Urban and Rural Planning

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1. What are the improvements (development) that you observed in your locality?
Impasugong is making a way in becoming a progressive municipality. Several infrastructures and
projects have put up to access goods and for the general welfare of its people as well. As I
observed, it’s best to have a municipal hospital since nowadays we have number cases thriving.
With this project, it allows us to have sufficient and convenient medical care. Also, it would be
easier for us to get access as we’re not going to other municipalities to confine our patient.
Hopefully, this will be realized in the long run.

2. What are the economic, physical and social impacts of development in your locality?
There are numerous impacts of development in my locality. Firsthand, it bought a bunch of
employment rate. With the projects and programs downloaded by the current administration,
unemployed workers who  are actively looking for work have now given an opportunity to
work and jobs. Also, it decreases the number of underemployment in our locality. Hence,
the unemployment rate is considered one of the most important economic indicators.

3. How does planning impact development in your locality?

Planning should be strengthen and intensified because this phase solidifies all the projects and
programs. If planning isn’t good at first then the degree of failure will exist. I can really say that
in my locality, the foundation of planning is beyond excellence as numbers of infrastructure
have been erected and realized. Thus being said, planning is indeed successful.

4. Who are the planners in your locality? Why are their roles important?
My huge respect to the current mayor of my municipality Hon. Anthony A Uy. He’s the one who
plans and the one who envision to have a progressive and competitive municipality. It’s essential
simply because without them do you think our projects and programs will exist? With their
presence, projects will be implemented.

5. What are the skills that you need to develop as a future planner? How do you think can it be
There are so many qualities that you need to consider to be a successful planner. But, I think the
most important qualities are accountable, transparent and responsive. Without these, I’m pretty
sure that you can’t be a successful planner. You’ll just need to embody these because if you just
keep on talking without doing it so then you’ll never be effective and efficient.


1. What are the imbalances of the demands and supply for growth and productivity in Manila?


Economic  Land and Housing  Zero water supple
insecurity  Food Scarcity
 Hunger and poor
Physical  Infrastructure  Land area
developments  Inadequate of trees and
 Traffic and Travel plants
Social  Entertainment industry  Income Gap
 Clubs and Bars Resto  Refuge crisis

2. What are the limits of supply or constraints for growth and productivity in Metro Manila


Economic Shortage of food supply

Physical Water Scarcity

Social Floods

3. How can these limits of supply or constraints be reduced managed by the government in order
to match?

SECTORS Ways to reduce or manage the limits

Economic One of the best way to eradicate food supply is
plant vegetables along your garden area. Make
sure to store food because not every time is good
Physical Sustainable water management. Improving water
infrastructure must be a priority, as water
conservation and efficiency are key components
of sustainable water management
Social Prevent deforestation and mining of the
mountains by private companies and provide
good drainage of water in the cities

4. What are the paradigm shift or interventions can you suggest to ensure the balance in the
demand and supply


Economic Improve food production and availability,

processing and conservation, supply and
Physical Large scale interventions to water resources,
such as irrigation, dams and reservoirs, and water
Social Construct dams to stop excess water from
inundating dry areas.

ACTIVITY 3: Do check your understanding

SITUATION 1: The plan contains the following major contents:

Principle: The principle used in this first scenario is basically the clear and organized practice
Explanation: I can honestly say that they have comprehensive practices in planning. You can easily
achieve this since it’s well guided. You can easily input all the details needed and you can directly
spot the goals that you’ll attain.

Principle: Funding Assistance through the United Nations Development Programme
Explanation: This principle used reinforcement such as funding assistance. I can really that they their
planning is attainable because they seek and tap other expert technical assistance. In this manner,
the goals will be easily realized as they have other hand to help and scaffold them.

