloka Field and located in the flank area with
described K-85 as carbonate sediment or limestone
no total loss was experienced while penetrating K-85
with light brown color, hard to brittle, calcite,
zone which is described as inter-fingering between
fossil fragments, argillaceous, mottled. Based on
limestone and quartzite.
petrography analysis, K-85 is dominantly
The rest of the wells are located in the West Block. mudstone (Dunham, R.J., 1962), crystalized and
Six wells (KA-1, KA-2, KA-6, KB-4, KA-8ST, KB- brecciated limestone. Age dating Sr- isotope
10) have penetration point in the high structure of K- analysis shows that KL-85 was deposited in
85 in the West Block. Three of them (KA-2, KB-4, Eocene time. These new analyses suggest that KL-
KA-8ST) also experienced total loss circulation 85 is not the real basement which is well-known
during drilling when penetrating the K-85 zone. The and age-dated as Pre-Tertiary in ONWJ area. KL-
other wells are delineated wells and located in the 85 was deposited just above the Basement and
flank structure (see Figure 4). before the Talang Akar Formation, or called the
Pre Talang Akar sediment (Aveliansyah et al.,
Overall, K-85 has limited wireline log data due 2016, see Figure. 3).
previously was not categorized as reservoir target,
rat-hole only and experienced total loss circulation. It can be concluded that the previously tested (DST
The only available e-line log is gamma ray, at KS-1) and current produce gas at KB-15 well

actually come from K-85 zone instead of Field still has high uncertainty due to limited
basement. production data. KA-6 well DST, which the only
well that has DST in the West Block resulted in water
b. Fracture Identification   and need to be clarified.

A hypothetical analysis of fracture presence in K-85 Further assessment to KA-6 DST shows that the
was introduced from the total losses evidence. In result is inconclusive. After six hours DST with N2
contrary, K-85 has no visible porosity based on injection using coil-tubing, it was recorded that
cutting description. It is also confirmed by chloride (Cl-) content still 70-75K ppm from the
petrography analysis that shows K-85 has very low return water from the well along with pumped N2.
primary porosity due to high effect of compaction. The data showed that well head pressure decreased
Petrophysical analysis also indicates that K-85 has rapidly when stop pumping N2. It indicates that the
only up to three percent porosity. KA-6 thin section water sample could still be a completion fluid and no
analysis discovers non-ferroan xenotopic dolomite is flow from the reservoir yet. There is no water
replaced by adularia feldspar which is associated produced or Cl- measurement from K-85 zone to
with fractures (Figure 5). validate that data, however estimated Cl- content of
K-85 should be within 5-20K ppm range from water
A regional cross section across the PSC area was analysis data base in ONWJ. It represents Talang
then created and found that there are several wells Akar Formation fresh water and Main/Massive
that penetrated K-85 equivalent zone. Especially, which is deposited in shallow marine environment.
UQ-1 (70 kms away), an exploratory well in the The KA-6 well completion is cased hole and K-85
Uniform Field, and LN-2 (35 kms away), an zone was only perforated 9 feet in the upper part. It
exploratory well in Lima Field, which both have is completely different with successful DST test in
acquired conventional core in K-85 equivalent zone KS-1 well in K-85 zone which was performed in the
and further been used as conventional core analogue open-hole completion. Limited perforation interval
data. Both cores show that the lithology consist of in cased-hole completion creates more flow
limestone which has very low porosity due to high restriction rather than open-hole completion,
effect of compaction, quite similar with K-85 zone in especially in fracture zone. It is possible that the
Kencanaloka Field, and fractures are well-developed perforation interval in KA-6 might not be in a good
in those K-85 equivalent zones (Figure 6). Regional fractured-network interval. Several pressure and
depositional environment reconstruction suggests sampling tests have been performed in the old
that Kencanaloka, Uniform and Lima field was exploratory K-2ST well, but unsuccessful. It
originally located in marine shelf where limestone emphasized that the K-85 zone has no porosity.
could be raised above the Pre Tertiary Basement
during Eocene time (Figure 7). The available standard e-line log in K-85 fracture
zone is limited for assisting in hydrocarbon
All available image logs give an overall NE-SW determination. However, the resistivity log shows
fracture trend. It is similar with the regional high resistivity reading, up to 900 ohm-m, from the
structural trend in ONWJ PSC area, and most top K-85 to TD in every penetrating well, including
importantly the fault trend in the Kencanaloka Field the deepest well, which is K-2ST that penetrated K-
(Figure 8). This is significant data for fracture 85 zone more than 350 feet of thickness in the flank
interpretation and modelling. It is then validated by area of the Kencanaloka Field.
all available well data such as mud log and depth of
total loss circulation. Discontinuity feature in seismic The powerful tool to detect hydrocarbon existence in
also show good correlation with the depth of total K-85 is mud-log data. Six wells (KA-1, KA-2, KA-
loss circulation in penetrated wells. It increase the 6, KB-4, KA-8ST, KB-10) have penetration point in
confidence level and accuracy of predicting fractures the high structure of K-85 in the West Block. Three
distribution in the K-85 reservoir. of them (KA-2, KB-4, KA-8ST) had severed total
loss circulation and one well (KA-6) experienced
HYDROCARBON ACCUMULATION AND partial loss circulation during drilling when
ASSURANCE IN WEST BLOCK penetrating the K-85 zone. Three wells (KA-1, KA-
6, KB-10) showed a high total gas reading in the K-
The only producing well from K-85 zone before 85 zone. The ratio of total gas reading and
drilling two additional infill wells is KB-15 which is background gas is ranging from 10-20 times. Some
located in the East Block. Meanwhile, hydrocarbon side wall cores and cuttings description also indicate
accumulation in the West Block of Kencanaloka oil shows within the K-85 zone. The above data

