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Date March 01, 2022

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Why Did I Opt to Do the Right Thing?

Growing up in a rural area, I have witnessed how hard life really is. I was born into a family where

our primary source of livelihood is agriculture. Likewise, most people in my hometown are heavily

dependent on their crops to support their financial needs. This is where I appreciate agriculture

even more. At a younger age, I was already exposed to how the transactions between the farmers

and the rice dealers worked. Sometimes, when I have free time, I help them. My task is to list the

weight (in kilograms) of every cavan of rice and then add all of those together to get the total

kilograms of rice we are going to sell. After that, I will multiply the total kg by the price of palay per

kg to arrive at the total amount of money we will get from selling. The amount that I would get

should be the same as that of the rice dealer. However, there was one time when our totals did not

tally, and he got an amount higher than what I had computed. But I am certain that what I had

computed was correct. This means that if I agree to what he has said, I will receive more money

than what I should be paid off in selling the cavans of rice which is ethically wrong. However, at

that time, we needed money for my tuition fee. Hence, I was faced with an ethical dilemma of what

I ought to do. Either I will be selfish and get the excess money to pay for my tuition, or I will tell the

rice dealer the amount that I have computed so we can reconcile.

At that point in time, I knew to myself what I should do. Thus, I have told the rice dealer that what I

have computed is different from what he has and that we should reconcile to arrive at the correct

amount. Instead of being blinded by the money that I would get, I opted to do the right thing, and I

think that is the most fulfilling and satisfying thing I did at that time. Although life in the province is
very hard, my parents did not raise me to take advantage of other people. They always remind me

to be honest and fair to everyone. Imagine getting the money and not knowing that the rice dealer

needed it more than I do. I would really feel bad if that happened. As for the rice dealer, I know

how frustrating it is to come up short of money at the end of the day. He also has a family that is

waiting for him to come home to give them all their necessities. Furthermore, I cannot accept it if

the money I used to pay for my tuition comes from an illegal action I committed. There are still a

lot of ways I can earn money to pay for it. I am glad that I was able to experience this because I

have proven to myself that I can take actions without being selfish and that I am still considering

what others would feel. At the end of the day, it is still me who learns and grows from that


The most important thing I have learned from this experience is that doing the right thing will cost

me nothing. Perhaps, in the short run, doing the right thing may not appear to be the best

decision. But, in the long run, it will provide me with gratification and contentment, which is

something that money cannot provide. My parents told me that I should have integrity at all times.

I remember the quote by Zig Ziglar that says, "With integrity, you have nothing to fear, since you

have nothing to hide. With integrity, you will do the right thing, so you will have no guilt. True

enough, by having integrity and doing the right things, I can have a life that is worth living. In order

for me to live the right way, I have to start doing the right thing. Doing the right thing usually

entails making decisions that aren't driven by personal desires and don't enforce my own beliefs. It

entails acting in the best interests of the broader or general good. Although oftentimes, people

think that doing the right thing is hard because of some factors that are affecting us, it is not.

Nothing is hard if our intention is always pure.

Given all these learnings and experiences, I have told myself to become the person I want others

to become. Hence, I have promised to uphold honesty and integrity at all times and never take

advantage of other people. In all instances, I will choose to do the right thing, even if it means

letting go of the benefits I would get from doing the other way around. No matter how difficult life

becomes, I know that if I choose to do what God wants me to do, He will bless me more. When I

was young, I remembered how I used to go with my father whenever he went to the farm to work. I

saw how he really worked hard to provide for all of our needs and wants. He worked under the sun

even if sometimes there was no assurance that we would be able to harvest our crops. Yet, he

never thought of doing something wrong just to give us the life we wanted. He is the man I am

looking up to. That is why, since I was young, I have always chosen to become kind and righteous.

And from what I have learned from this experience, I will continue to be ethical in every decision I


Report Generated on March 01, 2022 by

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