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Answer key
Placement Test B: 1 checked 2 cardigan Exercise 3 Exercise 4
Exercise 1
3 striped 4 boots 5 floral A: 1 film director A: 1 turns 2 charge 3 connect
6 belt 7 sandals 8 tights 2 cameraman 3 make-up 4 download 5 Click
A: 1 rubber 2 jar 3 meat
4 tablet 5 island 6 forest Exercise 2 artist 4 costume designer B: 1 down 2 upload 3 charge
A: 1 bald, moustache, beard B: 1 costume designer 4 connect 5 Click
B: 1 hospital 2 carton 2 make-up artist 3 film
3 keyboard 4 cereal 2 wavy 3 spiky 4 dyed
5 laptop 6 bank B: 1 dyed 2 spiky 3 bald, director 4 cameraman Vocabulary Check 8
beard, moustache 4 wavy Exercise 4 Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3 A: 1 for 2 about 3 at 4 about A: 1 argue with 2 about
A: 1 chat 2 make 3 do 4 Get
5 visit 6 look A: 1 lazy 2 dishonest 3 kind B: 1 for 2 about 3 about 4 at 3 a bad mood 4 shout
4 disorganised 5 polite 5 rude to 6 be friends with
B: 1 do 2 stay 3 walk 4 Get
5 text 6 tidy 6 shy Vocabulary Check 5 7 angry 8 sorry 9 forgive
B: 1 kind 2 rude 10 get on 11 nice to them
Exercise 3 Exercise 1
3 hard-working 4 shy B: 1 be friends 2 sorry to
A: 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 a 5 c 6 a A: 1 Techno 2 trumpet 3 flute 3 forgive 4 angry 5 nice
5 dishonest 6 disorganised 4 heavy metal 5 Latin
B: 1 c 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 c 6 b to 6 with them 7 argue with
B: 1 Punk 2 saxophone 3 violin 8 about 9 rude 10 at
Exercise 4 Vocabulary Check 2 4 rock music 5 techno 11 a bad mood
A: 1 card 2 greengrocer’s Exercise 1
3 Peel 4 blender 5 burn
Exercise 2 Exercise 2
A: 1 factory workers 2 easy A: 1 tour 2 join 3 audition
6 balcony 7 sink 3 engineer 4 dentist
A: 1 exhausted 2 upset
4 autograph 5 concert
B: 1 greengrocer’s 2 cupboard 5 dangerous 6 secretary
3 depressed 4 furious
3 balcony 4 Peel 5 cut B: 1 concert 2 autograph 5 disappointed 6 annoyed
7 tour guide 8 hairdresser 3 practise 4 join 5 tour
6 card 7 blender 7 jealous
B: 1 engineer 2 dangerous
Exercise 3 8 terrified 9 embarrassed
Exercise 5 3 hairdresser 4 challenging
A: 1 criminal 2 thief 3 witness B: 1 terrified 2 disappointed
A: 1 is watching 2 studies 5 secretary 6 tour guide
3 embarrassed 4 exhausted
3 know 4 don’t visit 5 are 7 boring 8 dentist 4 robbery 5 footprint
B: 1 robbery 2 witness 5 jealous 6 depressed
they making 6 Does Amy Exercise 2 3 criminal 4 footprint 7 annoyed 8 upset 9 furious
play 7 am not working A: 1 does 2 did 3 making
B: 1 don’t get 2 is having 5 thief
3 want 4 Does Max play
4 make 5 do 6 does
Exercise 4 Grammar Check 1
B: 1 do 2 makes 3 do 4 do
5 are you watching 6 am 5 making 6 does A: 1 style 2 good looking Exercise 1
not helping 7 studies 3 intelligent 4 hard working A: 1 took 2 wanted 3 Did you
Exercise 3 5 determined find 4 didn’t like 5 Did she
Exercise 6
A: 1 revise 2 fail 3 do 4 pass B: 1 intelligence 2 determined buy 6 bought
A: 1 quietly 2 much 3 any 5 copy 6 take
4 too 5 the longest 3 stylish 4 good-looking B: 1 went 2 looked 3 Did you
6 as organised 7 Whose
B: 1 pass 2 get 3 hand 5 hard-working see 4 saw 5 Did you try
4 take 5 copy 6 revise 6 didn’t buy
B: 1 Whose 2 any 3 much
4 as patient 5 quietly 6 too Vocabulary Check 6 Exercise 2
7 the hottest Vocabulary Check 3 A: 1 Was it raining 2 was
Exercise 1
Exercise 7 Exercise 1 A: 1 fox 2 rhino 3 penguin working 3 weren’t playing
A: 1 wasn’t 2 didn’t study A: 1 b 2 d 3 f 4 g 5 e 6 a 4 gorilla 5 eagle 6 turtle 4 were visiting
