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Sucker Rod Pump PE520


1) Introduction and History.

2) Why and when are they used.
3) System component.
4) Data required for pump selection.
5) The pump cycle.
6) Sucker rod pump problem.
“ Causes and Recommendations”.
7) Advantage and Disadvantage.
Sucker Rod Pump PE520

1) Introduction and History:

By 1869, the rod pump system was in

the early fields.
Actually, all this involved was
leaving the standard cable tool
drilling rig on the well site and
letting the walking beam run the

In the past, rod-activated pumps had been used on the salt brine
wells, so the idea was not really new.

Wooden sucker rods with wrought-iron fitting were used at first.

The walking beam gave the reciprocating movement, which
moved the rod up and down, activating the pump.

This principle, almost 2000 years old, has evolved into what has
become known as the standard pumping rig.

Like other oil-field equipment, it has been improved over the


Today, the “horse head” bobbing up and down is a familiar

sight in oil fields around the world and 80 – 90 % of all artificial
lift wells are being produced by sucker rod pumping; the most
common is the beam pumping system.
Sucker Rod Pump PE520

Although the beam sucker rod system is mechanically simple

and has proven to be long-lived and economical in operation,
many factors must be considered in the design of a proper system.
The design engineer must be thoroughly familiar with the
function and complicating features of each part of the overall
system if optimum performance is to be expected.
Although it appears simple, infield practice the behaviour of the
beam and sucker rod system is surprisingly complex.

2) Why and when are they used?

When the reservoir pressure has been depleted to the point that
fluid entering the wellbore does not flow to the surface, the fluid
must be pumped the well or otherwise assisted in its
path to the surface.

 Water cut is high.

 Can use gas or electricity as power
 Reservoir access, K↓ and Φ↓.
 Well service, work over rig and pulling unit.
 Location, off shore and land.
 Relatively simple system design.
 Can lift high temperature viscous oils.
 Units easily changed to other wells with minimum cost.
 Corrosion and scale treatment easy to perform.
 Applicable to slim holes and multiple completions.
 Low PI and producing rate.
 Applicable to pump off control if electrified.
Sucker Rod Pump PE520

3) System components:
All sucker rod pumping unit geometries fall into two distinct classes:
1. The class I lever system.

2. The class Ш lever system.

 Surface pump unit:

 Well head group:
1. Well head.

2. Flow tee.

3. Stuffing box

4. Check valve.

5. Adjustable check

6. Casing head.
Sucker Rod Pump PE520

 Surface pump equipment:

1. Prime mover.
2. Gear box + break.
3. Counter weight.
4. Sampson post.
5. Crank.
6. Walking beam.
7. Belts
8. Horse head.
9. Bridle.
10.Carrier bar.
11.Polished rod clamp.
12.Polished rod.
13.Tubing ring.
Sucker Rod Pump PE520

 Subsurface pump unit:

1. Polished rod.

2. Tubing anchor.

3. Sucker rod, rod string.

4. Casing string.

5. Gas separator.

6. Tubing string.

7. Plunger, piston.

8. Down hole pump:

 Working barrel.
 Travelling valve, (TV).
 Standing valve, (SV).
 Shoe.
Sucker Rod Pump PE520

 Type of down hole pumps:

1. Tubing pump, diameter 3.5¨.
2. Rod pump, stationary barrel top hole down.
3. Rod pump, stationary barrel bottom hole down.
4. Rod pump, travelling barrel.

4) Data required for pump selection:

 Fluid properties data:
1. Oil API gravity, viscosity.

2. Gas specific gravity.

3. Water specific gravity.

4. Reservoir FVF (formation volume factor),

bubble point pressure.

 Mechanical data:
1. Type of pump.
2. Perforation depth, ft.
3. Well depth, ft.
4. Fluid level, ft.
5. Pump depth, ft.
6. Sucker rod size and design.
7. The nominal tubing diameter and whether it is
anchored or unanchored.
8. Pump plunger diameter, inch.
9. Pumping speed, strokes per minute.
Sucker Rod Pump PE520

