Antioxidants and Inflammation

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Food selection based on total antioxidant capacity can modify

antioxidant intake, systemic inflammation, and liver function without

altering markers of oxidative stress1–3
Silvia Valtueña, Nicoletta Pellegrini, Laura Franzini, Marta A Bianchi, Diego Ardigò, Daniele Del Rio, PierMarco
Piatti, Francesca Scazzina, Ivana Zavaroni, and Furio Brighenti

ABSTRACT and coffee to a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes (6 – 8), which

Background: It is unknown whether diets with a high dietary total suggests a protective effect of dietary antioxidants (9).
antioxidant capacity (TAC) can modify oxidative stress, low-grade Indeed, public campaigns have been launched in several coun-
inflammation, or liver dysfunction, all of which are risk factors for tries to increase the amount of fruit and vegetables consumed by
type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. the general population (10 –12) as a tool for the primary preven-
Objective: We studied the effect of high- and low-TAC (HT and LT, tion of chronic disease, partly because of the contribution of fruit
respectively) diets on markers of antioxidant status, systemic in- and vegetables to overall antioxidant intake. Fruit and vegetables
flammation, and liver dysfunction. are the main dietary sources of ascorbic acid and carotenoids and
Design: In a crossover intervention, 33 healthy adults (19 men, 14 contain a large number of phenolic antioxidants (which are more
women) received the HT and LT diets for 2 wk each. Dietary habits ubiquitous in foods such as coffee, chocolate, tea, red wine,
were checked with a 3-d food record during both diet periods and the whole-grain cereals, pulses, and nuts) (13, 14). However, even if
washout period. antioxidant compounds, including the scarce bioavailable phe-
Results: Fruit and vegetable, macronutrient, dietary fiber, and al- nolics, are thought to play a role in disease prevention, the results
cohol intakes did not differ significantly between the 2 diets, whereas of intervention studies with single antioxidants administered as
dietary TAC, ␣-tocopherol, and ascorbic acid were significantly (P supplements have been poor so far (15, 16).
쏝 0.001) higher during the HT diet. Plasma ␣-tocopherol rose during Recently, the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of foods, which
the HT and decreased during the LT diet (P 쏝 0.02 for difference) describes the ability of food antioxidants to scavenge preformed
without changes in markers of oxidative stress except plasma mal- free radicals, has been suggested as a tool for investigating the
ondialdehyde, which decreased unexpectedly during the LT diet (P health effects of antioxidants present in mixed diets (17). We
쏝 0.05). Plasma high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, alanine amino- reported an inverse and independent cross-sectional relation be-
transferase, gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase, and alkaline phospha- tween dietary TAC and markers of systemic inflammation
tase concentrations decreased during the HT compared with the LT [C-reactive protein (CRP) and leukocytes], particularly in sub-
diet (mean 앐 SEM for pre-post changes: Ҁ0.72 앐 0.37 compared jects with hypertension (17). This suggests that dietary antioxi-
with 1.05 앐 0.60 mg/L, P 쏝 0.01; Ҁ1.73 앐 1.02 compared with 2.33 dants could protect against CVD by decreasing CRP concentra-
앐 2.58 U/L, P 쏝 0.01; Ҁ2.12 앐 1.45 compared with 5.15 앐 2.98 tions, primarily in subjects at risk. Because CRP is primarily
U/L, P 쏝 0.05; and 1.36 앐 1.34 compared with 5.06 앐 2.00 U/L, P synthesized in the liver, and increasingly so in subjects with intra-
쏝 0.01, respectively). hepatic fat accumulation, oxidative stress, and liver dysfunc-
Conclusion: Selecting foods according to their TAC markedly af- tion, we hypothesize that dietary antioxidants could modulate
fects antioxidant intake and modulates hepatic contribution to sys- low-grade systemic inflammation by counteracting hepatic
temic inflammation without affecting traditional markers of antiox- inflammation and liver dysfunction (18, 19). An additional
idant status. Am J Clin Nutr 2008;87:1290 –7. observation in the above-mentioned study was that almost
From the Department of Internal Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
(SV, LF, DA, and IZ) and the Department of Public Health (NP, MAB, DDR,
Systemic inflammation and oxidative stress appear to be in- FS, and FB), University of Parma, Parma, Italy, and the Medicine Division,
volved in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular Diabetology, Endocrinology and Metabolic Disease Unit, Scientific Institute
disease (CVD) in the context of the metabolic syndrome. On one San Raffaele, Milano, Italy (PP).
hand, obesity, hypertension, insulin resistance, and nonalcoholic Supported by the COFIN 2004 project from the Italian Ministry of Uni-
fatty liver disease are all conditions associated with higher levels versity and Research and by the EC project “PIPS—Personalised Informa-
tion Platform for Life & Health Services” (IST-2004-507019).
of inflammatory proteins, increased markers of oxidative stress, 3
Address reprint requests to F Brighenti, Human Nutrition Unit, Depart-
and lower plasma concentrations of antioxidants (1– 4). On the
ment of Public Health, University of Parma, Via Volturno 39, 43100 Parma,
other hand, prospective cohort studies have linked the consump- Italy. E-mail:
tion of fruit and vegetables to a decreased risk of cardiovascular Received May 23, 2007.
events (5) and the intake of green leafy or dark-yellow vegetables Accepted for publication December 20, 2007.

