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Yummee Co Marking Scheme

1 (a) Up to 4 marks for each area of the Ansoff Matrix (if used):
– Market penetration/consolidation
– Product development
– Market development
– Diversification related/unrelated
Alternatively up to eight marks in relation to each strategic objective
Up to a maximum of 16
Professional skills marks for scepticism up to a maximum of 2
(b) Up to 4 marks for each function
Up to a maximum of 6
Professional skills marks for commercial acumen up to a maximum of 2
Total 26
Professional skills may be additionally rewarded as in the following rubric:

Professional Not at all Not so well Quite well Very well

1(a) Information has A limited Most of the sales The student has
Scepticism merely been evaluation of the development identified and
skills in restated without sales development strategies have challenged the
evaluating the any questioning of strategies does not been identified and sales development
effectiveness the sales achieve the depth challenged but strategies at an
of the sales development required to could have been appropriate level
development strategies. effectively challenged in more of depth.
strategies question those depth.
0 0.5 1 2
1(b) There are no A limited number The student has The student has
Commercial recommendations of relevant identified most offered clear and
acumen skills for improving CRM. features have been relevant features, well-justified
in identified but their but failed to offer recommendations.
recommending purpose is unclear. very deep
appropriate discussion of the
features for benefits of these.
the website
0 0.5 1 2
2 (a) Up to 8 marks for relevant ratios (including up to 4 marks for
– Gearing at market values
– Gearing at carrying amounts
– Interest cover
– Debt/Operating profit
Up to eight marks for other relevant factors:
– Cash flow forecasts
– Lender’s criteria
– Credit ratings
– Growth prospects
– Management team
– Risk management
– Covenants
– Assets for security
Up to a maximum of 12
Professional skills marks for analysis up to a maximum of 2
(b) For each financing scheme:
Up to 7 marks for evaluation of scheme
Up to a maximum of 12
Professional skills marks for evaluation up to a maximum of 2
Total 28
Professional skills may be additionally rewarded as in the following rubric:

Professional Not at all Not so well Quite well Very well

2(a) Analysis A small number of Most key ratios Key ratios, The student has
skills in KPIs identified with identified but no supported by presented clear
considering no justification and discussion as to relevant advice on the key
the KPIs and no other relevant their relevance. calculations and a ratios, supported
other relevant factors that No other relevant range of other with calculations,
factors lenders might factors. factors are and other relevant
consider. included. The factors with an
justification of appropriate level
their relevance of discussion
was superficial in justifying these.
2(b) Evaluation The student has Some attempt has The student has The student has
skills in failed to been made at demonstrated demonstrated
assessing the demonstrate any comparing the evaluation skills in strong evaluation
appropriateness evaluation skills. alternative assessing the skills by assessing
of each Information has financing alternative in depth the
financing merely been schemes. financing schemes, alternative
scheme restated. but failed to offer financing schemes,
any advice as to leading to a well-
which, if either, justified
may be recommendation.
0 0.5 1 2
3 (a) Up to 2 marks for the presentation slide
Up to 2 marks per precaution recommended
Up to a maximum 8
Professional skills marks for communication up to a maximum of 2
(b) Up to 2 marks for each drawback
Up to 2 marks for each benefit
Up to a maximum 8

Professional skills marks for commercial acumen up to a maximum of 2

Total 20
Professional skills may be additionally rewarded as in the following rubric:

Professional Not at all Not so well Quite well Very well

3(a) The answer is not Some basic The candidate has The presentation
Communication in the required communication presented most of slide was correctly
skills in conveying format skills in the relevant structured, and
relevant (presentation presenting an recommendations highlighted
recommendations, slide with appropriate on the slide relevant
in an appropriate accompanying format concisely and the recommendations.
tone to the board notes). (presentation notes support the The notes clearly
slides and notes) slides in most expanded on the
but using an cases clearly. points made in
inappropriate the slide.
style (e.g. slides
too detailed).
0 0.5 1 2
3(b) Commercial The student failed The student has The student has The student has
acumen skills in to evaluate the failed to make a demonstrated demonstrated
using judgement drawbacks and balanced commercial strong commercial
to evaluate the benefits of judgement of acumen but the acumen. He has
drawbacks and constant review. both the answer lacks used sound
benefits of drawbacks and clarity on which judgement in
constant review benefits. points relate to providing a clear
drawbacks and evaluation of both
which to benefits. the drawbacks
and benefits of
constant review
0 0.5 1 2
4 Up to 2 marks for each relevant point explaining the response
Up to a maximum of 8
Professional skills marks for analysis up to a maximum of 2
Total 10
Professional skills may be additionally rewarded as in the following rubric:

Professional Not at all Not so well Quite well Very well

Analysis skills in Information is The student has The student has The student has
considering the merely restated demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated
findings of the with no suitable limited analysis analysis skills. strong analysis
internal audit recommendations. skills. He has Advice on the skills. The advice
department The answer is not made appropriate on the appropriate
presented in the recommendations response to the response is well-
required format but failed to offer internal audit justified and
(briefing paper). adequate support findings is sound presented in the
for them. but lacks clarity in required format
places. (briefing paper).
0 0.5 1 2
5 Up to 10 marks for discussing relevant risks
Up to 6marks for discussing possible benefits
Up to a maximum of 14
Professional skills marks for commercial acumen up to a maximum of 2
Total 16
Professional skills may be additionally rewarded as in the following rubric:

Professional Not at all Not so well Quite well Very well

Commercial The student has Some relevant Most risks and All significant risks
acumen skills restated risks and benefits benefits identified and benefits
in evaluating information but have been but evaluation is identified and
the potential does not evaluate identified but not lacking in depth. evaluated at an
risks and the proposal evaluated. appropriate level
benefits of of depth.
leasing cocoa
0 0.5 1 2

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