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(c)2000 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.


AIAA 2000-3771
A Study on Versatile Simulation of Liquid
Propellant Rocket Engine Systems
Liu Kun, Zhang Yulin
Research Institute of Space Technology
National University of Defense Technology
Changsha, Hunan 410073, P.R.China

36th Joint Propulsion
Conference and Exhibit
July 17-19, 2000/Huntsville, AL

For permission to copy or to republish, contact the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500, Reston, VA, 20191-4344.
(c)2000 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.



Liu Run, Zhang Yulin

Research Institute of Space Technology
National University of Defense Technology
Changsha, Hunan 410073, P.R.China

Abstract LPRE to complicated staged combustion cycle LPRE,

A detailed research of the methodology of the LPRE systems are able to be viewed as the
modularization modeling and simulation for the assembly of a lot of components which belongs to a
transients of Liquid propellant Rocket Engines (LPRE) set of typical components (or named as modules), such
is carried out in this paper. A pipe-volume module as tanks, pipes, valves, vessels, injectors, centrifugal
disassembly method for fluid line systems is presented. pumps, turbo, gas generators and nozzles, etc, the
Based on the requirement of simulation of the start up flows of propellant obey to the fundamental
and cut off of LPRE, LPRE systems are disassembled conservation laws i.e. mass, momentum and energy
into 21 typical module components, and 'their conservation law, the state variables stand to
simulation mathematical models are developed. The propellant's thermal state equations. Therefore, we
methods for assembling and connecting module should be able to model those typical components
components, as well as for simulating the module previously, and the models of the LPRE systems are
components assembly systems are presented just the assembly of the components' models by
respectively. The Modularization Modeling and means of the rules of modules' model link and
Simulation Software for the Transients of Liquid
There have been a lot of work on versatile
Propellant Rocket Engines (LRETMMSS) is
calculation method on the static characteristic of
developed. The squeezing test of one preburn chamber
LPRE systems1'0"141, by comparison, there were only
is calculated by using LRETMMSS, and the calculated
several studies on versatile simulation of LPRE
results agree well with test data.
systems transients115~171. In the references [15],
ROCETS implemented its versatile simulation base on
executing the modules' process functions, thus there
For modeling and simulation of Liquid Propellant
were intricate interface variables between modules to
Rocket Engines (LPRE) systems transients,
be defined while a LPRE system's model was
conventional methods are that modeling one special
constructed by means of the modules' process
type engine system first, secondly developing the
functions. Besides, in the above versatile simulation of
models' codes, finally calculating and analyzing the
dynamic characteristic of LPRE systems, the lumped
transients of the engine system by using the codes [1"9J.
parameter models were employed to describe the
If the configuration of the engine changes, the
propellant flow in feedlines. It is a new important
derivation of the engines' mathematical models has to
problem to implement versatile simulation of LPRE
be done once again,
systems transients when the distributed characteristic
and the whole or partial codes have to be redeveloped.
of feedlines' fluid taken into consideration.
It is an arduous task to simulate the complicated LPRE
systems transients by using the conventional modeling
LPRE systems modularization disassembly
and simulation method. Although LPRE have many
A reasonable modularization of disassembly
kinds of constitution, from simple squeezed-feed
LPRE systems is the first step, also the key step to
Copyright ©2000 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and
implement LPRE systems' modularization modeling
Astronautics, Inc. All right-reserved.
and simulation.
(c)2000 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

The principles of LPRE systems modularization modules —pipe-type modules and volume-type
disassembly modules. The pipe-type modules include all kinds of
The principles of LPRE systems modularization fluid pipes, and the finite-element state-variable
disassembly are: models are employed to treat one-dimensional fluid
1. The modules have independent physical function transients in the fluid pipes. The volume-type modules
and mathematical model; include single-volume modules and combination-
2. There are uniform parameters exchange interfaces volume modules. The single-volume modules include
between each module. all kinds of manifolds and tanks. Pipe tees are treated
3. The LPER systems are disassembled into modules as volumes. The combination-volume modules are
by practical physical units or components, the composed of two volumes that are linked by a
interfaces between the units, therefore, become complicated fluid passage. All kinds of volumes are
the interfaces between the modules. considered as lumped-parameter. The fluid flows of
the complicated passages are treated as steady. Two
The Pipe-Volume Modularization-Disassembly pipe-type modules do not directly connect to each
Method other (otherwise, they can be viewed as one pipe-type
According to above rules, the Pipe-Volume module), can only connect by a volume-type module.
Modularization-Disassembly Method (PVMDM) for Two volume-type modules also do not directly
fluid lines systems is presented. In PVMDM, fluid connect to each other, can do by a pipe-type module.
lines systems are disassembled into two classes of

