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Fit Yoga Campaign
Submited by
I the undersigned solemnly declare that the
project report ” COMMUNITY
DEVELOPMENT PROJECT “ is based on my
own work carried out throughout our study
under the supervision of “ EXPERT
I assert the statements made and conclusions
drawn are an outcome of my
research work.
I further certify that I. The work contained in
the report is original and has been done by me
under the general supervision of my
We have followed the guidelines provided by
the university in writing the report.
I am overwhelmed in all humbleness and
gratefulness to acknowledge my depth to
all those who have helped me to put these
ideas, well above the level of simplicity and
into something concrete.
I would like to express my special thanks of
gratitude to my university who gave me the
golden opportunity to do this wonderful
project on the ” Community Development
Project “ , which also helped me in doing a
lot of Research and I came to know about
so many new things. I am grateful to them.
Any attempt at any level can ‘t be
satisfactorily completed without the
support and guidance of MY parents and
Introduction ( NGO )
A non-government organization (NGO) is
an organization that generally is formed
independent from government. They are
typically public entities, and many of them
are active in humanitarianism or the social
sciences; they can also include
clubs and associations  that provide
services to their members and others.
Surveys indicate that NGOs have a high
degree of public trust, which can make
them a useful proxy for the concerns of
society and stakeholders. However, NGOs
can also be lobby groups for corporations,
such as the World Economic Forum.
NGOs are classified by orientation—the
type of activities an NGO undertakes, such
as activities involving human rights,
consumer protection, environmentalism,
health, or development; and level of
operation, which indicates the scale at
which an organization works: local,
regional, national, or international.
Russia had about 277,000 NGOs in
2008. India is estimated to have had about
2 million NGOs in 2009 (approximately one
per 600 Indians), many more than the
number of the country's primary schools
and health centers.

Introduction (yoga)
Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline
based on an extremely subtle science,
which focuses on bringing harmony
between mind and body. It is an art and
science of healthy living. The word ‘Yoga’
is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘ Yuj ’,
meaning ‘to join’ or ‘to yoke’ or ‘to unite’.
As per Yogic scriptures the practice of
Yoga leads to the union of individual
consciousness with that of the Universal
Consciousness, indicating a perfect
harmony between the mind and body,
Man & Nature. According to modern
scientists, everything in the universe is
just a manifestation of the same
quantum firmament. One who
experiences this oneness of existence is
said to be in yoga, and is termed as a
yogi, having attained to a state of
freedom referred to as mukti, nirvana or
moksha. Thus, the aim of Yoga is Self-
realization, to overcome all kinds of
sufferings leading to 'the state of
liberation' (Moksha) or ‘freedom’
(Kaivalya). Living with freedom in all
walks of life, health and harmony shall
be the main objectives of Yoga practice.
"Yoga” also refers to an inner science
comprising of a variety of methods
through which human beings can realize
this union and achieve mastery over
their destiny. Yoga, being widely
considered as an ‘immortal cultural
outcome’ of Indus Saraswathi Valley
civilization – dating back to 2700 B.C., has
proved itself catering to both material
and spiritual upliftment of humanity.
Basic humane values are the very
identity of Yoga Sadhana.
"It's not about being good at something.
It's about being good to yourself."
Identification and cause of the problem
(faced by yoga)
Stagnancy and fatigue after years of
Performing the same asanas, techniques,
and kriyas for years brings a staleness in
the everyday yoga classes and tutorials.
No variation in asanas and lack of
knowledge updating makes a yoga
teacher’s career a stagnant one. A
monotonous routine is a common cause
of fatigue. No matter how much you
enjoy teaching or performing yoga, after
years of static practice lacking any kind of
dynamism is a big challenge for every
Yoga teacher.
Lack of direction to be successful
There can be a possibility that a yoga
teacher has all the qualities and
qualifications needed to be an expert
yoga teacher. But it is not always the
case that knowledge can lead you to
become a successful yoga icon. You do
have knowledge but are unable to
convert this knowledge into a money-
earning profession.
"Letting go is the hardest asana."
Objectives achieved by yoga
Yoga education can supplement school and
university education. It can prepare the students
physically and mentally for the integration of
their physical, mental and spiritual faculties so
that the students can become healthier, saner
and more integrated members of the society and
of the nation.
Yoga education helps in self discipline and sel-
control, leading to immense amount of
awareness, concentration and higher level of
Steps to achieve yoga objectives
1. Set Clear Goals
2. Learn About Your Body
3. Take a Holistic Approach
4. Keep Your Eye on the Big Picture
5. Get Advice from Others
6. You Don’t Have to Stick With What Isn't
Working for You
7. If You Hit That Plateau, Continue to
Challenge Yourself
8. Remember - Not Everything Works for
It's hard to accomplish your yoga goals if you
don't know what those goals are. Vague goals
like "I want to do more yoga" can be hard to
track and achieve.
That means you may be more likely to get
derailed or even give up.
Setting clear goals will give you something
concrete to work toward. Once you have clear
goals, you'll be able to set action steps to help
you make progress.
A good rule of thumb is to set Smart goals for
yourself. S.M.A.R.T. stand for:
Short-term ; Measurable ; Achievable ;
Relevant ; Time-based.
When you clarify your goals and make them
specific, it's easier to be successful.


