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Auxiliary Views

An Incline Plane is normally seen as an Edge in one view and as a Foreshortened Plane in the other, thus no True Size and Shape of the
Plane can be established with the six standard Orthographic Views. Therefore, the purpose of an Auxiliary View is to show the True Size
and Shape of an Inclined Plane. The view is created by projecting points from the Edge View and by referencing dimensions from an
Adjacent View.
Step 1
Identify both the Edge View and the Reference Dimension

The Edge View is the view where the inclined surface is seen as an edge

The Reference View can be any view adjacent to the Edge View. In the
adjacent views you will find the Reference Dimension.

The Reference Dimension is the one dimension not found in the Edge
Step 2
Placement of Reference Line

The Reference Line is used to help transfer dimensions from one view to the next.

The Reference Line is placed perpendicular to the Reference Dimension generally along the longest edge of the foreshortened plane or
placed symmetrically.

A Reference Line is also placed in the Auxiliary View parallel to the edge of the inclined surface.

Step 3
Project all Points
All points are projected perpendicular to the Inclined Plane, from the Edge View, to the Auxiliary View.

*Note: For a Partial Auxiliary View only the points on the Inclined surface need to be projected.

Step 4
Transfer Points

Points are transferred from the Reference View to the Auxiliary View in the following manner.

In the Reference View measure from the Reference Line to the desired point.
***NOTE: All measurements must be made perpendicular to the Reference Line.***

Follow the projection lines from the point to the Edge View and then over to the Auxiliary View.

Now place the point in the Auxiliary View, using the Reference Line as a guide.

Repeat this process until all points are accounted for.

Step 5
Connect Points

Once all points have been established Connect points accordingly to finish the view.

Remember that all parallel lines remain parallel.

Label your views, Auxiliary Views are named by the Dimension that they Reference.
True Size and Shape of an Oblique Plane

Recognize that no edge view of the plane is found in the normal Front, Top, or Right Side View of the object.

Step 2

Locate a line on the plane Parallel to the a Reference Plane Line. If there is no line, then you must create one.

Construct a Line (C,C1) in the Top View Parallel to the Horizontal Reference Plane Line (H).
Step 3

Create a True Length View of Line C,C1 by projecting both points to the Frontal Plane.
Step 4

Place an Auxiliary Reference Plane Line (A) perpendicular to the True Length Line (TL) of C,C1.
Step 5

Complete the Primary Auxiliary View. (Create an Edge View of Plane ABC)

The distance from the Horizontal Reference Plane Line (H) to Point B in the Top View, is Equal to the distance from the Auxiliary
Reference Plane Line (A) to Point B in the Primary Auxiliary View. The same is true for all other points.
Notice how a Point View of C, C1 is created.

Step 6

Construct a Secondary Auxiliary View.

Place a Secondary Reference Plane Line (Sec) parallel to the Edge View (EV) of the plane.

Project Points A, B, and C perpendicular to the Secondary Reference Plane Line, into the Secondary Auxiliary View.

The distance from the Primary Reference Plane Line (A) to Point B in the Front View, is equal to the distance from the Secondary
Reference Plane Line (Sec) to Point B in the Secondary Auxiliary View.
Congratulations!!! A True Size and Shape (TSS) View of Plane ABC has been created.
ENME 414 Computer Aided Design

Homework Assignment 2 - Descriptive Geometry

Due Wednesday, February 18, 1997

Statement: Descriptive geometry represents the study of identifying the relationships between the geometric features in three-dimensional
space and the basic geometric elements, such as points, lines, and planes in two-dimensional space. Descriptive geometry serves as the
foundation to formulate the framework and algorithms in the CAD software development. Thanks to the rapid development of
information technology, the subject of descriptive geometry no longer plays a critical role in learning engineering graphics. However, it is
still important to understand of the two-way conversions from a 3D space to a 2D space, and vice versa.

A storage bin has been designed. It is shown in the following figure. Before constructing the bin, raw material has to be prepared. As
illustrated, six cylindrical columns made of steel, AH, BI, CJ, DK, EL, and FG, are needed. Six rectangular beams made of steel, AB, BC,
CD, DE, EF, and AG, are needed. The top surface, ABCDEF, should be covered by a sheet of steel.
(1). Use a spreadsheet to prepare a list indicating the true length of each of the six columns and beams.
(2). Calculate the weight of the top cover sheet, ABCDEF. Assume that the thickness of the steel sheet is ¼."
Two tubes AB and BC are to be connected by a third tube AC, thus completing the circulation of air among the three locations, A, B and
C. Note that location B is at the top of a hill. The top of the hill is 20 ft north of A and 30 ft east of C. The slopes of AB and BC are 60
degrees and 30 degrees, respectively.
1. Draw the front, top, and right side views of the design configuration.
2. Find the true length of the third tube AC.
3. Find the true size of the angle for the special fitting.
The revolution method in descriptive geometry assumes that the observer is considered to occupy a fixed position while the object is
rotated into different positions to obtain different views. Certain problems can be more easily solved by revolution. The following
problems to calculate the true length and slope of lines should be solved using the revolution method.
1. In Figure 1, find the true length of a given line AB.
2. In Figure 2, find the true slope of a given line AB.

Figure 1
Figure 2

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