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MAY THE MEDIA BEHAVE Our media seems to have lost its sense of proportion altogether in devoting its

precious space to those who have been living in adultery and occasionally paying the price of their sins, either through taking their own lives or the lives of others solely because of their own misdemeanours. Ceaselessly covering minute-to-minute account of the events leading to the suicide of Viveka Babaji and similar others of her ilk is of no interest to any sensible person. It is highly uncalled-for and undeserving of the attention given by our print and electronic media, since such incidents only expose the immoral life styles of certain people who create a bad example for their youngsters. They are, in fact, those self-centered people who only solicit fun without any answerability, moral responsibility and mutual commitment. Their unconventional, derogatory and detestable behaviour should rather be condemned instead of being glorified Media does have a responsibility towards the society and should behave by understating such aberrations which vitiate the whole social atmosphere. Ironically such voluptuous people are rising to greater fame when dead. I sincerely wish to advise you that precious media space deserves better pursuits and such episodes should be viewed with scorn and better ignored than adored. July 2,2010 Ravi Dev Gupta B-5/108,Safdarjung Enclave New Delhi 110029.

COMMONWEALTH GAMES Who says that the games will be held in October ? Games are already being played with the common wealth- the common mans wealth or to say the wealth which is yours and mine. Since the wealth is common, the players of the game decided to share it generously with their friends and relatives. The Organizing committee headed by Shri Kalmadi is playing this dirty game since the time the country was coaxed into hosting the CWG now and olympics later. . Country had, however, enough time to gear itself for the proposed games with the requisite infrastructure like world-class stadiums and their surroundings in such a manner that the adhoc development could result into a permanent investment in Sports sector and our coming generations of sports-persons might enjoy them for decades for honing their skills for a promising performance in future national and international events. A real investment indeed. Unfortunately, Kalmadi & co has chosen to really do just the otherwise. In their order of priorieties, the sports and sports persons take the back seat and their first priority is cosmetics, aesthetics and hospitality. Blatant window-dressing is being done probably with a view to befool the foreign guests into believing that we have arrived and do not belong to the developing or third-world countries any longer. It is characteristic of a psychology that you dress and eat the best before your guest to befool him about your real status. A false vanity indeed. Coming to economics, this CWG is bound to be a historic event for our nation, in terms of the magnitude of corruption which has dwarfed the bofors and other similar scams in the past that rocked the country in their times. The outlay has reached hundred times more of the original budget. A real shame indeed. It has already started rocking the nation with scams after scams being unearthed and skeletons coming out of the cupboard. Fraud in hiring of taxis in London at baton-relay event & treadmills here had shocked the nation and as it was not enough, recent revelation of purchase of toilet paper rolls at Rs. 4000 each has left the nation guessing of the real magnitutde of corruption in several gigantic constructions and other cosmetic works. Rs.30 crores for flower pots and 80 crores for diamond-studded golden dumb bells have left everybody awestruck and dumb. Huge siphoning of the public money was infact meticulously planned and carried out is anybody guess. By deliberately delaying the major projects with a view to create emergency so that things could be hurriedly carried out in a war like manner, having scant regard for costs and the quality, Kalmadi & co has very successfully played their sinister game. Not only imperatives are being done, lot of repetitive and unnecessary works have been unduly created to multiply their

