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Reading • Speaking • Listening • Writing

Methodological manual
for senior stage students
Videoconference based exercises/Imangalieva Ainura. - Almaty, 2022. - 25 p.

The methodological manual contains a set of exercises are based on four basic skills
(Reading, Speaking, Listening and Writing). There are also exercises on grammar and

The collection of exercises is intended for senior stage students.

2.1 The use of videoconferencing in English lessons

The greatest attention in the organization of the lesson is paid to the process
of organizing and conducting various types of independent work of students. Such
work often includes the availability of visual and handout materials with printed
and electronic sources of information, with search engines on the Internet. An
important didactic tool in an unconventional lesson using videoconferencing is the
introduction of projection and video equipment for visualization and control of
lesson steps and the formation of stable visual images.
The use of a prepared balanced complex of visual text, as well as oral
information, can conditionally divide the lesson into parts – episodes. These
episodes will be an independent part of the lesson. Such a lesson should contain a
small amount of resources, in order not to overload students psychologically, and
also not to complicate the work with video conferences. Rather, the number of
resources should correspond to the number of questions offered to students for
independent consideration. The developer of the lesson must strive to turn any of
the episodes into an independent didactic unit.
In pedagogical reference books and dictionaries, a didactic unit is defined as
an independent, logically completed part of the educational material,
corresponding in its own volume and structure to such components of the content
as a concept, definition, phenomenon, subject opinion, concept, law, fact, etc.
The objectives of teaching using didactic units in the lesson must include:
– a correctly presented range of activities: a description of what students will have
to do and use after studying this educational material;
– understandable conditions under which the active activity of students must be
realized, that is, teachers, classmates, the educational environment, as well as
physiological, social and psychological reasons associated with this activity;
– clear boundaries and standards that students should be guided by: time standards,
productivity, efficiency and accuracy, etc.
At the first lessons using videoconferencing, it is highly desirable to have
both a computer science teacher and colleagues familiar with the specifics of the
work performed in the computer classroom at least 10-15 minutes of the lesson.
This recommendation is relevant, based on the fact that even if all the equipment is
prepared and working properly, problems with their operation may arise, especially
problems with the serviceability of equipment and software are likely.
As an example, let's consider the most common scheme of conducting and
organizing a lesson with the introduction of videoconferencing: at the initial stage
of the lesson, the teacher conducts a conversation with students, during which he
can gradually introduce new knowledge and concepts, as well as determine the
readiness of students to work independently with electronic resources on the
At the second stage, students begin synchronous entry into work with an
electronic resource under the control and supervision of a teacher, after which they
are already prepared and can start independent work.
The third stage involves the work of students with different didactic material
without the use of videoconferencing. In most cases, students are offered a
common problem situation or task, the solution of which leads to the achievement
of the set goals and objectives of the lesson.
Intensive use of the didactic model of conducting a lesson using
videoconferencing (models and methods in conducting such a lesson) seems
important and necessary for teachers of all types of educational institutions, but the
didactic model is of extraordinary importance for village and rural schools, as well
as for schools with innovative technologies and schools implementing pre-
specialized and specialized training. [20, p. 145]
The ability to properly organize work on the platform is very important, in
order to be heard, it is necessary to monitor the microphones of all participants.
Otherwise, the noise and even the slightest rustle of the microphones on distract
the participants. In this case, such a wonderful feature of the platform as chat
comes to the rescue. Participants can write questions that require prompt solutions
or comments in the chat. The teacher himself, as the organizer of the session, has
additional opportunities, for example, to demonstrate presentations, go to websites,
show videos and others. However, the right to display the screen can be transferred
to any participant of the session. Of course, we should not forget about the
constructive function of the teacher himself, which, as S.V. Tetina notes, "is
realized in the activity of the teacher aimed at designing and planning the content
of the learning process" [21, p.166]. Let's agree with this statement, because only a
methodically competent teacher can build a lesson, even in full-time, even in
correspondence form of education on any educational platforms.
2.2 Development of English lessons using videoconference
These set of exercises are based on four basic skills (Reading, Speaking,
Listening and Writing). In order to collect material for my research, I completed a
pre-graduate internship from February 31 to April 2 at a special school №12
named after Sh.Ualikhanov. My main goal was to develop a set of exercises for the
formation of professionally-oriented competence of senior stage students using
video conferencing. During the internship, we have worked on the book “Action
Grade 10 and 11” written by Jenny Dooley and Bob Obee.

