Task 1

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Task 1 Lesson 1

Locate Annex C in CMO 74 or 75 s. 2017. Review the Competencies and read the
corresponding Performance Indicators under each of the 7 Domains. With your group,
identify one Performance Indicator for each cluster that you consider as most
important and that you are excited to do. Identify also one Performance Indicator that
you consider least important and that you are not excited to do. Place your answer on
the matrix below:

ICT Domain Performance Indicator Most Performance Indicator Least

Important for Us to Do Important for Us to Do
Domain 1
Domain 2
Domain 3
Domain 4
Domain 5
Domain 6
Domain 7

Experience (Guided experiential learning by the Teacher)

Task 2 Lesson 1

1. Form a group of at most five members.

2. Use the survey instrument on the Use of ICT in the Classroom found below.

3. Ask permission from the school head or principal that you will conduct a survey

4. With your group, conduct a survey of at least 20 elementary teachers for those who
will teach from K to Grade 6 or 20 high school teachers for those who will be
teaching from Grades 7 to Grade 12.

The Survey on the Use of ICT in the Teaching and Learning for Teachers

Dear Teachers, please mark check (✓) your answer to the following Yes No
question found below.
1. Do you use technology in your teaching?
2. Are you aware of policies that guide you in the use of ICT?
3. Do you use non-digital learning resources in your teaching?
4. Do you develop digital resources for your learners?
5. Do you use technology tools for classroom activities?
6. Are you expert in the use of technology tools for teaching?
7. Do you have facilities to use the technology tools in your classes?
8. Are you aware of the ethical and legal responsibilities in the use of
ICT tools?
9. Are your students learning better with the use of technology tools?
10. Do you enjoy using ICT tools in your teaching?
5. Consolidate your data.

1. How many answered Yes or No for each item? What percent is Yes? No?

2. Which of the 10 item/s has more YES than NO answers? Rank the items
with more YES and rank the items with more NO.

3. What meaning can you derive from the results?


Bring to class and share your report for Task 1 and 2.


A. In this lesson,

1. I learned that... (Knowledge)

2. I felt that... (Value/Attitude)

3. I developed. (Skill)

B. Choose the best answer from the options given:

1. The ICT competency standards for teachers include all the following EXCEPT
one. Which one?

A. digital and non-digital technology

B. enhance financial literacy skills

C. ethical issues on the use of ICT

D. use of technology tools

2. All teachers in the 21" century should be .

A. digital citizens C. digital immigrant

B. digital natives D. digital police

3. The use of technology will enhance the 21" century skills along

I. development of tools

II. critical thinking and problem solving

III. designing learning environment and spaces

IV. all of the above

A. I only B. II only C. I, II, III D. IV only

4. A universal standard in the use of ICT in teaching and learning in the classroom
requires all teachers to EXCEPT one.

A. use gadgets when teaching

B. understand the issues and safety policies

C. utilize the tools available in the environment

D. buy an expensive computer

5. One of the constraints in the application of ICT for the enhancement standards
among teachers and students is .

A. training of technology teachers

B. connectivity of the school

C. availability of qualified teachers

D. lack of awareness about the use of technology


Task 1: Explore with a Partner

1. These are only few of the many terms found in our word cloud. With your partner,
explore in the web or reference book how other terms are defined and understood.
You can also go over the Module and discover that there are many terms that we have
not included in the list.

2. Make a glossary of terms of at least 20 ICT-related terms with each having a

conceptual or operational definition or description. Cite the source of your definition


Game Show: WORDLES

1. Each team shall develop a game-show using the words found in the wordle Create a
game for the whole class. The purpose is to become more familiar with the words and
to have a deeper understanding of them. Write the procedure and submit to your
faculty for review. Try the game out in your class when you are ready

Word Game Show Title:

1. Procedure:

II. No of Teams Playing:

III. Game Master:

IV. Scoring:

V. Prepared by:

14 Tegy for Teaching and Learning 1


With an ICT gadget, find a friend in the FB, Twitter or Instagram who is also a college
student. Preference should be given to a pre-service teacher from the Philippines or
abroad. Choose at least 3 important concepts that you can discuss with him/her
Record your thoughts in the discussion and also your friend's thoughts Are they
similar or different? If they differ, why?

