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Market Survey Report

INTRODUCTION (Millena, Edreanne Shane V.)

The platform DAIL: Dialysis Availability In-app Locator is an application that aims to
provide a convenient scheduling and appointment system for renal disease patients especially
those who undergoes dialysis treatment.
This application focuses on helping the UN Sustainable Development Goals particularly
the Goal #3 (Good-health and well-being) and Goal #10 (Reduced inequalities), by achieving
its target indicators. For UN SDG #3, DAIL would be a helping hand in reducing mortality rate
that is attributed to non-communicable diseases like renal disease by reducing patients who are
left untreated due to tedious process of setting-up appointments and looking for available
As mentioned, DAIL will aid in reducing inequalities. DAIL acknowledges that there is
inequality in medical services. The difficulties in looking for available facilities to treat patients
are harder for the disadvantaged and to differently abled people. With this, DAIL will ensure that
no patients will be left untreated regardless of their socioeconomic status and irrespective of their
In achieving all of that, a market survey was conducted from September 3, 2022, to
September 8,2022 in order to determine the possible customers of the application. The survey
was answered by 50 respondents in a snowball sampling. The respondents suggested names of
friends or neighbors that know a renal patient who are willing to complete the survey. Below is
the summary report of the survey.
I. Target Market Demographics (Millena, Edreanne Shane V.)

Age Group Number of Respondents Percentage

18 years old to 21 years old 7 14
22 years old to 30 years old 5 10
31 years old to 40 years old 3 6
41 years old to 50 years old 10 20
51 years old to 60 years old 18 36
Above 60 years old 7 14
Total 50 100
Table 1.1 Respondent Age
The location of respondents was from CALABARZON region, Ilocos and Central Region,
and NCR. This result might be attributed to the fact that the surveyors are from these regions.

Occupation Percentage
Employed full-time 20
Self-employed 18
Part-time employed 4
Unemployed 30
Student 22
Prefer not to answer 6
Total 100
Table 1.3 Respondent Occupation

CKD Stage Percentage

Stage 1 with normal or high GFR 16
Stage 2 Mild 20
Stage 3A Moderate 28
Stage 3B Moderate 10
Stage 4 Severe 1
Stage 5 End Stage No one answered
N/A 24
Table 1.4 Respondent CKD Classification

Philhealth Membership Percentage

Employed 16
Voluntary / Members in Informal Economy 8
Overseas Workers 2
Sponsored 2
Indigent 8
Lifetime 2
Senior Citizens 20
NOT a member 38
Table 1.5 Respondent Philhealth Category
At least 15% of the 48% of female respondents are married and employed (either self-
employed, part-time employed, or full-time) with monthly income between 20,000 pesos to
5,000 pesos and below. They are also a member of Philhealth. Based on the respondents’
Philhealth membership, respondents earning between 21,000 pesos to 51,000 pesos are not a
member of Philhealth. Most of them are diagnosed with Stage 1 CKD. With 31 respondents
being a member of Philhealth, 14 of them are not a member of Philhealth Konsulta. Majority of
senior citizens that are member of Philhealth Konsulta are diagnosed with Stage 1 and Stage 2
II. Results of the Survey
Experiences (Lorian, Lora Bell D.)
The following section shows the total number of tallies from the market survey based on
the experiences on availing medical services and or dialysis treatments of the respondents.
Graph 1 Respondents distribution to the frequency of hospital visits.

Graph 1 focused on respondents' distribution in the frequency of their hospital visits. The
highest percentage, 40%, generally 20 respondents answered that the frequency of their visits
ranges twice a week. Following this percentage is 30%, generally, 15 respondents, answered that
the frequency of their visits is not applicable on weeks. Following this percentage is 22%,
generally 11 respondents, responded that the frequency of their visits ranges only once a week.
And the lowest percentage, 8%, generally 4 respondents, responded that the frequency of their
visits ranges only once a week.
Graph 2 Respondents distribution to the method of searching for medical facilities
Graph 2 focused on respondent’s distribution to the method of their search for hospitals
to accommodate their medical needs. The highest percentage 62%, garnering 32 respondents,
responded that they find hospitals offering the service for their medical needs through physical.
Following this percentage is 60%, generally 30 respondents, responded that they find hospitals
offering the service for their medical needs through recommendation. Following this percentage
is 32%, generally 16 respondents responded that they find hospitals through the internet. And the
lowest percentage 4%, generally 4 respondents, responded that they find hospitals through other
Graph 3 Respondents distribution to the time consummation of searching for medical