Grade 10
Unit: Natural Disasters
Theme: “Disasters”
The aim of the lesson: to create conditions for students to master new vocabulary
on the topic, reading and listening skills; to promote the cognitive interests and
speech skills.
Developing: development of logic and memory skills, language guesswork,
motivational sphere; formation of communicative and cognitive skills.
Educational: improving socio-cultural competence, studying disasters, expanding
the horizons of students.
Technologies: collaborative learning, information and communication
Methods: visual, search, conversation, interactive
Forms of work: individual work, pair work
Resources: ZOOM platform, Padlet

Exercise 1/Brainstorming. Answer the questions about natural disasters

1. What do you know about natural disasters?

2. Have you ever heard about the hurricane “Katrina” or the heat in Europe?
3. What other information would you like to know?
Exercise 2. Which accident/disaster matches each of captions?
Recommendations: The teacher should ask questions to reveal the essence of the
topic. Students answer the questions one by one and explain their thoughts about
this topic. Then, they work with vocabulary in order to improve their knowledge
about disasters.
1. the wave increased reaching a height a) earthquake
of up to 50 meters
2. passenger train derailed b) road traffic accident
3. Five people were injured from the c) tsunami
collision of three cars
4. many houses were destroyed by the d) flood
5. the water level rose during the e) rail accident
melting of snow
6. Many people felt the vibrations of f) tornado
the building
7. a lot residents suffered from the g) cyclone
atomic bomb in Semey
8. the temperature dropped sharply to - h) explosion
60 degrees


Exercise 3. Read the text. Match the sentences (a-e) to the gaps (1-4). There is
one extra sentence.
a) The result from 30 to 70 thousand people died (according to various estimates)
and the city was wiped off the face of the earth.
b) During the evacuation, not all residents of New Orleans were able to leave the
c) At that time, the death rate in France increased 300 times.
d) Waves more than fifteen meters high left behind catastrophic destruction and
claimed the lives of 225 to 300 thousand people.
e) At the end of July, forest fires broke out in the south due to dry weather.

The biggest natural disasters of the decade

Past decade has proved that people have become afraid of the disasters again
and are absolutely not ready to face it. The Village Cite has collected the main
natural disasters.

The heat in Europe

In June and August
2003, there was a heat wave
in Europe, which becomes a
record for these territories.
France, Germany and 1
Switzerland were
particularly affected by the
abnormal temperature. In
total, forty thousand
Europeans died during the
abnormally hot weather,
most of them French.
Fish populations in the Mediterranean Sea, grape and wheat crops were also

Earthquake in Iran
On December 26, 2003, an earthquake of 6.3 magnitude occurred in the
Iranian city of Bam. 2 Bam is the oldest monument of Persian architecture, it
housed a mud-brick fortress made of adobe, inside which were located several
mausoleums, watchtowers, a mosque, the governor’s residence and an ice
storage building. During the earthquake, all city buildings were destroyed by
ninety percent.
Indian Ocean Tsunami
The tsunami caused by the underwater earthquake in the Indian Ocean in
2004 is currently recognized as the deadliest natural disaster on the planet. What
happened at the end of December, it caught not only local residents in Indonesia,
Sri Lanka, Thailand, Maldives, Somalia, Myanmar and Malaysia, but also tourists
who came from all over the world for the New Year holidays. 3 This
happened, among other things, due to the lack of a tsunami detection system in the
Indian Ocean, so for the victims of the disaster; the approaching huge waves were
a complete surprise. In addition to the destruction, the tsunami affected the location
of the islands and their level in relation to the sea.
Hurricane Katrina
In the last days of August 2005, the United States was hit by the most
destructive hurricane in the history of the country. The greatest damage from the
hurricane was inflicted on New Orleans, the largest city in Louisiana. Mississippi,
Alabama, Georgia and Florida also suffered from the raging elements. 4 The
rest were mostly poor people who did not have their own transport and money to
live in a hotel in another city. The authorities offered them shelter from the
approaching hurricane at the Superdome stadium, where almost thirty thousand
people eventually came.

Exercise 4. Make a dialogue with your partner on this question.
In recent years, the number of floods in most regions of Kazakhstan has sharply
increased. How can you solve this problem? Give your ideas.


Exercise 5. Write a short essay about the natural disasters in Kazakhstan.