1290 Am J Clin Nutr 2008;87:1290 –7. Printed in USA. © 2008 American Society for Nutrition

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Dietary instructions for subjects during the high total antioxidant capacity (HT) and low total antioxidant capacity (LT) diets

HT instructions HT food list LT instructions LT food list

Five medium-sized Fruit: red berries, oranges, grapefruit, plums Five medium-sized Fruit: apple, pear, banana, grape (white), melon
portions a day (red), grapes (black), pineapple portions a day
Vegetable: spinach, beet, Swiss chard, Vegetable: aubergine, leek, potatoes,
pepper (red bell), Brussels sprouts, courgettes, French beans, carrots, celery,
broccoli, rocket, radicchio, olive (black), lettuce, cucumber, radish, beans
mushrooms, broad beans
At least 2 cups of Coffee (espresso, cappuccino, American No hot beverages —
hot beverages a coffee, barley coffee), tea (black and allowed
day green), hot chocolate
At least 200 mL of Fresh-squeezed orange juice, fresh- No restrictions of the Apple juice, cola,1 soda2
drink squeezed grapefruit juice, blueberry juice, following drinks
mixed juice (orange, carrot, and lemon),
orange juice
Fats allowed Extra-virgin olive oil Fats allowed Refined olive oil
Alcoholic beverages Red wine Alcoholic beverages White wine, beer
allowed (if used) allowed (if used)
Sweets allowed Black chocolate bars, red berries ice cream Sweets allowed White chocolate bars, vanilla ice cream
Other items allowed Walnuts, red vinegar Other items allowed Peanuts, white vinegar
Coca-cola; Coca-Cola HBC, Italy.
Sprite; Coca-Cola HBC.

one-half of the variability in habitual TAC intake was ex- study. In the last week of the HT, LT, and WO periods, the
plained by differences in antioxidant content among single subjects completed a 3-d food record to assess dietary habits and
food items within any given food group, leading to the hy- compliance. At the beginning and the end of each diet, a medical
pothesis that fruit, vegetables, grains, and drinks could have history to check health status and medication use, a brief physical
different effects on health depending on the antioxidant con- examination including anthropometric variables and blood pres-
tent of the single items actually consumed (17). sure, and a blood draw for biochemical analyses after the subjects
To test the above hypotheses, we conducted a crossover inter- had fasted overnight for 12 h were taken. Liver steatosis was
vention study to investigate the effects of a diet naturally rich in assessed by echography, but the subjects were not recruited on
antioxidants compared with a diet low in antioxidants, both con- the basis of that characteristic.
taining the same amount of fruit, vegetables, alcoholic bever-
ages, and fiber, on markers of antioxidant status, systemic in- Description of diets
flammation, and liver dysfunction. Secondary endpoints were Two dietary interventions (HT and LT) were designed to be
traditional risk factors for CVD (namely insulin resistance, blood comparable for energy, macronutrient, fiber, and alcohol intakes
pressure, and the lipid profile) and adipokines. but to differ substantially in TAC. To achieve this objective, the
subjects were asked to consume a minimum of 5 medium-sized
SUBJECTS AND METHODS portions of fruit and vegetables daily in both diets, but choices of
only high-TAC items were permitted during the HT diet and
Subjects choices of only low-TAC foods were allowed during the LT diet
Nineteen men and 15 postmenopausal women from a cohort of (21, 22). Similar changes were introduced regarding beverages,
apparently healthy workers and exworkers of a local food com- sweets, and dressings (Table 1). To control for dietary sources of
pany who were enrolled in a follow-up survey on diabetes and TAC and to enhance compliance, a wide choice of food items
CVD (20) volunteered to participate in the present intervention permitted during each dietary period was delivered biweekly to
study. Exclusion criteria were diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular the volunteers at home free of charge and in sufficient amounts
events, evidence of hepatitis B virus or hepatitis C virus infec- to cover the intended consumption of each volunteer and his or
tion, chronic liver diseases or nephropathies, cancer, organ fail- her household. Volunteers were also instructed to follow sug-
ure, smoking, last menses within the past 12 mo, taking gestions regarding the consumption of first courses, with partic-
cholesterol-lowering or anti-inflammatory medications, and ular attention to seasoning (ie, use of tomato sauce, olive oil,
having taken hormone replacement therapy for the past 12 mo. vinegar, and spices). Finally, the subjects were asked to consume
The protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee for Human their usual diet during the WO period and to maintain their usual
Research of the University of Parma. dietary habits relative to the consumption of meat, fish, milk and
dairy products, eggs, cereal products, sweets, cakes, and alcohol
Study design throughout the whole 6-wk study period.
Subjects consumed a diet with high TAC (HT) and a diet with
low TAC (LT) for 2 wk each, with a 2-wk washout (WO) period Data collection
in between. The order of diets was randomly assigned. The sub- Anthropometric variables (height, weight, and waist circumfer-
jects were also instructed to maintain their usual level of physical ence) were collected as previously described (17). Blood pressure
activity and to not consume supplements of any type during the was measured twice in a standard manner (17). Hypertension was

