04successful Depth Imaging at Banyu Urip Field

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Forty-Second Annual Convention & Exhibition, May 2018


Yuki Y. Agulia*
Michael Gurch**
Sony Mohammad*
Bastian Hutahayan ***

ABSTRACT methods have difficulty handling the large, rapid

velocity change (Zhou et al., 2011).
A seismic reprocessing project was initiated by
ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) to improve A key factor to the project success was intense
seismic data quality at the Banyu Urip field to aid the communication and strong collaboration between the
evaluation of potential upside hydrocarbon volumes in-country seismic processing contractor, the in-
in the primary carbonate and secondary clastic country geoscience team, global processing experts,
reservoirs. The existing seismic was hampered by a and partners. A dedicated geologist was assigned to
combination of extensive shallow gas attenuation facilitate the long-distance collaboration and to
and non-uniform seismic data coverage that was only optimally incorporate geologic context into every
partially mitigated by previous state-of-the-art step of the reprocessing workflow.
reprocessing in 2007. The 2017 reprocessing
involved applying improved pre-stack processing The 2017 PSTM data have improved reflection
and Q (attenuation factor) pre-stack depth imaging to continuity and amplitude integrity, while the 2017
overcome these issues and obtain a substantially QPSDM data, besides providing significant uplift in
improved data set for interpretation. the vicinity of shallow gas anomalies, allow more
accurate interpretation and spatial positioning for
Reprocessing started from field tapes and was resource estimation.
implemented in two phases: preprocessing /
PSTM, followed by QPSDM. The preprocessing INTRODUCTION
workflow included statics corrections to handle the
near-surface velocity issues, and de-noise to The Banyu Urip (BU) field, located in the Cepu
remove ground-roll and random noise. 5D PSC, East Java Basin, Indonesia, was discovered
interpolation was applied to provide uniform in 2001 and is currently producing approximately
sampling throughout the survey. A bandwidth 200,000 bbls of oil per day. The primary reservoir
extension approach was used to improve the is an Oligo-Miocene carbonate buildup. It is
resolution of the final products. overlain by a Middle Miocene deep water clastic
reservoir. The two reservoirs are in
The 2017 QPSDM required both accurate velocity communication. A total of 46 wells have been
and Q models. The Velocity Model Building drilled in the field.
(VMB) workflow used a reflection tomography
based approach constrained by all available well The seismic data covering the field is part of the
data. The Q Model Building (QMB) workflow was 1,213 km2 exploration-scale Cepu 3D land seismic
an integrated approach that included using survey acquired in 2001. The exploration data
amplitude extractions and an AVO envelope were used for PSTM imaging in 2002. A 100 km2
attribute from the 2017 PSTM to facilitate subset of the data was PSDM reprocessed in 2007
geobody interpretation for input into Q to better image the carbonate interval. Although
tomography. Finally Controlled Beam Migration there was data quality improvement, the
(CBM) was selected to optimally focus the energy reprocessed data remained low fold with a
beneath the top carbonate where Kirchhoff moderate Signal-to-Noise (S/N) ratio.

* ExxonMobil Cepu ltd.

** ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company (URC)
*** CGG

The 2017 QPSDM reprocessing was conducted to completion. The quality of the PSTM image was
further improve the seismic quality and cover a larger reviewed before going to the second stage involving
Banyu Urip area. The reprocessing was done by PT QPSDM (Figure 2).
CGG Services Indonesia and took 12 months to
complete. The main goals were to better define the Processing
clastic reservoir distribution and to increase
confidence in the mapping of the top of the carbonate Reprocessing started from field tapes to better
reservoir, especially along the steep flanks. Figure 1 preserve the data content. After geometry
shows the regional Top Carbonate Envelope (TCE) assignment, the shot gathers were used for first break
depth structure map over the 2017 BU 3D QPSDM picking for input to tomostatics. Several forms of
reprocessing area. The 390 km2 input area for denoise were applied to attenuate low/high
migration is indicated by the red rectangle and the frequency noise and handle ground-roll and random
output full fold area is indicated by the blue noise.
5D interpolation using anti-leakage multi-dimension
Processing this particular data set faced challenges Fourier interpolation (Trad, 2009) and regularization
caused by irregular acquisition geometry due to skips was applied to increase the nominal fold and enhance
at town and rivers which produced low (<28) and the signal-to-noise ratio. It was applied in three
variable fold, resulting in a strong acquisition passes: shot and receiver line interpolation, azimuth
footprint. Extensive shallow gas, particularly in the regularization, and fold regularization. In the
Ledok Formation, also contributed to amplitude reprocessing area, the fold increased to 124 with 4
attenuation and frequency loss in deeper sections. azimuth sectors (0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees).
The result shows a denser geometry, but still
The 2017 QPSDM survey area was designed to preserves the original shot and receiver lines (Figure
optimize the image along the carbonate flank and to 3). Uniform sampling was applied, to increase the
understand the clastic reservoir’s provenance, accuracy and stability of the subsequent imaging
depositional distribution and structural spill. It will step. This interpolation and sampling approach filled
be used to reduce mapping uncertainty in the Banyu the gas in the irregular data and improved signal
Urip area and to support on-going reservoir content and reflection continuity, but at the same
management. time minimized smearing due to the interpolation.
This resulted in substantial improvement in the
METHODOLOGY reservoir reflection continuity, especially in the
shallow clastics.
Intense collaboration between the vendor CGG,
EM’s business unit geoscientist and reprocessing Imaging and Q Compensation
experts from URC occurred throughout the project.
Daily engagement including remote QC, and weekly Anisotropic QPSDM velocity model building was
meetings with the vendor were critical to done in an iterative, horizon-based manner. The
communicating progress, technical sharing, initial velocity model was estimated from RMS
obtaining feedback on the ongoing testing velocity from PSTM and was merged with the
parameters, and planning next steps. Partners were tomostatic velocity. Several major horizons were
also invited to join the regular QC meeting. used to guide the VMB process: Top Ledok, Base
Ledok (Horizon 2), Top Tortonian, Top Serravallian,
Parallel in the background, work was ongoing to TCE, and BCE (Base of Carbonate Envelope).
improve the geological understanding of the survey
area. This included updating well-based clastic In order to increase the accuracy of the velocity
reservoir stratigraphic correlation, seismic well ties, model and to control the velocity tomographic
and remapping key horizons and faults. Products update, we used seven wells which had check shot
from this work substantially contributed to the and sonic data, and one well located just outside the
process and the decision making throughout the processing area. Results were QC’d by monitoring
reprocessing project. gather flatness and well marker mis-ties (Figure 4).

The 2017 QPSDM reprocessing utilized a staged Six iterations of velocity model update were
approach workflow to optimize product delivery conducted in the depth imaging stage: 1) update the
versus spending. The first stage was from global velocity model; 2) Q initial model; 3) update
preprocessing through to a decision point at PSTM the velocity model through tomography from surface

to the BCE; 4) calculate anisotropy model estimation technology. 5D interpolation was key in
(epsilon and delta) and well calibration; 5) apply addressing the low and variable fold, enhancing
velocity update for carbonate velocity scan, intra- the signal quality and increasing the seismic
carbonate tomography update, Q model update, and resolution.
velocity update for BCE down to 6000 meters; 6)
perform global velocity update. Amplitude and frequency loss due to the shallow
gas were addressed by Q tomography and
Q compensation was applied to mitigate amplitude QPSDM. Well calibration and anisotropy were
dimming, frequency loss, and phase distortion used to accurately migrate the seismic trace to the
caused by shallow gas. Several intervals of shallow correct position spatially.
gas-filled bodies were identified in the reprocessing
area with most being located within the Ledok In addition, Controlled Beam Migration (CBM)
Formation (Figure 5). They were interpreted using was successful in imaging the dipping events, such
far offset 2017 PSTM data, along with AVO as the carbonate flanks and faults, and enhanced
envelope information. Several horizons were also the reflector continuity.
used as reference for Q estimation to compare the
seismic signal in areas presumed to be un-affected by Compared to the legacy data the reprocessed 3D
anomalous Q to the signal in areas exhibiting QPSDM stacks shows superior improvement in
anomalous attenuation. The distribution of the old frequency content, higher signal-to-noise ratio and
shallow gas Tobo field wells above the Banyu Urip improved steep dip imaging.
field, were also used to confirm the distribution of
the shallow gas for the Q geobody. A very significant output of the processing is an
accurate 3D velocity model derived from the depth
RESULTS processing.