Present this essay to the class. Use Padlet virtual board to write your essay
Recommendations: The teacher should give instructions about using the Padlet
platform and send a link of the platform to the ZOOM chat. Students open their
own boards and write essay during videoconferencing.

Grade 10
Unit: Organic and non-organic worlds
Theme: “Organic and non-organic food”
The aim of the lesson: to learn new words on the topic, to promote the cognitive
interests and speech skills, to improve listening and speaking skills.
Developing: development of memory skills, motivational sphere, and formation of
communicative skills.
Educational: improving critical thinking, problem solving skills, studying organic
products and their types.
Technologies: communicative learning, information and communication
Methods: visual, search, conversation, interactive
Forms of work: individual work, teamwork
Resources: ZOOM platform, YouTube, Padlet

Exercise 1. Look at the photos and answer the questions.

1. What products can be called “organic”?
2. Can you describe the second picture?
3. What does GMO mean?
4. What are the benefits of eating organic food?

Recommendations: The teacher shows three pictures in a presentation and asks

questions about these pictures. Students should describe these pictures and
compare their answers with each other.


Exercise 2. Watch the video “What is Organic Food”. Choose the correct
Recommendations: The teacher gives a link to the video and explains the task.
the video
choose one correct answer.
1. Organic food is different from___________ food
a) conventional
b) non-organic
c) product
2. Conventional foods are grown generally with the use of___________
a) chemicals
b) water
c) synthetic pesticides
3. The animals are exposed to various antibiotics in farms to keep them safe
a) bad weather
b) diseases
c) insects
4. The excessive use of fertilizer causes increased_______ in food such as
a) nitrate contents
b) chemicals
c) pesticides

Exercise 3. Watch the video again and write

T (true) or F (false) next to the
sentences. Correct the false statements.
1. Organic food is grown without using synthetic chemicals. ____
2. Organic food contains genetically modified organisms. _____
3. Scientific evidence suggests that organic food consumption may not lower the
chances of getting allergies._____
4. Genetically engineered products have also been introduced in the conventional
food industry.____

Group work.
Exercise 4. In two groups, write the similarities and differences between
organic and conventional food in the Venn diagram. Compare your ideas and


Conventional food Organic food

Recommendations: The teacher should divide the students into two groups, open
two session hall in ZOOM platform for their joint work and explain them the task.
Students need to be ready within three minutes. In this task, students must write
similarities and differences of organic and conventional food in the Venn diagram
and present it to the class.

Exercise 5. How do you think organic foods are useful? If not, why? Write a
short article about this (120-150 words). Write your article on Padlet virtual
board. (https://ru.padlet.com/ainura02042001/xd3f4e0rim5m50c)

Writing Tip

Techniques for writing an article

There are several ways to write good
• Making clear statements
• Writing the facts
• Dividing into parts: introduction,
main part and conclusion.

Grade 10
Unit: Organic and non-organic worlds
Theme: “Renewable energy sources”
The aim of the lesson: to organize of the assimilation of new material and
deepening the essence of a known concept and other processes its application to
obtain new knowledge.
Developing: to develop of communication skills, improving speaking skills,
studying renewable energy sources.
Educational: cultivating positive learning motives, improving professionally –
oriented competence of students.

Exercise 1. Read this quotation and explain the meaning.

“A transition to clean energy is about making an investment in our future.”-
Gloria Reuben
Exercise 2. Match the words
with their definitions.
1. Renewable energy
a. energy- containing
materials that were
formed from plants
during thousand-year
stay underground.
2. Solar energy
b. devices that are used to absorb the sun’s
rays and convert them into electricity.
3. Fossil fuels c. energy that generates electricity from
natural phenomena
4. Wind energy d. light and thermal radiation from the Sun,
which is used to generate electricity.
5. Solar panels e. electricity generated by the natural flow of
air in the Earth’s atmosphere.

Exercise 3. Read the text and answer the questions.

1. What is the peculiarity of renewable resources?
2. What does not apply to renewable natural resources?
3. Can solar energy produce energy in cloudy weather?
4. How does wind energy work?
5. Where was water energy used to drive working machines?

Renewable energy resources


These are types of energy that are continuously renewable in the Earth’s
biosphere. These include the energy of the sun, wind, water (including
wastewater), excluding the use of this energy at pumped storage power plants.

