20AE30019 Exp6

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AE29202 Aerodynamics

Laboratory - I
Flat Plate Laminar Boundary Layer Study

Ritik Mishra (20AE30019)

Aim Of the Experiment:

To study the laminar boundary layer formed on a smooth flat plate.
Using an airflow bench:
✓ To study the boundary layer formation on a flat plate at four different stations by
measuring the pressure variation perpendicular to the plate and hence measure
the thickness of the layer at four different stations.
✓ To measure the displacement thickness and the momentum thickness of the
boundary layer.
Apparatus Required:
✓ Airflow Bench
✓ Flat plate (smooth)
✓ Manometer
✓ Pitot Tube
✓ Screw Gauge
Settling chamber
✓ Ruler

Pressure Port

Contraction cone


Static Pressure

Flow direction

Fig-1: Air flow bench Page | 1

Fig-2: (a) Flat Plate Test Section (b) Total Pressure port and screw gauge

Basic Theory:
Boundary Layer -
Thin layer of a flowing gas or liquid in contact with a surface such as that of an
airplane wing or of the inside of a pipe. The fluid in the boundary layer is subjected
to shearing forces. All of the viscous effects are confined in the boundary layer
adjacent to the wall.
A range of velocities exists across the boundary layer from maximum to zero,
provided the fluid is in contact with the surface. Boundary layers are thinner at the
leading edge of an aircraft wing and thicker toward the trailing edge. The flow in such
boundary layers is generally laminar at the leading or upstream portion
and turbulent in the trailing or downstream portion.


Fig-3: (a) Schematic view of a flat plate with a boundary layer (b) Influence of
boundary layer on the external streamlines
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Boundary Layer thickness (δ) -
The boundary layer thickness (δ) is defined as the thickness of the fluid zone
extending from the solid boundary to a point where the fluid velocity reaches 99% of
the free stream velocity or we can also define the interface between the boundary
layer and the freestream to be the locus of points where the flow velocity is 0.99 times
the free stream velocity.

Fig-4: Boundary Layer thickness (δ)

The velocity gradient generates shear stress whose value is given by:
𝜏=µ 1
Displacement thickness (δ*) -
The height corresponding to the mass flow deficit that happens due to the
presence of the boundary layer. The displacement thickness is given by:
𝛿 ∗ = ∫ (1 − ) ⅆ𝑦 2

where u is the velocity at different y values (i.e., in the direction perpendicular to the
flat plate) and 𝑢∞ is the freestream velocity.
Momentum thickness (θ) -
The thickness of an imaginary layer in free stream flow which has momentum
equal to the deficiency of momentum caused to actual mass flowing inside the
boundary layer. The momentum thickness is given by:
𝑢 𝑢
𝜃=∫ (1 − ) ⅆ𝑦 3
𝑢∞ 𝑢∞

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1. Fix the flat plate test section in the airflow bench such that its smooth side is
exposed to the flow.
2. The pitot tube is fixed to the test section in such a way that its distance from the
flat plate can be regulated with the help of a screw gauge (Least count = 0.01 mm
and pitch = 0.50 mm)
3. Initially, the pitot tube is placed above the first station and it is placed at the closest
to the plate (such that there is no gap between them) and the airflow bench is
4. We also take the readings of total pressure (reservoir) and static pressure (at the
inlet section) values from the manometer. These readings will be constant
throughout the experiment and can be used to determine the freestream velocity
(via Bernoulli’s equation).
5. Now we rotate the screw gauge by 1 complete rotation and shift the pitot tube at a
distance of 0.50 mm with respect to the flat plate. The step 3 is then repeated.
6. In this way we keep on measuring the pressure value at different y positions at the
station till the pressure becomes constant (which indicates that boundary layer
interface has been reached).
7. We repeat the experiment for stations 2, 3 and 4 as well to see how the thickness
of the boundary layer changes in the downstream of the flow.
8. Appropriate formulae can be used to determine the displacement thickness and
momentum thickness of the boundary layer.