dividends. Pavements, drains, roads ,dividers & curbs, which were made within a year or so in the past have been ruthlessly demolished throughout the metropolis Whole of Delhi is completely besieged & hijacked by these cwg goons and the civic life is completely out of gear. Deadlines are continuously extended since the woes have been compounded by monsoon which is by all means expected. It is common knowledge that civil works cannot be carried in such irresponsible manner. They entail a reasonable period and strict quality control and giving the contractors weekly extensions with sword hanging over their heads is only an eye wash but also a big fraud being played with the nation. One rainpour exposed the whole fraud. Inaugurations with leaking roofs and cracking tiles serve no purpose except saving the faces of these rascals who may be desparate to come out of this mess. Whole nation is now destined to wait for various failures and calamities to visit in the future, god forbid, not during the games but certainly post the event. Several projects will have to be redone and colossal expenditure on repairs and maintenance would be required. With the star-players keeping off, sponsors withdrawing, guests with-holding their bookings & low turnout of buyers for tickets, a very dismal picture is presently being perceived. Country is faced with a dilemma and helplessness in the entire episode where not only the countrys resources have been so shamelessly squandered but also the national prestige is compromised in the eyes of the international community. Dirty linen is now being openly washed and Shri Kalmadi, the architect of this national shame, still has the audacity to say that he is completely innocent and even prepared to face the CBI enquiry. A few of his aides have been suspended and few more will also face the music. But the irony of our country is that here the heads never roll, what indeed rolls is the currency. In order to salvage this messy situation,the country now has to shell out more funds immediately to defend its sagging prestige and ironically our taxpayer is the most understanding creature, who has weathered typhoons in the past and can survive this holocaust too with utter patience and forget-and-forgive mindset. For financing this whole loot, Govt of NCR has already ensured to exploit every possible penny in the pockets of its people by inflating prices of all utilities and are still on the job to explore how more revenues could be extorted from its rich inhabitants as believed by the CM. Is it not phenomenal like robbing Peter to pay Harry ? A real picture of being hand-in-glove indeed. Finally I suggest that in place of lamenting, we must honour these bandits by awarding Platenum Medals for their records of excellence in high-jumps, longjumps, hurdles races,decathlon & shootings. A real pat at their bottoms indeed. Ravi Dev Gupta B-5/108,Safdarjung Enclave, ND

Air Mauritius, M-34, Connaught circus, New Delhi. Dear Sir, I had booked for myself and my wife for Mauritius SSR for going on 30.9.2010 & return on 6.10.2010 by flights nos. MK744 & MK745. My wife, Mrs. Prakash Gupta, developed fever on 28.9.2010 and subjected to various blood tests including Immunology-serology test, was diagnosed to be a suspected patient of Dengue, which was later confirmed by another test on 29.9.2010, report of which was received by us at 8 p.m. Most reluctantly, I had to decide to travel alone leaving her behind for recovery in the larger interest, because a dengue patient on board could be a health hazard for fellow travellers. I brought this fact to the notice of your personnel while boarding, who appreciated my helplessness and advised to contact the H.O. for any possible remedy after my return. I take this opportunity to kindly appreciate that this is a very special case,beyond anybodys control and that I deserve to be spared the agony of financial loss on this account. You are earnestly requested to kindly consider my case for refund of the air fare of my wifes ticket no. 239-2111517498, in view of the genuinity of the cause. I am submitting herewith the copies of the Air Ticket, Blood test reports and Doctors prescription in support of my claim for your kind perusal please. Sincerely yours. Ravi Dev Gupta B-5/108,Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi-110029 Encl: Ticket Blood test reports 2 nos. Doctors prescription.