3 went 4 were 5 Did you B: 1 g 2 a 3 e 4 d 5 b 6 f 7 leopard 8 lizard B: 1 wasn’t riding 2 was
B: 1 leopard 2 gorilla 3 turtle watching 3 Were you
make 6 met 7 Were you Exercise 2
4 fox 5 lizard 6 penguin studying 4 were walking
B: 1 went 2 Did you eat A: 1 score 2 train 3 win
3 wasn’t 4 were 5 made 4 lose 5 compete 7 rhino 8 eagle Exercise 3
6 Were you 7 didn’t study B: 1 compete 2 support Exercise 2 A: 1 were camping 2 met
Exercise 8 3 train 4 score 5 win A: 1 down 2 pollute 3 after 3 came 4 fell
4 save 5 away 6 protect 5 was sleeping
A: 1 were you 2 stayed 3 has Exercise 3
4 never 5 shouldn’t 6 must B: 1 recycle 2 away 3 pollute B: 1 came 2 fell
A: 1 goggles 2 ice skates 3 was reading 4 started
7 mustn’t 3 gloves 4 helmet 5 hockey 4 save 5 down 6 after
5 were sleeping
B: 1 were you 2 tried 3 never stick 6 rollerblades Exercise 3
4 has 5 mustn’t 6 must 7 snorkel mask 8 swimsuit A: 1 tornado 2 earthquake
7 shouldn’t 9 tennis racket 3 thunderstorms 4 drought
Grammar Check 2
Exercise 9 B: 1 hockey stick 2 snorkel 5 flood 6 volcanic eruption Exercise 1
A: 1 are 2 will 3 to 4 doesn’t mask 3 tennis racket B: 1 drought 2 volcanic A: 1 don’t 2 have to 3 mustn’t
5 won’t 6 going 7 has 4 goggles 5 swimsuit eruption 3 tsunami 4 doesn’t 5 has 6 must
B: 1 has 2 are 3 won’t 6 gloves 7 helmet 4 earthquake 5 floods 7 does 8 have
4 doesn’t 5 to 6 will 8 rollerblades 9 ice skates 6 thunderstorms B: 1 has 2 does 3 don’t
7 going 4 mustn’t 5 doesn’t 6 have
Vocabulary Check 4 Vocabulary Check 7 7 have to 8 must
Exercise 10
A: 1 would you like Exercise 1 Exercise 1 Exercise 2
2 a moment 3 In my opinion A: 1 A romantic comedy A: 1 gold 2 leather 3 metal A: 1 could 2 Did, have to
4 Can I borrow 2 An animation 4 wool 5 glass 6 cotton 3 Could 4 had to 5 didn’t
5 Here you are 3 A historical 4 An action B: 1 cotton 2 glass 3 gold have 6 couldn’t 7 had to
B: 1 In my opinion 2 Here you 5 musical 6 A cookbook 4 leather 5 wool 6 metal B: 1 Could 2 couldn’t 3 Did,
are 3 Would you like B: 1 cookbook 2 animation have to 4 didn’t have to
3 horror 4 musical Exercise 2 5 could 6 had to 7 couldn’t
4 Is it OK 5 I’m afraid A: 1 shiny 2 light 3 hard
5 an autobiography
Exercise 11 4 heavy
6 science fiction Grammar Check 3
A: 1 c 2 b 3 f 4 a 5 e B: 1 heavy 2 hard 3 light
B: 1 d 2 b 3 c 4 f 4 a Exercise 2 4 shiny Exercise 1
A: 1 grew 2 graduated 3 got A: 1 have invited 2 Has your
4 fell 5 got 6 retired Exercise 3 sister ever won 3 have
Vocabulary Check 1 A: 1 design 2 discover
B: 1 grew 2 graduated 3 fell never climbed 4 have been
Exercise 1 4 got 5 had 6 retired 3 produce 4 invent 5 Have you ever stayed
A: 1 plain 2 floral 3 belt 5 compose 6 has never ridden 7 have
4 tights 5 checked B: 1 compose 2 invent the children done 8 hasn’t
6 cardigan 7 scarf 8 boots 3 discover 4 produce passed
5 design
Answer key
B: 1 have you done 2 Have B: 1 to recycle 2 seeing B: 1 slow 2 delicious B: 1 engineer 2 architect
they ever won 3 hasn’t 3 to organise 4 to learn 3 exciting 4 easy 5 hot 3 dentist 4 firefighter 5 safe
finished 4 have never ridden 5 spending 6 to ride 6 expensive 6 computer programmer
5 Has she ever stayed 7 looking after 7 journalist 8 hairdresser
Exercise 3
6 have passed 7 has never
A: 1 cloudy 2 snowy 3 rainy Exercise 2
eaten 8 has been Grammar Check 7 4 windy 5 sunny A: 1 make 2 do 3 take
Exercise 2 Exercise 1 B: 1 sunny 2 windy 3 cloudy 4 make 5 take
A: 1 Helen hasn’t learnt to A: 1 are jeans made 2 aren’t 4 rainy 5 snowy B: 1 do 2 make 3 take 4 do
ski yet. 2 I have already sold 3 are used 4 isn’t 5 make
finished my homework.
