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The sources of power are establish the Interpersonal relationship between supervisors and
subordinates in the organization. Supervisors use the power in the positive or negative way. In 1959, one
of the most differential studies on power and there sources was conducted by social psychologists,
John French and Bertram Raven.

Let us discuss the importance of sources of power further:-

A.) Reward Power: Like Appraisal, promotions, bonus, etc. It is type of intangible way of behavior by
rewarding useful behaviors or rewarded to employees in the organization as per their performance by
monthly/Quarterly/Yearly and it motivate employees to continue the same quality of behavior as well as
other employees to work more qualitative to get that reward. Reward power outcome from an individual
work and ability to pay other individuals for keeping with a particular useful behavior.

B.)Coercive Power: It is a very effective behavior by punishing unaccepted or undesirable behaviors. For
example, supervisor observe subordinates with a particular behavior for fear of getting punished for not
cling to supervisory directives. Punishment may be given to subordinate in the form of reproach,
undesirable work assignments, strict work rules, pay-cuts, or suspension, not giving monthly bonus etc.

C.)Legitimate Power: It is control behavior owing to the individual formal position in the organization.
Individuals answer or respond to this control to acknowledge the supervisor legitimate right to commend to
certain behaviors. For example, in an organization, a manager is rights/Power or authority to take
decisions related to a specific area of responsibility, like production, quality control, marketing,
accounting, or customer service. The specific area of responsibility handle by a manager it defines
manager may exercise legitimate power to influence behavior. Sometimes, subordinates may also show
legitimate power. For example, a safety inspector in any organization have the power to stop the
production process in the situation of a safety violation, even if the plant manager not agree with violation.

D.) Expert Power: It is an individual’s ability to determine the behavior of other individuals owing to
his/her capability, talents, or specialization knowledge in particular field and skills. It show proficiency by
implementing, analyzing, evaluating, and controlling the tasks of employees and manager obtain expert
power. However, expert power may not be outstanding in the case of new employees and managers in the
organization. For example, in expectorate of own expert knowledge about accounting theory and
practices, a new manager has to present or demonstrate his/her expertise over the time to accepted in the
organization. Only after accepting by seniors, a new manager will be able to implement expert power.

E.) Referent Power: Referent power is generally connected with people own admirable personality,
characteristics, charisma, or reputation. Therefore, it is also linked with politicians, movie actor and
actresses, sports personalities, or other famous people. It is also a manager ability to attract the behavior of
other subordinate as a result of being respected, admired, or liked by subordinates. For example, a desire
and experienced employee copy an old, experienced or skilled manager may cause him/her to copy the same
managerial style. Senior manager have ability to influence the behavior of younger or new managers in an

As per me above 5 power is very necessary in every organization. But the source of power is in the hand of
manager. How he/she implement the power to the subordinate. In Reward Power very impactful decision. It
help to motivate the other employees to perform better as compare to rewarded subordinate. In Coercive
power help to improve the unethical work/behavior done by subordinate by the help of punishing him/her.
In Legitimate power manager should have certain level of power to take decision. In every situation
manager can’t depend of next level or top level management. In Expert power organization hire manager
who have expertise on that particular work. It will help to achieve the target or easily work done by the
manager with the help of his subordinates. In Referent Power help manager to attract there subordinate as a
result of being respected, admired, or liked by subordinates. It help manager to implement his idea or
strategy within subordinates. So, all this five power is create or build the good interpersonal relationship
between superiors/Managers and subordinates in an organization.

2. There are five-factor model of personality, it also referred to a Big Five Model, it supports that the five basic
dimensions trigger and the most of the researchers agree in this big five model. It also a most significant
variations of an individual’s personality. It focus on the dimensions and help to reshape the attitude and the
behavior of individuals in an organization.

A.) Openness: This dimension defines the individual’s range of interests and interest in Originality.
Extremely open personality are generally creative, curious, and artistic sensitive. On the other hand,
individuals who less or lack openness towards originality tend to be common and they find the
comfort in similar kind of work. Organizations focus on developing this personality trait because more
employee easily adapt changes in the organization. It is commonly observed in organizations that
.Organization introducing the changes in the way of a new product, strategy, policy, organizational
structure, etc. It also rise to workplace politics. Openness between employees may help in control worried
about the changes in the organization.

B.)Conscientiousness: This dimension defines the area of an individual’s dependability. A personality with
high conscientiousness is basically the responsible, organized, dependable, and persistent. On the other
hand, any personality who score low on conscientiousness he/she tend to get distracted easily, and he/she
usually unorganized and irresponsible. Organizations need to center point on developing of
conscientiousness to avoid any personality getting easily distracted by any things, which easily rise of
politics in the organization.