Principle: Collaboration of Neda X and Climate Change Commission
Explanation: With collaboration, they can gather and brainstorm new ideas to eradicate the
problems. Also, they can share their insights and possibly give recommendations as how to provide
solutions to the problems that will rise. It’s an open ended discussion and cooperation with each

Principle: Research Forum to disseminate the results.
Explanation: Personally, I can definitely say that this is reliable because it take so much time to
assess and evaluate the goals. Additionally, research provide valid reasons since this is real life
application and it’s experience by others. In this way, it can provided better solutions to the

Principle: Master Plans
Explanation: I think this is least effective when it comes to planning. You can’t say that master plans
are consistent with because a person can lie with his/her ideas. Hence, you’ll ne deceive if you don’t
prior experience.

8. What are three principles which you perceived as important in planning? Why?
Suggested Principle Explanation
The planning is related to the future and for the While formulating plans, complete, clear and
future, there are several assumptions. reliable knowledge should be collected and
forecasts should be well prepared.
Principle of Efficiency This principle tells that the maximum results
should be obtained from minimum cost and
If this does not become possible, or the goals are
not efficiently achieved, it may be regarded as the
inefficiency of planning.
Principle of Flexibility According to these principles of planning, plans
should be flexible. Flexibility means to change
according to need. Flexible plans may be revised,
in accordance with the changed requirements
and the losses may be averted or minimized

ACTIVITY 5: Consider the Regional Development Physical Framework in accomplishing the task.

Components of the RDFP Relevance to Standards Relevance to Implementation

1. Good Governance and Peace and order is an Crucially, good governance can
Peace Order occurrence of harmony ensure that peace lasts by
characterized by the lack of addressing root causes of
violence, conflict behaviors and tension and making sure that all
the freedom from fear of citizens feel that their needs
violence. Thus, this will further and interests are fairly
strengthen the serenity of the represented.
2. Agriculture and Fishery Quality of life includes adequate The agriculture and fisheries
supplies of basic needs like sector provides food and vital
food, clothing, and shelter. raw materials for the rest of the
Agriculture provides food, economy. Rising productivity
clothing, and shelter. It helps and efficiency in the sector are
people to enjoy a higher quality critical in maintaining the
of life. Hence, this standard can affordability of food and
help out our people to live. purchasing power, especially
among the poor.
3. Well-being and Welfare programs are usually It enhances healthy lifestyles,
Improved Welfare funded by the taxpayers and physical health and functional
enable people to overcome abilities and promotes recovery
financial stress during the rough from illness. It also has
periods of their lives. Mostly, important social benefits on
people using welfare will get a educational attainment,
biweekly or monthly payment. economic productivity, social
The goals of welfare can be and family relationships, social
promoting work, education, or cohesion and overall quality of
providing a better standard of life across the entire population.
4. Environment and Through, sustainable Sustainability improves the
Sustainable development standard it will quality of our lives, protects our
Development maintain a balance between ecosystem and preserves
economic advancement while natural resources for future
protecting the environment in generations. … Going green and
order to meet the needs of the sustainable is not only
present as well the future beneficial for the company; it
also maximizes the benefits
from an environmental focus in
the long-term.
5. Education and Youth Education as the path leader Education plays a significant
Empowerment of the youth: It is with the role in the empowerment of
help of education that the young people in all income
youth can choose and seek brackets, from poverty-stricken
to affluent. Education can open
their interests. They choose
up better economic
their ways and directions of
opportunities for them, improve
lives. With this, they set goals the quality of their lives, and
for themselves and strive to empower them to make the
achieve them world a better place for others
in their sphere of influence.



STEP: Equal opportunities in harnessing its agricultural and natural resources and in building a
decent, harmonious and safe environment
Explanation: It’s essential to have an equal opportunities with each other so that the people can
feel that they’re inclusive and feel that they’re not left behind. Bias is always been the greatest key
towards aghast and anger. With these, toxicity will thrive.

