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Math - Unit 1 Grade 8 2022


Q.1 Write down in index form (not as fractional form) having base as 2:
a. 128
b. 1/64

Q.2 State and simplify using the index laws. Write down the final answers in value form where
possible.(Variables not equal to 0)
a. d2 × d5
b. 2e11/e8

c. 50x0

d. (100x)0

e. 6−2

f. (32)3

g. (4ab)3

h. (3/c)2

Q.2 Solve and simplify using the index laws: (Variables not equal to 0)
a. (2h3 × h7)/8h4

b. (4k)−2

c. (2/5)−2

d. (3a2/4b)3

Q.1 Answer the following: (Criterion A - Simple problem in familiar situations: level 1-2)

a. State the number of significant figures for the following: 0.0004825

b. State the following number rounded to 3 significant figures: 12.4586

Q.2 Solve the following. State the final answer in simplest rational form:
Q.3 Solve and write down the final answer in simplest rational form without brackets and
without negative indices:

Q.4 Solve for x. State and simplify the value of x if possible:

Q.5 The average distance between Pluto and the Sun is approximately 6 billion km. The speed of
light is approximately 3 × 108 meters per second.
Calculate the time (in hours) it takes sunlight to reach Pluto from the Sun. State the final answer
(hours) rounded to 3 significant figures.
(Hint:1 billion = 1000 million; 1 km = 1000 metres)

Q.6 Show that the value of the following expression is equal to 1.

Q.1 Solve and simply the following to the lowest form: (Criterion A: Level 3-4) (Criterion C:
Strand i, ii, iii )

Q.2 Solve and simply the following to the lowest form: (Criterion A: Level 3-4) (Criterion C:
Strand i, ii, iii )

Q.1 State the below in scientific notation:

a. 4,80,00,00,000
b. 0.000644
Q.2 State the below in decimal notation:
a. 1.82 × 105
b. 7.782 × 10–3

Q.3 Solve for x

a. 2x+2 = 16

b. 36x–1 = 1/6
Q.4 Solve the following. State the final answers in scientific notation:

a. 4 × 106 + 2.86 × 105

b. 3.2 × 10–3 × 9.5 × 108


Q.1 State the following number rounded to two significant figures: 78420
Q.2 State by simplifying the following:

Q.3 Calculate the following and state the final answer in scientific notation:

Q.4 Solve for x:

Q.5 Solve and simplify to the lowest form:

Q.6 If 15 men can build a wall 80 metres long in 10 days. Calculate the length of a similar
wall which can be built by 30 men in 3 days. (Assume that all men work at the same rate)
(Note: You can use any method/way to solve this problem)

Q.1 State the answers of following:

(Level 1 - 2)

i) If an = 1 where a ≠ 0 , n = ______________

ii) Round off 6.397 to 3 significant figures ______________

iii) Convert 6.453 ✕ 104 in decimal notation. ______________

iv) The number of significant figures in 05.050 is _______________

v) Convert 5:55 pm in 24 hour format ______________

Q.2 Calculate 9.91 x 1020 + 9.0 x 1018 (Level 3 - 4)

Q.3 Find x , if 9 x 3x= 272x-5 (Level 3-4)

Q.5 The time taken for a body in free fall to reach the ground is directly proportional to the
square root of the height from which it falls. Write down the relationship between time taken
by a body to reach the ground if it experiences a free fall from a height. It is known that the
body takes 5 seconds to reach the ground when it falls from a height of 122.5 m. Calculate
the time if the body falls from a height of 0.98 km. (Level 5 - 6)

Q.3 If a stone is dropped off the edge of a cliff, the height (h metres) of the cliff is proportional
to the square of the time (t seconds) taken for the stone to reach the ground.
(Level 5-6)
A stone takes 5 seconds to reach the ground when dropped off a cliff 125 m high.
a. Write down a relationship between h and t, using k as the constant of proportionality.

b. Calculate the constant of proportionality.

c. Find the height of a cliff if a stone takes 3 seconds to reach the ground.

d. Find the time taken for a stone to fall from a cliff 180 m high.

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