Along with setting clear goals, it's important to
learn about your body.
The more you know about how your body
changes and how yoga affects different muscle
groups, the easier it will be to use yoga to
achieve your goals.
For example, if you want to build strength, your
yoga goals will be different than if you want to
build flexibility.
If you want to flatten your stomach, you'll use
yoga differently than if you want to focus on
By learning about your body, you can ensure
that your goals and action steps line up the way
they should so you can be successful.


Yoga is beneficial because it helps you create a
body, mind, and spirit balance.
When you set goals, it's important to remember
that every part of who you are affects every
other part.
Your mindset will affect your physical body, for
When you have yoga goals, make sure that you
think from a holistic perspective so that your
action steps don't skew to one direction and
keep you from having a healthy balance in your


Progress is rarely smooth. You'll always have
good days and bad days, and even though
you're doing everything you should, there will
be days with setbacks.
When you're working toward your yoga
goals, don't get too caught up in the day-to-
day progress.
Instead, look at your overall progress.
You may not be able to do what you set out to
do in this day, but look at how much more you
can do compared to before you started!
Increasing your focus on the big picture has
many associated benefits and can help keep you
from getting discouraged along the way,
especially if your progress is slower than you
thought it would be.


Just remember - It's okay if you can't do it on
your own.
There are lots of amazing resources available to
help you achieve your yoga goals.
If you're struggling or need help knowing
where to go to make progress, consider asking
someone with more yoga experience, like your
yoga instructor, to get some insight.
Not only will they have knowledge to tap into,
but they'll have an outside perspective that can
give you an answer you might not have
"Yoga is the journey of the self, through the
self, to the self."


Yoga should be fun!
Lots of people turn to yoga for exercise because
they're tired of dreading their time at the gym.
They want to do something that's enjoyable and
relaxing instead of something that makes them
anxious and frustrated.
So, if you're working toward your yoga goals
and you really feel like it's not working or
dreading your time on the mat, it may be time
to re-evaluate your goals.
You don't have to necessarily change your
goals, but it would be a good idea to see if
something needs to be shifted a little bit.
It’s up to you to find what you’re most
comfortable with when you’re on the mat!
Sometimes when you're working toward your
yoga goals, you can reach a new level and end
up stuck there for a while. This can happen
when you're working toward weight or other
health goals, as well.
When that happens, you don't have to give up
and accept that you have to stay where you are.
A plateau might mean that your body has
adapted to what you're doing, so it's time to
change things and maybe even try some new
yoga classes.
You could even try a different routine and see if
that helps you get back on track.
"The attitude of gratitude is the highest
Everyone's body is different, and everyone
reaches their yoga goals differently.
That means not everything works for
Even if you know someone who did a certain
type of yoga for six weeks and got amazing
results, that doesn't mean it will work for you.
The most important thing is to find the yoga
practice that meets your physical, mental, and
spiritual needs to benefit you in ways you might
not have thought about
Community development is the space that
would impact conveyance of community
development administrations. Community
development is hard to quantify.
Therefore, it is critical that the
accompanying is replied:
i. Determine the level of community
development and its services by local
ii. Whether there is a gap between
perceived demand and delivery of
community development services.
iii. Whether there is a gap between
stakeholders’ expectations and delivery.
Any mismatch between the two would
imply dissatisfaction among stakeholders
towards community development
The purpose of Yoga is to create harmony
in the physical, vital, mental,
psychological and spiritual aspects of the
human being. In the foregoing pages of
this book, I have described the Technique
of relaxation in different postures viz.,
standing, lying and sitting postures which
brings in this harmony. Yoga is not mere
practice for an hour or two in a day, but it
is the most scientific way of living, all the
twenty-four hours of the day. During the
whole day you may be only in one of these
three postures and hence a skillful
adjustment in them will affect the
required harmony. "Yogasthah Kuru
Karmani- Be established in Yoga and do all
your duties." "Yoga karmas' Kosalam-Yoga
is skill in action." Skill here means to be in
tune with the nature of the Supreme
Reality. Be a Yogin always, is the loving
instruction of Lord Krishna. Convert life
into Yoga, so that you may ensure success
in all the fields of activity. By regular
practice, by using your presence of mind,
skill and wisdom, you can become Yogin's
and enjoy happiness and peace, whatever
be the circumstances and conditions in
which you are placed.
 "Sometimes the most important thing in a
whole day is the rest we take between two
deep breaths."

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