STEP: RDC-X nurtures the roles of other stakeholders to stir action for well-coordinated agenda to
manage disaster and climate risks.
Explanation: It’s essential to seek for help with the stakeholders. They’re the ones who will guide
and bring us together when there’s disaster. With them, we can prevent chaos and war. It’s a must
to protect our relationship with the stakeholders.

STEP: Facilitates periodic review, evaluation and revision of the RPFP.
Explanation: Technically, we need to facilitate to the several process. From time to time, change is
there. How can we provide effective and efficient solutions if we don’t facilitate. Hence, we should
be focus so that we can provide accurate data and information.

Step: Tracking the implementation of programs and projects
Explanation: We need to track the implementation process so that we can evaluate if we have a
successful project. It’s going to be useless if we don’t see the improvement. With this, it enables us
to have an idea of what are the things that needs improvement.

Step: Update the Climate and Disaster Risk-Sensitive RPFP through new data and methodologies
Explanation: Change is always around the corner. We need to update the existing data so that we
can easily provide possible solutions to the problem. If so, we can immediately bridge the gap and
be able to think new strategies for new data and information.

Challenge 1: The increasing urban population, density, and demand for urban services.
1. What is/are the development directions of the country to overcome this challenge?
The best development directions that I can recommend is that people should be open minded
with sex education. Research says that dominant of the unwanted pregnancy were caused by
lack of knowledge regarding with sex education. Hence, we need to educate ourselves to the
possibilities if we’re knowledgeable in sex education.

2. What is the strategies that government should employ to address this challenge and achieve
the desired development directions?
Government should be the one who’ll spearhead the seminars for sex education. Also, they
should allocate budget for free condoms and other birth controls. Additionally, government
should give free consultation for married couples. In this way, we can address the challenges
and adversities in population growth.

Challenge 2: Unplanned expansion of settlement areas

1. What is/are the development directions of the country to overcome this challenge?
I think we need to intensify the law to combat the illegal settlers. Why? Because illegal settlers
will continue reclaiming the lands if government won’t take responsibility on this matter. If so,
illegal settlers will be afraid of doing it so.

2. What is the strategies that government should employ to address this challenge and achieve
the desired development directions?
Government should always be accountable since they’ve more power and authority on this
challenges. They should enact laws and regulations to strengthen the reclaiming of lands. With
this, we can minimize the illegal settlers of our country.

Challenge 3: Declining Agricultural Productivity

1. What is/are the development directions of the country to overcome this challenge?
As one the farmers, I recommend that government should support the farmers steadfastly.
Farmers are the ones who feeds us and without them we can’t survive. Thus, we need to
support our local products as this reinforce the efforts and labor our farmer. If we’ll just help
one another we can surely incline the agricultural productivity.

2. What is the strategies that government should employ to address this challenge and achieve
the desired development directions?
Farms plays a vital role in everyone’s lives. We need to show our support and love them,
without their hard work and efforts, we can’t survived. By simply, supporting local and
indigenous products, you can uplift the economic status of the farmers. On the hand,
government should also give free seedlings and fertilizers to our real life heroes as this extend
care and support to the farmers.

Challenge 4: Land Degradation in the Philippines

1. What is/are the development directions of the country to overcome this challenge?
With the advancement of technology, environment hasn’t been put on priority. Land
Degradation thrive to it’s finest. Hence, we should take this seriously because this our home. If
we continue doing it we’ll suffer from environmental, socioeconomic and climate pressures. If
we don’t want this to happen, we should amplify our voices to speak and educate our fellow
2. What is/ strategies that government should employ to address this challenge and achieve the
desired development directions?
As for the strategies, we need to have an exemplar policy when it comes to land degradation.
We need to have a comprehensive policy for us to be guided with the things that we can do and
not. We need to back up policies and regulations because this will be the basis for the violations
and penalties they have violated.

