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17:53:52 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:

Couch surfing
17:54:00 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
couch, noun = a sofa.
17:55:19 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
to like, verb, present
17:55:33 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
liked, past tense + past participle
17:56:09 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
to go on vacation, expression = to go on holiday, expression.
17:56:43 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
vacation, noun, US/ holiday, noun, UK
17:57:31 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
to stay, verb, present
17:57:43 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
stayed, past tense + past participle
17:58:04 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
pros and cons, phrase = a phrase from Latin.
17:59:45 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
to think, verb, present
17:59:57 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
thought, past tense + past participle
18:00:19 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
a hotel, noun
18:00:47 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
a B&B = bed and breakfast
18:00:50 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
to camp, verb
18:00:57 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
to go camping, expression
18:01:16 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
tent, noun = cort.
18:01:32 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
a rented apartment US/ flat UK
18:01:54 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
a hostel, noun
18:04:55 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
a dorm, noun
18:06:19 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
aboard, noun
18:06:27 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
He lives abroad......
18:06:43 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
accommodation, noun
18:06:52 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
to book an accommodation .....
18:06:56 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
to apply, verb
18:07:51 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
custom, noun
18:08:02 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
local customs
18:08:25 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
destination, noun
18:08:34 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
detail - details, noun
18:10:24 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
custom - customs, noun
18:11:53 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
experience, noun = background.
18:12:10 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
guest - guests, noun
18:12:28 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
hospitality, noun
18:13:10 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
to host, verb
18:13:19 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
host - hosts, noun
18:13:39 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
insight, noun = understanding
18:13:45 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
local, adjective
18:13:55 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
local food/ customs, etc.
18:14:41 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
luxury, noun
18:14:54 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
a life of luxury ....
18:15:07 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
opportunity, noun = occasion, chance.
18:15:15 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
to participate, verb
18:15:59 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
resort, noun
18:16:06 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
safety, noun
18:16:16 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
to trust, verb = to believe.
18:16:20 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
trust, noun
18:18:18 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
to turn out, phrasal verb = to happen; to be present; to go; to come.
18:18:35 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
to turn up, phrasal verb = to happen; to find.
18:20:05 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
kind, noun
18:20:14 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
to prefer, verb, present
18:20:25 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
preferred, past tense + past participle
18:20:43 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
break, noun
18:20:48 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
a coffee break
18:20:54 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
a school break
18:21:00 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
a holiday break
18:27:22 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
to avoid, verb
18:28:14 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
to go abroad, expression
18:29:01 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
at the seaside
18:30:58 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
A phrasal verb is mase up of a verb and a preposition. The preposition
changes the meaning of the phrasal verb. There are many phrasal verbs that begin
with the verb "turn".
18:31:24 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
for example: to turn up, to turn out, to turn on, to turn off, etc.
18:32:54 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
couch surfing, noun = a social networking.
18:40:17 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
18:44:07 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
to feel, verb, present
18:44:17 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
felt, past tense + past participle
18:47:38 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
would, modal verb = we use it for hypothetical situations.
18:48:02 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
for example: I think I would feel strange staying at a stranger's home.
18:48:38 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
may/ might, modal verbs = we use them when we talk about possible situations.
18:49:08 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
for example: I may try couch surfing one day. I think it's a great way to
meet different people.
18:49:55 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
Couch surfing might be a good idea, but I'd br afraid to have a stranger in
the house.
18:50:12 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
Couch surfing might be a good idea, but I'd be afraid to have a stranger in
the house.
18:51:15 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
to book, verb, present = to make a reservation.
18:51:31 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
to book a: room/ ticket/ seat/ flight, etc.
18:51:39 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
to check in, phrasal verb
18:51:48 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
to check out, phrasal verb
18:53:21 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
considerate, adjective = polite, having good manners, having a good behavior.
18:53:27 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
couple, noun
18:53:45 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
to include, verb
18:54:41 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
inconsiderate, adjective = impolite, rude.
18:54:51 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
to intend, verb = to mean, to want.
18:55:16 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
location, noun = place.
18:56:12 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
negative, adjective
18:56:19 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
politely, adverb
18:56:25 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
positive, adjective
18:57:04 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
to prefer, verb, present = to choose, to select.
18:57:16 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
preferred, past tense + past participle
18:57:21 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
reservation, noun
18:57:38 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
to reserve, verb, present = to book, verb.
18:57:50 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
reserved, past tense + past participle
18:59:20 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
respectful, adjective
18:59:33 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
to share, verb = to divide, to split.
18:59:45 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
single, adjective: a single room
19:01:02 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
to stay over (at someone's house), phrasal verb
19:01:34 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
to use up, phrasal verb = 1. to finish a supply of something; 2. to use
something completely.
19:03:11 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
advice, uncountable noun, no plural form
19:03:20 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
a piece of advice - singular
19:03:35 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
five pieces of advice - plural
19:03:41 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
some advice - plural
19:03:54 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
a lot of advice - plural
19:04:02 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
to advise, verb
19:04:53 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
should, modal verb = we use it to give advice.
19:10:22 From Eduard Sorescu to Everyone:
Wow! This is a deep quote. But I totally agree. All people should see the
world... until it's not too late.
19:10:51 From Alberta to Everyone:
I agree with the statement, because is very important to travel and discover
the world.
19:10:59 From Corina-Florentina Nițoiu to Everyone:
I'm totally agree with this quote. I think is very important to discover
other places, other cultures and to learn from them how to do our life more
19:11:56 From antonela plesescu to Everyone:
I agree with the quote because, in my opinion traveling is a way to find a
lot of interesting things about places and people
19:12:13 From Stanca Goga to Everyone:
More travel more you see.
19:14:09 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to antonela plesescu(Direct Message):
I agree with thIS quote because, in my opinion, traveling is a way OF
findING a lot of interesting things about places and people.
19:17:07 From Alina Rentia to Everyone:
it is said to live without knowing other places, and I think it's great to
discover new places
19:17:30 From Alina Rentia to Everyone:
19:19:37 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
sigle, adjective = 1. only one (They lost the game by a single point); 2.
for one person only (a single room); 3. not married (He is single).
19:20:48 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
the Past Simple = we use it to describe actions that happened in the past.
19:21:11 From Carmen-Elena Stănculescu to Everyone:
for example: I arrived at my host's apartment at 7:00.

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