Exercise 4
grown 5 Is gold found Exercise 3
3 Luke has just put on his A: 1 ‘m/am helping 2 want
6 are worn 7 are baby
helmet/put his helmet on. 3 were you 4 ‘re/are A: 1 copy 2 in 3 do 4 revise
elephants called 8 isn’t
4 Have you checked the practising 5 don’t 5 fail
weather forecast yet? 5 She understand 6 visits 7 was B: 1 revise 2 do 3 copy 4 fail
B: 1 is celebrated 2 isn’t grown B: 1 ‘s/is talking 2 m’/am 5 Hand
has already packed the 3 Are tigers found 4 aren’t
suitcases. 6 I have just filled going 3 Was he 4 practises
worn 5 are baby lions called Exercise 4
the car with petrol. 7 Have 5 need 6 come 7 were
6 are sold 7 are used A: 1 do I have to stay 2 had to
they seen the film yet? 8 is chocolate made Exercise 5 help 3 Did you have to walk
B: 1 He has already looked at A: 1 cheaper 2 easier 3 the 4 have to leave 5 didn’t
the map. 2 Have you seen Exercise 2
most expensive 4 rich have to water 6 Does her
the film yet? 3 Carol has A: 1 (The gold necklace) was 5 the best secretary have to work
just filled the car with petrol. lost. 2 (These buildings)
were designed by a famous
B: 1 the worst 2 cheap B: 1 Did you have to take
4 I have already made the 3 easier 4 the most 2 had to look 3 didn’t have
sandwiches. 5 They haven’t architect.
interesting 5 bigger to do 4 do you have to get
arrived at the castle yet. 3 (The treasure) was found
up 5 have to tidy 6 don’t
6 I have just taken some in a cave. 4 (Radium) was Exercise 6
have to wear
great photos. 7 My brother discovered by Marie Curie. A: 1 a, The 2 an 3 – 4 the
hasn’t learnt to swim yet. 5 (The earrings) were made 5 - Exercise 5
for the queen. 6 (Romeo B: 1 – 2 a 3 the 4 – 5 an, A: 1 must 2 mustn’t 3 doesn’t
and Juliet) was written by The have to 4 couldn’t 5 don’t
Grammar Check 4 Shakespeare. 7 (The thieves) have to 6 could
Exercise 1 were arrested by the police Language Test 1 B: 1 must 2 don’t have to
A: 1 Since 2 for 3 since 4 for officer. 3 don’t have to 4 couldn’t
5 since 6 for B: 1 (The gold necklace) was Exercise 1 5 mustn’t 6 Do you have
B: 1 for 2 since 3 Since 4 for made for the actor. 2 (The A: 1 bracelets 2 rings 3 floral
5 since 6 for criminals) were arrested by 4 tie 5 handbag Exercise 6
the police officer. 3 (The B: 1 scarf 2 rings 3 bracelets A: 1 should I 2 you should
Exercise 2 4 handbag 5 spotted 3 opinion 4 What about
silver earrings) were lost at
A: 1 have just finished 2 left school. 4 (Oliver Twist) was 5 why don’t you
3 Has Edward seen 4 have Exercise 2 B: 1 should I 2 opinion 3 you
written by Charles Dickens. A: 1 shirt 2 checked 3 baggy
already gone 5 wrote shouldn’t 4 Why don’t you
5 (The treasure) was found 4 hoodie 5 straight
6 climbed 7 Have you ever 5 what about
under the sea. 6 (Penicillin) 6 moustache
stayed 8 didn’t go 9 have
was discovered by Alexander B: 1 checked 2 shirt 3 hoodie
never eaten Language Test 3
Fleming. 7 (This building) 4 baggy 5 beard 6 straight
B: 1 have just seen 2 didn’t was designed by Frank Lloyd
cycle 3 hated 4 have never Exercise 1
Wright. Exercise 3 A: 1 have 2 ride 3 parachute
done 5 left 6 Have you told A: 1 selfish 2 impatient
7 have already planned 4 scuba 5 score
8 Has she ever won 9 wrote
Grammar Check 8 3 dishonest 4 generous
B: 1 stay 2 ride 3 go 4 score
5 polite
Exercise 1 5 parachute
B: 1 lazy 2 impolite
Grammar Check 5 A: 1 lets 2 are allowed to 3 generous 4 impatient Exercise 2
3 allowed to 4 let 5 don’t 5 serious A: 1 compete 2 ticket 3 win
Exercise 1 let 6 aren’t allowed to
A: 1 will 2 going 3 Will 4 isn’t 4 pool 5 playground 6 rink
B: 1 allowed to 2 let 3 aren’t Exercise 4 7 support 8 goggles
5 is 6 won’t 7 are 8 will A: 1 Did you have 2 took
allowed to 4 is allowed to B: 1 swimsuit 2 helmet 3 ticket
B: 1 to 2 will 3 won’t 4 will 5 doesn’t let 6 let 3 put 4 Did you drop 5 did