WHY HINDUISM IS SCIENCE PROOF ? An article by Prof. Dipankar Gupta published in Times of India on above subject on November 8,2010, makes an interesting reading, since it hides more than what it reveals, for reasons better known to the author only. I tend to agree with him that Sanatan Vedic Hindu Dharma is certainly scienceproof and is never challenged by modern science simply because what is being currently discovered had already been mostly found by ancient sages and compiled in Vedas, a million years ago, and the modern findings generally corroborate the previous findings. Birth of universe, the space constellations, the basic five elements,, time journey through day & nights and similar physics & chemistry principles have been vividly described in Prithvi sukta of Atharvaveda & various other chapters of other Vedas. The art of predicting the times of Solar & Lunar eclipses,precisely accurate for thousand year ahead, had been mastered even at that time. A basic fact that the Sun is static and Earth revolves around it is mentioned in them, which took several years for the westerners to find and ultimately believe. Comparison of Hinduism which essentially emanates from Vedas, with Christianity which originated merely 2000 years ago is an inequation, mismatch and a futile exercise,, because all religions in the universe had originated in different parts of the world at different times in response to the social imperatives of their periods. All acclaim one god and preach for human values to attain salvation, of course, through differing paths, which make them different and warring at times by the extremists among them. Comparing infant religions with seasoned and age- old Human Code of Conduct which Vedas are, is not fair by any means and only smacks of hidden motives and bias alone, which can not be appreciated. Secularism has singularly been preached by Vedas, which talk of Vasudhev Kutumbakam & Ekam Satya Vipra bahudha vadanti and pray for the whole humanity as sarve bhawantu sukhineh irrespective of their caste, creed and colour. On the contrary, all the semetic religions stress for their faiths only and pray for their own fidels alone. They talk of fraternity at best for among their own believers of their respective faiths and some have transcended to call the nonbelievers as kafirs who are doomed to meet the kufr of the almighty somehow. Author has mentioned Swami Dayanand and Swami Vivekanand for their trifle roles in the Indian renaissance and has conveniently ignored the colossal impact these two luminaries alone had made in the whole world. While Swami Vivekanand made an indelible impression in the west, the works of Swami Dayanand had been lavishly praised by horde of western thinkers like C.F.Andrews, Roma Rola, Col. Alcot, Annie Beasant, Madam Blavtosky,, Ramsay Mcdonald, F.Lilington, H.W.Nawinson & numerous others. It is only unfortunate for him that he never got the opportunity to read any of Dayanands

works and its wide acknowledgement the world over. Maharishi Arvind in his Secrets of Vedas has showered praises for Swami Dayanand in unparalled terms for enlighting the ignorant and re-establishing the glory of Vedas through his clarion call. I would sincerely suggest Prof. Gupta to kindly go through his works and at least his famous book Satyartha Prakash only to know for himself how he highlighted & enumerated inconsistencies in all the contemporary faiths including hindus and refuted them with all his might without any bias, favour or fear, which ultimately costed him his life at the hands of his own hindus, who denied to be reformed.. Commenting on someone even before knowing about him is an intellectual impropriety and I wish readers choose to condone him for such act. Christianitys repeated brush with science is largely because of its certain unscientific faiths, which their saner people always preferred to correct in order to keep afloat vis a vis the findings of their own scientists. It is not creation but the correction for purely survival instinct. Anything comes to perfection only after several modifications which are found imperative and so is true with Christianity. Holding Hinduism as idol-centric is far from truth, because idolatory crept in hindus only after the advent of Jainism and Buddhism. Swami Dayanand embattled with this aberration with remarkable success, weaning away lakhs of hindus from it. But this uniformity does not bring them closer to Islam or Christianity, because Hinduism connotes several other faiths which make it a different path chosen for salvation. So-called secularists laughing at Hinduism are unpardonable because all the contemporary religions of the world imbibe various illogical, unscientific and baseless faiths and practices. Nobody in glass palace throws pebbles on others because there are stakes. Whosoever, choose to throw are, however, the ones who donot have any stake since they are faithless people, not tied with any religion. They are a laughing-stock themselves. Sanatan vedic dharma, which Hinduism is, truly, never runs foul or threatened by historians or social scientists, provided that they are not fake and honest in their approach and are able to test all the religions with the same rod without bias, favour or fear. Secularists have to correct their vision to be honest and justified. Ram lalla is a corporate entity (a western concept) and, ironically, is forced into litigation for fending his legitimate birth-place in a country which boasts of being inhabited by millions of devotees who consider him as their God. Whole world is surprised that a ruling diety is forced into submission to judiciary in his own land. Greater surprise is the shaken faith of our secularists in the judiciary now when the truth has started prevailing after a prolonged litigation. Those who were vowing by the judiciary till yesterday, have started crying foul and committing contempt of the same court. I congratulate the author for his best wishes that Ram lalla might win his case someday. -Ravi Dev Gupta, Vice President, Arya Samaj, Safdarjung Enclave,ND.

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