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defined as active treatment with blood pressure–lowering medica- Inc, Mountainside, NJ), with 2 monoclonal antibodies directed
tions or systolic blood pressure 욷140 mm Hg or diastolic blood against separate antigenic determinants on the oxidized apoli-
pressure 욷 90 mm Hg on at least 2 occasions out of the 4 d in which poprotein B molecule. Finally, protein carbonyls were quantified
blood pressure was measured. A liver ultrasonography was per- by the Protein Carbonyl Diagnostic kit (Biocell Corporation
formed to assess the degree of liver steatosis (0, absent; 1, mild; 2, Limited, Papatoetoe, Auckland, New Zealand).
moderate; 3, severe) as defined by Saverymuttu et al (23). All ul-
trasonographies were performed by the same operator, who was
Statistical analyses
blinded to dietary assignment and laboratory values, using a Hitachi
AU 600 echographer equipped with a convex 3.5 MHz transducer Statistical analyses were performed by using SPSS (version
(Hitachi Ltd, Tokyo, Japan). 14.0; SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL). Preliminary data (17) were used for
statistical power calculations (80% power and ␣ of 5%), showing
Dietary data that 24 subjects had to complete both dietary treatments to detect
a change of 2.5 mg/L in hs-CRP concentrations with an SD of 2.9
At baseline, the subjects completed a food-frequency question- mg/L. A total of 34 subjects were recruited to allow for dropouts
naire specially designed to retrieve information on usual antioxidant and for nonparametric statistical analysis (15% additional sub-
intake (24). In addition, a certified dietitian trained the subjects to fill jects required), because we anticipated that not all clinical and
in a 3-d weighed-food record that included all foods, beverages, and biochemical data would be normally distributed at all time
supplements consumed during 2 nonconsecutive working days plus points. This actually applied to certain variables (notably hs-
a weekend day the last week of the LT, HT, and WO periods. The CRP, tumor necrosis factor-␣, and liver enzymes), and given that
food record relative to the WO period was considered to be repre- not all of them could be normalized, we preferred the more
sentative of the subject’s usual diet. The record was checked for conservative approach of using nonparametric tests in all occa-
completeness and portion sizes within 48 h of compilation by using sions. Clinical and biochemical variables at any given time point
a book of photographs and standard household measures. Nutrient (pre- and postdietary variables) were expressed as means 앐 SDs
intakes and TAC were calculated by using an in-house Microsoft when the data were normally distributed and as medians (inter-
ACCESS application (Microsoft Corp, Redmond, WA) linked to
quartile range) when the data did not follow a normal distribu-
the food database of the European Institute of Oncology, which
tion. Differences in clinical and biochemical variables between
covered 쏜700 Italian foods (25) integrated with the TAC values of
pre- and postintervention periods, being normally distributed,
쏜150 raw foods, measured as ferric-reducing antioxidant power
were all expressed as means 앐 SEMs. The homeostasis model
(26). Moreover, compliance during the HT and LT periods was
assessment was used as surrogate of insulin resistance (29). For
assessed by means of a food chart specifically designed to track the
