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RPMS SY 2021-2022




DIRECTIONS: Reflect on your attainment of the RPMS objective by answering the questions/prompts provided. Use
any local or official language that you are comfortable with. Use extra sheets if needed. Please limit your response to
500 words.

Designed, adapted and implemented teaching strategies
that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents
Context: Clara is often seen restless or unfocused in class. She also has troubles following instructions and skips
activities when left unsupervised.
Action Taken: You had a conference with her parents and found out from them that Clara was diagnosed with a
learning disability.

How will you modify the instructions for Clara to keep her focus on classroom activities? Write your reflections in
this form. Mention in your reflections a specific learning disability that you are familiar with or have researched on.


Clara has attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) since she is often seen hyperactive or inattentive in class, has difficulty
following instructions, and skips activities when left unsupervised. Clara’s inability to stay on task, impulsive behavior and fidgeting
impair her ability to learn and increase the likelihood of unsatisfactory interactions with others. In order to ensure that Clara can
focus on classroom activities, changes in classroom management is necessary. Particularly, I will restructure certain classroom
environment in instance in giving instruction, I will seat close to Clara, have an intensive and frequent individualized activity by
having a small group or one-to-one instruction with her. With these, Clara’s behavior and academic performance will be closely
monitored. Moreover, I will be breaking the task into small by keeping the assignments brief, manageable chunks. In this way,
Clara can focus on the activity, gradually and improve her academic behavior.
In addition, I will be providing Clara frequent opportunities to actively respond and engage in activities within the ongoing
instruction by motivating materials and activities (for example- providing activity sheets printed with Clara’s favorite cartoon
character or Disney princess). I will also let Clara have a frequent practice, and have an immediate systematic feedback on
whether Clara have done the activity correctly, have an enthusiastic and tasked-focused style, provide breaks for physical exercise
and schedule academic work. Through this, it will accommodate the limitations imposed by ADHD on Clara rather than to eliminate
the disorder itself.
Furthermore, I will also provide Clara with differential consequences for her behavior through positive reinforcement or
reinforcing for behaving appropriately- such as praise and tokens for appropriate behavior (e.g., for remaining in her seat and
working on her assignments) ignoring the inappropriate behavior, and time out or response cost for inappropriate behavior. In this
way, Clara will have an improvement on her academic work, learning specific social skills rather than reducing the signs of
hyperactivity such as running around and jiggling. Aside from peer tutoring in academic skills, I will also provide reports to parents
about in-school behavior so that parents will continue to apply the rewards at home.
Given that impulsivity adversely affects learning for students with ADHD like Clara, it is important to teach Clara with self-
regulation skills through self-monitoring. With the self-monitoring procedure, Clara can observe her behavior systematically and can
record the occurrence or nonoccurrence of a specific behavior. With self-monitoring, it will help Clara to stay on task more often in
the classroom, decrease disruptions, improve her performance in variety of academic subject areas and complete homework
assignments and enables Clara to achieve a form of self-determination by taking responsibility for their learning. In self-monitoring;
I will (1) specify the target behavior and performance goals, (2) select or create materials that make self-monitoring easy, (3)
provide supplementary cues, (4) provide explicit instruction, (5) reinforce accurate self-monitoring, (6) reward improvements in the
target behavior, (7) encourage self-evaluation, (8) evaluate the program.

This tool was developed through the Philippine National

Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ) with support
from the Australian Government

This tool was developed through the Philippine National

Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ) with support
from the Australian Government

RPMS SY 2021-2022




DIRECTIONS: Reflect on your attainment of the RPMS objective by answering the questions/prompts provided. Use
any local or official language that you are comfortable with. Use extra sheets if needed. Please limit your response to
500 words.

Designed, adapted and implemented teaching strategies
that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents

Design a lesson plan for the gifted and talented learners based on your idea on how they may be addressed in
your class. Your strategies for the gifted and talented learners must be highlighted and annotated in this form.
Attach your lesson plan here.