Concepts Identified

My Thoughts about the Concept

My Friend's Thought about the Concept (Ask your friend to get an answer)

Example: Concept about

borderless classroom because of technology

Concept A

Concept B

Concepts C


1. How best did you learn about the different concepts in ICT?

A. By memorizing the definition verbatim from the definition. B. By understanding

first the meaning and memorizing C. By memorizing first, then understanding the

D. A and B

Module 1-Teaching and Leaming with Technology: An Introduction a Lesson 2-

Understanding the Basic Concepts in ICT

2. When did educational technology become part of teacher's conversation in learning
action cell (LAC) with their peers?

A. During the digital age with the use of computers B. After World War 2, when there
were many inventions

C. During the 21 Century when there was a digital superhighway D. During the time
instructional support materials were used

3. What is the fastest way to find the meaning of a word in the Webster?

A Ask a friend in the library. B. Text the teacher to ask.

C. Google the word in the internet.

D. Use another dictionary in the library.

4 Which of the following encompasses all these concepts?

A. Technology

B. Internet

5. What does digital literacy imply?

C. Computers D. Gadgets

A. I

I Financial and economic literacy


Media and digital literacy Basic literacy


All of the above


C. I and II

D. I, II, and III

Technology for Teaching and Leaming 1

On your own...

Task 1: Experience as a Learner

Write a paragraph about your personal experience on how technology has influenced
your life as a learner from elementary, high school and college.

How Technology Influenced My Life as a Learner

Task 2: Expectations as a Future Teacher

Write a paragraph on how you are going to use technology when you will

become a teacher?

How will I use Technology When I Become a Teacher

1. On the web

Look for articles in the world wide web that tells about the roles of technology in
teaching and learning.

KTd Exchange

Task 3: Make a group summary of Task 1 and Task 2

1. Form a group of 5 members.

2. Share what you have written in Task 1 and Task 2 3. Make a summary of all the
members' answers for Task 1 and Task 2.

4. Share the results to the whole class.

24 foring widg

A Reflect on the question: How does the role of technology change the teaching
learning environment? Reflect. B. The test items that follow will find out what you
have learned in Lesson 3.

Choose the correct answer from the options given.

1. Which statement about technology in teaching and learning is FALSE? A.

Technology has modernized teaching and learning

B. Use of technology promotes higher order thinking. C. Millennial teachers are not
ready to use of technology in teaching.

D. To teach in the 21" century, technology use is indispensable.

2. How did technology open new fields of educational research? 1. Enabled
researchers to process data faster and more accurate

II. Created research tools with rigor to collect data

III. Provided different ways of collecting information for evaluation

A. I only

C. III only

D. I, II and III

B. Il only

3. What value does the use of technology give teachers?

1. Provides support for teachers as facilitators of learning II. Transforms passive

classroom to interactive classrooms

III. Enhances learners' communication skills

A. I only

B. II only

C III only

D. I. II and III

4. How can learners benefit most in the use of technology?

1. Enhances global awareness and citizenship II. Enables the students to participate in
the on-line

III. Increases addiction in internet games

A. I only

B. II only

C. III only

D. I and III

5. In which area of learning has technology given the most influence?

A. Distance learning

B. Face-to-Face learning
C. On the job learning

D. Blended learning


Module 1-Teaching and Leaming with Technology An Introduction Lson 3-Roles of

Technology in Teaching and Leaming


Assume yourself as an investigator who would like to inform your learners and co-
teachers about the current issues on technology use.

With your groupmates, search the web and find out articles or cases about:

A. Freedom of Expression and Censorship.

B. Privacy and Security

C. Surveillance and Data Retention

D. c- pollutants from e-waste

Choose only one or two articles or cases that you will work on. Use the template
below to answer Submit you output to your teacher but be ready to share the same
with the whole class.
Title of the Issue: (Choose from A,B,C,D) Ex. Privacy and Security

Title of the Article:



Summary Narrative:

What lesson have you learned?

What suggestions can you offer?

Submitted by: Names and Section of the Students (Not to exceed 5 members)

Module 2 ICT Policies and issues implications to Teaching and Learning Lesson 1-
ICT Policies and Thee implications to Teaching and Leaming

kni Exchange
"What I know, you may not know. But what you know, I may not know either. So let
us share what we both know and experience"

Activity Panel Forum

Subject Matter Group's Outputs (Four Topics)

Panel Speakers: Four speakers (One speaker for each topic) A. Freedom of Expression
and Censorship

B. Privacy and Security

C. Surveillance and Data Retention

D. e-pollutants from e-waste

(If there are more than one group which chose to join the topic, these groups shall
choose one speaker to represent the topic. The rest shall be the crowd to participate in
the forum)


1. Each speaker after choosing a number, delivers a report on the topic chosen

for 5 to 8 minutes 2. After all the 4 speakers have spoken, moderator may ask each

common question which any one of the four speakers will start answering. 3. After
their speakers have answered, the audience on the floor can ask or

clarify their topics.

