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Performance Task #4 Kill ‘em with Kindness

Directions: In this Performance Task, the challenge for you is to try to make an
conversation with someone who shared misinformation online. Try striking a
with (a) a complete stranger and (b) with a friend, relative, or acquaintance. Here is
suggested step-by-step for you:

1. Look for a shared piece of mis-/disinformation on social media. Try looking at

groups, chat groups, or your news feed.
2. Verify it and look for supporting material/s online (e.g. fact-check articles,
videos, first-
hand sources)
3. Analyze and reflect on a caption or comment that was written by a person you
want to
converse with. Where is s/he coming from? What could be his/her reason for
sharing the
4. Construct your response. You may either publicly post it in the thread and tag
the person or
send it as a private message.
5. Wait for the response of the person.
6. If you receive a response, try sustaining the conversation.
7. Remember: The goal is not to “win over” the person but to practice empathy.
8. Screenshot your conversation or copy it verbatim. Note: Do not disclose the
names of the
people you conversed with (Blur the names or give them aliases).
Student Output: Produce a creative media presentation featuring the record of your
attempts at empathic conversation (either through screenshot or verbatim copy);
the details of
the corrected mis-/disinformation; and your reflection of the experience.
Possible media tools and formats:
• Digital (Offline): Powerpoint, Photoshop, Movie Maker
• Digital (Online or App-based): Canva, FlipGrid, Padlet
• Non-digital: Zine, collage-style poster

Criteria Beginning (1) Developing (2) Accomplished (3) Exemplary (4)

Student did not Courtesy, rapport, and

Student made the Courtesy, rapport,
demonstrate courtesy and respect were present in the
effort to establish and respect were
Use of empathic rapport was not conversation; it ran
rapport but present in the
language (25%) established; Student may smoothly and ended with
mutual understanding conversation; it ran
have used harsh or observable agreement
was not reached smoothly
sarcastic language between the parties

Student referenced more

Student did not provide Student provided Student referenced 1-2
Use of supporting than 2 substantive
any resources to support limited resources to substantive resource/s
materials for resources that supported
the corrected support the corrected that supported the
misinformation the corrected
misinformation in both misinformation in corrected misinformation
correction (25%) misinformation in each
conversations each conversation in each conversation

Student effectively expressed

Student’s Student provided Student effectively learning from the experience
reflection on Student failed to reflect on little reflective expressed learning and showed vigor in
the experience the experience notes on the from their reflection undertaking empathic online
(25%) experience on the experience conversations beyond the

The student used suffi-

Student either failed to Student was able to The student used a variety
Creativity in cient tools in
provide screenshots or pro- vide copies of of tools in the presenting
presentation presenting the
record the conversations the conver- sation but the conversation and the
(15%) conversation and the
verbatim it was poorly taken reflection

Student either did not

Student went beyond
accomplish the task of
Compliance in Student only Student expectation and
interviewing (1) a stranger
required persons accomplished 1 of the 2 accomplished both attempted to make more
and (2) a friend, relative, or
to converse (10%) required conversations conversation tasks conversations than
acquaintance OR Student
staged the conversations

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