This tool was developed through the Philippine National

Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ) with support
from the Australian Government

This tool was developed through the Philippine National

Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ) with support
from the Australian Government

RPMS SY 2021-2022



RATER: Janette B. Leongas __ SUBJECT & GRADE LEVEL:

DIRECTIONS: Reflect on your attainment of the RPMS objective by answering the questions/prompts provided. Use
any local or official language that you are comfortable with. Use extra sheets if needed. Please limit your response to
500 words.

Adapted and used culturally appropriate teaching strategies to address the needs of learners from indigenous groups

Below is an assessment activity for a class of 30 learners, five of which belong to an indigenous peoples (IP) group.
Evaluate the appropriateness of the activity to your learners. Write your response in this form.

Directions: For your assessment, research on the following roles in your community by asking your parents or anyone with
knowledge on these roles. Choose from Set A and Set B. Explain why these are important roles.

Set A Set B
1. mayor 1. datu/chieftain
2. councilors 2. community elders
3. medical officers 3. healers

Student assessment enables learning facilitator to measure the effectiveness of their teaching by
linking students’ performance to specific learning objectives.
In the assessment above we are asked to evaluate the appropriateness of the given activity. I have
two types of learners the Indigenous and not so therefore there are two evaluations made.
The IP learners will choose set B because they can relate it in their community. These are important
roles in their community. The datu exercised all functions of government. He was the executive, legislative
and the judge in times of peace and the commander in chief in times of war. Among many indigenous
peoples, elders are the center of authority in the community. They play significant roles in safeguarding and
promoting customary laws, indigenous institutions, and indigenous knowledge.
Healers serve as facilitators and counselors to help patients heal themselves. Healers use stories, humor,
music, tobacco, smudging, and ceremonies to bring healing energies into the healing space and focus their
effects. The healing process also goes beyond the individual patient. All the roles of the different positions
in IP are very important to them to avoid conflict and maintain a peaceful environment.

For my non-IP learners, they choose SET A. As part of the leadership the role the mayor is involved
in advancing community cohesion and promoting civic awareness and is the principal member and
spokesperson for Council, including representing the views of the council as to its local priorities. Promoting
partnerships with other stakeholders. The mayor presides over the council meetings and manages the
conduct of participants at council meetings. The fundamental role of a councilor is to serve the
interests of their community. In the event of a conflict between the public and private interests of
the councilor or related persons, the overall public interest must prevail.
This tool was developed through the Philippine National
Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ) with support
from the Australian Government

A Medical Officer plans, directs, or coordinates medical and health services in hospitals, clinics,
managed care organizations, public health agencies, or similar organizations. Medical Officers ensure
the smooth day-to-day operations of a healthcare facility.

All the roles are important roles in the community where we belong because they are all our leaders
what ever community we do have.
In crafting our lesson plan, we must design it based on the learners we have so that they can relate
to their community where they belong.

This tool was developed through the Philippine National

Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ) with support
from the Australian Government

RPMS SY 2021-2022




DIRECTIONS: Reflect on your attainment of the RPMS objective by answering the questions/prompts provided. Use
any local or official language that you are comfortable with. Use extra sheets if needed. Please limit your response to
500 words.

Adapted and used culturally appropriate teaching strategies
to address the needs of learners from indigenous groups
Design a lesson plan for your class that integrates aspects of indigenous peoples (IP) culture using national
mandates on indigenous peoples education (IPEd) as reference:
• Republic Act No. 8371 or the Indigenous People’s Rights Act of 1997
• DepEd Order No. 62, S. 2011 or the Adopting the National Indigenous Peoples (IP) Education
Policy Framework
• DepEd Order No. 32, S. 2015 or the Adopting the Indigenous Peoples (IP) Education Curriculum Framework

The integration of IP culture in the lesson plan must be highlighted and annotated in this reflection form.
Attach your lesson plan here.


This tool was developed through the Philippine National

Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ) with support
from the Australian Government

This tool was developed through the Philippine National

Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ) with support
from the Australian Government

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