I I I I the fluid pipes system divided.into finite elements

Branch (Volume)

tank( volume) Pipe 1 Pipe 2
(Combinated Volume)

Pipe 4

Fig. Ib the result of PVMDM to the fluid pipes system

Therefore, the boundary interfaces of pipe-type connected by injectors.

modules only have one form of lumped-parameter Fig.l shows liow to apply the PUMDM to a fluid
volume, and the most volume-type modules only need pipes system. In the Fig. 1 the pipes system are divided
to deal with pipe boundary condition, one or two into the finite elements, the pipe modules are the
volume-type modules (the vessel with injector and gas gather of the finite volumes which are adjacent one by
generator, which categorized into volume-type one; the tank has obvious lumped-parameter
modules) need treat with the volume boundary characteristic and is disassembled as a volume module;
(c)2000 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

the branch is view as a volume thit facilitates the volume plus the complicated flow passages is view as
treatment of boundary conditions of pipes tee greatly. combination volume module. The boundary finite
There are some finite volumes connected by elements of pipe modules can cross the adjacent
complicated flow passages (such as valve, turbo and volume modules to some extent (as shown in dashed),
pump) whose dynamic mathematical models are hard so the flow parameters slick transition between them is
to establish. The pseudo steady-state equations are got.
usually employed to deal with them, so, those finite

Table 1 The results of LPRE systems modularization disassembly

Classes of Modules Remark
Liquid Pipe Deal with Uncompressible Liquid Flow in Pipes
Perfect Gas Pipe Deal with Perfect Gas Flow in Pipes
Common Compressible Deal with Common Uncompressible Fluid Flow in
Fluid Pipe Pipes
Pipe-Type Priming and Blowing Pipe Deal with the priming and blowing processes of
Modules normal-temperature and cryogenic propellant Pipes
Heat Exchanger Coolant Deal with the coolant flow in coolant passage and
Passage wall heat transfer equations
Heat Exchanger Hot Gas Deal with gas flow in hot-gas passage
Pressure Source Fluid source with constant pressure and density
Liquid Volume Volume with Uncompressible or common
V Single- Uncompressible liquid
o Volume Perfect Gas Volume Volume with Perfect Gas
L Modules Priming and Blowing Deal with the priming and blowing processes of
U Volume normal-temperature and cryogenic propellant
M volume
E Liquid Injector Liquid manifold with injectors
I Perfect Gas Injector Gas manifold with injectors
T Priming and Blowing Deal with the priming and blowing processes of
Y Combina- Injector normal-temperature and cryogenic propellant
P tion- manifold with injectors
E Volume Gas Generator Volume in which propellant mix and combust
Module Liquid Valve Two Liquid volume linked by valve
Perfect Gas Valve Two Gas volume linked by valve
T ,iquid Valve with Blowing Two Liquid volume linked by valve, one volume
Gas entrance has an entrance for blowing bas
L Venturi Two Liquid volume linked by venturi
E Centrifugal Pump Two Liquid volume linked by centrifugal pump
S passage
Gas Turbo Two Gas volume linked by turbo passage_____
Rotor-Type Rotor Axis System It can link one turbo and two centrifugal pumps

The results of LPRE systems modularization it also is suitable to model relatively simple LPRE
disassembly systems by modules assembly. Besides, disassembly
As the staged combustion cycle LPRE systems modules should be simple and flexible to link and
are the most complicated ones of all LPRE systems, assembly of LPRE systems' model. Based on above
their start-up and cut-off process are the most intricate considerations, LPRE systems are disassembled into
transient, LPRE systems modularization disassembly twenty-one modules, as shown in Table 1. It should be
aimed at the simulation of staged combustion cycle stated that modularization disassembly results of
LPRE systems transients primarily. At the same time, LPRE systems are not one and only, along with the
(c)2000 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