Challenge 5: Limited access to land

1. What is/are the development directions of the country to overcome this challenge?
We’ve been known Bukidnon as of the biggest population in the world. It sadden me because
we’ve been known Bukidnon for expansive land areas. We should ne mindful of how many
house do you need to tike. We should always support our local and indigenous products.
Together we can overcome this.

2. What is/ strategies that government should employ to address this challenge and achieve
the desired development directions?
Government should promulgate policies that provide the framework within which the
development control process can take place. In the absence of this framework and
guidance, how can applications for development permission be assessed? What criteria will
be used to determine whether or not a development proposal is compatible with nearby
activity/land uses or is located on an appropriate site or includes the necessary facilities to
support the proposed activity?

Challenge 6: Outdated land use plans and increasing role of LGU’S planning
1. What is/are the development directions of the country to overcome this challenge?
Government should be transparent in land use plans. This really important because this
ensures that resources are used efficiently so that the needs of the people are met while
safeguarding future resources. This planning process can be used to prevent land-use
conflicts and reduce exposure to pollutants. Land use planning is essential for any
development project.

2. What is/ strategies that government should employ to address this challenge and achieve
the desired development directions?
Government should push for law also that for remedies for those persons affected by
planning and development decisions/activities and penalties for those who fail to comply
with the provisions of the legislation.
ACTIVITY 7: Do practice and expand
1. What did I learn from the module
I learned that this module equipped us with knowledge within land areas. Me, myself and I
experienced different scenarios that my circle of influence quarrel because of land. This open up
my cognitive aspect to take this seriously because I know for sure that I’m just alone facing this
kind of problem.

2. Why is this significant?

I think that government should look this in way that they can provide better solutions.
Numerous people tend to be violent and aggressive when it comes to land ownership. Some
might forget that they’re family and some kill they’re circle just because of land. Hence, we need
to strengthen the laws that we should impose for us to avoid chaos and harm.

3. How will I apply my learning in real life situation?

I see that I should be responsible for educating my family since I can hear stories that beyond
facts. It’s my duty and responsibility to inculcate them the right and factual law when it comes
to land ownership.



Agriculture Cars

Wildlife Traffics

Farms and ranches Buildings

Gardens Railways

Green nature Trains

1. How does human settlement effect urbanization in Cebu City?
With globalization band modernization, urbanization really affects the way of living and human
settlement of cebuanos. For instance, on the brighter side, the job opportunities thrive to its
finest. If you’re really wanted to have an easy job, you can just travel to Cebu. On the other
hand, when it comes to environment, they tend to look for something that’s fresh and green
nature to unwind their selves in the hustle and bustle City.

2. In your city or municipality, cite 1 barangay which characterized rural settlement. Why?
Most of the barangay in my municipality is considered as rural settlement but I one barangay
that I can say is the place of Dumalaguing. Simply because there ‘s no access to internet
connection and there’s no even signal on your phone. Additionally, people really speak with
their native dialects and children weren’t engage in social media and gadgets. Dominant of their
livelihoods are agriculture. If you go there, you don’t aircon because the air will surely caress
your soul.

3. Out of the estimated 108.8 million people in 2019 in the Philippines, what are the advantages
and disadvantages of having 47.15% urban population and 52.85% rural population in the
country’s growth and productivity in terms of the economic, physical, social sectors as well as
public administration and governance?


ECONOMIC Urbanization brings higher In rural areas, average incomes
productivity because of its have been lower, poverty rates
positive externalities and higher, and unemployment and
economies of scale and people underemployment more
will have bigger opportunities extensive. While in urban area,
and help them discover there may be more high-paying
consumption opportunities. For jobs available in the city, but
more people are competing to
the rural, with agriculture, we
get those positions.
can help them thrive the
economic status.
PHYSICAL Large cities are often cultural Cities are a desirable place to
hubs for their entire state or live, which results in higher
region. There’s no shortage of housing prices and smaller
events, activities, and dwellings. In rural areas, Small
excitement, which often attracts towns have limited access to
people from other areas. Rural public transportation.
communities may be far from
the big city, but they are closer
to nature and green spaces.
Spending time outdoors
is highly beneficial for your
health and wellbeing. 
IAL Cities are full of people. You Cities tend to have much higher
have countless opportunities to crime rates than small, rural
meet new people and make towns. As for the rural,
new friends every single day. Similarly, there are fewer
Rural communities tend to be people, there are also fewer
small and tight-knit. Because businesses you can patronize.
there are so few people and
only a handful of places to
congregate, you can really get
to know your neighbors.
4. What are the consequences if urban and rural areas failed to establish linkages or
partnership? How can the government correct and prevent these consequences from