10. Length of surface stroke, inch.

11. Casing size and weight.
12. Tubing size and weight.
13. Power source.
 Production data:
1. Oil production rate, BPD.
2. Bottom hole temperature, BHT, (ᵒF).
3. Water production rate, BPD.
4. Static bottom hole pressure, BHP, (psi), and
fluid level.
5. Gas oil ratio, GOR, free gas, solution gas.
6. Producing BHP and stabilized fluid level.
7. Current and desired production rate.
8. System back pressure from flow lines, separator
and well head chock.
 Other data:
1. Plunger stroke, inch.
2. Pump displacement, BPD.
3. Pack polished rod load, lb.
4. Minimum polished rod load, lb.
5. Polished rod horsepower.
6. Counter weight required.
7. Peak (crank) torque, or ft bl.
Sucker Rod Pump PE520

5) The pumping cycle:

In its simplest form the pump consists of a working barrel or liner
suspended on the tubing ; the plunger is moved up and down inside
this barrel by the sucker rod string, which consists of a series of
screwed steel rods attached at the surface to the pumping unit.
The unit and prime mover at the surface supply the oscillating
motion to the sucker rod string and so to the pump.
At bottom of the working barrel is a stationary ball-and-seat valve
─the standing valve (SV) ─ while a second ball-and seat valve ─the
travelling valve (TV) ─ is located in the plunger.

 Plunger moving down, near the bottom of the stroke:

Fluid is moving up through the open TV while the weight of the fluid
column in the tubing is supported on the SV, which is consequently
closed (if the flowing BHP were greater than the fluid column weight
the SV would be open even when the plunger was near the bottom of
its stroke, and the well would be flowing, or possibly agitating.

 Plunger moving up, near the bottom of the stroke:

The TV is now closed; consequently, the load due to the fluid column
has been transferred from the tubing to the rod string.
The SV opens as soon as the pressure below it exceeds that above; the
position on the upstroke at which this occurs depends on the pump
spacing, that is, on the volume included between the SV and TV at the
bottom of the stroke, and on the percentage of free gas in the fluid
trapped in this volume.
Sucker Rod Pump PE520

 Plunger moving up, near the top of the stroke:

If there is any pumping production at all from the well, the SV must be
open by this time, permitting the formation to produce into the tubing.
The TV is closed.

 Plunger moving down, near the top of the stroke:

The standing valve is closed by the increased pressure resulting from
the compression of the fluids in the volume between the SV and TV.
But the point of the down stroke at which it opens the depends on the
percentage of free gas in the trapped fluids, since the pressure below
the valve must exceeded that above ( that is, thee sure due to the fluids
in the tubing above the plunger ) before the TV will open.

6) Sucker Rod Pump Problem (Causes Recommendation)

Sucker Rod Pump PE520

Surface problems:

1. The leak through the well head due to pad packing which
existing in staffing box because of H2S and the motion of pump.
2. Disablement deviation by pump base unbalances that caused by
corrosion between Pitman arms, Crocks and sucker rods and
production tubing.
3. Cutting belts by high velocity of engine by stresses applied on it
from gear box.
4. Continues check to pressure gage when electric current may cut
from engine by increasing in loads.

Down hole problems:

1. Broking of sucker rods by deviation problem.

Subsurface problems:

2. Existing the H2S around the pump so that is why we always use
gas separator.
3. Sand interning in to the pump so to prevent that we use sand
4. Leaking in one of valves (travelling or slandering valve).
5. Leak between the piston and production barrel.
Advantage of using (Dynamometer).
Function: to determined the subsurface conditions of the pump and
determine the conditions during processing pump (upstroke and
down stroke).
Sucker Rod Pump PE520

That must be lubricating to the bearing in the pump.

Common problems: (Affecting lift selection)

Type of artificial lift

Problem Rod pump hydraulic ESP Gas lift

Sand Fair Fair Fair Excellent

Paraffin Poor Good Good Poor

High GOR Fair Fair Fair Excellent

Crooked hole Poor Good Fair Good

Corrosion Good Good Fair Fair

High volume Poor Good Excellent Good

Depth Fair Excellent Fair Good

Simple depth Yes No Yes No

Casing size Fair Fair Good Good

Flexibility Fair Excellent Poor Good

Scale Good Fair Poor Fair

7) Advantages and Disadvantages:

 The major advantages for sucker rod pump:
1. Relatively simple system design.
Sucker Rod Pump PE520

