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Week 14 Class  4 DLP Time 8.15-8.45 am

Day Monday Attendance   /33
Date 19 April 2021 Lesson 40 Focus Listening
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends Eating Right
Language/ Grammar focus Phonemes
1.3 Use appropriate listening strategies in a variety of
Main Content Standard
Com. Content Standard 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds
1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues
Main Learning Standard
provided by knowledge of the topic
1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a wide range
Com. Learning Standard
of target language phonemes
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Identify various types of food all around the world.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Name some of food taht popular all around the world.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Pupils talks about their favourite food.

Lesson Delivery Post Lesson

1. Teacher asks pupils to sing a song in the book. 1. Teacher reemphasize the topic that learned
2. Pupils list some of popular food all around the world. for that day.
3. Pupils identify different type of food in various country. 2. Teacher selects pupils randomly to present
4. Pupils gives reasons why they like their favourite food. their work.
5. Pupils draw their favourite food and make I think map to tell
why they like the food.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :


Week 13 Class  4 DLP Time 12.35-1.35

Day Tuesday Attendance   /33
Date 20 April 2021 Lesson Focus Speaking
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends Eating Right
Language/ Grammar focus Phonemes
Main Content Standard 2.2 Use appropriate communication strategies
Com. Content Standard 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by: using
Main Learning Standard suitable words (i) to show understanding (ii) to ask for
Com. Learning Standard 1.2.5 Understand longer supported questions
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Pupils say out some food they know. Talk about the taste as well.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Talk about their favourite food in good sentence arrangements.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Teacher asks pupils to look at the cover of the book and talk about it.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Teacher asks questions about favourite food 1. Teacher reemphasize the topic that learned
2. Pupils name some of popular food all around the world for that day.
3. Pupils asks friends about their favourite food. 2. Teacher gives homework as an extra
4. Pupils answer the questions and give reasons as well. activity.
5. Simple conversation between peer are carried out by the
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >

Week 13 Class  4 DLP Time 12.05-1.05

Day Wednesday Attendance   /33
Date 21 April 2021 Lesson Focus Reading
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends Eating Right
Language/ Grammar focus (un)countable nouns with some / any
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print
Main Content Standard
and digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print
Com. Content Standard
and digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies
3.2.4 Recognise and use with little or no support key
Main Learning Standard
features of a simple monolingual dictionary
3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of
Com. Learning Standard
simple texts of one or two paragraphs
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Answer the comprehension questions correctly.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Give correct answers to the questions given based on the text read.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Teacher asks pupils to tell the most popular food in the world.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Teacher asks pupils to read the text. 1. Teacher reemphasize the topic that learned
2. Teacher stresses on the new words. for that day.
3. Pupils read and try to understand the text. 2. Teacher gives homework as an extra
4. Teacher gives oral questions to make sure that the pupils activity.
understand the text reas.
5. Pupils do exercise on answering comprehension questions.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >
Week 13 Class  4 DLP Time 7.45-8.45 am
Day Thursday Attendance   /33
Date 22 april 2021 Lesson Focus Writing
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends Eating Right
Language/ Grammar focus (un)countable nouns with some / any
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and
Main Content Standard
style for a range of purposes in print and digital media
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and
Com. Content Standard
style for a range of purposes in print and digital media
4.3.2 Spell most high frequency words accurately in
Main Learning Standard
guided writing
4.3.1 Use capital letters, full stops, question marks and
Com. Learning Standard commas in lists appropriately in guided writing at
discourse level
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Write a simple recipe of their favourite food. (with guidance)
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Give ideas about their favourite recipe, the ingredients needed and steps to make the food.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Pupils name some of their favourite food.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Teacher asks questions to gain ideas from the pupils. 1. Teacher reemphasize the topic that learned
2. Pupils name one of their favourite food and talk about how for that day.
to make it with guidance by the teacher. 2. Teacher gives homework as an extra
3. Pupils take out the recipe that they get from the Internet. activity.
4. Pupils share the recipe in the class.
5. Other pupils give their comments.
6. Writing activity.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >
Week 13 Class  4 DLP Time 11.05-12.05
Day Friday Attendance   /33
Date 23 April 2021 Lesson Focus Writing
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends Eating Right
Language/ Grammar focus (un)countable nouns with some / any
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and
Main Content Standard
style for a range of purposes in print and digital media
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and
Com. Content Standard
style for a range of purposes in print and digital media
4.3.2 Spell most high frequency words accurately in
Main Learning Standard
guided writing
4.3.1 Use capital letters, full stops, question marks and
Com. Learning Standard commas in lists appropriately in guided writing at
discourse level
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Write a simple recipe of their favourite food. (with guidance)
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Give ideas about their favourite recipe, the ingredients needed and steps to make the food.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Pupils name some of their favourite food.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Pupils show their finished work. 1. Teacher reemphasize the topic that learned
2. Teacher selects pupils randomly to present their work. for that day.
3. Other pupils give comments or ask questions. 2. Teacher gives homework as an extra
4. Discussion session. activity.