supports the evidence of hydrocarbon accumulation the lower part indicates a big fracture zone that
of K-85 zone in the West Block of the Kencanaloka caused a total loss circulation during drilling. There
Field. is no mud return on total loss circulation interval
which means no LWD log data could be acquired.
DRILLING PROGRAM, RESULT AND The well was successfully completed with open-hole
LESSON LEARNT completion at the end of August 2017 and tested with
a gas rate close to 10 mmscfd, oil rate of almost 1800
a. Drilling program bopd and WHP up to 2000 psi.

Material Balance Analysis has been performed to The second well, KB-21 well is dependent to the KB-
calculate the hydrocarbon reserves in East Block of 18 well results. After getting the excellent K-18 well
K-85 zone in Kencanaloka Field with total reserves test results, KB-21 was then drilled in early
could be more than hundred BCF. It was then utilized September 2017. As predicted, KB-21 has also
& back-calculated to determine hydrocarbon in- experienced with total loss circulation when
place using the deterministic method. The penetrating K-85 fracture zone in the lower part. The
petrophysical parameters will remain uncertain and well was successfully completed with open-hole
be used as sensitivity due to no image log to completion in early October 2017 and tested with a
determine fracture porosity. This approach has been similar rate with the first well. Both wells penetrated
used to predict the hydrocarbon in place for a new the K-85 zone at more than 150 feet of thickness. (see
opportunity of K-85 zone in the west block by Figure 9).
considering the acreage, predicted vertical boundary
and potential hydrocarbon column as sense-check. c. Lessons Learnt

After thorough analysis, a comprehensive drilling Those wells have been successfully proving-up an
program were planned to prove a new play of Eocene Carbonate K-85 zone as a new naturally
naturally fractured reservoir of the K-85 zone in the fractured reservoir play in Kencanaloka Field. It
West Block of the Kencanaloka Field. Two wells implies that all Eocene Carbonate in Offshore North
have been proposed to target the K-85 zone. Well West Java has now become interesting to be
trajectory has been designed to penetrate evaluated, especially in nearby structures to the north
perpendicular to the K-85 fracture-zone target and of the Kencanaloka Field, Lima Field and Uniform
main fracture orientation. The first well in particular Field. The equivalent zones in those fields have
the trajectory also must be able to be side-tracked to shown similar evidence with K-85 zone which
the second well location. This is part of the experienced partial total loss during drilling, fracture
mitigation plan if there is an operational drilling existence based on conventional cores and oil shows.
problem before penetrating K-85 zone or if there is As fracture has been proved to be well-developed in
no flow on well-testing. The well completion K-85 zone, it advises that the same tectonic event
program is open-hole completion in the K-85 zone. could have generated fracture zones in the basement.
Manage pressure drilling tool is installed to combat Based on the old exploratory well, the Kencanaloka
the loss and continue drilling during total loss Field basement might be a quartzite. It is a preferred
circulation. Wireline logging program includes the lithology for fracture development. Thus, quartzite
image, dipole sonic log and mini-DST using packer basement underlay below the K-85 zone in the
for further fracture characterization, pressure test and Kencanaloka Field would be very attractive for the
down-hole fluid sampling. Acidizing program is next drilling campaign target.
prepared for well-stimulation if the well is unable to
flow. After several weeks of production, there is a water
encroachment in both wells, the water cut jump up to
b. Drilling Well Result 50% when using choke 42/64”. The water has 4-6k
ppm of Cl- content. It indicates formation water. The
As expected, the first well KB-18 has experienced water rate is corresponding to the choke size.
total losses by 400 bph and 3500 bph in KB-21 well Therefore, it is important to have a choke
when penetrating the K-85 in big fracture zone management system when producing hydrocarbon
interval. It is confirmed by well log data reading that from the fractured reservoir. Since then, the water cut
KB-18 penetrated several fracture zones intervals. was stabilized within 5-10% when bean-down using
Resistivity and density log reading is very low in the 32/64” choke size with hydrocarbon rate is close to 9
fracture interval. The upper part shows less fracture MMSCFD and 700 BCPD. The water source was
zone that caused a partial loss circulation, meanwhile interpreted as water that came along during