5 are 6 Will 7 going 8 isn’t 4 stick 5 racket 6 train
6 forgot 7 found
Exercise 2 7 lose 8 skates
Exercise 2 B: 1 Did you use 2 came
A: 1 woke up 2 has already 3 opened 4 Did you put Exercise 3
A: 1 which 2 where 3 that gone 3 are making 4 were
4 where 5 who 6 that 5 went 6 fell 7 found A: 1 Have they done 2 have
having 5 cycles 6 will win already had 3 have just
7 which 7 Did you speak 8 is Exercise 5
B: 1 where 2 that 3 where lost 4 has already cleaned
meeting 9 have been A: 1 was waiting, called 2 was 5 hasn’t/has not checked
4 which 5 that 6 who B: 1 has already planned cycling, met 3 were you
7 which B: 1 ‘ve/have already done
2 will be 3 was standing doing 4 were sleeping, got
2 haven’t/have not found
4 have been 5 left B: 1 was getting, got 2 was 3 Have they taken 4 has
Grammar Check 6 6 is having 7 rides making, dropped 3 were already seen 5 have just
Exercise 1 8 Did they see 9 am playing laughing, came 4 was he had
A: 1 sees 2 will fail 3 won’t doing
Language Test Exercise 4
pollute 4 plant 5 won’t Exercise 6 A: 1 Have they ever eaten
save 6 doesn’t have Get Started! A: 1 First 2 Lucky her 3 what 2 Has your dad ever made
7 will be 8 don’t turn off happened 4 No way 5 Poor
B: 1 will save 2 doesn’t know Exercise 1 you
3 have never slept 4 Has
A: 1 help 2 play 3 go 4 go Emma ever had 5 have
3 will be 4 don’t look after B: 1 Then 2 Lucky him 3 Guess
5 stay 6 visit never broken 6 has never
5 will miss 6 eats 7 won’t what 4 No way 5 Poor you
B: 1 help 2 go 3 play 4 stay been 7 Has she ever visited
have 8 cut down
5 visit 6 go B: 1 have never eaten 2 Has
Exercise 2 Language Test 2 Isabel ever driven 3 Have
A: 1 seeing 2 to be 3 to Exercise 2 they ever had 4 Have
Exercise 1
organise 4 going 5 to swim A: 1 cold 2 difficult you ever cooked 5 has
3 expensive 4 awful
A: 1 dentist 2 engineer
6 getting 7 to move 3 architect 4 cleaner never been 6 Have your
5 boring 6 slow grandparents ever tried
5 well-paid 6 journalist
7 tour guide 8 dangerous 7 has never called

Answer key
Exercise 5 Exercise 3 B: 1 heavy 2 cotton 3 strong Exercise 4
A: 1 haven’t finished 2 have A: 1 thief 2 fingerprints 4 light 5 wool 6 transparent A: 1 had 2 was exploring
already gone 3 have just 3 footprints 4 detective 7 gold 8 leather 3 doesn’t get up 4 have
come 4 has already packed 5 criminals 6 robberies Exercise 2 been 5 are the children
5 haven’t eaten B: 1thief 2 witness A: 1 invented 2 composed watching 6 didn’t take
B: 1 haven’t checked 2 have 3 fingerprints 4 footprints 3 painted 4 discovered
7 am visiting
already packed 3 have just 5 detective 6 criminals 5 produced B: 1 have known 2 Do the
bought 4 hasn’t put 5 have children have 3 made
Exercise 4 B: 1 painted 2 produced
already gone 4 were swimming 5 didn’t
A: 1’m going to listen 2 Will she 3 invented 4 composed
see 6 has already finished
Exercise 6 play 3’ll/will enjoy 4 aren’t 5 discovered
7 aren’t watching
A: 1 First, read 2 What’s the going to sign 5 is she going Exercise 3
next 3 Then 4 What do I to learn 6 ‘ll/will be Exercise 5
A: 1 Switch on 2 connect 3 on
5 Finally B: 1 will buy 2 Are you going to 4 download 5 switch off
A: 1 they won’t enjoy the film.
B: 1 First 2 Next 3 be careful ask 3 am not going to sign
B: 1 click on 2 switch off
2 I’m not going to travel
4 What’s the next 5 Finally 4 will he play 5 are going to 3 What is he going to make
3 connect 4 uploaded
go 6 won’t make 4 it will rain 5 Are you going
5 turn up
Language Test 4 Exercise 5
to call
Exercise 4 B: 1 is she going to invite 2 he
Exercise 1 A: 1 where 2 which 3 where A: 1 Strawberries are used will be 3 We aren’t going to
A: 1 science fiction 2 musical 4 who 5 which 6 who
to make strawberry jam. travel 4 it won’t snow
3 fantasy 4 autobiography B: 1 where 2 which 3 who 2 The room isn’t cleaned 5 I am going to phone