comparisons between sexes, the Mann-Whitney U test or chi-
number of portions consumed daily of each food item permitted.
square statistics were used as appropriate. Comparisons between
pre- and postdiet values and between the LT and HT periods were
Biochemical analyses performed by using Wilcoxon’s test for paired samples. All di-
High-sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP) was measured by using an etary variables were normally distributed. Comparisons among
ELISA kit (ICN Pharmaceuticals, New York, NY) with a mini- the HT, LT, and WO diets were performed by repeated-measures
mum detectable concentration of 0.004 mg/L. Intra- and inter- general linear models and Bonferroni post-hoc tests, with diet as
assay CVs were 2.3% and 2.5%, respectively. Serum insulin a within-subject factor and the order of intervention as a between-
concentrations were measured by microparticle enzyme immu- subject factor.
noassay (IMX; Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL), with Repeated-measures general linear models were also applied to
intra- and interassay CVs of 3.0% and 5.3%, respectively. For investigate the interaction between treatment and presence of
human leptin, adiponectin, and tumor necrosis factor-␣, see the liver steatosis, after data transformation into rank proportion
supplemental online material. Fasting plasma glucose, total cho- estimates according to Tukey’s formula. All tests were two-
lesterol, HDL cholesterol, triacylglycerols, uric acid, aspartate sided, and significance was set at P 쏝 0.05.
aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), gamma-
glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT), and alkaline phosphatase were
assessed by a central laboratory using standard methods. LDL
cholesterol was calculated by using the Friedewald formula. A RESULTS
complete blood cell count was performed at the Laboratory of Immediately after the first visit, a woman randomly assigned
Hematology by using a Beckman-Coulter Hmx analyzer to receive the HT diet as the first intervention dropped out for
(Beckman-Coulter, Miami, FL). personal reasons. The characteristics at admission of the 33 sub-
The TAC of plasma was estimated from its ability to reduce a jects who completed the protocol are shown in Table 2. Five (4
Fe(III)-2,4,6-tri(2-pyridyl)-s-triazine complex to Fe(II)-2,4,6- male and 1 female) volunteers were taking antihypertensive
tri(2-pyridyl)-s-triazine (26) by using a multiplate reader (Tecan, medications, and 11 (9 male and 2 female) subjects fulfilled the
Maennedorf, Switzerland). Each determination was performed in criteria for having hypertension during the study. The prevalence
triplicate on plasma obtained from EDTA-collected blood and was of hypertension and plasma TAC were significantly higher, and
analyzed within 4 h of collection. Plasma ␣-tocopherol was quan- plasma concentrations of HDL cholesterol, leptin, and adiponec-
tified by reversed-phase HPLC with diode array detection according tin were significantly lower, in men than in women. No other
to the method of Gimeno et al (27), with slight modifications. significant difference between the sexes was observed at baseline
Plasma malondialdehyde was detected by the method of Del for the variables studied. Liver steatosis was absent in 14 subjects
Rio et al (28). Oxidized LDLs were detected in plasma by a (8 female), mild in 13 (1 female), moderate in 5 (3 female), and
solid-phase two-site enzyme immunoassay (DRG International severe in 1 (female).

