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Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY From conception to last journey, man lives in constant association with others of his species. He is, at birth, a biological entity, which is constantly moulded and shaped into a person with meanings, interests, attitudes by association with other individuals. The pattern of these associations are group patterns. Various groups in society furnish different aspects of man’s social nature. In short, man is born as a biological individual who acquires a social nature and becomes an individual, person or social being. Thus, Sociology studies man's Social relationship and his Social interaction in the company of other individuals in the society. The term, Sociology was coined by August Comte, a French Philosopher in 1837. The word Sociology is derived from Latin. word “Societus” meaning society and Greek work word “Logos” meaning the study of science. Thus Sociology means Science ‘of Society. Sociology essentially and fundamentally deals with the network of social relationships, we call Society. Sociology is one of the youngest of the Social Sciences disciplines. Sociology was earlier studied as a part of Philosophy. The development of sciefice during the last century is closely connected with its separation from Philosophy. Psychology got separated from mental philosophy while Sociology is separated from social philosophy. Sociology is recognized as the science of society. With the increase in the scientific knowledge during the early nineteenth century, there was a challenge to the religious faith of the people. Thus the social thinkers thought that development was scientific in nature. Plato and Aristotle, the Greek Philosophers were the first to work out a model of ideal society. Later on social thinkers started thinking about the emergence, growth and developments of the Society. Thus, they started concentrating on the scientific Scanned with CamScanner 2._ Sociology for Graduate Nurses sy of soley thats Sociology, Sociology, raduay on and evelopedinio separate social scancey: Teemty ona perinmions! 1. taxveber: "Socslogy is the seine which ates the interpretive understanding of social actonin order eek eee ‘ausalexlonation ofits course andres 2. Emile Durkheim: “Emile Durkheim was the fore runner of the dit towards empiricism in Sociology. According to himn “Socielegy ig science of collective representation” — 3. Maclver: “Sociology seeks to discover the principles of cohesion and of crder within an environment, ‘the moving equlibnum of changing structure and changing environment. the main ‘tends of the incessant change the forces which determine direction of anything, the harmonious and conflicts, the {adjustment and malagjustments within the structure as they {are revealed in the light of the human desires and thus the Practical application of means to ends in the creative actives ofsocial man.” 4, Macivorand Page: “Society Is a web or network of social relationship. Social relationship takes place when thereis social interaction.” 5. GrahamWhite: “Sociology as mutual reciprocal behaviour between two oF ‘more persons.” 6. W.FOgburn: "Sociology as abody oflearing about society." Te Mortis Ginsberg: “Sociology is the study of human interdction and inter- ‘lations thei conditions and consequences." Introduction to Secislony 3 8, Gilliqand Gitin: "Sociology inits broadest sense may be said tobe the st interaction arising from the association afiving beings = 9. FRGlddings: “Sociology 's an attempt to accolnt for the origin, growth, structure and actives of socity by the operation of physical {& physcalcauses working togetherinthe process of evolution =| 10. Moyer Weriborgand Oscar: ‘Sociology Is the study of basic structure of society and the factors thatplayapartweakeningor strengthening that structure A Sorokin: Pitrim A, Sorokin is one of the main profounder of systematic Sociology. In his book of “Contemporary Sociological “Theories” Sorokin observes, “Sociology is the study of the ‘general characteristics common to. all classes of social Phenomena, othe relationship between thesa classes and of Felationship between the social and non-sacial phenomena,” 12.Fairchild: In his dictionary of Sociology, “Sociology Is the study ofthe ‘lationships between man and his human environment 48. Kimball Young: “Sociology deals withthe behaviour of menin groups.” 14, Hobhouso: “Subject matter of Sociology Istheinteracton of human minds,” 15. 