These regional differences have Understanding rural-urban It is best placed for decision-
led to a series of land use linkages matters because it making on physical transport
problems, such as land provides the basis for measures and communication
degradation due to improper that can improve both urban infrastructure; however,
use, land pollution because of and rural livelihoods and expenditure for infrastructure
increased industrialization, food environments. Ignoring them can be significant and well
security issues due to the means that important beyond the means of local
conversion of agricultural land opportunities will be lost, and in government. Wider alliances,
and/or over-intensive farming, many cases it will also which increase access to
as well as ecological issues contribute to poor and marginal financial resources, are
caused by land use change people’s hardship. There are therefore necessary.
urban initiatives that can reduce
ecological damage to rural
areas, and help support regional
development. However, with a
narrow urban-centric approach,
such initiatives are unlikely to
be given the priority they

1. Consider urbanization in the Philippines, what are the causes and effects of urbanization in
the Philippines in terms of the following sectors/areas: economic, physical, social and public
governance and administration. How can urbanization be solved in the Philippines?


Economic Industrialization and The industrialization To lessen the negative
Commercialization has increased effects of rapid
employment urbanization while at
opportunities by giving the same time
people the chance to conserving natural
work in modern ecosystems, private
sectors. investments should be
Commercialization and encouraged so as to
trade come with the utilize natural
general perception that resources and create
the towns and cities more job
offer better opportunities
opportunities and
returns compared to
the rural areas.

Physical Modernization plays a When more people Governments should

very important role in move to towns and also encourage
the process of cities, one of the major sustainable use of
urbanization. As urban challenges posed is in urban resources and
areas become more the transport system. support an economy
technology savvy More people means an based on the
together with highly increased number of sustainable
sophisticated vehicles which leads to environments such as
communication, traffic congestion and investment in green
infrastructure, medical vehicular pollution. infrastructure,
facilities, dressing code Many people in urban sustainable industries,
and enlightenment, areas drive to work and recycling and
liberalization. this creates a severe environmental
traffic problem, campaigns, pollution
especially during rush management,
hours. Also as the cities renewable energy,
grow in dimension, green public
people will move to transportation, and
shop and access other water recycling and
social needs/wants reclamation.
which often cause
traffic congestion and
Social People also embrace Overcrowding is a Governments should
changes in the modes situation whereby a pass laws that plan and
of living namely huge number of provide
residential habits, people live in a small environmentally sound
attitudes, dressing, space. This form of cities and smart growth
food, and beliefs. As a congestion in urban techniques, considering
result, people migrate areas is consistent that people should not
to cities and the cities because of reside in unsafe and
grow by absorbing the overpopulation and it polluted areas.
growing number of is an aspect that
people day after day. increases day by day
as more people and
immigrants move into
cities and towns in
search of a better life
2. What are the five possible ways the government can do to ensure effective implementation of
the Balik Probinsya Program and resource mobilization that would entice the support of the
urban dwellers in this program?
1. Government should stay and stick with their plans. They shouldn’t just rely on word but
they should take this into reality. Honestly, the plan is beyond excellent and it’s going to
be useless if they can’t put this into practice.
2. Government should also allocate budgets for this. How can this work if they don’t
allocate funds and budget? They must be transparent with all the government
transaction at all times.
3. Coordinate with the stakeholder and persons involved in implementation. This may be
as simple as communicating to your client community. However, few solutions today
can be implemented without involving a number of organizations.
4. Monitor the solution. Usually the project team will spend some period of time
monitoring the implemented solution. If there are problems that come up immediately
after implementation, the project team should address and fix them.
5. Government should also be particular with their duties and responsibilities so that the
programs will be easily push through.