Graph 3 focused on respondents distribution to the time they consume in searching for
medical facilities. The highest percentage 38%, generally 19 respondents, responded that the
time they consume in searching for medical facilities to accommodate their needs is more than
one (1) hour. Following this percentage is 32%, generally 16 respondents responded that the time
they consume ranges from 31 minutes to 1 hour. Following this percentage is 12%, generally 6
respondents responded that the time they consume ranges from 16 to 30 minutes and 6 to 15
minutes. The lowest percentage 6%, generally 3 respondents responded that they time they
consume ranges below 5 minutes.
Graph 4 Respondents distribution to the time consummation of queuing before availing
medical treatment
Graph 4 focused on respondents distribution to the time they consume on queuing before
they are to avail their medical treatment and or medical services. The highest percentage 46%,
generally 23 respondents responded that the time they consume in queuing before availing
hospital service is more than 1 hour. Following this percentage is 20%, generally 10 respondents,
responded that the time they consume ranges from 6 to 15 minutes. Following this percentage is
18%, generally 9 respondents responded that the time they consume in queuing ranges from 16
to 30 minutes. Following this percentage is 12%, generally 6 respondents responded that the time
they consume in queuing ranges from 31 minutes to 1 hour. The lowest percentage is 4%,
generally 2 respondents responded that the time they consume in queuing is lower than 5
Graph 5 Respondents distribution to the frequency of availing treatment immediately
without queuing

Graph 5 focused on respondents distribution to the frequency of availing treatment

immediately without having to queue. The highest percentage 50%, generally 25 respondents
responded N/A in availing treatment and or medical services immediately without having to
queue. Following this percentage is 28%, generally 14 respondents responded that they avail
treatment and or medical services without having to queue once a week. Following this
percentage is 18%, generally 9 respondents, responded that they avail treatment and or medical
services twice a week. And the lowest percentage is 4%, generally 2 respondents responded that
they avail medical treatment or service without having to queue thrice a week.
Graph 6 Respondents distribution to the unavailability of medical facilities within their
location effects to medical treatments

Graph 6 focused on respondents distribution to the negative effects of medical facilities

unavailability within their nearest location to their medical treatment. The highest percentage
64%, generally 32 respondents agreed that the unavailability of medical facilities within their
area or nearest to their area have affected their medical treatments. Whilst, 36%, generally 18
respondents disagreed that the unavailability of medical facilities within their area or nearest to
their area have affected their medical treatments.
Graph 7 Respondents distribution to the effects of the tallying capacity of medical facilities
to medical treatments

Graph 7 focused on respondents distribution to the effects of the capacity of medical

facilities to medical treatments. The highest percentage 60% generally 30 respondents agreed
that the capacity of a medical facility to hold a certain tally of patients per schedule to
accommodate their medical needs have affected their treatments. Whilst, 40%, generally 20
respondents disagreed that the capacity of a medical facility to hold a certain tally of patients per
schedule to accommodate their medical needs have not affected their medical treatments.
Observations obtained from the results tallied that 42 out of 50 respondents agreed that
more than an hour of their time is consumed just by only queuing to avail their medical treatment
service, transportation and the search for hospital’s availability to accommodate them are still not
included in the agreed time of respondents, however upon the tallied results, search for hospital’s
availability of the services are also ranging highest in more than an hour. Moreover, 32 out of 50
respondents, agreed that the availability and unavailability of hospital’s nearest to their location
offering the serivce to accommodate their medical needs have affected their medical treatments,
wherein instead of being treated within the date of treatment, respondents would skip, as the
nearest hospital to service their medical need is far from their locations. Lastly, 30 out of 50
respondents have agreed that the capacity of a medical facility to accommodate their medical
needs have affected their treatments, wherein respondents would skip treatments because the
medical facility located nearest to their location offering the service for their medical needs are
in full capacity, offering no available slots as they are full-packed.

Needs (Dunga, Rasheed)

The following section shows the total number of tallies from the market survey based on the
needs of the respondents.

Among the 50 respondents that we have garnered, 49 out of 50 wish to have medical
appointments without the hassle of queuing, while only 1 respondent wishes to not have medical
appointments without the hassle of queuing. This indicates that 98% of the 50 respondents wish
to benefit from the app by not needing to queue for their medical appointments.
From the graphs above, 100 percent of the respondents wish to have less time looking for a
medical facility that can accommodate them and have the option to choose (online) which
hospitals/clinics are nearby and has the capacity to offer a medical service which is convenient to
their schedule. Seeing the figures above indicates that all our respondents will benefit from our
app and have a high chance of using our app.

Recommendation (Cura, Mery Lalien)

In the Recommendation results of the survey, among the 50 respondents that we have garnered
answer the rating scale type of question of How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or
dialysis patient on a scale of 1-5 (with 5 being the highest), 29 out of 50 respondents answered 5,
16 out of 50 respondents answered 4 and lastly 5 out of 50 respondents answered 3 to the above

Another rating scale type of question that is being asked to the 50 respondents, how would you
rate our app service on a scale of 1-5? (With 5 being the highest), 32 out of 50 respondents
answered 5, 11 out of 50 answered 4 and lastly, only 7 out of 50 answered 3 to the question
Next, we have two Open-ended questions to the 50 respondents which require them to type their
answers into a comment box for us to know their suggestions and to improve our service as well.
In the first open-ended question, we ask the 50 respondents of Do you think you can recommend
our app to others, why or why not? 47 out of 50 respondents agreed to recommend us to the
others. While only 3 out of 50 respondents answered no or N/A.

In the second open-ended question, we ask the 50 respondents if there is something you wish to
improve in the app? 38 out of 50 respondents answered that they have no comment or
suggestions regarding the DAIL app. While 12 out of 50 respondents suggest that the app should
work offline and no lagging.

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