4W.Bennet: “Sociology is the science of the structure and functions of socalife.” MEANINGS: ‘According to above mentioned defnions, we can stato that the subject matter of Socoiogy Is social relaons, the various sexi processesandhenomenaresuling fomumaninteractons, Sociclogy is the science of society. It attempts to study the ay of. 1 Scanned with CamScanner Sociology tor Graduate Nurs social phenomena objectively using methods of science. Sociology isthe study of man’s behaviourin groups othe interaction among human beings, Socal interaction implies 0. continuous. ond reciprocal series of contacts belwean two or more poroons. Ac a fesuitof the interactions, tho Behaviour of those who ae involved re modified, Interactions gives rise to socal relaionships andthe procoes by whieh human group activity takes pace. Whatever meanings diferent definitions give because Sociologist ifr in thoir opinion about the subject matter of Sociology We ean sum up thelr opinion about the subject mattor of Sociology. We can sum Up theiropinions as follows: 1. Sociology is seionce of Society. 2 Sociology istho study of social ite 3, Sociology isthe study of social system. 4 Sociology is the study of social relationships. 5. Sociology isthe study of behaviour in groups Maciver has clearly given the definition “that whatever subject _ matter is soeial olationship. Man becomes a social animal only France caters into social relationship be It socal, economical ot oites Sownile studying Sociology, we study social relations eee amor other. n studying social relationships the sociologist siarepteto elzcover the evolulion of society, system and struct Se ieiclopment of institutions and their functions, custom vrles regulating cocial relationships, the groups and communi formed oy man broughout the history, the nature and independencs Grete groups lice caste system, economic, religious, police ‘groupe, fomiy ete, and phenomena of social hang Manielicked wit all ages ofhis developments, He inherit ort tis perents and pact what has already passed into the oblivion o bgonedaye, His Gissatsfactions vith he present makosto brood verbs fture tna should come upto his hopes. The radlons, (he astors and ine instutions come from past. Wan adopts them to fis presenti, Fallen doing eo inspires him to evolve new socio} ‘organisations, frstinideain and then brings them in roa Ife ‘The presentintorest us most because in it we live. Bu Ife of 2 ran extends beyond the boundaries on present and marge in the tnt tances of past future. The present of Cannot have an loolated existence. Hence t = Synthesis notof human groups, customs and ‘loo what they were, whatthey are and what) NATUREOF SOCIOLOGY: For explaining the nature of Sociology. tis necessary to know vinathor Socilogy_ Is a science or art. There are diferences of Dpinions whether Sociology Isa sclence andnotart. SOCIOLOGY CANNOT BE REGARDEDASASCIENCE: In Sociology experimentation and prediction is not possible because of human natures ays unpredictable, Sociology Is not ‘sconce, because ts subjoct nator, thats, human relations cannot be studied in laboratory as the clinical sciences are studied. ‘The second dificully in amploying the scientific method Is that ‘a peruon cannot maintain completa objectivity with the object of his e”periment as does a physicist. Man has his own prejudices and biases, Therefore, it Is rot possible for him to observe his ‘subject with cornplote detachment. ‘The thied difficulty to sociology being called a science is that the knowledge that generates isnotexact. SOCIOLOGY ISASCIENCE: Some sodologsts are of opinion that Socclogh isa science, In fact Sociology malas use of scientific methods in its study of catia problems. Sociology may not be able to experiment with ‘nn dict in laboratory butts gocial behaviour can be subjected ‘o scientific investigations as any other natural activity. Its able to conduct many uxperiment in certain areas namely Inthe field of industry. Sotiology makes use of scientific methods like ssosiometry,thsinterview method, observation method etc. Sociology i a science which gives generalization about the social behaviour of human beings. It alms at finding out certain ‘general laws of human interactions and associations and also the lawsof development society. Sociology occupies a very significant piace among the various social sciences. In order to understand the nature of Sociology, a Scanned with CamScanner $__Secioiogy for Graduate tu brie reference of ditorent co ferent views with regard sociology, may be rie. However thel-vows arenotidcaional 90” 4. Comte's Vie Sante war anny ht tsk gv hut teen tO, Sem tee cr Thc eh te er en ere cress nen eae According to Spencer, “Sociology can become ascience only when itis based on the law of evolution. He observed "There ‘can be no complete acceptance of Sociology as a science so ong as the beliefin a social order not confirming to natural, survives”. Therefore according to Spencer, we must learn by inspecting the relations of coexistence and sequences in ‘which social phenomena standto one another. 