5 cookbook 4 where 5 which 6 who every day. 3 What is sold
B: 1 romance 2 autobiography Exercise 6
Exercise 6 in a newsagent’s? 4 These
A: 1 sorry 2 That’s
3 historical 4 animation A: 1 sounds like 2 your plans animals aren’t found in
5 comedy disappointing 3 up 4 a pity
3 forward 4 any plans Australia 5 In which country
5 Well done!
Exercise 2 5 Lucky are kilts worn? 6 The money
is kept in a safe place. B: 1 Cheer 2 Well done
A: 1 grew 2 got 3 fell 4 got B: 1 Lucky 2 any plans 3 wrong 4 a shame
5 had 6 retired 3 sounds 4 your plans B: 1 Penguins aren’t found in
5 That’s disappointing
B: 1 went 2 graduated 3 got 5 forward Canada. 2 Kilts are worn in
4 fell 5 got 6 had Scotland. 3 Are the books
kept in that bookcase? Skills Test 1&2
Exercise 3 Language Test 6
4 Necklaces and earrings Exercise 1
A: 1 make-up 2 extras Exercise 1 are made of gold. 5 The A: 1 c 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 c
3 costume 4 director A: 1 Penguins 2 Gorillas floor isn’t washed every B: 1 b 2 b 3 c 4 b 5 a
B: 1 costume 2 scriptwriter 3 Turtles 4 Lizards 5 Eagles day. 6 What is sold in a
3 director 4 make-up 6 Leopards greengrocer’s? Exercise 2
B: 1 Pandas 2 Rhinos 3 Foxes A: 1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 T
Exercise 4 Exercise 5
4 Gorillas 5 Eagles 6 Turtles B: 1 T 2 F 3 F 4 F 5 T
A: 1 since 2 for 3 since 4 for A: 1 was found 2 was lost
5 since 6 since Exercise 2 3 were taken 4 were used Exercise 3
B: 1 since 2 since 3 since A: 1 pollute 2 throw 3 cut 5 were decorated 6 was A: 1 D 2 A 3 E 4 C 5 B
4 for 5 for 6 since 4 hunt 5 recycle 6 protect directed B: 1 D 2 B 3 A 4 E 5 C
Exercise 5 B: 1 cut 2 hunt 3 pollute B: 1 were lost 2 was Exercise 4
4 throw 5 protect 6 recycle written 3 was used 4 was
A: 1 have you had 2 Has A: 1 newspapers and
Debbie ever visited 3 did Exercise 3 discovered 5 were directed magazines 2 a dentist
she go 4 have never done, A: 1 thunderstorm 6 were sent 3 local newspaper 4 liked
did 5 Have they sent 2 earthquake 3 drought Exercise 6 5 (very) good
6 wrote 7 have already read 4 volcanic eruption 5 flood A: 1 Are you following 2 repeat B: 1 newspapers and
8 did they watch B: 1 tornado 2 drought 3 you explain 4 Did you get magazines 2 an architect
B: 1 have never ridden, rode 3 tsunami 4 thunderstorm 5 do you mean 3 local newspaper 4 boring
2 won 3 have they worked 5 volcanic eruption B: 1 Did you get 2 do you 5 flower show
4 Has Harold ever visited mean 3 Are you following
Exercise 4 Exercise 5
5 did he go 6 Have they 4 you repeat 5 explain
done 7 didn’t sleep 8 has
A: 1 get up, won’t join 2 sees, A: 1 mess 2 organised 3 do
will/’ll put 3 don’t help, won’t 4 Take 5 Hand
already read Language Test 8
finish 4 isn’t, will stay B: 1 Do 2 organised 3 mess
Exercise 6 B: 1 eats, will/’ll get 2 don’t Exercise 1 4 copy 5 Hand
A: 1 Don’t be mad at me. see, will/’ll phone 3 arrive, A: 1 argue 2 shouts 3 says
It wasn’t / isn’t your fault.
Exercise 6
won’t catch 4 doesn’t come, 4 get 5 be 6 is
2 I (have) made a mistake. will/’ll B: 1 is 2 shouts 3 rude 4 says Model text
Never mind. 3 I didn’t mean 5 get 6 argues
Exercise 5 My cousin is called Dave.
B: 1 It’s all my fault. It doesn’t A: 1 watching 2 to graduate Exercise 2 He’s short and slim, with
3 to learn 4 to work A: 1 embarrassed 2 exhausted curly brown hair and brown
matter. 2 Don’t worry about
5 travelling 3 terrified 4 furious eyes. He’s interested in
it. 3 I didn’t mean to. It was
an accident. B: 1 spending 2 to study 3 to 5 jealous 6 annoyed fashion, and he always looks
learn 4 to live 5 starting 7 disappointment smart. He likes wearing
Language Test 5 Exercise 6 B: 1 depressed 2 furious jeans, white T-shirts and his
A: 1 won’t regret, think about 3 embarrassed 4 jealous favourite black jacket.