Observations Table:

Reservoir Pressure = PR = 336 mm H2O

Pressure at the inlet of wind tunnel (i.e., test section) = P∞ = 288 mm of H2O
Free stream velocity = 𝑢∞ = 28.3905853 m/s
2(𝑃𝑅 − 𝑃∞ )
𝑢∞ = √
where pressure values should be in Pascals.
Length of the plate = 27.50 cm
Density of air = 1.1684 kg/m3
Dynamic viscosity of air = 1.81 x 10-5 Pa-s

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~ Observation Table ~
Y Total pressure
X Station UY δ (in δ* (in
position at Y (PY) (UY/U∞) 1 - (UY/U∞)
(in cm) (in m/s) mm) mm)
(in mm) (mm of water)
0.02 294 (PY, static) 0 0 1.000000
0.52 310 16.39131 0.57735 0.422650
1.02 324 22.44473 0.790569 0.209431
X1 = 10.50 1.52 329 24.24308 0.853913 0.146087 2.5 0.7976
2.02 330 24.58697 0.866025 0.133975
2.52 331 24.92611 0.877971 0.122029
3.02 331 24.92611 0.877971 0.122029
0.02 292 (PY, static) 0 0 1.000000
0.52 310 17.38561 0.612372 0.387628
1.02 320 21.68367 0.763763 0.236237
1.52 326 23.89424 0.841625 0.158375
X2 = 15.50 2.02 328 24.58697 0.866025 0.133975 3.1 0.8779
2.52 330 25.26071 0.889757 0.110243
3.02 331 25.59093 0.901388 0.098612
3.52 332 25.91694 0.912871 0.087129
4.02 332 25.91694 0.912871 0.087129
0.02 293 (PY, static) 0 0 1.000000
0.52 308 15.87082 0.559017 0.440983
1.02 317 20.07518 0.707107 0.292893
1.52 322 22.06748 0.777282 0.222718
X3 = 20.50 3.3 0.9783
2.02 326 23.54023 0.829156 0.170844
2.52 328 24.24308 0.853913 0.146087
3.02 330 24.92611 0.877971 0.122029
3.52 330 24.92611 0.877971 0.122029
0.02 302 (PY, static) 0 0 1.000000
0.52 310 11.59041 0.408248 0.591752
1.02 316 15.33267 0.540062 0.459938
1.52 320 17.38561 0.612372 0.387628
X4 = 25.50 2.02 322 18.32604 0.645497 0.354503 3.5 1.6529
2.52 324 19.22052 0.677003 0.322997
3.02 326 20.07518 0.707107 0.292893
3.52 328 20.89491 0.73598 0.264020
4.02 328 20.89491 0.73598 0.264020

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To calculate the boundary layer thickness, we plot the velocity Uy v/s y position
and then fit a higher order curve (here a 4th order polynomial curve), to observe where
does the velocity value becomes constant (or stops changing). That point will indicate
the thickness of the boundary layer.

Plot-1: Boundary Layer thickness v/s x position for X1, X2, X3, X4
From the above plots, we can observe that the boundary layer thickness at the 4
stations as follows:

At station X1: δ = 2.5 mm

At station X2: δ = 3.1 mm
At station X3: δ = 3.3 mm
At station X4: δ = 3.5 mm

To calculate the displacement thickness:

We use the equation (2) and the integration is performed using the trapezoidal rule
as follows:
Here the “x” values indicate the various y positions and the “y” values indicate the
value of (1 − 𝑢 ).

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The following calculation is done for the station X4 at 25.5 cm:

x y position 0.02 0.52 1.02 1.52 2.02 2.52 3.02 3.52 4.02
y (1 − ) 1 0.5918 0.4599 0.3876 0.3545 0.323 0.2929 0.264 0.264
Using Trapezoidal Rule:

∫ydx = (h/2) [y0 + y8 + 2 (y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 + y5 + y6 + y7)]

∫ydx = (0.5/2) [1+0.264+2×(0.5918+0.4599+0.3876+0.3545+0.323+0.2929+0.264)]
∫ydx = (0.5/2) [1+0.264+2×(2.6737)]
∫ydx = 1.6529
Therefore, the value of displacement thickness at station X4 is δ* = 1.6529 mm.
Similarly, the trapezoidal rule for numerical integration can be used to find out the
values of the momentum thickness using the equation (3).
Y position 𝑢 𝑢 θ (momentum
(1 − )
(in mm) 𝑢∞ 𝑢∞ thickness, in mm)
0.02 0
0.52 0.2440169
1.02 0.1655694
1.52 0.1247459 0.4055
2.02 0.1160254
2.52 0.1071378
3.02 0.1071378
0.02 0
0.52 0.2373724
1.02 0.1804293
1.52 0.1332921
2.02 0.1160254 0.4867
2.52 0.0980899
3.02 0.0888878
3.52 0.0795376
4.02 0.0795376
0.02 0
0.52 0.246517
1.02 0.2071068
1.52 0.1731149
2.02 0.1416562
2.52 0.1247459
3.02 0.1071378
3.52 0.1071378
0.02 0
0.52 0.2415816
1.02 0.2483951
1.52 0.2373724
2.02 0.2288306 0.8367
2.52 0.2186699
3.02 0.2071068
3.52 0.1943134
4.02 0.1943134

