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Lungs are clear.
Heart is slightly enlarged with left atrial and left ventricular prominence.
Aorta is slightly prominent.
Diaphragm and costophrenic sulci are intact.
The visualized osseous structures are unremarkable.
No other significant chest findings.
Patient was apparently well until when she was on her pre-employment, and
on work up, the patient was diagnosed to have Rheumatic Heart disease.
However, the patient did not seek consultation, no medications taken.
Until 3 months when she started to experience dyspnea on exertion especially
on taking stairs, but denies chest pain, no difficulty of breathing and no
orthopnea. Persistence prompted consultation in our institution hence
RHD, Severe MS, trivial MR,
0:91 cm2 by PHT, 0.99cm2 by planimetry
MVG : 6.7 mmHg, Wilkins : 10 (S2T3C3M2), Moderate AS, mid to moderate
AR +2; mild TR, SR, FC I

Upon admission, laboratories were requested. On the first HD, patient

underwent PTMC,. Post - operatively, patient had no chest pain, no DOB,
with stable VS. Maintenance medications were continued. Patient was
requested with repeat 2d echo.
On 2nd HD, patient was apparently stable, patient was discharge with
home medications.

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