Exercise 1 5 terrified 6 exhausted Dave and I are the same
2 Come on; suppose so
A: 1 jazz 2 classical 3 piano 3 a deal 7 annoyed age and we have the same
4 trumpet 5 violin 6 cello interests. We play computer
7 Latin
B: 1 It’s a deal 2 Come on, Exercise 3
I suppose 3 You won’t; I’ll games together and we
B: 1 rock 2 Latin 3 drums A: 1 Do you let 2 isn’t allowed enjoy playing football and
think to 3 let 4 Are the children
4 saxophone 5 guitar chess.
6 keyboards 7 heavy metal allowed to 5 doesn’t let
Language Test 7 Dave is very clever and he’s
B: 1 doesn’t let 2 Are you a good student. He’s kind
Exercise 2 allowed to 3 are allowed to
A: 1 signed 2 talented Exercise 1 to his little sister and he’s
A: 1 paper 2 soft 3 cotton 4 Do you let 5 isn’t allowed
3 confidence 4 composes generous. He also knows a
4 strong 5 leather to
5 recorded lot of jokes. He’s very funny!
6 transparent 7 metal
B: 1 signed 2 good-looking
8 heavy
3 determined 4 record
5 composing
Answer key
Skills Test 3&4 Exercise 4 Mid-Year Test Exercise 4
Exercise 1 A: 1 give 2 sign 3 talent Exercise 1 A: 1 didn’t come 2 were
4 determined 5 become waiting 3 ’ve been 4 hasn’t
A: 1 c 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 c A: 1 spotted 2 tights 3 curly
B: 1 compose 2 give 3 sign taken 5 ’s going to take
B: 1 b 2 b 3 a 4 c 5 b 4 talented 5 determined
4 generous 5 secretary
B: 1 didn’t take 2 was sitting
Exercise 2 B: 1 checked 2 tights 3 wavy 3 ’ve been 4 has already
Exercise 5 4 kind 5 tour guide
A: 1 In Poland. 2 Three months. A: 1 b 2 c 3 c 4 a 5 c
taken 5 ’re going to visit
3 In a restaurant. 4 scuba Exercise 2 Exercise 5
diving 5 No, he hasn’t.
B: 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 c 5 b A: 1 make 2 hand 3 grew A: 1 c 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 c
B: 1 Last winter. 2 A year. Exercise 6 4 compete 5 take
B: 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 c 5 b
3 In an adventure camp. Model text B: 1 do 2 revise 3 support
4 (To) do parachute jumps 4 retired 5 took Exercise 6
5 A horse Dear Sir/Madam, Exercise 3 A: 1 was painted 2 Is cocoa
I am writing to find out more grown 3 am not allowed
Exercise 3 A: 1 make-up 2 scuba
about the musical. I would be 4 were damaged 5 wasn’t
A: 1 a 2 c 3 e 4 d 5 f 3 autobiography
B: 1 d 2 e 3 f 4 c 5 b grateful if you could answer 4 animation 5 racket
a few questions. Firstly, when B: 1 were composed 2 cars
Exercise 4 B: 1 fantasy 2 extras 3 stick are produced 3 are not
are auditions going to start? 4 parachute 5 cookbook
A: 1 Who’s Billy? 2 comedy Secondly, when is the Drama allowed 4 was discovered
3 4.15 p.m. 4 Lot’s Café Club going to perform the Exercise 4 5 weren’t fed
5 £7.50 musical? Thirdly, how old do A: 1 was having 2 was washing Exercise 7
B: 1 The Dark Heart of Dracula you have to be to take part? 3 did you put 4 heard
A: 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T 6 F
2 horror 3 5.45 p.m. 4 the I can’t sing or dance but 5 came
B: 1 F 2 T 3 T 4 T 5 F 6 T
café inside the cinema I can play the violin. I’d love B: 1 was making 2 came
5 £12 to play in the musical. I look 3 bought 4 was walking Exercise 8
Exercise 5 forward to hearing from you. 5 didn’t finish A: 1 g 2 i 3 e 4 h 5 d 6 c
Yours faithfully, 7 b 8 f
A: 1 train 2 rink 3 win Exercise 5
4 compete 5 goggles (John Reeds) A: 1 mustn’t 2 have 3 had B: 1 f 2 d 3 h 4 e 5 b 6 g
7 i 8 c
B: 1 train 2 support 4 couldn’t 5 has
3 compete 4 rink 5 stick B: 1 have to 2 mustn’t 3 Do Exercise 9
Skills Test 7-8 4 had 5 couldn’t A: 1 She lived in the village
Exercise 6
Exercise 1 Exercise 6 where she was born. / She
Model text A: 1 a 2 h 3 e 4 b 5 g lived in Hampshire, England.
