AmanSagar PSC

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Name : Aman Sagar

Roll No : BTECH/10506/18

Branch : Civil

Semester : 6

Subject : Prestressed concrete

Topic :
Pictures with classification of prestressing based on :
1. Based on shape of member prestressed
2. Based on amount of prestressing force
3. Based on direction of prestressing a member
Prestressed concrete
It is a concrete in which internal stresses of a suitable magnitude and
distribution are done so that the stresses resulting from external loads are
counteracted to a desired degree.

Prestressing of concrete can be classified in a number of ways.

Various types of classification are as follows :

Based on shape of member prestressed

Based on shape of member prestressed, there are two types;

1. Linear Prestressing: When the prestressed members are flat or straight

and it is in the direction of prestressing, then it is called linear
prestressing.For example, prestressing of beams, piles, poles and slabs.
The prestressing tendon may have a curved profile.

2. Circular Prestressing: When the prestressed members are curved and it

is in the direction of prestressing, it is called circular prestressing.
Circumferential prestressing of containers, silos, pipelines, and related
systems, for example.

Based on amount of prestressing force

Based on amount of prestressing force, there are three types;

1) Full Prestressing:
Full Prestressing occurs where the level of prestressing is such that no
tensile stress in the concrete is allowed under service loads. (Type 1, as
per IS:1343 - 1980).

2) Limited Prestressing:
Limited Prestressing is described as a degree of prestressing where the
tensile stress under service loads is less than the concrete cracking stress.
(Type 2).

3) Partial Prestressing:
Partial Prestressing occurs where the level of prestressing is such that the
crack width is below the permitted limit under tensile stresses caused by
service loads. (Type 3).
Based on direction of prestressing member

Based on direction of prestressing member, there are three types;

1) Uniaxial Prestressing: The prestressing tendons are parallel to one axis,

it is known as Uniaxial Prestressing. For example, longitudinal
prestressing of beams.

2) Biaxial Prestressing: The prestressing tendons are parallel to two axes, it

is known as Biaxial Prestressing.

3) Multiaxial Prestressing: The prestressing tendons are parallel to three

or more axes, it is known as Multiaxial Prestressing. For example,
prestressing of domes.
Dr. Moonis Khan (2015), Lecture 2. Design of Concrete Structures II

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