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STARTERS ® Dough Balls "PizzaExpress" Garlic Bread & Garlic Bread with Mozzarella © Ramiro Al Forno © Sweet red pepper stufled with goat's cheese, button trudhroonns, mozzinala, garke butler, croutons Finished with rochet and balaric glaze % Bruschetta Originale “PizzaExpress” 0 © Or dough, topped with tomstows, red cnions, axe, posto ‘Dough Bal aA 165 165 195, 235 Low ye Bruschetta Piccante _/ ‘Oar dough, baked with fontal cheese and jelapdnos. Finished with rockat and aml pean LY % Bruschetta Con Funghi © ‘Our dough topped with baked Portobello & button 275 25 sushzooma, béchamel sauce, red enions, chopped parsley, balsamic syrup Baked Mushrooms © © Button mushrooms filed with mozzarella, pesto and pestoroaso served with dough balls Spiedini di Pollo» Gilled chicken with bes pesto skewers, served with watermelon, olives, rocket and lemon Spiedini di Gambero ‘Cooked prawns and chilli skewers served with watermelon, clives, rocket and lemon ‘Gambarotti Piccante Prowns in a pescals snuce with chili Bales, gucci! spinach and santos tomatoes, finished with parsley Add warm dough sticks for Rs 50. Rosemary Pizza Bread © Large thin pizza base with rosemary, gv extra virgin olive cil chill fakes & rock sak. ® Polpette /~ Chickan mostbalsin chicken Bolognese sauce with freak pardoy, sacred with wore dough sticks: Mozzarella & Tomato Salad © © Steed baby morzarella with tomatoas, fresh basi and extra virgin ol 275 235 420 275 aS % ™~75 Sswegilaian @sconlsinuruts oem ole, J seantsina spice, contsine sleohal SHARING STARTERS Pret fr shang anogt 24 front ‘CICHETI with gc ond ig Finished wth pine ruts & chili hes Enjoy both df served with our signature dough balls at Rs. 420 # Dough Bells Doppis. o# x 305 ‘A double portion f our famous dough balls served wth atrio of dips: pest, pestorosso and gaic butter file mozzuolla sorved slong wih basil pestofpestorotso and dough slicks bahed wih omdgrana basil pesto, pesto rosso and dough sticks baked with emilgrana 1 Emilgrana & Mushroom Dip * PIZZAIOLO RECOMMENDS Specialy chosen by our Pizsicls, thove dishes are thei favourites! All pices we nin, Tecen are on eppeate andoe lng 0 10% sarin here Kindly apprise curtoarl an food logon STARTERS Lamb Polpette* 395 Spicy lamb mest balls baked with tangy pomodoro sauce garnished with fresh basil and parsley, served with warm dough sticks — PASTA | Linguine Cajun Gambero ) 795. Creamy, spicy linguine pasta with prawns, tossed with cajun sauce, mixed grilled pepper, sundried tomatoes and cajun seasoning —> PILZA ~ Lamb Polpette* ) 650 ‘Spicy lamb meat balls with onion rings, garnished with refreshing mint yogurt and shopped coriander Gambero ® 705 Prawns marinated with Indian spices on a crispy coriander passata base with yellow peppers, finished with Fresh chopped coriander Hawaiian ‘PizzaExpress’ 655 ‘Speck ham with sweet pineapple chutney, onion rings on bechamel sauce base witha subtle kick cof chill Pollo Cajun 595 ‘Our unique rectangular pizza base with cajun sauce, topped with cajun chicken, grilled peppers, finished with sundried tomatoes, emilgrana and hand torn basil saeseatssd SIDESALADS tactave cate Smaller portions nd. simple ingredients, designed to complement, yoier pizcr ® Mixed Salad 1s ‘Seasonal mixed leaves, tomatoes, eveumber, PizzaExpress house dressing Rocket & Emilgrana Salad © 185 Real, shaved omilgrans, balaamie sup added dane addeddad dad dad da hdad lade MAINSALA3——— Longe portions, switrble Gor one percon at a main dish, or for vhaving bebveen tuo as a side ® NEW Poached Pear & Goat's Cheese Salad © 0” 495. On abd f epy rockat, lay pears poached in red wine, creamy goat's cheose, crunchy pine kernels and crispy Enilgrana crisp Watermelon & Goat's Cheese Salad 345 Watermelon and goat's cheese with black olives, we 365 rocket, chery tomatoes, cucumber, red onion and courhouse dressing ‘Warm Veg and Goat's Cheese Salad © Chargilled Hatin vogotable salad of warm aubergine, red and yolow poppers, marinated santos tomatoes, rustica tomatoes and artichoke with aot goat's choose, excunber, lntls, soatonal rrixed leaves, bal and nint.redwine vinaigrette dee ssing, warm dough sticks Boseo © 395 arm gorkic rmushrooma, baby mozzerela, evocado, roasted tomatoes, rocket, balsamic syrup.honey mustard dressing, warm dough sticks a Pelle 445 Giiled chicken, goat's cheese. red poppers, seasonal mined leaves, tomatoes, olives, PizzaExpress haute dressing, croutons, warm dough sticks Grand Chicken Caeser 460 Giiled chicken, anchovios, emilgrana, cos lttuca, croutons, caeser dressing, warm dough sticks ALFORNO Cannelloni © 510 Ricotta and spinach pasta, béchamel and tomato sauce, emilgana Lasagna Verda °* 475 Chacgilled vegetables, chopped capers and olives, ‘emnilgrana, bé chamel and pomodoro sauce with pasta and baked with arabbiata sauce % Pollo Lasagna ~ 535 Layered pasta wth chicken bolognese sauce, serabiata sauce, bechamel sauce 8 emilgrana * PIZZAIOLO RECOMMENDS. Spocilly chosan by our Pizzaiclos, those dshos ae their faveurits! © swegetaian @:conlaneruls orm ols, J sconksine spice, * contain alechol Riso) ——— * NEW Risotto Mio 6” 65, ‘Creamy whita wine risotto with woody mushrooms, Ravored with fash parley, garke ol

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