A: 1 arrived 2 have already 2 They got married, had
B: 1 e 2 f 3 g 4 h 5 d made 3 haven’t tried
Dear Hannah, children and stayed at
How are you? I’m writing this Exercise 2 4 Have you ever played
home. 3 She wrote seven
email from an adventure A: 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 5 left
novels. 4 Her sister (burned
camp in Cornwall. I’ve been B: 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T B: 1 haven’t made 2 sent them). 5 (They bought)
here for two weeks and I’m 3 ’ve/have already seen 318,000 (copies of Pride and
Exercise 3 4 took 5 Have you ever done
having a great time! Prejudice). 6 Because her
A: 1 Can you explain? 2 Did
So far I’ve done loads Exercise 7 characters are fantastic.
you get that? 3 What’s the
of activities. I’ve done a A: 1 (striped) scarf 2 spiky B: 1 She grew up in the village
matter? 4 I’m so sorry.
parachute jump. I was really 3 failed 4 16 / sixteen where she was born. / She
5 Well done!
scared in the plane, but it 5 factory 6 an engineer grew up in Hampshire,
was very exciting! I’ve been
B: 1 What’s up? 2 That’s a
shame. 3 Well done! B: 1 (striped) scarf 2 straight England. 2 No, she didn’t.
scuba-diving too. We had 3 lazy 4 16 / sixteen 3 It was printed in 1811.
4 Can you explain, please?
lessons in a pool before we 5 factory 6 2/two years 4 Because her sister burned
5 Are you following me?
went into the sea. I loved it! her letters. 5 She was
Tomorrow we’re going Exercise 4 Exercise 8 41 years old. 6 They are
to ride horses. I’m really A: 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 c 5 b A: 1 Guess what happened intelligent (young) women.
looking forward to that. I’m B: 1 c 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 c 2 So 3 How do I 4 It wasn’t
enjoying the camp because your fault 5 Why don’t Exam Test 1-4
I do many things and I’ve
Exercise 5 you 6 No way! 7 Try not to
A: 1 local designers 2 old Part 1
made new friends too. 8 Don’t be mad
cardigans 3 a famous actor 1 B 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 C 6 B
Hope you’re having a good B: 1 No way 2 Lucky 3 Don’t 7 B 8 C
4 a sweet shop 5 Plastic be mad. 4 Guess what
summer too. Part 2
Bye for now!
B: 1 recycled 2 coats 3 the happened 5 How do I 6 It
famous actor 4 days doesn’t matter 7 Why don’t 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 C 7 B
Dennis Part 3
5 a necklace you 8 In my opinion
1 A 2 C 3 B 4 B 5 A 6 C 7 B
Exercise 6 Exercise 9 Part 4
Skills Test 5-6 Model text A: 1 T 2 F 3 DS 4 T 5 T 6 F 1 A 2 C 3 C 4 B 5 C 6 A
Exercise 1 B: 1 DS 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T 6 F 7 B 8 C
Dear Harriet,
A: 1 forest 2 thousands
3 protect 4 plastic bottles Thank you for your letter. End-of-Year-Year Exam Test 5-8
5 Saturday Lots of teenagers have this
problem, but here is some Exercise 1 Part 1
B: 1 river 2 wild 3 cut down A: 1 lazy 2 witness 3 ice rink 1 types/kinds of music
advice. First, you should try
4 paper bags 5 FOREST 4 scarf 5 lizard 2 fourteen / 14 (years old)
to study harder. If your marks
Exercise 2 improve, your parents will be B: 1 witness 2 selfish 3 Carrie’s parents 4 left
A: 1 A song that she composed. happy. Maybe they will let you 3 swimming pool 4 eagle (school) 5 a good voice
2 Pop music. 3 Jazz and hang out with your friends 5 cardigan 6 upset 7 a/the drummer
classical music. 4 Last year. after school sometimes. It’s 8 £7
Exercise 2 Part 2
5 A singer. also a good idea to help A: 1 Warm 2 take 3 Revise
B: 1 At the end of the year. more with the housework. 1 A 2 C 3 A 4 C 5 B 6 B
4 download 5 charge 7 A 8 B
2 Hip hop and heavy metal. Do some chores on your own: B: 1 shout 2 hand 3 Charge
3 The trumpet. 4 He isn’t take out the rubbish, empty Part 3
4 Take 5 download
talented enough. 5 An the dishwasher, vacuum the 1 A 2 C 3 C 4 A 5 C 6 B
album of her own songs living room! Finally, speak Exercise 3 7 A
nicely to your parents. You will A: 1 disappointed 2 romance Part 4
Exercise 3 get on better and everyone 3 fall 4 director 5 forgive 1 H 2 C 3 F 4 E 5 D 6 B
A: 1 c 2 b 3 a 4 c 5 a will be happier. B: 1 horror 2 romance 3 fall 7 G
B: 1 b 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 c Good luck! 4 forgive 5 jealous
Answer key
Writing Tasks 1–8 Unit 3: model text Unit 5: model text Unit 7: model text
Unit 1: model text Hi Ali, Dear Mr Sanders, My favourite thing is
How are you? I’m writing I am fourteen years old and a necklace. My granny gave
My best friend is Harry to you from a new sports I am writing to find out more it to me for my thirteenth
Jones. He’s short and well- centre near our town. about The City Players. birthday three years ago.