Unlike fossil fuels – for example, oil, natural gas, coal and uranium ore, these
energy sources are not depleted, so they are called renewable.
The sun is the main source of energy on Earth, because about 173 HTp of
solar energy gets to our planet annually, which is more than 10 thousand times
higher than global energy needs. Photovoltaic modules on the roof or in open areas
convert sunlight into electrical energy using semiconductors – mainly silicon.
Solar collectors generate heat for heating and hot water production, as well as for
air conditioning. Solar panels can generate energy in cloudy weather, and even in
snowfall. For maximum efficiency, they should be installed at a certain angle – the
further away from the equator, the greater the angle of installation of the panels.
The use of wind as a driving force is a long tradition. Windmills were used
for grinding flour, sawmilling and as a pumping or water lifting station. Modern
wind turbines generate electricity from wind energy. First, they convert the kinetic
energy of the wind into mechanical energy of the rotor, and then into electrical
energy. Wind power is one of the fastest growing renewable energy technologies.
Even in ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire, water energy was used to
drive working machines, including mills. In the middle Ages, watermills were used
in Europe in sawmills and pulp and paper mills. Since the end of the XIX century,
water energy has been actively used to generate electricity.

Exercise 4. Read the text again and match the paragraphs (1-4) to the
headings (A-D) below.

A Solar energy
B Wind energy
C Water energy
D Renewable energy sources

Exercise 5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy

sources? Discuss with your partner. Use phrases from the Expressions box.
Student A. You should express your opinion about advantages of renewable energy
sources. Give reasons for your opinion.
Student B. You should express your thoughts about disadvantages of renewable
energy sources. Give reasons for your opinion.
Agreeing expressions Disagreeing expressions
I (quite/totally) agree! I totally disagree
You’re absolutely right! That’s absolutely not right!
Yes, I agree with you You’re wrong!
You’re right. That’s a good You could be right. But…

Recommendations: The teacher should explain the task and show demonstration
with useful phrases for discussion. Students can discuss with their partners using
these expressions. They must conclude their dialogue with agreement or

ICT. Exercise 6. Find out information from the Internet about other
renewable energy sources and their peculiarities. Prepare a presentation with
5-7 slides in Canva. Present it to the class.
Recommendations: The teacher gives short instruction about using Canva and
explains the main rules and ways of making presentation.

Grade 10
Unit: Science&scientific phenomena
Theme: “1e. Culture corner. Inventions”
The aim of the lesson: to organize of the assimilation of new material and
deepening the essence of a known concept and other processes its application to
obtain new knowledge.
Developing: to develop of communication skills, improving speaking skills and
vocabulary, studying inventions.
Educational: to improve working in groups, education of personal qualities that
ensure success performing activities of students.
Exercise 1. Give definitions to the following words:

Invention Transmission Electrical vibration

Exercise 2/Brainstorming. Work in groups. Discuss the questions. Compare

your answers with another group.
Do you know facts about
inventions or inventor? What are
the greatest inventions during all
this time? What type of
inventions are the most
beneficial to people? Who is
Alexander Bell?
Recommendation: Before
reading the text, students discuss the questions in groups. It helps them deeply
understand the topic and improve their speaking skills. Students can use pictures or
short slides and demonstrate them while discussing.
Exercise 3. Read the text and choose the correct answer.
1. According to the text, who invented the telephone and when?
a) Alexander Bell, in 1876
b) Charles Bursel, in 1854
c) Mr. Watson, in 1876
2. When did the idea of telephony come up?
a) 1856-1858
b) 1849-1854
c) 1870-1874
3. From what roots does the word "telephone" come?
a) From Latin
b) From Greek
c) From English
4. What historical phrase was implemented through the first telephone?
a) "Allo, who are you?"
b) "I'm glad to hear you"
c) "Mr. Watson, come here. I need you."
5. In which exhibition was Alexander Bell's phone demonstrated?
a) At the Philadelphia World's Fair
b) At the England exhibition
c) At the Vienna exhibition

Who invented the telephone?