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Demographic, clinical, and dietary characteristics of the volunteers at admission1

All Men Women

Variables (n ҃ 33) (n ҃ 19) (n ҃ 14)

Age (y) 61.1 앐 3.72 62.1 앐 3.6 59.8 앐 3.6

BMI (kg/m2) 27.3 앐 2.7 27.2 앐 1.6 27.4 앐 3.9
Waist girth (cm) 96.4 앐 7.7 96.2 앐 5.3 96.7 앐 10.3
Hypertension [n (%)] 16 (48) 13 (68) 3 (21)3
Liver steatosis [n (%)] 20 (61) 14 (74) 6 (43)
Fasting glucose (mg/dL) 95.1 앐 9.5 96.8 앐 8.0 92.8 앐 11.1
Fasting insulin (pmol/L) 60.0 앐 27.0 62.4 앐 28.2 56.9 앐 26.0
HOMA-IR 2.22 앐 1.11 2.47 앐 1.24 1.87 앐 0.82
Total cholesterol (mmol/L) 5.82 앐 0.94 5.71 앐 1.00 5.96 앐 0.88
HDL cholesterol (mmol/L) 1.47 앐 0.39 1.30 앐 0.33 1.70 앐 0.353
LDL cholesterol (mmol/L) 3.82 앐 0.74 3.85 앐 0.74 3.78 앐 0.76
Triacylglycerols (mmol/L) 1.15 앐 0.50 1.23 앐 0.55 1.06 앐 0.42
Uric acid (mg/dL) 4.87 앐 1.24 5.32 앐 1.40 4.26 앐 0.60
AST (U/L) 21.4 앐 5.8 22.3 앐 7.2 20.3 앐 2.7
ALT (U/L) 23.3 앐 8.0 24.9 앐 8.7 21.1 앐 6.7
GGT (U/L) 25.6 앐 17.1 28.8 앐 18.0 21.1 앐 15.4
Alk-P (U/L) 58.4 앐 14.6 55.1 앐 11.6 62.9 앐 17.3
hs-CRP (mg/L) 2.48 앐 2.06 2.09 앐 1.82 3.00 앐 2.31
Leucocytes (҂109/L) 5.5 앐 1.4 5.8 앐 1.6 5.1 앐 1.0
Leptin (ng/mL) 14.13 앐 12.16 7.03 앐 3.74 23.76 앐 13.074
Adiponectin (␮g/mL) 15.13 앐 7.23 11.48 앐 4.53 20.09 앐 7.383
TNF-␣ (pg/mL) 4.27 앐 4.93 4.10 앐 4.69 4.49 앐 5.42
␣-Tocopherol (␮mol/L) 34.77 앐 6.84 33.69 앐 6.63 36.25 앐 7.08
Plasma TAC [␮mol Fe(II)/L] 1019 앐 189 1096 앐 196 914 앐 1183
MDA (␮mol/L) 0.11 앐 0.03 0.12 앐 0.04 0.10 앐 0.03
Carbonyls (ng/mg protein) 0.13 앐 0.14 0.14 앐 0.17 0.11 앐 0.07
oxLDL (␮mol/L) 81.30 앐 34.44 82.15 앐 29.13 80.20 앐 41.42
Dietary TAC [mmol Fe(II)/d] 22.00 앐 5.91 23.01 앐 6.76 20.62 앐 4.39
HOMA-IR, homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; GGT, ␥-glutamyl-
transpeptidase; Alk-P, alkaline phosphatase; hs-CRP, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein; TNF-␣, tumor necrosis factor-␣; TAC, total antioxidant capacity;
MDA, malondialdehyde; oxLDL, oxidized LDL. The Mann-Whitney U test or chi-square statistics were used for comparisons between men and women as
x៮ 앐 SD (all such values).
Significantly different from men: 3 P 쏝 0.010, 4 P 쏝 0.001.

Dietary variables fiber was not significantly different between the LT and HT
Dietary data, as determined by the 3-d weighed-food record, periods but was significantly lower during the WO period than
are reported in Table 3. Dietary intakes of energy, macronutri- during the LT and HT periods (P 쏝 0.01).
ents, and alcohol during the LT, HT, and WO periods were not As expected, intakes of single antioxidants and dietary TAC
significantly different. As aimed for in the study design, dietary was significantly higher during the HT than during the LT period

Average daily dietary intake and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) during the high-TAC diet (HT), the low-TAC diet (LT), and the washout period (WO)1


TAC [mmol Fe(II)/d] 28.71 앐 8.05 a

5.62 앐 1.55b
19.09 앐 5.89c
Energy (kcal/d) 2491 앐 429 2443 앐 447 2482 앐 453 0.624
Protein (g/d) 89.7 앐 23.2 86.0 앐 17.1 85.0 앐 17.4 0.494
Total fat (g/d) 87.8 앐 21.3 91.5 앐 18.1 92.7 앐 18.7 0.474
Saturated fat (g/d) 32.0 앐 4.4 34.7 앐 5.7 33.2 앐 4.9 0.095
Monounsaturated fat (g/d) 55.6 앐 5.0 53.5 앐 5.4 54.0 앐 4.3 0.130
Polyunsaturated fat (g/d) 12.4 앐 2.6 11.8 앐 2.0 12.9 앐 2.4 0.194
Total carbohydrate (g/d) 314.2 앐 65.6 295.7 앐 67.4 294.6 앐 72.4 0.255
Dietary fiber (g/d) 25.1 앐 6.3a 25.2 앐 5.9a 22.0 앐 5.5b 0.010
Alcohol (g/d) 22.7 앐 14.9 22.2 앐 13.6 27.8 앐 19.0 0.097
Vitamin C (mg/d) 423.0 앐 197.9a 91.7 앐 72.1b 168.0 앐 128.5c 쏝0.001
Vitamin E (mg/d) 16.2 앐 4.7a 7.5 앐 1.6b 14.5 앐 4.3a 쏝0.001
All values are x៮ 앐 SD. Comparisons were performed by repeated-measures GLM and Bonferroni post-hoc tests. Different letters correspond to
significantly different values.