development of LRETMMSS, we will add some new volume elements (or named as finite elements), and
modules. two kinds of cross finite control volume elements are
adopted. One is defined as state element, as shown in
The models of LPRE systems modules real line, another be velocity element, as shown in
The mathematical models of modules dashed line. The velocity elements at the pipes' end
The twenty-one modules' mathematical models, cross their adjacent volume-type module to some
which are expressed in the form of state-variable extent. In the state element, the state parameters of the
equations, were obtained. fluid (i.e. pressure, density, energy, etc) are uniform;
and in the velocity element, the flow velocity is
The mathematical models of pipe-type thought to be equivalent. By applying mass and
module energy conservation equations to the state elements
The finite-element state-variables equations are and momentum conservation equation to the velocity
employed to describe the transients of the ordinary elements respectively, the finite element state-space
one-dimensional compressible fluid flow in pipes. As model for one-dimensional compressible fluid flow is
shown in Fig.2, the pipe is divided into finite control developed as following.
\ih state element
U,^ «„_, «„

Pn-l'Pn-l Pb
\ Pa () (4.) Pb
4 4) 4 4 4-2 4-2 4-i 4-i \\ Y 4 4+i 4-i 4-i* 4 4
(i+l)th velocity element
Fig.2 Two kinds of finite control volume elements of one-dimensional compressible fluid
Mass conservation equations: r _i
ge(p,/?,£•},£_, =ga,gn =gb.

(1) Momentum conservation equation:

dt AVt ^ ' '
+ 2 + 2
Energy conservation equations:
~dt =k p/-. (<} k-. - \p< PI (<*" ) k
dE. (6)
dt M -U, U,

+ 2D
D Where:

8i =
\g, if«,.<0
"f = T("<•-' + "••)' '= I2>'">n' u° =u
° (8)
if U
[gM M <°

Ei=Piei+~p,[0.5(ul+uM)]2 (5) «f'="fl (9)

In above equations, pt, p,, Et are pressure, density,
total specific energy of ith state element respectively,
(c)2000 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

AF, : the volume of ith state element, ^ u are local flow resistance coefficient at the entry
(/ = 0,1,2 • • • , « — !); u~: the flow velocity of ith and exit of pipes respectively. If there are local flow
velocity element( / = 0,1,2, • • • , » ) ; A: friction resistance losses at the middle of pipes, they can be
coefficient of the fluid in pipes; Dt , Df : diameter, incorporated to £a and £a . £ is artificial damp
Ai , Ai : section area of the pipe; A_} = Aa , coefficient, its value is given as following:
("0.05 n = 1, 2
and %n have value from 0 to 1 according to the pipe e = |o.lO 2 < « < 1 0
ends' boundary conditions, for example, to blind end, [o.50 «>10
the value of £0 or <f;n may be equal to zero.
For perfect gas flow in pipes, the pressure is
Add the thermal state equations:
calculated by following equation:
P = P(P,T] (10)
Pi =(7- 1)J£, - ^ P, [0.5(«, + UM )f I (16)
e =! (11)
Where, J is specific-heat ratio of gas.
Above equations are sufficient for solving
For priming processes of fluid pipes, as shown in
ordinary one-dimensional compressible fluid flow in
Fig.3, the equations of the elements filled entirely with
liquid or gas can obtain by using above manner, the
For uncompressible fluid flow in pipes, equations
equations of the priming element, i.e. the element
(1), (2) and (6) are reduced as following:
filled partly with liquid and gas, are given as
du, J(paAa -PoA0)+0.5(pa + p,JA0 -Aa) following:
dt 0.5(1 + dM,
2D (18)
dt 0.5(1

For the heat exchangers, the heat conduction of

their internal walls has to be taken into account. When
ignoring the heat conduction along the axis of wall, it
dUj still is no steady-state two-dimension equation. A
dt 0.5p(AF / ._,+AF y ) modified one-dimension equation, which was
(14) presented in the reference 9, is employed to treat with
p(AF y _,+AF.)
The mathematical models of volume-type
AF The volume-type modules includes single-
volume modules and combination-volume modules,
their mathematical models are discussed respectively.

