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Forty-Second Annual Convention and Exhibition, May 2018



Alida Naufalia Aribah*

Ikhsan Setyawan*

ABSTRACT experiments related to acquisition techniques for

Magnetotellrics method namely hourly immersed
Magnetotelluric (MT) method is a geophysical acquisition and processing. This new method
method that can be used to image the subsurface innovates acquisition methods and may help later
using electromagnetic wave. The data result of MT processing leading to improved data quality.
acquisition is time series data with the distance
frequency on TS3 (40 – 320 Hz), TS4 (5,6 – 33 Hz), Data acquisition by MT methods is performed to
and TS5 (0,00034 – 4,7 Hz). On the recorded data provide information about electrical conductivity
obtained shows the electric and magnetic field are distribution. MT acquisition uses three
mixed with noise. Noise is the signal that can offend magnetometer sensors, two pairs of electric signal
or reduce the quality of data, so it must be limited. sensors (electrodes) and one receiver unit acting as a
On processing MT data, there is a noise reduction data recorder and signal processor. The recorded
process that is called time-series analysis. A data, exhibits electric and magnetic fields mixed with
weakness of time series analysis as a noise reduction noise signals.
processing technique is operator dependent. Results
may differ between two different operators. This Noise is unwanted data. Noise signals can obscure
research goes a different acquisition technique from and reduce data quality, so should be reduced. MT
conventional MT acquisition. This new technique is data which is assumed as noise can be seen through
referred to hourly immersed acquisition and TS viewer software. This research provides a
processing. The result of time-series analysis and summary of new innovations related to acquisition
hourly immersed are compared. There are two data and processing of MT data and also discusses a
point, KT01 and KT02 that will be analyzed with this simple way to perform noise reduction, with new
new technique. The result of the comparison of the technique, namely hourly immersed acquisition and
two technique showed that there is no significant processing.
difference between the coherency of the data, but
hourly immersed have 1% higher coherency value. BASIC PRINCIPLES OF
The coherency of KT01 of hourly immersed analysis MAGNETOTELLURIC METHOD
reach 81,096% and KT02 81,22%, while the
coherency of KT01 of time-series analysis reach The basic principle of MT method is derived from
80,642% and KT02 80,82%. Maxwell equation that stated by divergence and curl,
the common form is:
Keywords: Magnetotellurics, Acquisition, Time-
series, Hourly Immersed, Noise

The Indonesian Government is intensely exploring ∙
for energy resources both conventional and ∙ 0
unconventional in Indonesia. It is inherent for By, : electric field (V/m)
explorationists who are exploring for energy to use : Magnetic Induction (W/m)
the most effective and efficient tools and data
: Magnetic Field (A/m)
processes. Pusat Survei Geologi, conducted
* UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta
** Pusat Survei Geologi - Bandung
: current density (A/m2) Most robust methods (Egbert and Booker, 1986;
q : displacement current (C/m3) Chave et al., 1987) do not identify or remove
individual outliers before applying their robust
NOISE methods. Their methods deal with outliers by down-
weighting entire data sections but this will fail if all
The MT data obtained from acquisition was sections contain outliers. The robust method
processed by series a processing steps. With ideal proposed here uses an iterative procedure similar to
data impedance and transfer function estimation reweighted least squares for robust regression
should show smooth apparent resistivity and phase analysis (Rousseeuw and Leroy, 1987). Below is the
curves and also induction vectors along the period equation of robust:
range. However, it is difficult to obtain smooth and
undisturbed data. Various noise signals present due ∑
to power-lines, trains, corrosion protected pipelines by , : data weight
and windmills. Electromagnetic noise is more of a : Residual
problem in the dead-band because of the low energy
natural signal (e.g. Iliceto and Santrato, 1999; There are 3 type of robust processing:
Simpson and Bahr, 2005). The recorded data showed
rough trend line on rho apparent versus frequency 1. No weight, which is weighting of raw data as if
graphic which might be due to the EM noise. no data were cut i.e. the full data

SIGNAL COHERENCY 2. Rho variance, which is weighting the data based

on the change of resistivity value.
The quality of MT data affects continuity of the MT
data processing, particularly coherency processing. 3. Ordinary coherence, which is weighting the data
This coherency processing is the primary focus of based on the best coherency of electric and
this paper. Coherency is a process to compute a real magnetic field.
value function, i.e. a measure of the linear relation
between the processes as a function of frequency and The omission of noisy data should lead to an
frequency domain. This is equivalent of cross increase in coherence, which tends to reduce the
correlation (Chave et al., 1987). The relation is magnitudes of the error estimates, and whether
written as, robust processing results in transfer function with
smaller or larger errors will depend on the amount
of available data on the degree of noise
contamination (Simpson and Bahr, 2005).