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30 The contribution of the antioxidant capacity of specific food
categories to daily TAC in the LT, HT, and WO periods is
25 reported in Figure 1. The major contributors to TAC during the
WO period were alcoholic beverages (28.1%, red wine being the
FRAP [mmol Fe(II)/d]

major contributor) and coffee and tea (34.2%, coffee being con-
sumed overwhelmingly more than tea). During the LT diet, the
15 +21% reduction of daily TAC with respect to the WO period was mainly
Coffee & Tea
due to a reduced TAC intake from such beverages. Conversely,
-98% +123% the increase in daily TAC during the HT period was primarily due
5 -29%
Fruits & juices
to the highest TAC of fruit and vegetables, because the TAC from
-64% Vegetables alcoholic beverages, tea, and coffee remained almost unchanged
-26% Others
0 compared with the WO period. The number of actual portions of
LT WO HT fruit and vegetable consumed, as calculated by the compliance
FIGURE 1. Contribution of food categories to daily dietary total antiox- charts, was 5.3 앐 0.6 and 5.0 앐 1.4 for the LT and HT periods,
idant capacity (TAC) in the high-TAC (HT), low-TAC (LT), and washout respectively (P ҃ 0.604).
(WO) periods. Vegetables represents the sum of vegetables, legumes, and
spices; others includes the contribution of chocolate, cereals and cereal-
derived products, nuts, sweets, soft drinks, and oils and dressings. FRAP, Biochemical variables
ferric reducing antioxidant power.
The study variables at the beginning and end of each dietary
intervention, as well as the changes observed during each dietary
(P 쏝 0.001). The intake of some antioxidants and TAC were also period, are shown in Table 4. Pre-post changes in concentrations
higher during the WO period than during the LT period (P 쏝 of hs-CRP, ALT, GGT, and alkaline phosphatase were signifi-
0.001 for vitamin E; P 쏝 0.001 for vitamin C; P 쏝 0.001 for cantly different between the HT period and the LT period. Be-
TAC) but were lower than during the HT period (P 쏝 0.001 for cause pre-LT and pre-HT values for hs-CRP differed (P 쏝 0.05),
vitamin C; P 쏝 0.001 for TAC). we recalculated the changes in hs-CRP as a percentage of initial

Values for the study variables before and after the low and the high total antioxidant capacity (TAC) diets (LT and HT, respectively) and changes (⌬)
observed during each dietary period1