144 years ago, on March 7, 1876, Alexander Bell patented the telephone
apparatus he invented — an improved model of the telegraph, as he himself called
it then.
The very idea of telephony appeared in 1849-1854 by Charles Bursel, a
mechanical engineer and vice-inspector of the Paris telegraph. The result of these
developments was the first principle of operation of the telephone, outlined by
Bursel in his dissertation in 1854, but he did not reach the practical implementation
of telephone communication.
Bursel was also the first to use the word "telephone" itself, which consists of
two Greek roots (τῆλε — "far away" and φωνή — "voice", "sound"). This name
turned out to be the most successful for a device that provides communication
between subscribers by converting electrical vibrations into sound.
The real "father" of the new technological miracle was the American
inventor Alexander Bell. While working on the creation of the telegraph, he
discovered that when an electrical signal appeared in the telegraph apparatus,
sounds appeared. This prompted him to the idea of creating a remote intercom
Bell was able to convert an audio signal into an analog electrical signal, and
then transmit it over a certain distance and convert it back into an audio signal. At
the same time, the first device was created, which consisted of a small membrane
and a signal horn to amplify the sound and was a tube where both the transmitter
and receiver were located at the same time.
In 1876, the transmission of the first articulate phrase, which became
historical, took place: "Mr. Watson, come here. I need you." This transmission was
carried out over a 12-meter wire connecting Bell's apartment with the laboratory in
the attic.
Then the phone was shown to visitors of the World's Fair in Philadelphia.
And five years later — at the international exhibition in Paris, where huge queues
lined up for his device. And Alexander Bell, the very next year after receiving the
patent, created the first telephone company "Bell Telephone Company". In 1881,
the first telephone exchanges were opened. Switching on them was carried out
manually, with the help of plugs, which were deftly controlled by "telephone
young ladies".

Exercise 4. Read the text again and fill in gaps with an appropriate word
1. a____________ engineer
2. electrical_____________
3. first______________ phrase
4. international____________
5. _________ communication
6. practical_______________

Exercise 5. Write opinion (agree or disagree) essay with reasons. Use Padlet
virtual board to write your essay
Some people think that modern inventions unceremoniously change lives and at the
same time often restrict freedom, destroy ethical norms and deprive of work. Do
you agree or disagree with this statement?

Recommendation: The teacher explains to the students how to write agree or

disagree essay and students write essay on Padlet virtual board.

Grade 10
Unit: Science&scientific phenomena
Theme: “Genetics”
The aim of the lesson: to study new phenomena and its reasons, to organize of the
assimilation of new material and deepening the essence of a known concept and
other processes
Developing: to develop communication skills, to improve speaking skills.
Educational: formation of intuition, ability to self-esteem.

Exercise 1. Read the definition. Does genetics affect a person’s character?

Read the text to find out answer.

Genetics - a section of biology that studies

the forms and methods of inheritance.
Exercise 2. Read and listen the text and answer the questions.
1. What does genetics study?
2. How did people study genetics and inheritance of traits in the beginning?
3. What was published by Gregor Mendel in 1865?
4. What is DNA made of?
5. What is the name of the interaction that defines a person’s traits?

Genetics helps us
understand the biological
programming behind all
life forms. But what exactly is
the science of genetics? And
what does its future hold?
Genetics is the study of
heredity. The expression of traits and how they are passed from generation to
generation. For thousands of years, humans have observed this inheritance of traits
and implemented their knowledge to breed and domesticate plants and animals.
However, the science behind inheritance was only starting to be understood in the
mid-19th century. Around 1865, Austrian monk and botanist, Gregor Mendel,
published the results of his hybridization studies of pea plants. In his findings, he
noted the role of factors that influence the expression of traits. These factors later
became known as genes.
Each human has between 20000 and 25,000 genes. This collaboration called
a genome, determines a person's traits by influencing factors on a cellular level.
Genetic information is stored in every cell's nucleus structures called chromosomes
carry this information in the form of deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA. DNA is a
double helix of nucleotides, chemical compounds composed of sugar, phosphate
molecules along with the basis thymine, adenine, guanine and cytosine. These
segments of DNA are what we call genes.
Discoveries in genetic research have unearthed tremendous opportunities in
medicine such as genetic testing and the manipulation of genes. But with these
opportunities come risks and ethical questions and finding the answers to those
questions may be the next stage of our understanding of genetics.

Exercise 3. Match the underlined words with their synonyms.

Advertised• acclaimed• noticed• decide• collected
Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with the given words
Genes, chemical compounds, inheritance, traits, implemented, hybridization,
1. His_________ of character is very similar to my dad’s.
2. Genetics___________ is the most fascinating, curious and controversial area of
modern science.
3. Water is a simple_____________ of oxygen and hydrogen.
4. We have about 24,000________ that do something.
5. By the appointed time, our strategy was only__________ by a third.
6. Centuries-old selection and___________ have made cabbage the way we know
it now.
7. Six and a half million years ago, chimpanzees and I shared a common

Recommendations: Students work with key words, this task enriches their
vocabulary and general notion of the topic. Students can use dictionaries.