3. Emile Durkheim's Views on Sociology: ‘The credit for getting an independent states to Sociology by separating it from other sclences and giving It a scientific base goes to French Sociologist Emile Durkheim. According to him, Sociology isthe science of collective representation. By collective representation he means those collective symbols that are accepted by majority of the people. Since they are social facts as such they are instrumental in ‘controlling and guiding the individual behaviour, 4, Max Weber's Views on Sociology: Max Weber's contribution to give the Sociology a scientife base ie cocond ta none, According to him “Socialogy is the interpretive understanding of social actions,” letroduction to Socology 7 ‘5. Lester Ward's Views on Sociolo; ‘According to Ward, Sociology is the science of human ‘Achievement, It has a delimited feld of study as such’ he Claimed Sociology a true science, According to Ward social forece"is the main unitof analysis in Sociology 6. PitrimA, Sorokin: . Hes one of the eminent profounder of Systematic Sociology ‘According to him "Sociology is the generalizing theory of he ‘structure and dynamics of social systems, cultural systems ‘and personally” Sorokin has given equalimportance taal the interrelated aspects ofhuman society. Therefore, Socilogicel mathodology, advocatedby Sorckin isknownasintegral approach, 7. Bogardus Views on Sociology : Bogardus has made a very valuable contrbution to the evelopment of Sociology. According to him Sociology ‘the Study of social processes. Bogardus is of the opinion thal man has diferent needs. In order to full these needs, men have organised themselves into various groups. Through these {groups they come in contact with one another and as aresul ofthese contacts, diferentrelations are formed, CHARACTERISTICS OF SOCIOLOGY? We have already discussed the various views, which make the nature of Sociology quite clear. We have seen that Sociology is the study of society and social relations. itis science, because the methods and techniques used inits study are scientc. According toRobert Stead, “Sociology has the following characteristics that proveits scientificnature.” 41. Sociology is social science and notanormative science: Because Sociology studies man as a member of society. On thecther hand raul scencos sy tential perene thatare inanimate Therefore, Sociologyisasocial science. 2. Sociologyisapositivescienceandnotnormative science: ‘Sociology studies the social phenomena asitis.Itdoes not sugges! aboutthe normative forms ofthe things suchas what ought tobe. Scanned with CamScanner Sociology for Graduate Nurses 3. Sociology isa pure aswollasan Applied Science: Science on the basis of certain characteristics has been vided inlo wo categories namely pure and applied According to Marindalo and Monachesi the pure science ‘stucies the od principles, in the light of new problems. tis theoretical. On the other hand, an applied science Is more concemed wih practical application. But Sociology is concemed ‘with both the theoretical and practical aspects 4. Sociology is an abstract science and nota concrete one: Sociology isthe study of society in goneral. As the concept of society is abstract as such the science that analyses tis abstract concepts is also abstract It studies social phenomena ingeneral and does not bother about tha conerte pheromona, From this pointof view Sociology is anabstract science 5. Sociology isa science of Generalization: Sociology studies social phenomena in general, trom this point of view Sociology is itferent rom other social sciences, like economics, poliicaf science and history. 6. Sociology sa Rational Empirical Science: Sociology has developed its own methods and techniques of ‘study. Iteolects data and classifies them. Tres to study their cause and effects relationships and formulates general theories. Thus Sociology is logical and empirical science. 7. Sociology is General Science Sociology studies the social phenomena isin general manner. (Other social sciences study the society from a particular point of view. Therefore, Sociology is general science. SCOPE OF SOCIOLOGY: Sociology is growing science and itis not easy to delimit its scope in clear cut terms. The different views with regard to the scope of Sociology has been classified into the following schools. 4) Formal Schools and 2) Synthetic Schools, Formal School of Scciology: According to this school, “Sociology is a special science and Introduction to Soclolony : is schoo are cceuies a special place The cit founder ofthis schoo Ceeee nel Ben Wiese, Bea-Kandt ete According to ther, eet oy cties te frm of muman olan, doesnot ty ‘Botner facorsconecteguith he social phenomena, Forms of Social ccocding to George Simimel, human relations oF social relaignshavetwoaspects: 1) Form 2) Content. Sociology studs the form of social relationships. ial tho tacses cosdring fom of soil laonships are ncued in, Te stope shal be very wide. According to Kendt, “society has {orain eral vals because of which the members ofthe society Geteonnecio wh one enother Love respect ome, secriice and {osteo eam fame ore such mental rats thet rig the members ‘fn Sot ager" Bon Wiese catogrisod the socal relations ‘ntovanous pars under various groups The main object ofal these Sociologists to give aspeca place formal school ot Soclogy LIMITATION OF THE FORMAL SCHOOL OF SOCIOLOGY 4. Formal Schootot