C.) Extroversion: This dimension defines an individual’s consolation level with social relationships.
Extroverts are tend to be self-confident, friendly and sociable. In other side introverts are tend to be shy,
reserved, and discreet. Organizations need to focus on this personality trait to minimize the effects of
extroverts and introverts personality are promote their aim relationships among all different kind of
personality. A better relationship between different personalities in the organization by reducing the
conflicts that rise or increase the workplace politics.

D.) Agreeableness: This dimension defines a particular personality propensity to defer with other
personality in the organization. Highly acceptable personality are basically very cooperative, warm, and
credulous. On the other hand, people who are less acceptable are stand with opposed to others and
offensive. Organizations need to be clear on developing this personality trait to reduce vagueness in the
opinions, thoughts, and attitudes towards other personality, objects, and events to reduce workplace politics.

E.) Neuroticism: It also referred to a emotional strength of an individual, this dimension defines an
personality who have ability to face stress or any situation. Personality having high emotional strength is
like calm, self-confident, and secure. On the other hand, personality having low emotional strength is like
nervous, anxious, depressed, and in-secure. Organizations must need to be focus on developing this
personality trait to minimize the building up of stress and worry among the employees, which may increase
the insecurity and subsequent work-place politics.

This Five factor model of personality traits majorly help the organization to improve the skills and mindset
of employees. Like Openness help to promote the new mindset employees. Those have original idea
organization support that personality. In Conscientiousness employees are responsible, organized help the
organization to establish proper structural work in the organization. The Extroversion personality benefit for
training purpose like they provide training to new employees there aim to promote the things what
organization want, the extrovert people are very self-confident, friendly and sociable. So, it is easy to train
others. The Agreeableness personality help organization to work on hard or difficult task. They agree on
every situation and they are very cooperative, warm, and credulous. In Neuroticism they have strong
emotion and they can face every stressful situation.

3. A There are major four organizational pitfall are:-

 Many times, leaders may not be understand the culture of the new organization Ms. Riya is joined with
focus of expand of the organization. But she was not able to understand organization current goals, aim and
objectives as well as current employees working style, attitude towards the work.
 The rules and regulation with principal implement in the organization should be well versed by a leader to
understand the result of not meet by them. Ms. Riya have a mindset to expand the organization. So, she
make that type of rules and regulation to meet her aim. She also put a clear picture of the current situation of
the organization.
 A leader who missed to involve in the cultural activity or clues may face block in leading the organization
towards a new direction. We can take an example of Ms. Riya she hired by organization that focusses on
particular things like previously Mr. Ranveer Goswami not focus on different employee engagement work
but organization hires a Ms. Riya who tends to ignore employee engagement work in her decisions. Such
type of manager may not be able to lead subordinates or employees for a long term run.
 Another most common organizational pitfall is changes in leadership. It is very challenging when an
organization’s change the leader. Employees in the organization are more committed to the previous leader
and may not follow the new leader. It is very difficult to build a trust by new leader. Like in Ms. Riya
replace the Mr. Ranveer Goswami. But she didn’t get that kind of support as Mr. Ranveer Goswami
received from same employees. Ms. Riya also faced a problem to implement her idea. What she think before
joining the same organization.

3. B Emotional intelligence is also known as Emotional Quotient (EQ). Emotions are well are well or organized
responses to an internal or external event, and the outcome may be positive or negative of that event.
Intelligence may be defined it is a ability of an person to act purposefully, think rationally, with effectively
changes the person in such a way that person behaves and interacts with other person. It

Let us discuss these aspects of emotional intelligence help new CEO get support from employees:-
1. Self-awareness: Ms. Riya need to accept employee’s emotions and the way employees affect with Ms. Riya
thoughts and behavior. By the help of Self-awareness Ms. Riya need to identify their strengths and weaknesses
and develop self-confidence of employees.
2. Self-management: Ms. Riya need to control emotional feelings and behaviors, take responsibility,
commitments toward work completion, and accept the changing situations. By the help of Self-management
Ms. Riya mange her work as well as she will support their employees.
3. Social awareness: Ms. Riya need to understand the emotional things, needs and apprehensions of other
employees. Ms. Riya need the ability of socially acceptable and allow the dynamics group or organization.
4. Relationship Management: Ms. Riya need to develop and maintain good relationships with employees and
to communicate share her thoughts and encourage or inspire the different teams to work in collaboration, and
avoid conflicts.

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