Planning within the context of Unable to construct a Aside from making a
national network of settlement comprehensive context of comprehensive context, they
hierarchical network. should also employ strategies
for economic growth and focus
on the delivery of services.
Spatial Distribution and Physical plans become 1. Redevelopment/
Planning for future population unrealistic and difficult to renewal
growth implement 2. Growth of other
3. Urban
4. New town/city
Infrastructure and basic Provision of infrastructure and It’s essential to adopt a more
services basic services and demand of strategic approach to planning
the existing population. for the land and infrastructure
requirements of basic services.
Housing and informal settlers Rapid urbanization, low income Direct allocation and improving
levels and lack of areas infrastructure to access
allocated for affordable unutilized land.
residential development
Food Security and Land Food Scarcity and unsupported Protect key agricultural
Conversion farmers production sites, enhancing
Environmental Impacts Black smokes and air, land Provide laws to have a
population sustainable development of the
environmental impacts.



What is the current situation of Metro Manila is considered as These constraints should be
Metro Manila? the most highly urbanized place create a significant change.
in the country. Thus being said, Government should provide &
government should relocate impose law for informal settlers.
informal settlers to the If so, informal settlers won’t
hinterland so that Metro Manila easily relocate to Manila as
wont be congested with there are laws amended by the
numbers of people. government.
What is the main task of the They should also intensify and They should always monitor the
urban and regional planners for double their work so that condition of it's people.
Metro Manila? informal settlers will be lessen.
Also, urban should add people
or workforce as they can quickly
monitor the informal settlers.


What are the appropriate Regional planners should Create private-public
actions that planners need to strengthen the formulation, partnerships to provide services
do for Metro Manila’s adoption and implementation such as waste disposal and
settlement development and of policies, standards, rules and housing
urbanization? regulations, programs and
projects to rationalize and
optimize urban land use and
provide direction to urban
growth and expansion.
What is the expected results I believe that thru this projects Combat poverty by promoting
based on the actions of the we can minimize the numbers economic development and job
planners? of informal settlers and we can creation
eliminate the population
density and demands of urban
1. What is the main idea of each theory/model? How can you use the theory/model in the
planning practices of the Philippines?