built, with blue eyes and You can do different sports I would be grateful if It’s quite old: it was made
spiky fair hair. He usually here and there’s also a you could answer a few in India a hundred and fifty
wears jeans, a plain T-shirt swimming pool and an ice questions. years ago. It belonged to
and a hoodie. rink! The sports centre has Firstly, what type of music granny’s grandmother! It
We met five years ago in got some great equipment: do The City Players play? is made of gold. It’s shiny
the park. I was walking my tennis rackets, tennis balls, I play the piano and I love and very beautiful. I think
dog and Harry was sitting footballs, basketballs, classical music. Secondly, it was very expensive. It’s
under a tree. When he saw hockey sticks, helmets and how old are the members? also heavy, so I don’t wear
us, he shouted, ‘Nice dog!’ ice skates. Thirdly, how often are The it every day. I only wear it
We started talking and he I’ve tried ice skating, but I’m City Players going to give on special days, like my
invited me to his house. not very good at it! I haven’t concerts this summer? birthday.
Harry is my best friend played basketball yet, Finally, when are they going It’s special because it has
because he is generous but I’m playing with some to start practising? I finish been in my family for many
and kind. We have the same friends tomorrow. school on 15 July. years and I love it.
interests and we have a lot See you next weekend! I look forward to hearing
of fun together. Maggie from you. Marking check list:
Yours sincerely, • correct use of linkers, e.g.
Marking check list: Marking check list: Jeanette Bedford and, so, because
• correct use of linkers, e.g. • appropriate beginning and • correct use of the Present
and, when, while, because ending for an informal email Marking check list: Simple, Past Simple and Past
• correct use of the Present • correct use of the Present • correct use of formal Continuous
Simple, Past Simple and Past Perfect and Present language (full forms, formal • correct use of the Present
Continuous Continuous expressions, a formal and Past Simple passive
• correct adjective order • vocabulary for sports and beginning and ending) • adjectives for describing
• vocabulary for appearance, sports equipment • correct use of language for objects
clothes and accessories, • correct structure of the text ordering questions: firstly, • correct structure of the text
personality (eg. using paragraphs) secondly and finally (e.g. using paragraphs)
• correct structure of the text • correct use of language to
(eg. using paragraphs) Unit 4: model text ask for information Unit 8: model text
The Sword in the Stone is
• vocabulary for music styles
Unit 2: model text and instruments
Hi Kim,
a great fantasy novel. I’m sorry you feel so sad,
My ideal summer school is in In the book, the ma in
• correct structure of the text
but many people feel like
Cornwall, in the UK. It’s (eg. using paragraphs)
characters, Wart and this when they start a new
a modern building near his teacher, Merlin the school.
a beach.
Unit 6: model text
magician, have many First, try to look friendly. If
We have lessons in the adventures together. Merlin How to help save the planet you smile, people will talk to
garden when it’s warm and helps Wart become a good It is very important to help you. Secondly, you should
sunny. We have to speak person. In the end, Wart save the planet. If we don’t join some after-school
English all the time, but we finds out that he is really do something, plants, clubs and meet people with
don’t have to study in the Arthur, the King of England. animals and people will die. the same interests as you.
evening. Our English is very The book is sometimes Here are our top tips: Finally, you could invite
good now! serious and sometimes • Save water. Don’t take a few people to your home.
In the afternoon, we can go funny. I love all the a bath, take a shower. Don’t wait for an invitation
swimming, play football or characters, but my Turn off the tap when to their home.
hang out with our friends. favourites are King Pellinore you clean your teeth. And remember: I’m going
At the weekend, our and the Questing Beast. Wash the dishes in a to visit you next month. I’m
teachers take us to London. All in all, The Sword in the dishwasher. Don’t wash sure we’ll have fun and I’ll
We go to the cinema or Stone is a wonderful book. them by hand. meet your new friends!
a concert. It’s a great I totally recommend it! • Don’t waste electricity. Robin
school because I can meet Switch off the lights when
teenagers from different Marking check list: you leave a room. Switch Marking check list:
countries here! • use of a variety of adjectives off your computer and • appropriate beginning and
to describe the book and the TV when you aren’t using ending for an informal email
Marking check list: characters them. • correct use of language
• correct use of linkers, e.g. • vocabulary for types of books • Recycle glass, paper, to give advice, eg. should,
and, but, because • correct structure of the metal and plastic. Use perhaps you could, what
• correct use of have to and text (eg. using paragraphs, your own shopping bag about, it’s a good idea to…
can recommendation at the end) when you go shopping. • correct use of language to
• vocabulary for describing Don’t buy plastic bags make a prediction, eg. I’m
a place, rules, atmosphere each time. sure, I hope
• correct structure of the text These are simple ideas, • vocabulary for feelings and
(eg. using paragraphs) but they can help save relationships
the planet!

Marking check list:

• verbs for the environment
• correct use of imperatives for
giving tips and instructions
• appropriate format for
a leaflet (title, bullet points,


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