Where; y =!,••-, n-\ , z = 0,l,---,n -1 ; £, and

(c)2000 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

Fig.3 the sketch map of priming processes in fluid pipes

The mathematical models of single- For finite control volumes of the combination-
volume modules volume modules, it is easy to obtain their dynamic
equations in the similar manners used by the single-
volume modules, so we only discussed the steady-state

~l r model describing the flow in the complicated passages

connecting finite control volumes of the combination-
Fig.4 the sketch map of vessels volume modules.
For the unitary medium vessels with several Valves and vessels with injectors: their steady-
entries and exits, as shown in Fig.4, the dynamic state models are the mass flux equations familiar to
equations are given as following: everybody.
Uncompressible liquid vessels: In order to deal with the situation that the
centrifugal pump's operating condition changes in
(20) great large range, the following characteristic maps of
dt Vol pump were adopted to calculate the pumps' steady-
Perfect gas vessels: state pressure head and torque moment.
Common compressible medium vessels: the density
equation is still equation (21), the pressure equation

6 = arctan
dt Q

Where, the subscript "d" represents the design values

of variables. By using the maps of h ~ 6 and
j3 ~ 6, the steady-state pressure head and torque
moment of the pumps were worked out.
For gas turbo, the well-known mass flux equation,
power equation and efficiency empirical formula are
Where, h is the specific enthalpy of fluid.
used to treat with the steady-state flow of gas in turbo
For priming vessels, its dynamic equations can be
got by using the method modeling the priming element
The mass flux equation of a venturi is:
of pipes.
The mathematical models of combination-
volume modules
(c)2000 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

denotations, character denotations and modules' codes,

were defined in Table 2.
(Pi -
The configuration matrix of modules assembly
(24) system
Where, Cv: flux coefficient of the Venturis at The configuration matrix of a modules assembly
cavitation; <5 : cavitation allowance of the ventruris. system is presented to describe its module components
and relationships among them.
Rotor-Type Module In order to determine the configuration matrixes
Currently, it has only rotor axis system module, of the assembly systems, we give every component
which may connects one gas turbo and two centrifugal two kinds of numbers. One is its sequence number in
pump. all components of the assembly system, defined as
component-number; the other is its sequence number
30 dt J ' in the components belonging to the same class,
defined as object-number.
Where, Tt •, Tpl and TP2: the torque moments of one The following example explains how to obtain the
gas turbo and two centrifugal pumps respectively (if configuration matrix of a module assembly system.
Fig. 5 is the module components link diagram of the
the rocket has only one pump, then Tp2 = 0 ) ; J: experiment system of turbo and pump drove by a
moment of inertia of the whole rotor axis system. high-pressure gas bottle, in which the arrowed lines,
defined as signal lines, link the module components
The simulation models of modules according to their physical relationships. The arrow of
With Object-Oriented programming methods, a the signal lines represents the direction of propellant
class is used to represent a module in computers. flow as well signal transfer in the system at steady
Three base classes —pipe-base class, volume-base state. The assembly system consist of 15 components,
class and valve-base class are designed. The classes of their component-numbers are 1,2, ..,. 15 in turn. The
pipe-type modules are derived from the pipe-base number behind ID-Characters of the modules are the
class. The classes of single-volume modules are components' object-number, for example, LP1. LP2
derived from the volume-base class. The classes of and LP3 represents three different liquid pipe
valve modules are derived from the valve-base class. components, and number 1,2,3 are sequence number
The following data and functions members are of them.
common to all module classes. The configuration matrix of the module assembly
system in Fig. 5 is given by matrix A. The diagonal
Modules link and combination methods elements of the matrix A, whose values are the
The modules assembly models of LPRE systems integers more than 100 and less than 9999, have the
are composed of modules components' model by rules. information about the corresponding components.
A module component is an object of the module class. They contain two type information of the components:
In order to implement the simulation of the modules the integers consisting of the ones place and tens place
assembly models of LPRE systems, a set of rules number of the diagonal elements in the matrix A
describing the relations among each modules represents the module-codes of the components,
components of LPRE systems is presented to help the integers consisting of the hundreds place and
computers "understand" them. thousands place number does the components'
object-number. For example, <z4 4 = 202, it
The denotations of modules indicates that the 4"' component's module-code is 2
The denotations of modules, which include figure (gas pipe module), and its object-number is 2
(c)2000 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

(i.e. it is the second gas pipe).