Matter of the Center versus the The center–periphery model The core periphery model
Periphery thus suggests that the global shows spatially how economic,
economy is characterized by a political, and cultural authority
structured relationship between is dispersed in core or dominant
economic centers which, by regions and the surrounding
using military, political, and peripheral and semi-peripheral
trade power, extract an regions.
economic surplus from the
subordinate peripheral
Growth Poles Theory The core idea of the growth The pole is often characterized
poles theory is that economic by a key industry around which
development or growth is not linked industries developed,
uniform even an entire region, mainly through direct and
but instead takes place around indirect effects.
a specific pole.
Circular Circulation Theory A circular economy is a systemic In a circular economy,
approach to economic manufacturers design products
development designed to to be reusable
benefit businesses, society, and
the environment
Stages of Economic Growth Suggested that developed The five stages are as follows
countries have tended to pass Traditional Society, pre
through five stages to reach condition to take-off, take off,
their current degree of drive to maturity, and age of
economic development. high mass consumption.
Circular Cumulative Causation It’s a multi-causal approach The theory emphasizes that
where the core variables and “Poverty is further perpetuated
their linkages are delineated by poverty” and “Affluence is
where the form of an institution further promoted by affluence”
will lead to successive changes
in other institution.
Theory of Unbalanced Growth Development is a chain of If economy keeps moving
disequilibrium that must be ahead, the task of development
kept alive rather eliminate the policy is to maintain tension,
disequilibrium of which profits disproportions and disequilibria.
and losses are symptoms in a
competitive economy.
Rational-Comprehensive This theory focused on the It relied on a small group of
Approach improvement of the built highly specialized technicians,
environment based on key including architects, urban
factors. designers, and engineers.
Incremental Approach This approach meant choosing a Planning as “mudding through”
small number consequences and thought that practical
and are firmly bounded by planning required decisions to
reality, constantly adjusting the be made incrementally.
objectives of the planning
process using multiple analyses
and evaluation.
Mixed Scanning Mixed Scanning approach Organizational plan on two
would allow planning different levels: the tactical and
organizations to work on both strategic
the functional and mote big-
picture oriented levels.
Transactive Planning This theory focuses on Planner gets more information
interpersonal dialogue that on the community and citizens
develops ideas,, which will be to become more educated
turned into action. about planning issues.
Advocacy Planning The Advocacy Planning model A plurality of public interests is
take the perspective that there assumed, and the role of the
are large inequalities in the planner is essentially the one as
political system and in the a facilitator who either
bargaining process between advocates directly for
groups that result in large underrepresented groups
numbers of people unorganized directly or encourages them to
and unrepresented in the become part of the process.
Radical Planning This model is a stream of urban It promotes the urgency of
planning which seeks to manage decentralizing planning,
development in an equitable advocating a planning paradigm
and community-based manner. that is normative l, innovative,
political, transactive and based
on a social learning approach to
knowledge and policy.
Bargaining Model The Bargaining Model views It makes public participation the
planning as the result of giving central dynamic in the decision-
and take on the part of a making process. Decisions ate
number of interests who are all made first and foremost by the
involved in the process. public.
Communicative Approach It focuses on using The idea is each individual will
communication to help approach a conservation with
different interests in the his/her own subjective
process to understand each experience in mind and that
other. from that conservation shared
goals and possibilities will
Concentric Zone Model It also known as the Burgess This concentric ring models
Model or the CCD Model, is one depicts the Central Business
of the earliest theoretical District was in the middle of he
models to explain urban social model and the city expanded in
structures . rings with different land uses.
Sector Model It also known as the Hoyt This model includes the facts it
Model, is a model land used and allows for an outward
it is a modification of the progression of growth.
economic concentric zone
model of city development.
Multiple Nuclei Model It says that even though a city This creates nodes or nuclei in
may have begun with central other parts of the city besides
business district other smaller the CBD this the name multiple
develop on the outskirts of the nuclei model.

2. What are the steps in the planning process? Discuss how each step can be use in planning.


1. Analyze Your Situation  Gather as much information as possible at

this stage. This will help you to formulate
a more detailed and robust plan further
down the line.
2. Identify the Aim of Your Plan  When you’ve completed a realistic
analysis of your situation, and the
opportunities for change, the next step is
to precisely define the aim of your plan.
This sharpens your focus, and stops you
from wasting effort on irrelevant issues.
3. Explore Your Options  By this stage, you should have a good
understanding of your situation and what
you want your project to achieve. The
next step is to work out how to do it!
4. Select the Best Option  When you’ve explored your ideas, you
need to decide which one to pursue. If
you have the necessary time and
resources, you might decide to do detailed
planning, costing, and risk assessment
work for each one
5. Detailed Planning  With your final decision made, you need
to establish the most efficient and
effective way to achieve your aim. This
determines who will do what, when,
where, how, why, and at what cost.
6. Evaluate the Plan and Its Impact  The next stage is to review your plan and
decide whether you should implement it.
It’s crucial to be objective here – even if
you’ve done a lot of work to reach this
stage, it may still not be worth your while
to pursue the project.
7. Implement Change  If you’ve followed the previous steps
closely then your plan should also explain
how to implement it! It should also show
how you will monitor its progress and