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >


Week 14 Class  4 DLP Time 8.15-8.45
Day Monday Attendance   /33
Date 26 April 2021 Lesson Focus Language Art
Theme Topic
World of Stories The King of Kites
Language/ Grammar focus Adjectives (feelings and emotions)
Main Content Standard 5.2 Express personal responses to literary text
Com. Content Standard 3.3 Read independently for information and enjoyment
5.2.1 Say in s
Main Learning Standard
imple words and phrases how a text makes them fee
3.3.1 Read and enjoy A1 fiction/non-fiction print and
Com. Learning Standard
digital texts of interest
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Give the emotions of the characters in the story.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
List the situations that can make them happy, sad, angry or bored.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Talk about the story of The King of Kites.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Pupils read the story The King of Kites. 1. Teacher reemphasize the topic that learned
2. Pupils list the characters. for that day.
3. Pupils tell the emotions shown by the characters in the story. 2. Teacher gives homework as an extra
4. Pupils write about different emotions in different situations. activity.
5. Discussion.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >


Week 14 Class  4 DLP Time 12.35-1.35
Day Tuesday Attendance   /33
Date 27th April 2021 Lesson Focus Listening
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friend Eating Right
Language/ Grammar focus Questions with How much/many/often…?
Main Content Standard 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Com. Content Standard 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Main Learning Standard 1.2.5 Understand longer supported questions
1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and
Com. Learning Standard
details of longer simple texts
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Talk about healthy life style and name some of good activities to stay healthy
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Name some of good activities that can be practiced daily.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Talk about good activities.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Teacher reads a text and pupils listen. 1. Teacher reemphasize the topic that learned
2. Teacher picks pupils randomly to answer questions in for that day.
between the listening session. 2. Teacher gives homework as an extra
3. Pupils give example of soe good habits or activities that can activity.
lead to good health.
4. Discussion session.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >


Week 14 Class  4 DLP Time 12.05-1.05

Day Wednesday Attendance   /33
Date 28th April 2021 Lesson Focus Speaking
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friend Eating Right
Language/ Grammar focus want and need + (un)countable nouns
Main Content Standard 2.2 Use appropriate communication strategies
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Com. Content Standard
2.2.1Keep interaction going in short exchanges by:
using suitable words
Main Learning Standard
(i) to show understanding
(ii) to ask for clarification
Com. Learning Standard 1.2.5Understand longer supported questions
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Identify countable and uncountable nouns.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
State the countable nouns for each items given
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Talk about good activities.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Teacher explains about countable and uncountable nouns 1. Teacher reemphasize the topic that learned
and gives example. for that day.
2. Pupils give examples of things that can be counted and 2. Teacher gives homework as an extra
cannot be counted. activity.
3. Pupils state countable or countable for each item.
4. Teacher gives writing work.
5. Discussion.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >


Week 14 Class  4 DLP Time 7.45-8.45

Day Thursday Attendance   /33
Date 29th April 201 Lesson Focus Reading
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friend Getting around
Prepositions; Question forms
Language/ Grammar focus
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital
Main Content Standard
texts by using appropriate reading strategies
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Com. Content Standard
3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple
Main Learning Standard texts of one or two paragraphs

1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of longer

Com. Learning Standard simple texts.

LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to

Identify countable and uncountable nouns.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
State the countable nouns for each items given
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Talk about good activities.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
6. Teacher explains about countable and uncountable nouns 1. Teacher reemphasize the topic that learned
and gives example. for that day.
7. Pupils give examples of things that can be counted and 2. Teacher gives homework as an extra
cannot be counted. activity.
8. Pupils state countable or countable for each item.
9. Teacher gives writing work.
10. Discussion.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >


Week 14 Class  4 DLP Time 11.05-12.05

Day Friday Attendance   /33
Date 30th April 2021 Lesson Focus Writing
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friend Getting Around
Language/ Grammar focus Prepositions; Question forms
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form
Main Content Standard
and style for a range of purposes in print and digital media
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital
Com. Content Standard texts by using appropriate reading strategies

4.3.3 Produce a plan or draft of one paragraph for a familiar topic and
Main Learning Standard modify this appropriately in response to feedback

3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple texts of

Com. Learning Standard one or two paragraphs

LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to

List out transport that usually use on land, water and air.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Identify the transport that use on land water and air.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Talk about transport.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Teacher asks pupils to tell the class what 1. Teacher reemphasize the topic that learned for that day.
transport that they take to come to school. 2. Teacher gives homework as an extra activity.
2. Teacher writes them on the board.
3. Pupils give several examples of transport
that usually use all around the world
4. Teacher gives writing work (Pupils need
to list transport that use on land, water and
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >

Week 15 Class  4 DLP Time 8.15 - 8.45

Day Monday Attendance   /33
Date 3 May 2021
Lesson Focus Language Art
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friend The King of Kites
Language/ Grammar focus Prepositions; Question forms
Main Content Standard 5.3 Express an imaginative response literary texts
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Com. Content Standard
5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through creating simple
Main Learning Standard picture stories, simple poems and cartoon stories.

1.2.3 Understand with support short simple narratives on a range of

Com. Learning Standard familiar topics

LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to

Talk about being good friends.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Write about their good friends.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Pupils talk about previous story.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Pupils read about the King of Kites. 1. Teacher reemphasize the topic that learned for that day.
2. Pupils talk about how to be a good 2. Teacher gives homework as an extra activity.
3. Pupils name some of their good friends,
4. Pupils write simple sentences about
their good friends,
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >
Week 15 Class  4 DLP Time 12.35-1.35
Day Tuesday Attendance   /33
Date 4th May 2021 Lesson Focus Listening
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friend Getting Around
Language/ Grammar focus Prepositions; Question forms
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Main Content Standard
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Com. Content Standard
1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details of
Main Learning Standard longer simple texts

1.2.5 Understand longer supported questions

Com. Learning Standard
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
List out types of transport
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Name the transport that usually used in public.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Teacher conducts True/False activity.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1.Teacher asks pupils about variety types of 1. Teacher reemphasize the topic that learned for that day.
transport, 2. Teacher gives homework as an extra activity.
2.Pupils come out with examples and simple
sentences. (FA)
3. Pupils have to guess types of transport as
the teacher gives clues.
4. Pupils will be asked about things that had
been presented. Teacher picks at random by
playing musical box.
5. Simple writing exercise.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >


Week 15 Class  4 DLP Time 12.05-1.05
Day Wednesday Attendance   /33
Date 5th May 2021 Lesson Focus Speaking
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friend Getting Around
Language/ Grammar focus Prepositions; Question forms
2.2 Use appropriate communication strategies
Main Content Standard
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of
Com. Content Standard purposes in print and digital media

2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by: using suitable

Main Learning Standard words (i) to show understanding (ii) to ask for clarification

4.2.2 Make and respond to simple offers and invitations

Com. Learning Standard
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Talk about their favourite place to go for a holiday.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Transport that they use to go for holiday.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Pupils talk about their experience during holiday.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1.Teacher chooses one the best places to go 1. Teacher reemphasize the topic that learned for that day.
for holiday. 2. Teacher gives homework as an extra activity.
2. Teacher asks pupils to choose their
favourite place to go for a holiday.
3. Pupils talk about the transport that they
use during holiday. Pupils also talk about
their experience. (FA)
4. Pupils do simple written work.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >


Week 15 Class  4 DLP Time 7.45-8.45
Day Thursday Attendance   /33
Date 6th May 2021 Lesson Focus Reading
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friend Getting Around
Gerunds (Noun + ing)
Language/ Grammar focus
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital
Main Content Standard
texts by using appropriate reading strategies

2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly

Com. Content Standard
3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple texts of
Main Learning Standard one or two paragraphs

2.1.5 Describe people, and objects using suitable statements

Com. Learning Standard
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Understand and enjoy the story read.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Answer all the comprehension questions correctly.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Teacher conducts True/False activity.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1.Teacher appoints group to be the character 1. Teacher reemphasize the topic that learned for that day.
in the comic. 2. Teacher gives homework as an extra activity.
2. Pupils act out the characters.
3.Teacher stresses on the new vocab.
4. Teacher asks pupils to answer questions
based on the text. (FA)
5. Pupils listen to the teacher’s instructions
to fill in the blanks.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >


Week 15 Class  4 DLP Time 11.05-12.05

Day Friday Attendance   /33
Date 7th May 2021 Lesson Focus Writing
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friend Getting Around
Review of descriptive language
Language/ Grammar focus
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a
Main Content Standard range of purposes in print and digital media

4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of

Com. Content Standard purposes in print and digital media

4.3.3 Produce a plan or draft of one paragraph for a familiar topic

Main Learning Standard and modify this appropriately in response to feedback

4.2.4 Describe people and objects using suitable statements

Com. Learning Standard
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Name some of well-known or famous building all around the world.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
List out special characteristics of the famous building shown.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook Bubble Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Pupils are watching a video about Casa Batllo and The Sydney Opera House.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Teacher conducts arranging the jigsaw puzzle 1. Teacher asks questions about special characteristics about the
: A picture of famous building.
2. Teacher writes the points on the board.
2. Selected pupils are trying to solve the picture
3. Pupils construct the Bubble Map using the points given.
puzzle in 2 minutes. The winner will get reward.
4. Consolidation.
3. Teacher gives texts about the famous building
and pupils read..
4. Teacher asks pupils to answer the questions
5. Pupils discuss the answer with teacher.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >


Week 16 Class  4 DLP Time 8.15-8.45

Day Monday Attendance   /33
Date 17th May 2021 Lesson Focus Language Art
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friend The Jungle Book
Gerunds (Noun + ing)
Language/ Grammar focus
5.2 Express personal responses to literary texts
Main Content Standard
3.3 Read independently for information and enjoyment
Com. Content Standard
5.2.1Say in simple words and phrases how a text makes
Main Learning Standard them feel

3.3.1 Read and enjoy A1 fiction/non-fiction print and digital texts of

Com. Learning Standard interest

LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to

Understand and enjoy the story read.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Answer all the comprehension questions correctly.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Teacher conducts True/False activity.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1.Teacher appoints group to be the character in 1. Teacher reemphasize the topic that learned for that day.
the comic. 2. Teacher gives homework as an extra activity.
2. Pupils act out the characters.
3.Teacher stresses on the new vocab.
4. Teacher asks pupils to answer questions
based on the text. (FA)
5. Pupils listen to the teacher’s instructions to
fill in the blanks.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >


Week 9 Class  4 DLP Time 11.00-12.00

Day Thursday Attendance   /28

Date 10th Sept 2020 Lesson 23 Focus Listening

Theme Topic

World of Self, Family and Friend Helping out

Gerunds (Noun + ing)
Language/ Grammar focus
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Main Content Standard
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and
Com. Content Standard digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies

1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and

Main Learning Standard details of longer simple texts

3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues

Com. Learning Standard provided by title and topic

LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to

Tell the good reason why we have to help others.

Success Criteria :Pupils can

Say the things that can we do to help the needy.

21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Learning
Learning Outline

Pre-lesson Teacher conducts True/False activity.

Lesson Delivery Post Lesson

1. Teacher conducts listening activity. Teacher reads and 1. Teacher reemphasize the topic that learned for that day.
pupils listen. 2. Teacher gives homework as an extra activity.
2. Pupils say the good things to do to help others.
3. Simple tasks: Things that can we do to help others.

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >


Week 9 Class  4 DLP Time 9.30 - 10.30

Day Friday Attendance   /28

Date 10th Sept 2020 Lesson 24 Focus Speaking

Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friend Helping out
Transitive verbs: e.g. help + object pronoun
Language/ Grammar focus me/him/her/etc.

2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly

Main Content Standard
2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
Com. Content Standard
2.1.5 Describe people, and objects using suitable
Main Learning Standard statements

2.1.2 Find out about and describe experiences in

Com. Learning Standard the past

LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to

Talk about helping friends or family

Success Criteria :Pupils can

Say the things that can we do to help our friends or family members.
21st Century Activities & Assessme
Resources CCE / EE
Skills nt
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
 Contextual Observati
  Communication   worksheets .
Learning on
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Teacher conducts hot ball activity.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. The pupil with a ball will talk about what they can 1. Teacher reemphasize the topic that learned for that
do to help others. day.
2. Teacher writes on the board. 2. Teacher gives homework as an extra activity.
3. Discussion with others and give more examples.
4. Teacher asks pupils to write those on the
whiteboard in their exercise book.