Where, : density of electric and
magnetic field spectrum
Time-series analysis is a following step of MT data
: density of electric field spectrum processing after Robust processing. This step is
: density of magnetic field spectrum used to increase the value of data coherency by
erasing the signal on certain times that we assume
The coherence function satisfies the limit 0 as noise. The data result of MT acquisition is time
1, with indicate the processes are statistically series data with the distance frequency on TS3 (40-
independent and a value of 1 indicate they are 320 Hz), TS4 (5,6-33 Hz), and TS5 (0,00034-4,7
entirely coherent at that frequency. Hz). TS3 is high frequency but shallow
penetration. TS4 is data that has medium
ROBUST PROCESSING frequency, less wave energy but deeper
penetration than TS3. TS5 is data file is recorded
Robust processing is an essential process on MT data with low frequency. This exhibits weak wave
processing. It used to eliminate bias arising from data energy but deeper penetration depth than TS4.
points (outliers) that are unrepresentative of the data From the time-series data, noise can be identified
as a whole. Electromagnetic noise usually causes from the amplitude data spike that is significant on
outlier data. Robust processing involves a least- TS5 data file that coherence with TS4 and TS3.
square type algorithm, but one that is iteratively The data is cut, so the residual data is relatively
weighted to account for departures from Gaussian noise-free, and the coherency value is increased
distribution of errors (Simpson and Bahr, 2005). (Hidayat et al., 2016).
METHODOLOGY effective and efficient compared with hourly
immersed processing.
This research was conducted by Pusat Survei
Geologi – Bandung, on March 2017. There was 2 CONCLUSION
MT point that use this new technic of hourly
immersed acquisition and processing, KT01 and Based on the result of this research, we can conclude
KT02. The result of this new technical analysis is that:
compared with time-series analysis to analyzing the
data noise. The data processing can be seen on figure 1. The coherency value of KT01 as result of hourly
1. immersed analysis is 81,096 %. While the
coherency of KT01 as result of time-series
RESULT AND ANALYSIS analysis is 80,642%. From the value, we
conclude that the result of hourly immersed
As result of this research, the data coherency of analysis has higher coherency value than time-
hourly immersed compared with time-series analysis series analysis.
data. The comparison of the analysis is performed to
evaluate the best method to reduce noise. The data 2. The hourly immersed acquisition and processing
can be seen on table 1 for KT01, and table 2 for technique can be done as the alternative for
KT02. incoherent noise reduction, so the process can be
more effective and efficient without doing time-
The raw data is hourly-based, with 1-hour data length series analysis.
and 12 time in a row. The data is processed on SSMT
2000 and the coherency value of each hourly-based ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
data is counted. So, each hour is known which is the
worst coherency and the best coherency and could We would like to thank to Pusat Survei Geologi –
also indicate on what time is the most noise. Table 1 Bandung, for the financial support on MT acquisition
and 2, showing the coherency of each data. The and processing. Moreover, also thank Wahyu
yellow-colored row shows the low coherency below Hidayat as Geophysics lecturer in the university, and
72% and it will be cut. The remain data is combined all colleagues who has helped in the field data
to three part and then combine again become single collection and processing,
data. The coherency of each part can be seen on table
3 and 4. The coherency of KT01 is 81.096% and REFERENCES
KT02 is 81.22%. Figure 2 & 3 showing the
coherency graphic of KT01 and KT02 as result of Cagniard, L., 1953, Basic Theory of the
hourly immersed acquisition and processing. Magnetotelluris Method of Geophysical Prospecting,
Geophysics, Vol. 18, p. 605-635.
The hourly-based raw data is combined to do the
time-series analysis. Time-series analysis was also Chave, A.D., Thomson, D.J, and Ander, M.E, 1987,
done as comparison to hourly immersed processing. On The Robust Estimation of Power Spectra,
Figure 4 shows the signal of electromagnetic wave coherences, and transfer function. J. Geophys. Res.,
recorded by the instrument. In time-series analysis, 92, p. 633-648
signals with spike are indicative incoherent noise and
will be cut. Therefore, the result of time-series Egbert, G.D. and Booker, J.R., 1986, Robust
analysis is data that is expected to be free from Estimation of Geomagnetic transfer function,
incoherent noise. The coherency value of time-series Geophys. J.R. astr. Soc., 87, p.173-194.
analysis of KT01 & KT02 can be seen in Tables 5
and 6. It can be seen that the coherency value Hidayat, A.R., Junursyah G.M.L., and Harja A.,
obtained as the result of the hourly immersed 2016, Analisa Deret Waktu Untuk Peningkatan
processing is higher than time-series analysis. Kualitas Data Magnetotellurik (Studi Kasus
Lapangan Geothermal). Proseding Seminar Nasional
By comparing the results of the analysis, it is fair to Fisika dan Aplikasinya
say that hourly immersed acquisition and processing
can be considered as an alternative way of reducing Larsen, J.C. 1989. Transfer Function: Smooth robust
incoherent noise. Since the time-series analysis estimation by least-squares and remote reference
depends on interpretation, it makes the analysis less methods, Geophys. J., 99, 645-663.
Iliceto, V. and Santarato, G., 1999, On the Rousseeuw, P.J. and Leroy, A.M., 1987, Robust
interference of man-made EM fields in the Regression and Detectzon, John Wiley Sons, New
magnetotelluric dead-band. Geophysical York, p.329
Prospecting, 47, p.707-719
Simpson, F and Bahr K, 2005, Practical
Magnetotellurics. Cambirdge: Cambridge University