Sociology: Formal scal of Sociology an important method of study of scope at Sociology. In spite of fis acceptance it suffers certain weakness. i) Unpractical: Sociology may have special place as a sconce, but is not posible lo separate trom other social slences Ia this age of cozelaton it Is not possible fo study one sence completely separat om eather setonces |) Tho ‘concept of Form and Content. Unpractlcal Classification iis no possible to separate ether Socal relationship tom iscontens tations: Its wrong to assume that only Socology studs the socal relations. Other Social Sences also sty tho socal relationships. am Scanned with CamScanner 40 Sociology for Graduato Nurses, ‘Althose weakness show that itis not wise to determine the expect Soccogyonthebasisffermalschel Soiclogy is rota science without taking into account is co-elaton wwthothers. 2. Synthetic School of Sociology: According to this school, Sociology ts goneral science, wih stuces various events that fall within the Scope of study of ahrer sciences, Thus Sociology has more or loss general scope. tisbasedontwo principles - 1) Organfe Structure ofthe Soctoty : ‘According otis schoo! the structure of the society ike structure of human body. Various parts ofthe human body are Intrelated. Similary various organs ofthe society are aleo interrelated, Social relalonships consists of various factors thal determine the inter-relaionships of vafous groups i) Different social sciences study different aspects of thesociety: ‘The synthetic schools based onthe concept that diferent serial sconces stuy diferent aspects ofthe society. For example, economio study consists the economic aspects, atic sty consists the moral or ethical aspects etc, Sociology study consists various socalelaions CHARACTERISTICS OF SYNTHETIC SCHOOL OF sociology: _,2utbwim, Ginsberg, Hobhouse, Serokn, Giddings aro the in exponents of synthetic school of Sociology. According to snatitin, "Sociology is the science of collective representation Seclogy studes social problems romthis ange.” so Sn come outwith the views thatal he social slences ahah each her inone way orth cher. No social sciences abe carve outa spacial place os own. Accor © cig Shes in general various aspects of the soca ‘Sormruage 208 therefore eannot be eatted speciel Sen, HE “TU {0 xpress his point of view and Robert Introductionto Sociology 14 Biorstedi modified and presentedinthe folowing manner Economics, ,¢-f,9,h Political, b,c-i,k Religions a, b,c-lim,n Constitutional orlagala,b,¢~ Recreationa, b,c-r.5,t Pa This formula shows that phenomena which indicated by ab. is constant whether itis economical, potical or religious, Such phenomena are common to different aspects of out fe and ‘Sociology studies these general phenomena, Hence Socilogy's general science and nota special science, ‘SOCIOLOGY. A STUDY OF SOCIAL PHENOMENAIN GENERAL: This concept is quite valid, because social phenomena includes various aspects ofthe society and Sociology studies the social relationships and phenomena in general. Since society has various aspects, Séciology which studies the social phenomena in ‘general draws upon various social sciences. Sociology s the systematic study of social interaction. Social interaction implies a contnuous series of contact between two. more persons. Social interaction occurs at three lev 1) Individual 2) Group 3) Society At te individual level we find individuals who form the group and interact with each other are held together by interdependency. Groups can be organised or they can be temporary e.g. School is highly organised group following certain rules and regulations, whereas @ cricket team is highly unstable and it survives only on the interestof the members. At the society level we observe people dealing with whole communities. This relationship is characterized by permanent pattern of relationship e.g. family is @ social group In which the members fare dependent on each others, co-operate and secriice and finally satisfy all their needs, They also develop a sense of “oneness or belongingness.” Similarly, nrural society or an industrial society all the members worktogetherto achieve acommon goaland aims, Significance of the study of Sociology is of great importance Scanned with CamScanner inourtimes. I's importance can ba brifly stated as follows 4. Sociology gives us scientific knowledge of the structure of the society: Society andits characteristics are extremely important forthe formation of government conducting a business etc, Hence, Sociology which imparts us knowledge of social phenomena {3 ofpracticalimportance. 2. It gives us knowledge about the institutions and their impacton individual development: ‘Sociology studies the patterns of family, industry, educational insttuions, stato etc. taisostudieshow the incvidual personaly ig moulded according to nature of institutions and suggests, suitable remedies to strengthen them, 3. Sociology enables’ us to understand the society and to plan forits progress: Sociology studies scientifically the institutions, groups of ‘society and give us clue to further develop and make progress, 4, Sociology brings to light the dignity of man The study of Sociology gives us information as to how to move in our own society. 