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).
____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >


Week 10 Class  4 DLP Time 11.00-12.00

Day Monday Attendance   /28
Date 14th Sept 2020 Lesson 25 Focus Reading
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friend Helping out
Transitive verbs: e.g. help + object pronoun me/him/her/etc.
Language/ Grammar focus
3.3 Read independently for information and enjoyment
Main Content Standard
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Com. Content Standard Strategies.

3.3.1 Read and enjoy A1 fiction/non-fiction print and digital texts of

Main Learning Standard interest

1.2.3 Understand with support short simple narratives on a range

Com. Learning Standard of familiar topics

LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to

Understand the text and answer the questions correctly.

Success Criteria :Pupils can

Answer all the comprehension questions with little guidance.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Q and A activity.

Lesson Delivery Post Lesson

1. Pupils read the text and teacher guides them 1. Teacher reemphasize the topic that learned for that day.
to understand better. 2. Teacher gives homework as an extra activity.
2. Teacher stresses on the new words.
3. Comprehension time.
4. Pupils give answer and discussion starts.
5. Writing activity.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >


Week 10 Class  4 DLP Time 11.00-12.00

Day Thursday Attendance   /28
Date 17th Sept 2020 Lesson 26 Focus Writing
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friend Helping out
Transitive verbs: e.g. help + object pronoun me/him/her/etc.
Language/ Grammar focus
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style
Main Content Standard for a range of purposes in print and digital media
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and
Com. Content Standard digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies

4.3.1 Use capital letters, full stops, question marks and

commas in lists appropriately in guided writing at discourse
Main Learning Standard level

3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple

Com. Learning Standard texts of one or two paragraphs topics

LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to

Write in neat and correct punctuation and spelling.

Success Criteria :Pupils can

Write simple sentences with a little guidance.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline

Pre-lesson Spelling quiz

Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Teacher asks to make sentences from the words 1. Teacher reemphasize the topic that learned for that day.
spelled on the board. 2. Teacher gives homework as an extra activity.
2. Teacher conducts discussion by looking at the
sentences on the board.
3. Pupils give out their answers.
4. Pupils write sentences on their exercise book.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >


Week 10 Class  4 DLP Time 11.00-12.00

Day Friday Attendance   /28
Date 18th Sept 2020 Lesson 27 Focus Language Art
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friend Helping out
Transitive verbs: e.g. help + object pronoun
Language/ Grammar focus me/him/her/etc.

Main Content Standard 5.2 Express personal responses to literary texts

2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
Com. Content Standard
5.2.1 Say in simple words and phrases how a text
Main Learning Standard makes them feel

2.1.5 Describe people, and objects using suitable

Com. Learning Standard statements

LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to

Understand the text and answer the questions correctly.

Success Criteria :Pupils can

Answer all the comprehension questions with little guidance.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Q and A activity.

Lesson Delivery Post Lesson

1.Teacher appoints group to be the character in the 1. Teacher reemphasize the topic that learned for that day.
comic. 2. Teacher gives homework as an extra activity.
2. Pupils act out the characters.
3.Teacher stresses on the new vocab.
4. Teacher asks pupils to answer questions based on
the text. (FA)
5. Pupils listen to the teacher’s instructions to fill in
the blanks.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >


Week 11 Class  4 DLP Time 11.00am- 12.00 pm

Day Monday Attendance   /29
Date 21st Sept 2020 Lesson 28 Focus Language Art
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends The Jungle Book
Language/ Grammar focus going to future for planned actions
Main Content Standard 5.2 Express personal responses to literary text
Com. Content Standard 3.3 Read independently for information and enjoyment
5.2.1 Say in simple words and phrases how a text makes them
Main Learning Standard
3.3.1 Read and enjoy A1 fiction/non-fiction print and digital
Com. Learning Standard
texts of interest
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Enjoy the story of The Jungle Book
Success Criteria :Pupils can
List the characters in the story and write simple sentences about them.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Teacher asks pupils to talk about the good and bad character in the story.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Teacher reads the story and asks questions in between the 1. Teacher reemphasize the topic that learned
story. for that day.
2. Pupils talks about the characters in the story. 2. Teacher gives homework as an extra
3. Teacher stresses on the new words in the story. activity.
4. Pupils make I-think map about the characters in the story.
5. Teacher distributes worksheets/exercise on the chapter.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >

Week 11 Class  4 DLP Time 11.00-12.00

Day Wednesday Attendance   /28
Date 23 August 2020 Lesson 29 Focus Listening
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friend Helping Out
Language/ Grammar focus Questions with How much/many/often…?
Main Content Standard 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Com. Content Standard 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Main Learning Standard 1.2.5 Understand longer supported questions
1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and
Com. Learning Standard
details of longer simple texts
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Talk about things that can do to others.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Name some of good activities that can be practiced daily.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Talk about good activities.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
5. Teacher reads a text and pupils listen. 1. Teacher reemphasize the topic that learned
6. Teacher picks pupils randomly to answer questions in for that day.
between the listening session. 2. Teacher gives homework as an extra
7. Pupils give example of of good habits or activities that can activity.
lead to help each other.
8. Discussion session.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >


Week 11 Class  4 DLP Time 10.00-10.30 am

Day Thursday Attendance   /28
Date 24th Sept 2020 Lesson 30 Focus Speaking
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends Helping Out
Language/ Grammar focus Phonemes
Main Content Standard 2.2 Use appropriate communication strategies
Com. Content Standard 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by: using
Main Learning Standard suitable words (i) to show understanding (ii) to ask for
Com. Learning Standard 1.2.5 Understand longer supported questions
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Pupils say out some good deeds.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Talk about good deeds in good sentence arrangements.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Teacher asks pupils to look at the cover of the book and talk about it.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1.Teacher asks questions about how to help others. 1. Teacher reemphasize the topic that learned
2.Pupils talk about how to help others. for that day.
3.Pupils asks friends why should help others. 2. Teacher gives homework as an extra
4.Pupils answer the questions and give reasons as well. activity.
5.Simple conversation between peer are carried out by the
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >


Week 11 Class  4 DLP Time 10.00-11.00am

Day Friday Attendance   /28
Date 25th Sept 2020 Lesson 31 Focus Reading
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friend Helping Out
Gerunds (Noun + ing)
Language/ Grammar focus
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital
Main Content Standard texts by using appropriate reading strategies

2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly

Com. Content Standard
3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple texts of
Main Learning Standard one or two paragraphs

2.1.5 Describe people, and objects using suitable statements

Com. Learning Standard
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Understand and enjoy the story read.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Answer all the comprehension questions correctly.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Teacher conducts True/False activity.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1.Teacher appoints group to be the character 1. Teacher reemphasize the topic that learned for that day.
in the comic. 2. Teacher gives homework as an extra activity.
2. Pupils act out the characters.
3.Teacher stresses on the new vocab.
4. Teacher asks pupils to answer questions
based on the text. (FA)
5. Pupils listen to the teacher’s instructions
to fill in the blanks.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >


Week  12 Class 4 DLP Time 11.00-12.00

Day Wednesday Attendance   / 29
Date  30-Sept-20 Lesson 33 Focus Language Arts
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends SOUNDS LIKE MAGIC
Language/ Grammar focus Tenses (Simple Past)

Main Content Standard 5.3 Express an imaginative response to literary texts

4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of purposes

Com. Content Standard in print and digital media.
5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through creating simple
Main Learning Standard picture stories, simple poems, and cartoon stories.
Com. Learning Standard 4.2.4 Describe people and objects using suitable statements.

LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to

Create a poem creatively in group.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Write good poem and recite it to the class.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share Textbook   Bubble Map  Values and citizenship Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Learning Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson 1. Warm up session : Generating ideas and brainstorming.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Teacher asks pupils to recite a poem together. 1. Poem presentation.
2. Teacher selects pupils randomly to recite the poem in front
of the class.
3. Teacher guides pupils to write a poem.
4. Pupils make their poem in group. Then pupils present it to
the teacher. (FA)
5. Teacher selects the best poem to be presented.
6. Gallery walks.


____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >


Week 12 Class  4 DLP Time 10.00-11.00 am

Day Monday Attendance   /28
Date 28th Sept 2020 Lesson 32 Focus Writing
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends Helping Out
Language/ Grammar focus (un)countable nouns with some / any
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and
Main Content Standard
style for a range of purposes in print and digital media
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and
Com. Content Standard
style for a range of purposes in print and digital media
4.3.2 Spell most high frequency words accurately in
Main Learning Standard
guided writing
4.3.1 Use capital letters, full stops, question marks and
Com. Learning Standard commas in lists appropriately in guided writing at
discourse level
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Write a simple sentence about helping each other.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Give ideas about how helping each other can make better living.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Pupils say out what they do to help their parents.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Teacher gives example the way that we can help others. 1. Teacher reemphasize the topic that learned
2. Teacher writes the key words on the board. for that day.
3. Pupils give idea how to help others and teacher writes it on 2. Teacher gives homework as an extra
the board. activity.
4. Pupils make sentence by using the words. (FA)
5. Writing activity.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >

Week 12 Class  4 DLP Time 11.00-12.00

Day Thursday Attendance   /29
Date 1 Oct 2020
Lesson 34 Focus Listening
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friend Helping Out
Language/ Grammar focus Questions with How much/many/often…?
Main Content Standard 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Com. Content Standard 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Main Learning Standard 1.2.5 Understand longer supported questions
1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and
Com. Learning Standard
details of longer simple texts
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Use someone, everyone, something, everything.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Make simple sentence using the words, someone, everyone, something and everything.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Talk about good activities.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Teacher reads a text and pupils listen. 1. Teacher reemphasize the topic that learned
2. Teacher picks pupils randomly to answer questions in for that day.
between the listening session. 2. Teacher gives homework as an extra
3. Pupils give example of sentence that using someone, activity.
something, everyone and everything.
4. Discussion session.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >


Week  12 Class  4 DLP Time 9.30-10.30 am

Day Friday Attendance   /29
Date 2nd Oct 2020 Lesson 35 Focus Speaking
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends HELPING OUT
Language/ Grammar focus Past simple (regular and irregular verbs)
2.2 Demonstrate understanding of variety of linear and non-linear
Main Content Standard
texts in the form of print and non-print.
2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchange by using
Com. Content Standard suitable words: a) to show understanding b) to ask for
1.2.3 Understand with support short simple narratives on a
Main Learning Standard
range of familiar topics
Com. Learning Standard 1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of longer simple texts

LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to

Give the answer regarding to the text read.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
List things that can be done when helping someone.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson 1. Pupils talk about celebrations that can be celebrated in Malaysia.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Pupils talk about how to help others. 1. Use a piece of paper for pupils to help
2. Teacher also asks pupils to list things they do when helping others.
someone. 2. Choose at random and ask the pupils to
3. Pupils are asked by the teacher to make a simple I think map show their work.
3. Teacher gives homework.
about helping others.
4. Simple writing activity
5. Discussion.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >

Week 13 Class  4 DLP Time 11.00-12.00

Day Monday Attendance   /29
Date 5th Oct 2020 Lesson 36 Focus Reading
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friend Helping Out
Transitive verbs: e.g. help + object pronoun me/him/her/etc.
Language/ Grammar focus
3.3 Read independently for information and enjoyment
Main Content Standard
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Com. Content Standard Strategies.