Comparison of adverbs (Action Grade 10. Page 9)

Adverb Comparative Superlative

Short Fast Faster Fastest
adverbs hard harder hardest
Long Wisely More wisely Most wisely
adverbs quickly More quickly Most quickly
Irregular Well-better-best
adverbs Badly-worse-worst

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adverbs in
1. Could you drive______ (fast)?
2. The train arrived_________ (early) than usual.
3. Laura speaks English_________ (fluently) than several years ago.
4. Aibek drives__________ (carefully) than before.
5. Mrs. Smith talks to the nurses________ (patiently) than any other doctors.
6. I hope that next time you will answer this boy_______ (politely).
7. My voice was________ (loud) among my classmates.
8. This new telephone works________ (fast) than the previous one.
Exercise 6. Collect information about scientists who studied genetics, DNA.
Write a short paragraph. Present it to the class. Use Padlet virtual board to
write your paragraph.

Grade 11
Unit: The Human Brain
Theme: “3c Memory”
The aim of the lesson: to form in students an idea of the processes of memory; to
motivate interest in self-development of memory
Developing: development of search reading skills, activation of grammatical and
lexical knowledge, improvement o communicative competence in communication
and cooperation with classmates
Educational: to develop foreign language communicative competence, to
formulate own opinions and positions

Exercise 1. Read these memory helpers and drawbacks. Which of them are
familiar to you? Discuss with your partner.

Good for memory Bad for memory

 Reading  Unhealthy lifestyle
 Proper sleep  Brain reboot
 Useful food  Stressful situations
 Physical exercise  Insomnia
 Mediation/relax  Medications
 Learning language  Vitamin deficiency

Exercise 2. Read the text and put the sentences in the correct order.

A the ability to hold the necessary information for a certain time

B Memory can be trained to remember more.
C Two groups of subjects memorized pairs of unrelated words.
D Memory must be “turned on”
E Classical music improves memory
F Psychologists Benjamin Storm and Robert Nemov talk about how the
concept of “memory”

Can you remember for a

A student from China, Chao Lu, have
long time?
remembered and managed to name 67,980
digits of pi in 2005 thanks to his phenomenal
memory. Even without such abilities, every
person remembers something, reproduces, and
then forgets every day. Psychologists Benjamin Storm and Robert Nemov talk
about how the concept of “memory” is interpreted today and what it happens.
At the present stage, memory is considered as cognitive process, which is
characterized by such properties:
 Volume. It shows the possibility of storing information.
 Speed of memorization (the speed of arbitrary memorization)
 The duration of saving (the ability to hold the necessary information for a
certain time)
What are the possibilities of our memory? Memory can be trained to
remember more. But do not think that forgetting is the result of memory
malfunction, emphasizes psychologist and researcher from the University of
California Benjamin Storm. Forgetting ensures the proper functioning of memory
and thinking, freeing up resources for new tasks.
Neuroscientist Maria Wimber from the University of Birmingham (UK) and
colleagues with the help of a special brain scan found that memories can
“compete” with each other for memory resources. This mechanism helps to isolate
the necessary memories from a number of similar ones.
Scientists are also investigating what to do to improve memory performance
and expand its capabilities. They have established a number of techniques that
contribute to the activation of human memory.
Memory must be “turned on”
When people are not waiting for the information assimilation test, they
forget it very quickly. Professor Brad Wible, a researcher of human cognitive
abilities, found out that when a person does not expect to be tested, he often does
not remember anything. However, when there is a test, memorization occurs two or
even three times better.
Classical music improves memory
Listening to classical music enhances the activity of genes that are
associated with memory and learning processes, and at the same time reduces the
activity of genes that affect neurodegenerative processes. Studies by a group of
authors have shown that classical actively influences the human genome.
Daytime sleep improves memory by five times
The experiment showed that daytime sleep, which lasts less than an hour,
improves memory performance by five times. Two groups of subjects memorized
pairs of unrelated words. Then the first group slept for 45-60 minutes, and the
second group watched the video. After checking, it turned out that in the first
group the level of memorization is higher.
Scientists have yet to discover the subtle mechanisms of memory. However,
what we know today can and should be used to expand our own capabilities.

Exercise 3. Read the text again and answer the given questions .
1. What types of techniques can help to memorization?
2. How is memory characterized at the present stage?
3. How can a person train his memory?
4. What psychologists study the concept of memory?
5. What does professor Brad Wible say about the concept memory?