5. Sociology is an important educational tool: Knowledge of structures and functions of society: helps in ‘administration and management of work efficiently. 6. Sociology gives scientific knowledge of social problems: Sociologist as a research workers provides us information on malpractice, racial prejudices with reference to social structure ‘and function. 7. Sociology throws lightupon social problems: jves us the Social pathology a sub-branch of Sociology gi information on crimes, disorganisation of individual family and sociaty. Introduction to Soctology 13 8, Sociology is of use ina number of professions : In fact with development in Sociology as a separate academical fold has entered in every discipline in social aspects 9. in factories to eolve labour problems, in health, acceptablity of health care services as well as health behaviour practices: Social and behaviour as a causative factor of certain diseases Such as Cardio-Vescular diseases, Hypertension, Diabetes, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, including HIV-AIDS, Family Planing in relation to health and population growth ete. 9. Sociology has enriched Human Culture: Sociological knowledge helps to solve certain social problems: ‘such asinequalty, genderbias,racalorcasteciscrminations etc, ‘The scope of Sociology is very wide, since itis the study of human eociety. There are four characteristics of any society. They 1) Geographical Nations 2) Common habitg and customs 3) Maintenance of order and peace and 4) Sel- ferpetuation which the sociologist studies. So that he is able to understand man, his social relationships, his behaviour patterns, group interactions, social order and disorder, social structure and social systems. itis Useful in many ways, for example, in social pathology, the focus is on social problems ike prostitution, alcoholism, drug addiction, Juvenile delinquency, beggary and so on, When it studies settlement pattems, ities to find out way inwhieh technology and physical environment affect activiles and geographical Aisiribution of people. It also studies problems of industrial crganizations and its labour problems. The oriminologists takes the help of Sociology for understanding causes of crimes. Medical {and para-medical professions seek the help of Sociology to see the socal factors influencing or causing lness. Thus it helps us in gaining knowledge about ourselves and our society. DIVISIONS OF THE STUDY OF SOCIOLOGY: 4. Social Morphology: Includes the investigations of the quantity and quality of population and also study of social structure, of description ‘and classification ofthe principal types of social groups and Scanned with CamScanner 14 Sociology for Graduate Nurs institutions, 2. Social Contre! Includes the study of the laws, customs, moras, religions, conventions, fashions, folk-ways and other sustaining and Fegulating agencies of socity fo contol socal deviance, crimes, suicides etc. a 3. Modes of Social interactions: Includes the study of various modes of interactions between, individual and groups such as co-operation, competion, Confict, accommodation, assimilation, developmentand decay etc 4, Social Pathology: Includes the study of social maladjustment and disturbances. ‘SUBJECT MATTER OF SOCIOLOGY: A. Sociological Analysis: Human culture and society, sociological perspectives, scientiicresearch methods. B. Primary Units of Social institutions : Social acts and social relationships, individual personality ‘groups associations and organization populations and society. . Basie Social Institutions : “The family and kinship economic, political, legal, educational, fous, scientific, recreational, welfare, aesthetic, expressiveand soon. D. Fundamental Social Process : Differentiation, specification, co-operation, competition, confict, accommedation, assimilation, co-ordination, social ‘conflict including, revolution and war, communication, socialization, indoctrination et. Introductionto Sociology 15 FIELD OF SOCIOLOGY: Sociology's dvidesiteetudy int itferent elds 4. Historical Sociology: Under this we study the past social institutions, the exgin, functions and present situation 2, Sociology of community: itis the study of community. is aivdedinto: 41) Urban Sociology 2) Rural Sociolony. 3, Sociological Theories: Studies the sociological concepts, principles and generalizations. 