4. Forum may last for, 30 minutes.

5. When the Panel Forum is over, the teacher shall take over and summarize

the contents of the presentation.

6. As a take home activity, each student shall answer the following tasks.

Di Home Activity:


New Submit this accomplished task in an A4 Bond paper

Name Date
Year and Sec

Activity: Panel Discussion

Topics: Issues on ICT

A. Freedom of Expression and Censorship.

B. Privacy and Security

C. Surveillance and Data Retention

D. e-pollutants from e-waste


In the panel forum, I as a future teacher,

1. learned that

2. realized that

3. plan to


Let us answer the LET-like items.

Choose the letter of the options in each of the items.

1. What is the importance of an ICT Policy for teaching and learning? A. It provides a
road map in education where ICT is utilized.

B. It censors all the activities of schools so that it will be uniform in ICT


C. It is a requirement of the DICT in the Philippines.

D. It serves as a basis for closing internet cafes near the school.

2. Which of the following does NOT belong to the cluster of technologies?

A. Telecommunication technology

B. Information technology C. Networking technology

D. Industrial Technology
3. The DICT Policy statements include the creation of all the following



A. eQuality Program

C ICT Pedagogy

B. eskwela

D. iSchool WebBoard

4. Which of the following issues on ICT is directly linked to climate change?

A. Freedom of Expression

C. Surveilance

C. e-waste

D. Privacy

As a teacher, how will you appropriately use technology for teaching

5. and learning so that your learners will benefit most?

A. Assign them to search in the web all the topics you are teaching. B. Maximize the
use the technology tools as your support in teaching.

C. Ask each student to buy a gadget that they can use.

D. Make your lessons an open source all the time.


Task 1: Survey of the e-Safety Rules in Schools


1. Visit a school where they have e-Safety Rules Interview the following persons

1 ICT Manager I Student

1 Teacher

2. Ask the following questions for each: 2.1. Do you have an ICT facility in the
school? What compose this facility?
2.2. Who are allowed to use the facility? 23. What are policy, guidelines and rules in
the use of the facilty?

2.4. What are the e-safety rules that need to be followed by any user?

3. Record all the information. Separate the answers of the ICT Manager, Students and

4. What are common in their answers? are different? 5. Submit your report and share
with the class.

krd Exchange

Let us share our findings.

Activity 1. Sharing Through Power-Point Presentation Using a power point

presentation in not more than 10 slides, share the result of your survey to the whole


Task 1- Reflection

1. What have I learned?

2. What I want to know more? 3. What will I do with what I learned?

Task 2- Self Check

Choose the correct answer from the options given. 1. A friend would like to ask for
your email password, because your email

address was used for an urgent matter. As a rule in privacy, what action will you take?

1. Voluntarily give my password to my friend.

11. Deny the request of my friend even if it is urgent.

III. Open my email by myself and print the email that is addressed to my


A. I only

C. III only

D. 1, II and III

2. Which of these is a minor infraction in the use of digital facility?

B. II only

A. Unauthorized taking of pictures or images with mobile phone camera

B. Logging off when finished working

C. Making sure that lighting is adequate

D. Using anti-glare screen filters

3. Which is a risk in the use of ICT, thus a need to establish policies and rules. for e-

I Prolonged exposure to online technologies, particularly at an early age II

Cyberbullying in all forms

III Lifestyle websites like self-harms and suicide sites, and hate sites.

A. I only

C. Ill only

B. II only

D. I, II and III

4. Which is NOT TRUE about e-safety in the use of digital technology? A. Restricts
the use of digital technology B. Facilitates better understanding how to use online

C. Protects young learners and adults from the digital risks

D. Helps users to understand the new technology


When working inside a computer laboratory, all of the choices EXCEPT one, is
allowed. Which one is allowed? A. Foods and drinks should be handy on the
computer table

B. One external electrical outlet should have 5 computers connected

C. Fire extinguishers should be made available.

D. Computer desks should be near each other to allow sharing


M2 CTP and Learning



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