Pre-LT Post-LT ⌬LT2 Pre-HT Post-HT ⌬HT2 P3

Weight (kg) 73.6 앐 10.2 73.7 앐 10.3 0.07 앐 0.16 73.6 앐 10.2 73.9 앐 10.0 0.28 앐 0.18 0.308
SBP (mm Hg) 129.7 앐 14.4 126.2 앐 13.24 Ҁ3.58 앐 1.34 127.4 앐 14.0 126.7 앐 11.1 Ҁ0.76 앐 1.72 0.213
DBP (mm Hg) 84.2 앐 8.9 81.1 앐 7.85 Ҁ3.06 앐 0.99 84.1 앐 7.1 82.6 앐 7.8 Ҁ1.58 앐 0.86 0.307
Fasting glucose (mg/dL) 95.5 앐 9.3 95.4 앐 10.2 Ҁ0.15 앐 1.24 96.3 앐 8.3 95.6 앐 10.0 Ҁ0.70 앐 1.00 0.660
Fasting insulin (pmol/L) 58.7 앐 30.8 59.0 앐 33.2 0.29 앐 4.85 57.4 앐 30.7 57.9 앐 29.1 0.51 앐 5.09 0.775
HOMA-IR 2.24 앐 1.19 2.12 앐 1.19 Ҁ0.11 앐 0.17 2.08 앐 1.13 2.13 앐 1.23 Ҁ0.04 앐 0.23 0.561
Total cholesterol (mmol/L) 5.80 앐 0.90 5.67 앐 0.91 Ҁ0.12 앐 0.11 5.93 앐 0.88 5.73 앐 0.894 Ҁ0.21 앐 0.09 0.592
HDL cholesterol (mmol/L) 1.43 앐 0.34 1.40 앐 0.33 Ҁ0.02 앐 0.02 1.46 앐 0.37 1.39 앐 0.364 Ҁ0.07 앐 0.03 0.161
LDL cholesterol (mmol/L) 3.85 앐 0.10 3.75 앐 0.14 Ҁ0.10 앐 0.11 3.95 앐 0.13 3.79 앐 0.10 Ҁ0.16 앐 0.08 0.629
Triacylglycerols (mmol/L) 1.12 앐 0.47 1.11 앐 0.45 Ҁ0.01 앐 0.06 1.14 앐 0.35 1.19 앐 0.56 0.05 앐 0.06 0.308
Uric acid (mg/dL) 4.8 앐 1.2 4.8 앐 1.2 Ҁ0.01 앐 0.08 5.0 앐 1.3 4.9 앐 1.2 Ҁ0.05 앐 0.08 0.851
AST (U/L) 22 (5)6 23 앐 4 0.33 앐 1.38 23 앐 5 24 앐 9 0.06 앐 0.53 0.303
ALT (U/L) 24 앐 9 22 (11)6 2.33 앐 2.58 24 앐 8 22 앐 74 Ҁ1.73 앐 1.02 0.008
GGT (U/L) 27 앐 17 21 (21)5,6 5.15 앐 2.98 27 앐 17 25 앐 13 Ҁ2.12 앐 1.45 0.048
Alk-P (U/L) 56 앐 16 61 앐 185 5.06 앐 2.00 58 앐 14 57 앐 13 Ҁ1.36 앐 1.34 0.009
hs-CRP (mg/L) 2.4 앐 2.23 1.5 (3.0)6 1.05 앐 0.60 3.0 앐 2.47 2.5 앐 2.1 Ҁ0.72 앐 0.37 0.007
Leucocytes (҂109/L) 5.3 앐 1.3 5.4 앐 1.2 0.08 앐 0.11 5.4 앐 1.5 5.2 앐 1.1 Ҁ0.17 앐 0.15 0.127
␣-Tocopherol (␮mol/L) 35.31 앐 7.18 33.40 앐 6.45 Ҁ1.91 앐 4.85 35.12 앐 6.66 36.12 앐 7.21 0.99 앐 4.86 0.013
TAC [␮mol Fe(II)/L] 1005.8 앐 206.7 1013.6 앐 194.8 7.8 앐 111.5 993.5 앐 163.8 970.4 앐 182.9 Ҁ23.1 앐 133.9 0.070
MDA (␮mol/L) 0.11 앐 0.04 0.10 앐 0.02 Ҁ0.01 앐 0.03 0.10 앐 0.02 0.10 앐 0.02 0.00 앐 0.01 0.038
Carbonyls (ng/mg protein) 0.12 앐 0.06 0.11 앐 0.05 Ҁ0.01 앐 0.06 0.12 앐 0.13 0.11 앐 0.05 Ҁ0.01 앐 0.13 0.623
oxLDL (␮mol/L) 79.0 앐 31.9 75.6 앐 26.3 Ҁ3.4 앐 12.5 81.3 앐 33.7 77.6 앐 28.9 Ҁ4.1 앐 23.5 0.999
All values are x៮ 앐 SD unless otherwise noted. SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; HOMA-IR, homeostasis model assessment

of insulin resistance; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; GGT, ␥-glutamyltranspeptidase; Alk-P, alkaline phosphatase; hs-CRP,
high-sensitivity C-reactive protein; MDA, malondialdehyde; oxLDL, oxidized LDL. Comparisons were performed by using the Wilcoxon test for paired
x៮ 앐 SEM.
P values refer to comparisons between ⌬LT and ⌬HT.
Significantly different from prediet values: 4 P 쏝 0.05, 5 P 쏝 0.01.
Data were not normally distributed and are expressed as medians (interquartile range).
Significantly different from pre-LT, P 쏝 0.05.