In comparison with the 2002 and 2007 data set ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

(Figures 6 and 7), the 2017 PSTM and QPSDM show
more continuous reflections, higher frequency, The authors would like to acknowledge
increased vertical and lateral resolution and a more ExxonMobil Production Company (EMPC),
consistent and higher confidence velocity field for ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL), partners
depth conversion. (Pertamina EP Cepu and Badan Kerjasama Blok
Cepu) and CGG in supporting the work and
The improved data quality and enhanced imaging publication of this paper.
from the 2017 QPSDM will provide significant
benefits such as a reduction in interpretation Many individuals have contributed to this work
uncertainty, leading to a better understanding of including Aditya Gunawan, Jesse Shaw, Adam
resource size, enabling optimized development Palermo, Paul Hinton, Alex Martinez, Yudi
decisions. Seismic attributes could be used to Prasetyo, Yonghe Guo, Wayne Zanussi, and others.
condition geologic models and will be used to Special thanks go to Agung Cahyono and Sri Intan
improve placement of wells in the future. Wirya for the input and support to publish the paper.
We would also like to acknowledge SKK MIGAS
The 2017 PSTM deliverables include PSTM gathers, and MIGAS for permission to publish this work.
angle stack volumes, and migration velocities.
PSDM deliverables include raw and final QPSDM REFERENCES
gathers, angle stack volumes, velocities, anisotropy,
and Q model, tomostatic velocity, angle mute table, Zhou, B., Zhou, J., Wang, Z., Guo, Y., Xie, Yi.,
navigation map. The angle stack data sets for both Ye, G., 2011. Anisotropic depth imaging with high
PSTM and QPSDM were divided into raw, AVO fidelity controlled beam migration: A case study in
friendly, and final stack with Bandwith Extention Bohai, offshore China; SEG Technical Program
and AGC. Expanded Abstract 2011: pp. 217-221.
Trad, D., 2009, Five-dimensional interpolation:
Seismic imaging at Banyu Urip did benefit from Recovering from acquisition constraints;
several recent advancements in seismic processing Geophysics, 74, No.6, V123-V132.

Figure 1 - The location of Banyu Urip field and the schematic diagram of 2017 QPSDM survey area that was processed, overlay with top of carbonate depth structure
map. Blue rectangle represents the full fold 200km2 of output imaging area. The red rectangle represents the input area.

Figure 2 - Staged approach workflow applied in BU 3D 2017 QPSDM. It started from preprocessing which
resulted PSTM and continue QPSDM if warranted.

Figure 3 - Comparison of inline and shot – receiver line geometry before and after 5D interpolation

Figure 4 - QPSDM gathers after the sixth iteration of VMB and well calibration to the key horizons and

Figure 5 - Several horizons were provided to locate the distribution of the shallow gas during Q model building
(a). Minimum amplitude extraction of the 2017 far angle PSTM shows the distribution of the
shallow gas that impact the data quality to the imaging area underneath it. The shallow gas
occurrence is pretty extensive especially to the west part of the field with NW-SE orientation.
Comparison before and after Q model shows restored amplitude of previously dim, poor signal area
(b, c).

Figure 6 - A comparison line between 2002 PSTM versus 2017 PSTM. The new reprocessed seismic shows
more regular data after 5D interpolation, continues reflections, higher frequency content, and
improved structure/stratigraphy events in the clastic (yellow square) and carbonate (blue ellipse).

Figure 7 - A comparison line between 2008 PSDM (a) versus after 2017 QPSDM (b). The new reprocessed
seismic shows more continuous reflection and improve resolution within clastic and internal
carbonate definition.

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