hydrocarbon migration or somehow the fractured ACKNOWLEDGMENT
system might be connected to the Talang Akar
aquifer which is known has similar Cl- content. The The authors wish to thank the respective
other lesson learnt is increasing CO2 content in gas management of Pertamina Hulu Energi and PHE
production system along with K-85 zone production ONWJ for permission to publish this work. Special
that needs special handling to avoid surface facility acknowledgment is given to KL Infill team
corrosion. It should be closely monitoring until the members including the Operation Geology and
sales point. The back pressure creates from the new Drilling team as well as the West Asset Reservoir
zone also might have impact to the existing Management team, Subsurface Department and
production system. Therefore bottle neck study must Drilling & Well Services Department for their
be done properly, especially in the brown field area. support and encouragement during the publication
of this paper and their contributions to the
Based on the post evaluation of drilling wells, the REFFERENCES
following conclusions can be drawn.
Aveliansyah et al., 2016, Pre-Talang Akar
1. KB-18 and K-21 wells have been successfully Formation: New Hopes For Hydrocarbon
proving-up an Eocene Carbonate K-85 zone as a Exploration In The Offshore North West Java
new naturally fractured reservoir play in the Basin,., Proc. IPA 41st Annual Convention.
Kencanaloka Field which contributes more than
18 mmscfd and 1500 bopd to ONWJ field Dunham, R.J. (1962) Classification of Carbonate
production. Rocks according to Depositional Texture.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1,
2. A choke management system is important when
producing hydrocarbon from the fractured
reservoir to avoid early water encroachment.
Noble, R.A., et al., 1997, Petroleum System of
3. “Back to rock” and performing comprehensive Onshore and Offshore North West Java Indonesia.,
assessment of “old-data” such as cutting Atlantic Richfield Indonesia Inc, Pertamina,
examination, mud-log evaluation and DST result BPPKA.
validation could be very beneficial to support the
new idea. .

Figure 1 - (A) ONWJ PSC area and (B) Kencanaloka Field consists of 3 Platform: KA, KB and KC with total of 33 wells

Figure 2 - (A) Petroleum system in South Ardjuna sub-basin and (B) Kencanaloka Field is one of the preferred structures for hydrocarbon accumulation generated from
South Ardjuna sub-basin

Figure 3 - ONWJ PSC Stratigraphy column. K-85 is Pre-Talang Akar Formation and deposited above the

Figure 4 - Kencanaloka Field in top K-85 depth structure map overlay with discontinuity feature in seismic.

Figure 5 - (A) KA-6 well thin section analysis discovers non-ferroan xenotopic dolomite is replaced by adularia feldspar which is associated with fractures. (B) K-85 in
K-2ST well primary porosity ranging from no visible, absent and negligible due to high effect of compaction.

Figure 6 - LN-2 (A) and UQ-1 (B) conventional core analysis in K-85 equivalent zone show limestone lithology and fracture existence.

Figure 7 - Regional depositional environment reconstructions expose that Kencanaloka and Uniform field was originally located in marine shelf where limestone could be

Figure 8 - Regional stress and fracture orientation in ONWJ area shown NE-SW trend

Figure 9 - Drilling results show KB-18 and KB-21 experienced total loss circulation during drilling K-85 zone that indicates fracture zones. Depth of total loss circulation
is corresponding to discontinuity feature in seismic as predicted.

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