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2) What did you think is the role of the following objects in the story?

How was
each of the following objects been used as a metaphor at the story?

a) The looking glass

It serves its purpose; to reflect. To the extent that it enables the person looking at
it, to look through his/her inner and outer qualities and characteristics — shows
the true nature of an individual that made realization to one’s self . Consequently,
individuals such as Isabella whom have discovered her innate being,
often(chose to siguro?) conceal their reality either as a coping mechanism to
preserve one’s integrity and character known by their surroundings or to quest for
knowledge of their identity within— what is innate into us.
b) The letters inside the drawers
The letters represents the past occurrences that Isabella have had experienced,
sorted in a manner that things are concealed and things that she lets everyone
perceive of her. For Isabella does not want the world to meddle with her affairs,
the truth to her personality and her past.

3) How was Isabella described?

a) Throughout the story

Isabella is wealthy, aging, independent and a successful woman with hideous
traits of split personality; concealed within — yet unknown to the readers and the
world, she has also travelled the world to fill her home with exquisite furniture.
She is everything that one would wish for; only that, she requires cautious
attention to reap the truth of her reality beneath the veil of her character. She
sought to understand herself but she could not bear the truth. Instead, she
constrained herself with traits that even the character is uncertain of, to which her
mind is corrupted with fallacies she have formulated. Isabella is exquisite as her
belongings, she is meticulous and selective for herself, she is alive but feels
nothing, she has everything but is empty, she grew old faster than growing-up,
because she fears the inevitable; she fears herself; her blemishes; people’s
perception. Thus, the truth lies alongside of her with the petals and leaves that
have fallen on their branch.
b) At the end of the story
Isabella is pretentious or afraid that her surroundings will gaze her down because
of her blemished side that even she does not want to look upon. As a result, she
is feigning everything that she wants her surroundings to perceive of her, and
concealing everything that she does not want them to see, which in the end, she
does not know anymore of herself; her reality and past; she is empty within and
elegant beyond. Despite all of her achievements, triumphs and experiences in
her existence, she feels everything but none within, for she did not examined her
true self but only made it define who she must not who she could be. She is lured
in the glass beyond the reach of the world — in her abyss of secrets.

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