2. Units easily changed to other wells with minimum cost.

3. Efficient simple and easy for field people to operate.
4. Applicable to slim holes and multiple completions.
5. Can pump a well down to very low pressure.
6. System usually is naturally vented for gas separation and fluid
level soundings.
7. Flexible can match displacement rate to capability as well
8. Analyzable.
9. Can lift high temperature and viscous oils.
10. Can use gas or electricity as power source.
11. Corrosion and scale treatments easy to perform.
12. Applicable to pump off control if electrified.
13. Availability of different sizes.
14. Easy to pump in cycles by time clock.
15. Hollow sucker rods are available for slim hole completions
and ease of inhibitor treatment.
16. Have pumps with double valveing that pump on both upstroke
and down stroke.
 The major Disadvantages for sucker rod pump:
1. Crooked holes present a fraction problem.
2. High solids production is troublesome.
3. Gassy wells usually lower volumetric efficiency.
4. Is depth limited, primarily duo to rod capability.
5. Obtrusive in urban locations.
6. Heavy and bulky in offshore operations.
7. Susceptible to paraffin problems.
Sucker Rod Pump PE520

8. Tubing cannot be internally coated for corrosion.

9. H2S limited depth at which a large volume pump can be set
10. Limitation of down hole pump design in small diameter

 Calculations for surface equipment:
1. Counterbalance, lb.
 Unbalanced = Counterbalance ─ Down stroke load.
Wf Wf
2 = (W2 ─ 2 ) ─ W2

 Unbalanced = Counterbalance ─ Up stroke load.

( Wf2 )=(W 2+ Wf2 )−(W 2+Wf )

Wf=buoyant of weight of rods , lb.
W2= weight of fluid, lb.
+W 2 Ideal Counterbrace effect

Ct =Cs+Cw Total Counterbrace effect at polished rod

Cs=Structural Unbalance, Lb
Cw=weight Unbalance used with the unit, Lb
2) Torque on the gear reducer
A) Peak torque on the down stroke, in-lb
PTD=( Ct− MPRL) ( )
Sucker Rod Pump PE520

B) Peak torque on the Upstroke, in-lb

PTU =( PPRL−Ct ) ( )

MPRL = Minimum Polished rod lead, lbs
PPRL = Peak Polished rod Load, Lbs
S = Polished Rod Stroke, in
C) Torque Factor (TF)
PT = ¿¿

PT= Peak torque for the entire crank cycle, in lb.

TF1 = Maximum upstroke torque factor.
TF2 = Maximum down stoke torque factor.

3) Horsepower of prime mover


D=well Depth (to Pump), ft
Sucker Rod Pump PE520

K=Plunger Constant
S = Strock Length, in
SPM = Pumping Speed, RPM
PMF=Constant for various types of prime movers
PMF=65 Multi – Cylinder Engine
PMF = 75 NEMA (D) Motor
PMF=85 C.E Engine
4) Speed Reduction & Engine Sheave size

de=diameter of engine sheave, in

du=diameter of unit sheave, in
Ne=speed of engine sheave, RPM
Nu=speed of Unit sheave, RPM

N=Pumping Speed, SPM

Z=factor of speed.

 Calculation for subsurface equipments:

1) Total pump displacements, B/D (Theoretical):
Qt=0.1484 Ap∗Sp∗N

AP=the Cross Sectional Area of Pump Plunger, in2

Sp= the effective plunger stroke, in/s

N=the pumping speed in number of SPM

SP=S+ep-(et-er), inch/s
Sucker Rod Pump PE520

S=Polished rod stroke, inch

ep=plunger overtraval, inch

et=tubing stretch, inch

er=rod stretch ,inch

5.20∗G∗D∗Ap∗L 5.20∗G∗D∗Ap∗L 2
er = , et= , ep= 40.8∗L ∗α
E∗Ar E∗At E

G=Fluid Specific Gravity

E=Modulus of elasticity for steal, psi

D=Depth of working fluid level, net lift, ft

L=Length of rod String, ft

Ar = cross sectional area of rod, in2

At= cross sectional area of tube, in2

2) Pump Horse Power HP:

HP=7.36∗10 ∗Qact∗G∗K


G=Sp.Gr of Oil

H=Pump Set, ft

1HP=1.6 K.w


A given the data:

Sp=7.4 in , N=16.8 SPM , Ap=3.976 in2 , Qact=55 B/D , pump

depth=500 ft , of fluid =0.81.

Calculate the pump efficiency and pump horsepower.

Sucker Rod Pump PE520

 Qt = o.1484*Ap*Sp*N
=73.35 B/D
Ev= Qt *100
= 73.35 *100

= 75%

 HP=7.36*10 -6*Qact**L
=7.36*10 -6*55*0.81*500
= 1.6

=0.1025 Kw

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