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Plot-2: Boundary Layer thickness v/s x position for all the stations


Plot-3-: Displacement thickness v/s x position for all the stations

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θ θ)

Plot-4: Momentum thickness v/s x position for all the stations

The applicability of Bernoulli’s Theorem is restricted to irrotational flows and
along a streamline (given that the flow is incompressible and inviscid). However, the
boundary layer that is formed in the vicinity of the flat plate is a region of high viscous
effects and rotational nature. Therefore, Bernoulli’s Theorem is not applicable inside
the boundary layer.
Despite knowing the assumptions behind the Bernoulli’s Theorem, we have
intentionally used it in the present experiment because it is the only method in our
knowledge that allows us to obtain velocities and thus get an idea of the velocity profile
in the boundary layer.
The plots obtained using the above method may be vague (as the method is
incorrect or just an approximation), however they are still close to the ideal plots one
would obtain using the correct methods of calculation. It is because the flow is laminar
and thus the error reduces greatly as not much of the velocity in the boundary layer
will be in vertical direction (perpendicular to the plate).
The following plot (in the next page) has been taken from a research paper
(Reference-1) and it compares the results concerning boundary layer above a flat plate
obtained from the experiments and from theory (Blasius’ solution).
Alongside we have plotted the same values with the results from our
We can conclude that the two plots agree quite well.

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𝑢 𝑢∞
Fig-5: Comparison of results from experiments and theory


In this experiment we try to study and investigate the properties of the boundary
layer formed over a flat plate when exposed to a laminar flow. We determine the
boundary layer thickness, displacement thickness and the momentum thickness of the
We conclude that the boundary layer is a thin imaginary layer surrounding the
body where the viscous and rotational effects of flow are significant. The nature of
the boundary layer that forms close to the surface of a body significantly influences
how the fluid and body interact. Hence, an understanding of boundary layers allows
us to predict how much drag an aircraft (or any other body) experiences.

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Question – What Reynold’s number you have observed in your experiment?
Answer – The Reynold’s number observed in the experiment is:
𝑅𝑒 =
where d = flow length scale and other symbols have their usual meaning.
1⋅1684 × 28⋅39058 × 0⋅2750
Re = -5
= 5.03987 × 105
1⋅81 × 10
Question – What is the wall shear stress value at station X1 in your experiment?
Answer – The formula for wall shear stress is:
Here, µ = 1.81 x 10-5 Pa-s
U(y) = -5.4018y2 + 23.135y + 2.3624 [using a 2nd order polynomial curve fit]

= 10.8036y + 23.135

At y = 0, ( ) = 23.135 (m/s)/mm = 23.135 x 103 s-1
𝜕𝑦 𝑦=0

Thus, Shear Stress = 1.81 x 10-5 x 23.135 x 103 Pa = 41.8745 x 10-2 Pa.
Question – Give an example where you observe a boundary layer different from that
of a flat plate.
Answer – In case of a flat plate with a rough surface we observe a turbulent
boundary layer as opposed to the laminar boundary layer we observe in case of a
smooth flat plate. The turbulence arises on account of the irregularities on the surface
that will induce vortices and consequently the flow becomes turbulent. Similarly, in an
airfoil with arbitrary thickness, we can see all three kinds of flows (laminar, transition
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and turbulent) and thus both laminar and turbulent boundary layers are observed. It is
because of the typical curvature of the surface.



Fig-6: (a) Laminar and Turbulent boundary layer over a flat plate
(b) Boundary layer over an airfoil

1. Boundary Layer over a Flat Plate [P.P. Puttkammer]
2. https://aerospaceengineeringblog.com/boundary-layers/
3. http://www.aerodynamics4students.com/subsonic-aerofoil-and-wing-theory/2d-
4. https://britannica.com/

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