DBMS Lab Exam-Arkadeep Roy (17600118065)

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Hooghly Engineering and Technology College(176)


University Roll no.: 17600118065
Registration no.: 181760110009 (2018-2019)
Paper Name and Paper Code : Database Management System
(Practical Paper) -> PCC-CS691
Date of Examination -> 2th August 2021
Stream :- CSE
Year :- 3rd Year(6th Sem)
Class Roll no. 54

DBMS Practical Lab Exam

Name : ARKADEEP ROY Univ Roll no.: 17600118065

Group A

1. Extract the desired data from the following scheme.

Dept (DID, DName)

Student (SID, SName, DID, Marks)

(a) Create the schema.

(b) Insert suitable data to satisfy the following query. There should be at least 5
records in 'Student'. The name of those 5 are, your own, the 2 preceding and 2
following students in your class record (in circular list manner). Hence, roll 2 will
enter names of roll - 67,1,2,3,4. SID will start from 1.
(c) List names of all who have scored between 80 and 90, both inclusive.
(d) Print department name wise student count.
(e) Print the name of the student along with his/her department name who has
scored highest marks.
Name : ARKADEEP ROY Univ Roll no.: 17600118065
Name : ARKADEEP ROY Univ Roll no.: 17600118065
Name : ARKADEEP ROY Univ Roll no.: 17600118065

Department Table and Value insert:-

Student Table and Value Insert:-

Name : ARKADEEP ROY Univ Roll no.: 17600118065

Tables of Department and Student :-

C) and D) Query and Output:-

Name : ARKADEEP ROY Univ Roll no.: 17600118065

E) Query and Output:-

Name : ARKADEEP ROY Univ Roll no.: 17600118065

3. Build one PL/SQL procedure that will display the name of the student who has
obtained the Lowest marks.
Name : ARKADEEP ROY Univ Roll no.: 17600118065

Query and Output :-


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