Table 2 the denotations of modules
Modules Modules' Character Figure Denotations
Code Denotations
Liquid Pipe 1 LP
Perfect Gas Pipe 2 GP
Fluid Pipe
Compressible 3 FP 'F——h
Priming and Blowing 8 PBP
Heat Exchanger 1 f— ^—— " ?
Coolant Passage 6 HEC 3

Heat Exchanger Hot A

1> "2
Gas Passage 7 HEH
Pressure Source

Liquid Volume


•o 4

Perfect Gas Volume 12 GV !

Priming and Blowing 13 PV 'V
Liquid Injector 14 LI
Perfect Gas Injector 15 GI
Priming and Blowing 16 PI
4>o v "\
Gas Generator 31 GG > )>2

Liquid Valve 21 LVAL

Perfect Gas Valve
Liquid Valve
with 26
Blowing Gas entrance
Venturi 25 VENT 1§X>2

1 > C^\ >2

Centrifugal Pump 32 PUMP


Gas Turbo 33 TURBO


Rotor Axis System 34 ROTS <i :i i>
(c)2000 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

^ —— R(JJS1 —— >
^f^ „


( ess y* TO
> LP1
>, fpUMPll
»-:*> LP2
Xl3X 14 /^\5\
>-»>tLVAL1p-»s LR3 '>-HW'CS'4l>

Fig.5 the module components linkdiagram of the experiment system of turbo and pump drove by a high-pressure gas bottle

"100 21 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "
0 102 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 122 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 202 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 133 21 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
0 0 0 0 0 302 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
A= 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 134 0 0 23 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 21 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 101 21 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 132 21 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 201 21 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 121 21 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 301 21
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0

The non-diagonal elements of the matrix A, created dynamically.

whose values are the double-digit integers, have the The parameter file of a modules assembly system,
information about the link between corresponding which is a text-type file providing the size and
character data of each component, are prepared
components. If au = Ik
previously first by using the developed simulation
software. Then the module-components objects of a
I, k e {l, 2, • • •, 9}, indicates that there is a signal line
module assembly system are created and initialized
form the / th port of the i th component to k th port dynamically according to its configuration matrix and
of the j th component. parameter file before simulation.

Dynamic creation and initialization of module- The link of module-components objects

components objects The connections among the module-components
We use the objects of the modules' classes to objects of a modules assembly system are established
represent the components in the compute memory
by making objects' pointers point to their linked
while simulating the assembly systems. As we do not
know how many components the assembly system objects.
Solution of the assembly systems
previously, the module-components objects have to be
(c)2000 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

The mathematical model of a module components Versatile simulation software of LPRE systems
assembly system is one-order nonlinear differential transients and its application examples
equations group composed of the components' state- The Modularization Modeling and Simulation
variable equations. The Runge-Kutta numerical Software for the Transients of LPRE systems
integral method is employed to solve them. It is (LPRETMMSS) is developed by using the Object-
different form the solution of general differential Oriented program design method and Microsoft Visual
equations group. In the solution of the assembly C++ 6.0 as developing kit. It mainly consist of five
systems, we first have to combinate the state-variables parts, as shown in the Fig.6.
vectors' derivative of individual components of the The squeezing test of one preburn chamber, as
assembly system to the state-variable vector's shown in Fig.7, is calculated by using
derivative of the system. Then solve state-variable LPRETMMSS1181. The calculated results are shown in
vector of the system by numerical integral. Finally Fig.8, and they agree well with test data.
take part state-variable vector of the system into the
state-variables vectors of the individual components.

Library of the Resource library of

modules' models

Visual modeling

Solver of assembly
physical property

Display of
tool systems V

Fig.6 the framework of LPRETMMSS

Conclusions (LRETMMSS) is developed. The squeezing test of
1. A novel Module Assembly Simulation Method one preburn chamber is calculated by using
(MASM) for the LPRE systems transients is presented LRETMMSS, and the calculated results agree well
in this paper. In MASM, a LPRE system is viewed as with test data.
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\preburnor 0.8 1.2


Fig. 8b The pressure of LHj injector

Sonic nozzle

Fig. 7 The sketch map of squeezing test of one preburn


Fig.Sc The pressure of LOX injector

0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 Fig.8 The comparison of test results and calculation ones of
Time(s) squeezing test of one preburn charrber
Fig. 8a The pressure of preburn chamber


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