Exercise 4. Read the text again and write M (main idea), F (Fact), or N (not
given information) next to the statements.
1. Memory is considered as cognitive process________________
2. A person can improve his memory by his own efforts________
3. There are only two types of memory in humans_____________

Recommendation: Students do this task individually. This task helps to them to

understand the main idea of the text.

Exercise 5. You’re going to listen to a conversation between two people about

improving memory. For questions 1-6, choose the correct answer (A, B or C)
Follow the link and listen to the audio:
Recommendation: The teacher gives the link and students can follow and listen to
the audio themselves. Students must choose one correct answer.
1. What is the main function of our brain?
A. thinking
B. storing information
C. sleeping
2. Which type of product supports good memory for a long time?
A. eggs
B. bananas
C. both of them
3. What kind of factors influence the memorization process?
A. Health, mood, tiredness, mood
B. relax, meditation, food
C. environment, sleep, anxiety
4. According to the BBC's guide, there are three different styles to help
A. sleeping, auditory, mental exercise
B. listening, attention, visual
C. auditory, visual, kinesthetic
5. Which methods of memorization are more convenient and easier for older
A. playing crossword puzzles and Sudoku
B. physical exercise
C. walking
6. What disease was mentioned in the conversation?
A. Alzheimer’s disease
B. cancer disease
C. heart disease

Exercise 6. Read the advertisement and write a letter to the organizer of the
course. Present
Is it it to class.
hard to remember important dates or information?
Do you want to improve you memorization? We can help
Improve your memory in few days with our “The Best
Memory” course.
Places are limited!
We’re waiting for you!
Write a letter to the organizer. In the letter:
 Write some information about yourself
 Explain why you want this course
 Ask about the methods used in the course
 Ask about course date
Grade 11
Theme: “Slideshow presentations”
The aim of the lesson: mastering knowledge about presentations, to learn making
creative slideshows
Developing: development of search reading skills, activation of lexical knowledge,
improvement o communicative competence in communication and cooperation
with classmates
Educational: to develop foreign language communicative competence, to
formulate own opinions and positions


Exercise 1. Put the steps of creating a video presentation in Canva in the

correct order

Have you ever heard of Canva?

It is a graphic editor in which users can edit images, create videos
and presentations.

Choose a presentation template

Download a video presentation from Canva
Add a title, subtitle and text
Record video online at the Canva Recording studio
Add visual elements
Add the finished video to the presentation
Choose the music for the video presentation

Exercise 2. In three groups, discuss the following questions. Compare your

1. How to make a creative presentation?
2. What are the best tools to use for a presentation?
3. What is the benefit of using presentation in online learning?
4. What other platforms do you know for creating a presentation?
Exercise 3. Read the text. Choose
the correct answer.
At the word "presentation",
most of us immediately have an
association with the Power Point
program. But its functionality is often
superfluous for everyday purposes,
and it is not so easy to learn how to effectively create slides in it.
Instead of taking a long time to master Power Point, you can save time and
simplify the process of creating slides with the help of five convenient online
services. Ready-made templates with design solutions will help you create concise,
modern and stylish presentations without extra effort.
Google Presentations
An online service with a clear interface and a set of the most necessary
functions. Here you can quickly make up a presentation using standard themes and
The entire edit history is available for viewing, and if necessary, you can
return any of the previous versions. The computer application allows you to use the
program without an internet connection. You can work on a presentation either
alone or together with colleagues.
It is a service for creating presentations, info graphics and posters. The
strength of the service is info graphics. Graphs, tables and charts are created in just
a few clicks. But geographical maps of continents and countries with names and
borders of regions are especially good. You can highlight them in color and set a
numeric value, for example, population or other figures necessary for the
It is an online designer where you can do everything from presentations and
resumes to business cards and covers. There are image templates for many social
networks with suitable sizes, for example, a cover for a Facebook page or a banner
for LinkedIn. It takes some time to master all the features of the constructor, but
after understanding the logic of Canva, you begin to appreciate all the options and
love each new addition. The service allows you to create stylish presentations on a
huge database of free templates.
It is a service for creating non-linear presentations. All the information is
placed on one sheet, and the presentation is an animation where there is a gradual
transition from one part to another. The service allows you to create a spectacular
and memorable presentation using smooth transitions, audio and zooming (zoom
in, zoom out and rotate).
It is a platform that combines text, photos, drawings, and maps, videos into a
single presentation or website. The result is a kind of animation with smooth
transitions. As such, there are no slides, the content flows from one part to another
without breaks.