4, Sociology of family : ‘Stuies the origin, growth functions, nature, kinds of family and ts problems ke -cvoree andimpacton continuation of generation, 5. Sociology, Ecology and Demography ‘Studies the influence of population and geographical factors on society, 6. Sociologist that specialized in ditferentaspects of society: Ithas been recently developed in respect to social behaviour and setup. They are: + Sociology of Education + Sociology of Economics + Sociology of Religion +SociologyofLaw + Sociology of Polis +SocialPsycholoay + Industrial Sociology + Miltary Sociology ++ Folk Sociology + Sociology ofReereation + Sociology of Sox + Sociologyin Medicine + Sociology oftiness. + Sociology ofA + Sociology ofBureaucracy + Medical Scioloay + Sociology of Social Statfcation Socal Pychiatry ill Scanned with CamScanner sociology for Graduate Nu 16_Socology for Graduate Nurpp + Criminology Cultural Sociology + Social Disorgnisation ‘BEHAVIOURALSCIENCES : ‘Behavioural Science Is the knowledge of human behaviour with an intedisipinary approach to understand the human needs, in the context of wider societal problems. In fact, behavioural science isa total system approach to understand human behaviour ‘whieh does nottake human beings insolation but views man as a product of socio-psychological and cultural factors, Behavioural ScienceAnalysis~ 1) Poychological framework 2) Interpersonal Orientation 3) Groupinfuence 4) Social and Culture Factors, Behavioural Science includes disciplines like Anthropology, Sociology and Psychology. Because each discipline stucies human Dehaviour in the society in ditferent aspects. Social Sciences includes disciplines like Economies, History, Politics, Anthropology, Sociology and Psychology. RELEVANCES OF BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCE IN HEALTH: With advancement and developments in Medical Sciences, ‘he recognition to seek the co-operation from other disciplines like Sociology. Anthropology, Psychology, Economics, Histony has been the trend of modem medical Sciences. The behavioural Sciences gives the clue and causes of spread of diseases, evelopments of certain illness etc. Therefore, study of Social along with other social sciences as been included in the curriculum of medical, nursing and other health sciences. ‘As member of the society, nurses has to discharge their social responsibilities, social obligations and social commitments ‘owards their fellow human beings. This makes it all necessery for ‘her to understand the social environment of man in relation to heath and cisease. Such an analysis would help her to identify some of the critical elements of the social and cultural environment in which man lives. Some of these are social values, culture belies, trations, social attitudes, social relationships, Social institutions cles stucture, social pressure and group dynamics. These concepts in Sociology are required for nurses and other health workers to have a perfect understanding of the societyin elation to both health and disease. ‘SOCIOLOGY AND RELATIONS WITH SOCIAL SCIENCES: Every science is a study of one aspect of reality. Allemerge ‘rom the common spring of man's etemal desire for knowledge, From this point of view, all sciences are related to each other. tis true that in each science a general class of object tend to receive ‘more attention than other classes of objects, butitis also true that different sciences may study the same objects but with different points of view. For example, consider man as an object of study. ‘The physician might be interested in the system of stresses in his skeleton; the chemistin the elements and compounds in his body, the anatomist inthe relationship of muscles, bones and organs, the psychologist in his reaction to stimull, the sociologist in his behaviourin elation to otherhuman beings. Social Sciences may be regarded as those branches of tudy which ook to man as essentially a social being. They may be Gefined 5 those mental or cultural science which deal with the activites of the individual as a member of a group. Their inter ‘relationships teko its start from this point. These science assume 2 status, Biclogy studies man as a single complex of mechanical contribution, yet wnen applied tothe healing art of man Itfunctions {on a definite social relationship between the diseased and the ealer, A siudy of the relationship between Sociology and other Sciences is important and useful in grasping the comprehensive. ature of Sociologyitse'f and alsoin the understanding ofthe multiple branches of human knowledge which come to contribute in the affairs of man as a social being. tis therefore, important to consider thathow sociology is related with other disciplines of sociale, In Sth Century, it was believed by German School of Philosophy that there are two kinds of sciences, namely, natural Sciences and social sciences. It was also believed that Natural Sciences explained the phenomena and Social Sciences had ‘advantage ofunderstanding the phenomena, Scanned with CamScanner 18._Soctology for Graduate Nur ‘Sociology as a basic social science and its relationship with socialsciences: According to some sociologists, sociology is related to psychology and anthropology. Some others argue thats closely ‘connected with History, Economics and Politics. Each social science studies a. specialized aspact of man's. behaviour ‘Therefore, all social sciences deal with man as asocialbeing. Sociology is the science of sacoty ast stuies altho social relationships in society. Those socal relaionships are of many kinds because man has many aspect of hs life as a social being. ‘Therefore, the study of one aspects affected ands affecting tho ‘other, Herice each of them sinerinked. tis not possible to study tne aspect of man as a social being. Sociology is dependent on bther Social Sconces ke Economies; Psychology: Anttvopoloay {end Poltical Scieneas, Al these subjects together are known a3 "Social Sclences"forthey study tho diferent aspects ofmanin the society. But subjects like: Sociology, Psychology anc ‘Anthropology study only the behaviour aspecs inthe society, {netefore thay are known as "Behavioral Sciences.” Economica studios the man’s wealth getting and wealth disbursing activites In the society. Ths helps sociology in knowing the class to which theindividual belongs, which affecsis behaviour Poittes and Sociology have many things in common. Both study goverment as an institution, but thelr view points are diferent, Poltics looks upon the government as a supreme egulating power of the community and as a source of iv” ‘ereas sociology views tas an mportantinsttution and poltical Behaviourofman. Psychology is the science of mental processes of man. “These mental processes are perception, cognition and leaming ‘The human minchas a capacty to receive sensation, to give them ‘nesting and respond to them. Istudies the inluencos of group of Mean ental development of indviduel mind or gfoup and thelr etorohipa, itl related to social relationship, whichis an aspect re eee Jocial Psychology isthe combination of sociology ‘ang payatolagy, Though Social psychology devotes its attention tohuman behaviour, itis more concemed wih individual behaviour Introdvtion to Secoeay 19 in context with social groups. ‘Anthropology studies man’s gromh fom the printve stage lstudies thee aspects of patifeofhuman being (1) Physical Antwopology (2): Culture Antoplogy and {@) SocialAnthropology. Sociology depends vary much upon social anthropoigy for it gives history of behaviour pattems ofhuman beingsinthe pst, ‘Shperngthe datain presentandpredietthe ture. SOCIOLOGY AND GEOGRAPHY: CGecgraphy plays an Important rele while studying human society, Geogrepny includes part of earth; cimale: natural Waourbes; mountain; surface: water, physical features that fois man's behaviour In accopting or changing taditonal tre, n other way when studying the community, Secoloay {kee at'tese and much more geographical factors to study Socalfactors. + SOCIOLOGY ANDETHICS: : Ethics isthe Science of morality. lis eoncemed wit the moral rightness and wrongness of human action. Therefore, Ethics plays fn [portant role n any fed f study and action planning programs {nd projects implementation, As a member of socal roup and fran being a social animal, he does naturally acquire right and ‘rong: pros and cons of ny action that takes place in Ns Surrounding. Therefore itis the individual and socety a5 an inter. Telatee and independent influencing each other's morality. £Y maintain the peace by practicing eth in every action. Sooo} Is concerned witn the study of Socal groups and diferent aspects ‘ofhuman life, The individual atthe same time mustbe in harmony ‘with the society. This brings Sociology and Ethics together Sociology studied men and society colecvely but Ethics etsies ‘men as individual eomponent, who practice Eies in Society. ‘SOCIOLOGY AND JURISPRUDENCE: Jurisprudence is the Science of Law. Jurisprudence an Sociology are intimately related. Sociology study ran fo he society while Law controls and regulates hurnan behaviour in he — ee Scanned with CamScanner 20_Seciology for Graduate Nurs Society, Sociologist study man in society, his way of obeying or disobeying law and rules of the society. Griminology’ nd Penoiogy are the branches dealing In Sociology of av, SOCIOLOGY AND BIOLOGY: Biology is the science of man's biological development including anatomy; sexual and his peculiarities. Sociology while studying man’s inter-relationship and interaction, he also studios his evolution in social “biology, which is also called Humen Ecology. The effect of environment on biological development of human growth. Sociology inspires biology to search for knowledge, for the betterment of Human Species selection of genes: population through birth control are few examples that Sociology and Biology together cary on SOCIOLOGY AND HISTORY: Sociology and History go hand in hand, History is record of past life of societies events; men; women; of the changes Societies have gone through and conditions that have heloed to rogress, develop; deter or change the society. Therefore Sociology has to depend fully on historical déte and informationin ‘order to study the human society its evolution, progress, ‘development and factors responsible for changes. History would

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