3. Discuss the planning system and the plans of the Philippines in the national, regional, and
local levels


National Government Spatial Planning National Framework for Physical
Regional Government Socio-economic Development Regional Framework for
Planning Physical Planning
Local Government Comprehensive Development Comprehensive Land Use Plan

4. Discuss the function of the National Economic Development Authority.


1. National Government  It formulates as an integrated national

land use policy agenda that would guide
the allocation, utilization, development
and management of the country’s
physical resources
2. Regional Government  Lays out policies and initiatives related to
the distribution, utilization,
management, and development of land
and material resources.
3. Local Government  Granting more power, authority,
responsibility and resources by the
national government to its local
counterparts, the former seeks
engagement of the latter to have “more
freedom in carrying-out programs
suitable for their areas” and to be more
“self-reliant and active partners in

Urban Issues and Challenges Applicable Theories/Models of Planning Process

Metro Manila is facing many Philippine urbanization has a The project proposed here, the
difficult challenges—including distinct hierarchy of Slum Upgrading Project (SUP), is
provision of public health settlements. The Metro Manila an initiative of private investors,
services, housing, water, landscape is characterized by international aid organizations,
sewage services, garbage high rises of moderate and high and local authorities with the
collection, transportation, and income citizens and the aim of creating small offices
education—following a informal slum settlements of that would be in-stalled in the
dramatic increase in population those citizens living in poverty. informal settlement areas.
over the past two decades that The settlement hierarchy is very
has strained urban evident with a high
infrastructure. concentration of population in a
few urban centers.


Guide Questions: (15 Points)
1. What is the current situation of your barangay?
 Honestly, our barangay is slowly gearing up to urbanization. Several infrastructures and
establishment are conspicuous alongside in the highways. I can definitely say that it’s getting
congested as people are competing for businesses.

2. What are the improvements and development needs or challenges?

 I guess everyone is keen and particular with the needs and necessities of the people. Hence, the
challenges and needs of Impasugonganons are easily addressed as there numerous
establishments nestled in the barangay.

3. What are the development directions and strategies initiated by your barangay?
 I believed that they just always open to implement change in the locality. Whenever there’s
people rise, automatically, the barangays solve this in a way that they think what’s best solution
to address the gap.


Guide Questions:
1. What is the current situation of your barangay in terms of urban and rural settlements?
 As I observed, most of the people has roof over their heads. In fact, there were 2 housing
established in the heart of Impasugong. Thus, everyone has their own house and you can’t see
people who are living along the streets.
2. How does human settlements in your barangay affects urbanization?
 When the human settlements are in, then expected that there are numbers of people living in
the locality. It affects the urbanization as businesses are thriving and increasing since the
demands of the people needs to be addressed.

3. What are the current situations concerns on physical planning in your barangay?
 The issues and concerns that rise above is the road widening. This isn’t a big issue but they
should be address. But mostly, the roads are fully constructed and accessible. This magnified
how LGU do its job.

4. What are the settlements development initiated by the barangay to address the issues and
concerns on the physical planning?
 They always update the LGU so that people would come along and help one other. For instance,
they go to the barangay to check who’s your idea?


Guide Questions

1. What are the planning theories applicable to your barangay?

 I think the Explanatory Analysis, Instead of explaining what happened, they’re more focused on
how and why it happened and what should happen next and, in most cases, communicating that
to the necessary decision-makers and stakeholders.

2. What is the community involvement in the physical planning process of the barangay?
 Community takes a massive involvement in physical planning process. In fact, without
community planning stage won’t be realized. There voice can be the efficient tool to assess and
create an objective.

3. What is the physical planning system in your barangay?

 As a primary planning and implementing unit, the barangay is mandated to plan development
projects and programs and implement government policies and activities in the community,
create projects in its territory and to deliver basic services of the government to the people.

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