1. This computer application allows using the program without an Internet

a) Prezi
b) Sway
c) Google Presentations
2. Which online service makes it easier to create graphs and charts?
a) Prezi
b) Canva
c) Piktochart
3. What is the difference between the Sway platform and other online services?
a) the content flows from one part to another without breaks.
b) works only in online mode
c) the platform is paid
4. How does the Prezi service work?
a) the lines on the graph are connected
b) all information is placed on one sheet
c) works without Internet access
5. In the Canvas, apart from the presentation, what can be done?
a) pictures
b) graphics and charts
c) resumes to business cards and covers

Group work.
Exercise 4. Make a Swot analysis for two presentation platforms (for example
Canva and Prezi), analyze their similarities and differences. Which one is
more convenient for creating a presentation?
Recommendation: Swot analysis is a very effective method to analyze four aspects
of any topic. Students should analyze two presentation platforms and demonstrate
it to the class.

Strengths Weaknesses

Opportunities Threats
ICT. Exercise 5. Create a presentation on the topic “My future profession” in
Canva. It should consist of 1-6 slides.

Grade 11
Theme: “Big ideas”
The aim of the lesson: to create conditions for students to master new vocabulary
on the topic, to promote the cognitive interests and speech skills.
Developing: development of listening skills, activation of lexical knowledge,
improvement o communicative competence in communication and cooperation
with classmates
Educational: to develop professionally- oriented competence, to formulate own
opinions and positions

Exercise 1. Look at the pictures. In pairs, discuss these questions.

1. Do you know these

amazing inventions?
2. How do they work?
3. Which one have you tried?

Exercise 2. Listen to an interview about new inventions and write T (true) or

F (False) next to the statements.
Follow the link and listen:
1. Wing suits look like a bats ______
2. People can buy wing suits for 700 to 2’000 dollars ______
3. Solar water distiller is created by Nick Johnson ______
4. Solar water distiller is a very simple device ______
5. “Enable talk gloves” allow people with speech problems
to communicate with each other ______
6. James Cameron was a part of boy’s band ______
7. A team of students at MIT created wing suits ______
8. Jed’s favoutite invention is clouds indoors ______

Exercise 3. Listen to the audio again and fill the gaps with the correct words.
Salty, headed, sensors, Ukrainian, investment, championship
1. James Cameron was part of a team, _______ by engineer Ron Allum.
2. You pour in______ water and let the sun do the work for a few hours.
3. These were invented by some________ students.
4. The gloves use________ to translate sign language into text
5. Last October was the first ever world_________ in China
6. They still need help with________ to start producing the distiller properly.


Adjective complements (page 125, Gr 1)

An adjective complement is a phrase which gives extra information about

an adjective. It can be an infinitive phrase and a noun clause. For example,
we were interested to learn about biology and chemistry. I will be happy
when I pass the exam.

Exercise 4. Match the two columns.

1. Are you afraid a. when she waits someone
2. This task was difficult b. when you hear about the victory
3. I very happy c. of your parents?
4. You are very surprised d. to do it correctly
5. My mom is always impatient e. that I’m going to New York

Exercise 5. Collect information about new inventions of 2022. Write a short

article. Use Padlet virtual board to write your essay
Thus, in this paragraph we have presented a set of exercises based on video
materials for the formation of professionally-oriented competence of students. This
set of exercises also contributes to the achievement by students of mastering the
basic educational program of basic general education. For example, to monitor and
evaluate one's own activities in the process of achieving a result; to be able to build
logical reasoning, conclusions (inductive, deductive and by analogy) and draw
conclusions; be able to create, apply and transform models and schemes for
solving educational and cognitive tasks; be able to organize educational
cooperation and joint activities with teachers and peers; the skill of individual work
and group work.
As a result of research, a diagram was conducted during the educational
process with videoconferencing in order to understand which exercises were the
most effective and useful for students for the formation of their professionally-
oriented competence. (See table 1)

Table 1. Senior stage students’ ranking of doing Reading, Speaking, Listening and
Writing tasks.

Grade 11
SWOT analysis, brainstorming
4.5 task
Project based task
Listening and watching
4.5 Reading
5 Essay writing
3.5 Speaking,discussion
Grade 10

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

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