3.3.1 Read and enjoy A1 fiction/non-fiction print and digital texts of

Main Learning Standard interest

1.2.3 Understand with support short simple narratives on a range

Com. Learning Standard of familiar topics

LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to

Understand the text and answer the questions correctly.

Success Criteria :Pupils can

Answer all the comprehension questions with little guidance.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Q and A activity.

Lesson Delivery Post Lesson

1. Pupils read the text and teacher guides them 1. Teacher reemphasize the topic that learned for that day.
to understand better. 2. Teacher gives homework as an extra activity.
2. Teacher stresses on the new words.
3. Comprehension time.
4. Pupils give answer and discussion starts.
5. Writing activity.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >


Week  13 Class  4 DLP Time 11.00-12.00

Day Wednesday Attendance   /29
Date  07 Oct 2020 Lesson 36 Focus Writing
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends HELPING OUT
Present simple for personal information (questions, all persons):
Language/ Grammar focus Where are you from? I’m from…; Nationalities: I‘m…
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of purposes
Main Content Standard in print and digital media
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range
Com. Content Standard of purposes in print and digital media
Main Learning Standard 4.2.4 Describe people and objects using suitable statements

Com. Learning Standard 4.3.2 Spell most high frequency words accurately in guided writing

LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to

Write simple sentences correctly with correct spelling.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Spell new words learned correctly.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share Textbook   Bubble Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson 1. Pupils respond to the teacher’s questions about nationalities.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Teacher asks pupils to make simple sentences based on the questions 1. Teacher reemphasize the
asked. topic that learned for that day.
2. Pupils write on the board. 2. Teacher gives homework as
3. Each pupil writes in their exercise book the sentences on the board in a an extra activity.
paragraph form. (FA)
4. Teacher guides weak ones.
5. Writing activity.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >

Week 13 Class 4 DLP Time 10.00-10.30

Day Thursday Attendance   / 29
Date 8 Oct 20 Lesson 37 Focus Language Arts
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends CLAP YOUR HANDS.
Language/ Grammar focus Imperative verbs.

Main Content Standard Express an imaginative response to literary texts
Com. Content Standard Read independently for information and enjoyment
Main Learning Standard Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through creating simple picture
stories, simple poems and cartoon stories
Com. Learning Standard Read and enjoy A1 fiction/non-fiction print and digital texts of interest
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Write sentences neatly in legible handwriting.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Create a poem creatively.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share Textbook   Bubble Map  Values and citizenship Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Learning Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson 1. Teacher selects a few pupils to do actions.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Pupils recite a poem together with guidance on the 1. Presentation.
pronunciation. 2. Gallery walk.
2. Pupils do actions while reciting the poem.
3. Pupils get into group and do poem writing.
4. Teacher asks questions to generate ideas.
5. Each group writes their own poem in a piece of paper.
6. Consolidation.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >

Week  13 Class  4 DLP Time 9.30-10.30

Day Friday Attendance   /28
Date  09-Jan-20 Lesson 38 Focus Listening
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends AMAZING ANIMALS
Present simple for personal information (questions, all persons):
Language/ Grammar focus Where are you from? I’m from…; Nationalities: I‘m…
Main Content Standard 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts

Com. Content Standard 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds
1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details of
Main Learning Standard longer simple texts
1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a wide range of target
Com. Learning Standard language phonemes
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Listen and answer questions correctly.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Identify animals that describe by the teacher.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share Textbook   Bubble Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson 1. Teacher conducts TRUE/FALSE activity.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1.Teacher asks pupils to give a guess of animal that suits with the 1. Discussion and homework.
descriptions read.
2. Pupils are able to identify the correct animal mentioned. (FA)
3. Pupils write special features of animals that they choose.
4. Teacher picks pupils at random to read about animal that they choose.
5. The rest of the class listen and answer questions asked.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >

Week  14 Class  4 DLP Time 11.00-12.00

Day Monday Attendance   /29
Date 12 Oct 2020
Lesson 39 Focus Speaking
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends AMAZING ANIMALS
Language/ Grammar focus Past simple (regular and irregular verbs)
2.2 Demonstrate understanding of variety of linear and non-linear
Main Content Standard
texts in the form of print and non-print.
2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchange by using
Com. Content Standard suitable words: a) to show understanding b) to ask for
1.2.3 Understand with support short simple narratives on a
Main Learning Standard
range of familiar topics
Com. Learning Standard 1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of longer simple texts

LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to

Talk about their favourite dinosaur
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Give special facts about dinosaur.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson 1. Pupils give names of dinosaur that exists a long time ago.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Pupils take out their findings in the Internet about dinosaur. 1. Choose at random and ask the pupils to
2. Teacher chooses pupils at random to talk about their show their work.
favourite dinosaur in front of the class. 2. Teacher gives homework.
3. Questions and answer session.
4. Simple writing activity- I Think map.
5. Discussion.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >

Week  14 Class 4 DLP Time 11.05-12.05

Day Wednesday Attendance   / 29
Date  14 Oct 20
Lesson 40 Focus Reading
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends Amazing Animals
Comparative adjective forms: adjective + -er / more + adjective + than
Language/ Grammar focus
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts
Main Content Standard by using appropriate reading strategies

3.2.4 Recognise and use with little or no support key features of a

Com. Content Standard simple monolingual dictionary

2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly

Main Learning Standard
2.1.5 Describe people, and objects using suitable statements
Com. Learning Standard

LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to

Listen and understand phrases and sentences with guidance
Success Criteria :Pupils can
listen and answering 3 out of 5 questions correctly.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share Textbook   Bubble Map  Values and citizenship Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Learning Observation
Learning Outline
1. Teacher asks one pupil to plays an action or miming game to review key sports
Pre-lesson vocabulary and elicits the other pupils.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Teacher displays verbs flashcards and pupils to do the action. 1. Ask pupils to put up their hands if they can
2. Pupils identify the words and say simple sentences using paint/do karate etc.
adjectives. 2. Monitor as pupils work on the activities in the
3. Pupils are asked to choose their favourite animal. Pupils lesson to assess their understanding of can..
list the adjectives. (FA) 3. Class discussion.
4. pupils do presentation.
5. Refer to grammar box. Teacher reads and pupils repeat.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >

Week 14 Class 4 DLP Time 10.00-10.30

Day Thursday Attendance   / 29
Date 15 Oct 20 Lesson 41 Focus Writing
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends AMAZING ANIMALS
Language/ Grammar focus Have to (present simple) to talk about obligation

Main Content Standard Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of
purposes in print and digital media
Com. Content Standard Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of
purposes in print and digital media
Main Learning Standard Produce a plan or draft of one paragraph for a familiar topic and modify
this appropriately in response to feedback
Com. Learning Standard Use capital letters, full stops, question marks and commas in lists
appropriately in guided writing at discourse level
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Write sentences neatly in legible handwriting.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Punctuate a paragraph correctly.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share Textbook   Bubble Map  Values and citizenship Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Learning Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson 1. Teacher conducts word game to test the pupils vocabulary.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Teacher explains about the importance of punctuation. 1. Class discussion.
2. Pupils take turn to punctuate sentences given on the board.
3. Pupils check the answers given by their friends together.
4. Teacher gives a paragraph that doesn’t have correct
5. Pupils rewrite the paragraph in their exercise book. (FA)
6. Consolidation.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >

Week 14 Class 4 DLP Time 9.30-10.30

Day Friday Attendance   / 29
Date 16 Oct 20 Lesson 42 Focus Writing
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends AMAZING ANIMALS (THE ZOO PROJECT)
Language/ Grammar focus Have to (present simple) to talk about obligation

Main Content Standard Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of
purposes in print and digital media
Com. Content Standard Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of
purposes in print and digital media
Main Learning Standard Produce a plan or draft of one paragraph for a familiar topic and modify
this appropriately in response to feedback
Com. Learning Standard Use capital letters, full stops, question marks and commas in lists
appropriately in guided writing at discourse level
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Write sentences about the zoo project
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Able to write at least 5 correct sentences.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share Textbook   Bubble Map  Values and citizenship Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Learning Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson 1. Teacher conducts the class project.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Teacher explains about the project 1. Class presentation
2. Pupils discuss in pair how to write the sentences about
their project..
3. Writing activity
4. Teacher guides to do the writing.
5. Pupils do the presentation. (FA)
6. Consolidation.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >
Week 15 Class 4 DLP Time 11.00-12.00
Day Monday Attendance   / 29
Date 19 Oct 20 Lesson 43 Focus Speaking
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends AMAZING ANIMALS (THE ZOO PROJECT)
Language/ Grammar focus Have to (present simple) to talk about obligation

2.2 Demonstrate understanding of variety of linear and non-

Main Content Standard
linear texts in the form of print and non-print.
2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchange by using
Com. Content Standard suitable words: a) to show understanding b) to ask for
1.2.3 Understand with support short simple narratives on a
Main Learning Standard
range of familiar topics
1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of longer simple
Com. Learning Standard
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Talk about the zoo project.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Present about the project that carried out earlier.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share Textbook   Bubble Map  Values and citizenship Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Learning Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson 1. Teacher asks pupils to tell a little things about zoo.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Pupils come to the front and present their project. 1. Class presentation
2. Teacher takes some notes and pictures and do the
evaluation as well.
3. Questions and answer session.
4. Teacher gives comments
5. Discussion and evaluation.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to CRK


Week 15 Class 4 DLP Time 10.00-10.30 am
Day Thursday Attendance   / 29
Date 22nd Oct 20 Lesson 44 Focus Speaking
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends AMAZING ANIMALS (THE ZOO PROJECT)
Language/ Grammar focus Have to (present simple) to talk about obligation

2.2 Demonstrate understanding of variety of linear and non-

Main Content Standard
linear texts in the form of print and non-print.
2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchange by using
Com. Content Standard suitable words: a) to show understanding b) to ask for
1.2.3 Understand with support short simple narratives on a
Main Learning Standard
range of familiar topics
1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of longer simple
Com. Learning Standard
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Talk about the zoo project.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Present about the project that carried out earlier.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share Textbook   Bubble Map  Values and citizenship Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Learning Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson 1. Teacher asks pupils to tell a little things about zoo.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Pupils come to the front and present their project. 1. Class presentation
2. Teacher takes some notes and pictures and do the
evaluation as well.
3. Questions and answer session.
4. Teacher gives comments
5. Discussion and evaluation.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to CRK


Week  15 Class 4 DLP Time 10.00-11.00
Day Friday Attendance   / 28
Date  23rd Oct 20 Lesson 45 Focus Reading
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends AMAZING ANIMALS
Language/ Grammar focus Have to (present simple) to talk about obligation
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts
Main Content Standard by using appropriate reading strategies
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts
Com. Content Standard by using appropriate reading strategies
3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by
Main Learning Standard title and topic
3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple texts of one
Com. Learning Standard or two paragraphs
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Listen and understand phrases and sentences with guidance
Success Criteria :Pupils can
listen and answering 3 out of 5 questions correctly.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share Textbook   Bubble Map  Values and citizenship Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Learning Observation
Learning Outline
1. Teacher asks one pupil to plays an action or miming game to review key sports
Pre-lesson vocabulary and elicits the other pupils.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Teacher displays verbs flashcards and pupils to do the action. 1. Ask pupils to put up their hands if they can make
2. Pupils identify the words and say simple sentences using simple sentence.
simple present tense. 2. Monitor as pupils work on the activities in the
3. Divides pupils in to group. Hand out the sets of cut up lesson to assess their understanding of can..
pictures to each group. Pupils talk and discuss the pictures 3. Class discussion.
using simple present tense. (FA)
4. Pair work.
5. Refer to grammar box. Teacher reads and pupils repeat.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >


Week 15 Class  4 DLP Time 11.00am- 12.00 pm

Day Monday Attendance   /28
Date 26 Oct 2020 Lesson 46 Focus Writing
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends CELEBRATIONS
Language/ Grammar focus going to future for planned actions
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of
Main Content Standard
purposes in print and digital media
Com. Content Standard 4.2.4 Describe people and objects using suitable statements
4.1 Form letters and words in neat legible print using cursive
Main Learning Standard
Com. Learning Standard 4.1.2 Use cursive writing in written work
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Write simple sentences about the costumes drawn.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Write 5 sentences about costumes correctly.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Teacher asks questions to gain knowledge.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Pupils choose 5 costumes to be drawn. 1. Teacher reemphasize the topic that learned
2. Teacher gives examples of sentences. for that day.
3. Verbal activity carried out by the teacher. 2. Teacher gives homework as an extra
4. Writing activity and teacher guides weak pupils. activity.
5. Discussion.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >

Week Class 4 DLP Time 8.30 - 9.30

Day Thursday Attendance   / 32
Date  26 Aug 2021
Lesson 45 Focus Reading
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends AMAZING ANIMALS
Language/ Grammar focus Comparative Adjectives
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts
Main Content Standard by using appropriate reading strategies
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts
Com. Content Standard by using appropriate reading strategies
3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by
Main Learning Standard title and topic
3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple texts of one
Com. Learning Standard or two paragraphs
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Listen and understand phrases and sentences with guidance
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Listen and answering 5 or more questions correctly.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share Textbook   Bubble Map  Values and citizenship Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Learning Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson 1. Teacher asks pupils to answer a trivia quiz about dinosaur.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Teacher do the presentation about the topic. 1. Pupils do the game quiz in Blooket.
2. Teacher gives explanation about the topic. 2. Teacher asks pupils to do the homework via
3. Teacher carry outon asking and answering questions Quizizz and Liveworksheet.
4. Pupils paste answer about comparative adjectives. (FA)
5. Teacher discusses the answer with pupils.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >


Week  13 Class  4 DLP Time 9.30-10.30
Day Friday Attendance   /28
Date  09-Jan-20 Lesson 38 Focus Listening
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends AMAZING ANIMALS
Present simple for personal information (questions, all persons):
Language/ Grammar focus Where are you from? I’m from…; Nationalities: I‘m…
Main Content Standard 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts

Com. Content Standard 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds
1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details of
Main Learning Standard longer simple texts
1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a wide range of target
Com. Learning Standard language phonemes
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Listen and answer questions correctly.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Identify animals that describe by the teacher.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share Textbook   Bubble Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson 1. Teacher conducts TRUE/FALSE activity.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1.Teacher asks pupils to give a guess of animal that suits with the 1. Discussion and homework.
descriptions read.
2. Pupils are able to identify the correct animal mentioned. (FA)
3. Pupils write special features of animals that they choose.
4. Teacher picks pupils at random to read about animal that they choose.
5. The rest of the class listen and answer questions asked.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >


Week  37 Class 4 DLP Time 8.30 - 9.30

Day Monday Attendance  /
Date  1st Nov 2021 Lesson Focus Reading
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends GET ACTIVE
Language/ Grammar focus Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts
Main Content Standard by using appropriate reading strategies
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts
Com. Content Standard by using appropriate reading strategies
3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by
Main Learning Standard title and topic
3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple texts of one
Com. Learning Standard or two paragraphs
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Listen and understand phrases and sentences with guidance
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Listen and answering 5 or more questions correctly.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share Textbook   Bubble Map  Values and citizenship Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Learning Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson 1. Teacher asks pupils to answer a trivia quiz about dinosaur.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Teacher do the presentation about the topic. 1. Pupils find the comparative and superlative
2. Teacher gives explanation about the topic. nouns.
3. Teacher carry out speaking activity. 2. Teacher asks pupils to do the homework in
4. Pupils paste answer about comparative and superlative the text book.
adjectives. (FA)
5. Teacher discusses the answer with pupils.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >


Week 37 Class  4 DLP Time 11.35 am- 12.35 pm

Day Tuesday Attendance
Date 2nd Nov 2021 Lesson Focus Writing
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends GET ACTIVE
Language/ Grammar focus Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of
Main Content Standard
purposes in print and digital media
Com. Content Standard 4.2.4 Describe people and objects using suitable statements
4.1 Form letters and words in neat legible print using cursive
Main Learning Standard
Com. Learning Standard 4.1.2 Use cursive writing in written work
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Write simple sentences about the costumes drawn.
Success Criteria :Pupils can
Write 5 sentences about costumes correctly.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources CCE / EE Assessment
Hot Seat Textbook   Circle Map  Language Questions
  Communication   worksheets .  Contextual Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Teacher asks questions to gain knowledge.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Pupils choose their favourite sports. 1. Teacher reemphasize the topic that learned
2. Teacher gives examples of sentences. for that day.
3. Verbal activity carried out by the teacher. 2. Teacher gives homework as an extra
4. Pupils write about their favourite activity. (FA) activity.
5. Writing activity and teacher guides weak pupils.
6. Discussion.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to ac hieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >

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