PARTISI  Time  NW Coherency  RV Coherency  OC Coherency 

1  18:00:00  64.8138  67.0053  67.4242 
2  19:00:00  56.8012  58.1782  59.0760 
3  20:00:00  68.7528  72.7980  72.2468 
4  21:00:00  66.2170  69.1044  67.7418 
5  22:00:00  74.3439  76.9897  76.8029 
6  23:00:00  77.8228  81.1280  80.2195 
7  0:00:00  66.3853  71.8924  69.8120 
8  1:00:00  70.0153  74.4191  72.6600 
9  2:00:00  72.6323  76.4331  75.2094 
10  3:00:00  78.2734  79.1195  79.6984 
11  4:00:00  75.3615  76.6075  76.9964 
12  5:00:00  76.0997  79.0319  78.6404 




PARTISI  Time  NW Coherency  RV Coherency  OC Coherency   

1  18:00:00  65.22143808 67.65761082 66.84950589  RV 
2  19:00:00  58.59926758 59.99901138 61.29207325  OC 
3  20:00:00  69.66363148 72.47895178 72.22591144  RV 
4  21:00:00  67.25683337 70.4608579 70.35227987  RV 
5  22:00:00  70.72877746 74.16362135 73.64371018  RV 
6  23:00:00  72.83198992 76.35639895 75.55939258  RV 
7  0:00:00  66.27268741 70.30304488 69.74430134  RV 
8  1:00:00  73.42208272 77.87772678 76.13598671  RV 
9  2:00:00  71.68011154 76.43932832 73.98756878  RV 
10  3:00:00  74.18751754 77.58775229 76.8494436  RV 
11  4:00:00  73.08535721 75.78041459 75.77123266  RV 
12  5:00:00  68.90830199 72.33188932 71.32924444  RV 


Coherency value

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Combination Auto



Coherency value

Part 1

Part 2




Robust Type value
NW 56.68
RV 58.08
OC 59.93
OCUP 59.13
OC-AUTO 77.03
TS 80.64


Robust Type value

NW 64.21

RV 67.30

OC 67.43

OCUP 66.27

OC-AUTO 79.05

TS 80.82
Figure 1 - Flow diagram of the new technic. Hourly immersed acquisition and processing
Figure 2 - Coherency graphic of KT01 as result of hourly immersed analysis
Figure 3 - Coherency graphic of KT02 as result of hourly immersed analysis
Figure 4 - The display of MT signal of KT01 on TSviewer software
Figure 5 - Coherency graphic of KT01 as result of time-series analysis
Figure 6 - Coherency graphic of KT02 as result of time-series analysis

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