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values and obtained similar results (data not shown). No signif- phosphatase, and GGT activities as well as in plasma concentra-
icant differences between dietary treatments were observed for tions of hs-CRP with a diet naturally rich in antioxidants com-
changes in body weight, plasma glucose, insulin, homeostasis pared with a diet low in antioxidants. The biological plausibility
model assessment of insulin resistance index, lipid profile, uric of these results is sustained by previous evidence in different
acid, aspartate aminotransferase, adipokines (leptin, adiponec- ways.
tin, tumor necrosis factor-␣; see supplemental online material), First, large cross-sectional studies have shown that ALT and
or leukocytes. GGT activities are inversely related to plasma antioxidants, and
Plasma ␣-tocopherol rose after the HT diet and decreased after ALT and GGT have therefore been proposed as markers of ox-
the LT diet, and the changes from before to after were signifi- idative stress (34 –36). Actually, reactive oxygen species are
cantly different between treatments. Unexpectedly, plasma mal- increasingly produced in the liver after fat accumulation and are
ondialdehyde decreased during the LT period and the changes known to impair mitochondrial oxidation and function (19). Be-
from before to after were significantly different between treat- cause antioxidant compounds can neutralize reactive oxygen
ments. Other markers of antioxidant status (TAC, antibodies species, an increased influx of antioxidants to the liver could be
against ox-LDL, and protein carbonyls) remained unaffected. likely to induce a decrease in markers of liver damage, as in our
To explore whether the presence of liver steatosis played a role study (37).
in the differential effect that both diets had on plasma concen- Second, ALT, GGT, and alkaline phosphatase have shown a
trations of hs-CRP and liver enzymes, we performed a general strong and direct relation with hs-CRP in population studies (18,
linear models analysis considering liver steatosis as a between- 38), which in turn appears to be inversely related to dietary TAC
subject factor. Neither the sex distribution nor plasma concen- independently of other factors known to decrease hs-CRP, in-
trations of hs-CRP or liver enzymes were significantly different cluding single antioxidant vitamins and carotenoids (17). Thus,
between the groups with or without liver steatosis at baseline our observation that a high-TAC diet has the simultaneous effect
(data not shown). Moreover, the liver steatosis ҂ treatment in- of decreasing liver enzymes and hs-CRP compared with a low-
teraction was not significant (P ҃ 0.125). TAC diet further supports the contribution of hepatic inflamma-
tion to low-grade systemic inflammation associated with the
metabolic syndrome (18, 38) and confirms the possibility of
modifying such independent risk factors for type 2 diabetes and
DISCUSSION CVD with a diet naturally rich in antioxidants (39 – 43).
Previous dietary intervention studies performed to evaluate The present study, a controlled intervention aimed at drasti-
the biological effects of antioxidants in foods were aimed at cally changing antioxidant intake from foods and beverages
increasing the intake in the intervention arm of single while maintaining the same dietary pattern, may help to elucidate
antioxidant-rich foods or food groups, while scarcely controlling the dissociation between the theoretical benefit from antioxi-
for other dietary factors (30, 31). To our knowledge, this is the dants in the prevention of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, type 2
first study designed to extensively modify antioxidant intake diabetes, and CVD risk, and the practical lack of evidence from
from food sources by selecting, within a given food group, items intervention studies, with the possible exception of effects of
with either the highest or the lowest TAC while maintaining high doses of vitamin E given as a supplement on hs-CRP (44)
underlying dietary habits. Indeed, the HT and LT diets did not and markers of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (45, 46). Actually,
differ regarding the intake of macronutrients, dietary fiber, alco- most interventions have provided supplements of antioxidant
hol, or daily servings of fruit and vegetables, but ensured signif- vitamins or carotenoids, which may not be as efficient in restor-
icantly different intakes not only of dietary TAC but also of single ing the redox network as are antioxidants present in mixed diets
antioxidant molecules. (47, 48).
Compliance with the intervention is supported by the recipro- Esmaillzadeh et al (49) recently reported an inverse relation
cal changes in plasma ␣-tocopherol during the LT and HT peri- between plasma CRP, the risk of metabolic syndrome, and the
ods, which mirrored dietary intake and differed significantly quintile of fruit and vegetable intake of a group of 486 Iranian
between the diets. Nevertheless, plasma TAC was practically female teachers. Those authors concluded that dietary recom-
unmodified by dietary TAC, as already reported in the literature mendations to increase fruit and vegetable intake are a primary
(31, 32). Steady plasma TAC concentrations corresponded with preventive measure against CVD. However, an indication given
a relative stability of oxidative stress biomarkers, which either by the present work is that the effect of increasing the amount of
did not change during the dietary interventions or even showed fruit and vegetables on human health may greatly depend on the
slight but significant modifications in unexpected directions. TAC of such food items, and this should be taken into consider-
The lack of effect of an increased antioxidant intake on the ation when exploring the effects of fruit and vegetable consump-
balance between antioxidant status and oxidative stress could tion on disease prevention. An indication in this direction was
indicate a homeostatic mechanism in which endogenous antioxi- already given by 2 prospective cohort studies in which a lower
dants fluctuate to compensate for a reduced or increased influx of incidence of type 2 diabetes and lower concentrations of glyco-
dietary antioxidants (33). The duration of treatment could also sylated hemoglobin were not linked to the consumption of fruit
have played a role: 2 wk may be long enough to appreciate and vegetables per se but specifically to the consumption of those
modifications in the plasma concentration of single antioxidant with the highest antioxidant capacity (6, 7). Similarly, Agudo et
molecules, but may not be sufficient to allow substantial modi- al (50) recently reported that, beside the amount, the TAC from
fications in total antioxidant balance. fruit and vegetables was associated with reduced mortality in the
Conversely, a mild but significant beneficial effect of dietary EPIC Spanish cohort.
antioxidants on systemic inflammation and liver dysfunction Obvious limitations of the present study are the small sample
was observed. Specifically, we noted a decrease in ALT, alkaline size, the short duration of the intervention, and, consequently, the

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